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About igor-vk

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    Bean King

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  1. igor-vk

    the real hardcore survival server

    Let us know when they change to normal map.
  2. igor-vk

    Experimental Update 1.05

    Did someone try vaulting trough windows???
  3. igor-vk

    Experimental Update 1.03.151487

    Cool, that is 10 or more slots to save
  4. igor-vk

    Experimental Update 1.03.151487

    I think knife holster and maybe pistol holster.
  5. igor-vk

    Experimental Update 1.03.151487

    Finally!!!!!!! I wish we get crafted tent....
  6. igor-vk

    Is this game officialy dead ?

    I think DayZ changed two or three teams by now. Some people are working from the start but many left and were replaced. Still flying cars and teleporting zombies.
  7. igor-vk

    Content is #1 Priority, Not Persistence.

    Both persistence and content should have been in game by now. We were supose to be geting new maps and vehicles and new base building objects. Chernarus is 10 years old, moders made new maps in few months. We still read about "PLANING" to fix game breaking bugs....
  8. igor-vk

    Stable Update 0.63.149525

    Is key binding working?
  9. igor-vk

    Stable Update 0.63.149386

    I found four or five on private server. I hat problems with weapons. First I lost shotgun when I did "laying down" animation. It just desapered. I have some 50+ rounds, but no weapon. Then Makarov got stuck, mag got stuck in middle of slide and bullet was floating next to it. Its same in inventory and in game. I couldnt reload another mag or remove mag in pistol. Only chamber one round.
  10. igor-vk


    How many of them are on server?? How many planks can fit in Lada?
  11. igor-vk

    Status Report - 6 November 2018

    OK, this really bothers me. Devs decided to cut the content to get stable game. I dont see much stability and we are knee deep in November. There are still so many game breaking bugs. Im afraid we wont get stability by the end of the year.
  12. igor-vk

    DayZ ballistics have been ruined!

    Looks like you will have to start modding.
  13. igor-vk

    A+ game!

    They should have fixed game mechanics and FPS lag spikes and such years ago. We dont have content we wish we have and we are still in desync, lag zones, bad vehicles and dumb zombies and we are two months away from "release".
  14. igor-vk

    Survival server....

    OK, so we know what we will have in game for next six to eight months. We can cry all we want - devs wont do nothing about it. But we can also see there are already varius mods emerging even before BETA. What are chances that someone actually hosts moded server with more guns, vehicles, 10 times more infected (I will always call them zeds) and all the stuff we want? So base building acctually make sence (Build a base so you can do horticilture, colour your pelts (@IMT), repair your car in peace without having to fight off zeds all the time). Or servers will be just PVP/150 cars/spawn with M4+450rounds shitmatch? I played hundreds of hours in Dayz mods and Exile, and few servers that actualy were more survival (without traders, with advanced crafting and repairing) were mostly empty and soon shut down.