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Kirov (DayZ)

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About Kirov (DayZ)

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    Bean King

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  1. Kirov (DayZ)

    How do I force despawn a car?

    I managed to despawn the car, but with another method: I put a battery and plug into it and just revved the engine till it was kaputt. Hitting the engine didn't work for me as most of the time it felt like hitting air. Hope this helps someone.
  2. Kirov (DayZ)

    How do I force despawn a car?

    Hello everyone after a really long time! So I ran into a Sarka smashed by someone on a watchtower (Namalsk). I decided to bring it back to the car pool and inflicted some damage on the chassis, but to no discernible avail. Feeling a bit frustrated, I came back with two grenades, which I threw directly under the car (with the sound of shields smashing and everything), but the car is still there after the server restart... I have an M79 stashed with an explosive grenade, but before I check this option out, I decided to ask you guys for some help. Any ideas as to how to force a car to respawn?
  3. Kirov (DayZ)

    Public (and press) reception of DayZ in 2020

    I think that journalist presented a valid, succinct, outsider opinion of a person who doesn't want to bother with nuance because he rightfully assumes that said nuance doesn't change the big picture. It's like you go to a bar after a breakup, and you start talking to some bar fly about that girl, Sheila, like there was something special between you two, but there was also this other guy, etc. etc. and that bar fly keeps listening and listening and finally says 'got it, she cheated on you and then she dumped you'. And you go 'hey, that's not what happened', but at the end of the day, that's exactly what happened and you know that. DayZ development is all but abandoned, we were repeatedly lied to, and the final product cannot pretend to meet expectations (and promises) by any stretch of imagination. Only the modding community saved this project. Look no further than this forum - if it was a real place, it'd be buried under tumbleweeds. Everything time I pop in (which is super rare), I hear a Morricone's score in my head.
  4. Kirov (DayZ)

    Experimental Update 1.07

    I'd love to see a medieval 'pikemen vs. cavalry' battle in DayZ world.
  5. Kirov (DayZ)

    Experimental Update 1.07

    In Livonia 1.06, I've found 2 Blazes in those white-and-blue Markets which spawn hunting gear. Maybe this is some clue worth following.
  6. Kirov (DayZ)

    DayZ in 2020

    Congratulations, you've found the one DayZ description which both the fanboys and sarcastic people can get behind. "Buy our game, it is NOT unplayable!". High time to replace that "gritty survival experience" blurb with a more honest slogan.
  7. Kirov (DayZ)

    DayZ in 2020

    My thoughts exactly. I mean, it is cool to fly a heli, but it's hardly useful. The only practical purpose in my opinion will be transporting freshies back to a NW battlefield, and other players will want to penetrate the base with a heli in it. From a perspective of a PVE survivor, aerial vehicles are a waste of resources - and these are apparently dwindling recently.
  8. Kirov (DayZ)

    DayZ in 2020

    Between bears, fishing, storms, some interesting work on the medical system, as well as high hopes for tanning, bows, notes and better zeds, I kept what you can call 'cautious optimism' towards the further development. And I saw little point in constant shitting on the devs' heads, for that matter. But now... now I need a drink. Have a nice Friday night, survivors.
  9. Kirov (DayZ)

    Books, bows, and tanning

    I'm interested to hear what you make of the current 'roadmap'. You seem to have a level-headed overview of the development process. Any initial thoughts? I must say I was hoping for so much more.
  10. Kirov (DayZ)

    DayZ in 2020

    "Post-release support"?? "Some new small-scale content"?? So, just to make it straight - goodbye to leather clothes, trucks and bikes? New ovens but no tea/coffee/rice? No overhaul of AI behaviour (from door bashing zeds to interesting hunting options)? No overhaul of soft skills? 2019 was not that bad, all things considered, but this 'roadmap' is really soul-crushing to me. I haven't been worried this much about DayZ since December 2018, or what the team apparently refer to as 'the release'. BI, at least please knock it off with that 'post-release' joke, you basically rub salt in open wounds.
  11. Kirov (DayZ)

    Experimental Update 1.07

    I was holding my breath for the soft skills reset patch, it would be nice to move forward the discussion about skills, but we can't even properly test them now. But the inventory fix, return of notes (!) and continued work on the Chernarus map make me more than happy, anyway. Seems like a good job!
  12. With 2.5k hours I have only 2 confirmed hacker encounters. I'd expect they roam mostly 3pp official servers, to hop to those with high pop. Sticking to 1pp community servers with nighttime, I've never run into anything fishy.
  13. Kirov (DayZ)

    Books, bows, and tanning

    Amen to that. As a matter of fact, I fully understand their decision to halt communications, at least in the basic, human way, not as corporate conduct. I mean, who'd like to read all this about the project he works on? I'd definitely steer clear of this board if I was hired for DayZ. Whatever the customer relations guy earns, it's probably not enough. And I imagine most of those people are not on the team since 2013, so yelling at them 'but you promised a long time ago' is likely misdirected and pointless. I know, I was there! There was a number of such spots on railroads, which I drove on back in the day where they didn't slow you down. Another spot is somewhere close to the big castle near Bogatyrka. One of my trucks wa ssucked into and actually merged with a pile of rocks. I called such places 'a devil's vortex' (when I joined DayZ, I used to joke and pretend that all the bugs are actually anomalies like in Stalker's Zone; it eased the suffering a bit when I lost something important 'because DayZ'). So, they're still there, huh? I never knew what to make of them. OK, floating assets, that's the answer. Been wondering about the reasons for the constant issues. I try to understand the nature and scope of this project, but sometimes I look at other titles and think 'what gives'. Pity to hear about the bow being pushed to the back. Bows and tanning are still my main wishes, as for the OP. In fact, I could happily live without any aerial vehicles altogether. Thanks for the reply.
  14. Kirov (DayZ)

    Stable Update 1.06

    IRL I'd never use an epi-pen on myself. 😄 Which I do on Livonia mostly to carry heavy stuff.
  15. Kirov (DayZ)

    Stable Update 1.06

    Does anyone know if an Epi-pen, taken before the fight, prevents from getting KOed?