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About Rikarue

  • Rank
    Short Stuff

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  • Interests
    Adventure, flying, motorcycles, and long walks on the beach.

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    Outdoor adventure instructor (ERCA), I teach people to climb things I guess.

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  1. Rikarue

    Where is the DayZ population?

    I'm still here too! I still lurk around the forums to see if anything's going on. Always sad to see there's a lot less activity than the days (or DayZ) of old. I haven't played the SA or mod in a very long time, but I hope someday i'll be able to bring myself to get back into it, I miss it very much after all.
  2. Rikarue

    My new mouse.

    I'm pretty sure this is true. I've got a Razer Naga, with the better part of about 19 buttons, and most of them have to be bound to another key/combination of keys. Although it does come with a software which allows me to bind macros, etc, to the buttons, but no extra "mouse button" options.
  3. Rikarue

    Just saw Rocket again.

    I can't believe this thread is still going. Let's get it to 100 pages. Furthermore, I feel as though I have created an abomination here.
  4. Rikarue

    DayZ is dead to me..

    I haven't played DayZ since just after the alpha got released, I don't really like it that much, but i'm still here. But if you are going then see ya mate, have a good one! :thumbsup:
  5. Rikarue

    Carrying People/Corpses

    I can get behind this idea. I've stolen gear off bodies (Obviously), I've stolen blood from an AFK new spawn, so i'm all up for being able to steal the actual person, that'd be brilliant.
  6. Rice, and a water bottle. I cannot stress the importance of rice. It gets you from starving to well fed with 10% of a bag. It's amazing stuff.
  7. Rikarue

    Pictures to use for DayZ forum Signatures.

    Well, I might just have to use these some time, thanks for posting these.
  8. Rikarue

    Sweet Screenshot!

    I have the Wolf mask, it seems they have all the masks of PayDay characters.
  9. Middle of the night in Cherno, dying of dehydration, saw a silhouette across the street and started talking in direct chat as he pressured me to put my gun down, and after proving that I had no ammo, shown by the lack of a magasine in my gun, I asked for a drink, he gave me a water bottle and we went our separate ways.
  10. Rikarue

    What are you gonna do?

    Get a gun, and wander the wasteland singing Living on a Prayer.
  11. Rikarue


    Just picked it up on steam! Can't wait!!!
  12. Rikarue

    What just happened

    I'm a bandit and I find this offensive. I joke, of course we're not people.
  13. Rikarue

    Can we start a payback for Dean?

    I'm going to buy multiple copies and give them to some of my friends who don't have any money to pay for it themselves as a way of giving them more money than I normally would, because I feel the same way.
  14. Rikarue

    Zombies are to OP

    Mhm, I suspect that OP is trolling.
  15. Rikarue

    Just saw Rocket again.

    I did this in about 5 seconds.