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About Jex

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    Bean King

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  1. Jex

    Disabling rendering

    What are the dev's doing about cheating? Are they actively working on it?
  2. Jex

    Stable Update 1.10

    Is there an issue with loot spawning? Apparently the mechanic has been changed to cycle over days instead of hours and reports I'm hearing are clans hitting a server, grabbing a ton of gear leaving nothing for anyone else?
  3. Jex

    No Text on UI

    Thanks! I'll check that too - hope you both have a great Christmas! :)
  4. Jex

    No Text on UI

    Thanks for the reply, I had Dayz uninstalled and recently installed it again. I then verified the files and used the delete local data option too,. I'll try deleting it manually and verify again - thanks - gives me some hope again lol :)
  5. Jex

    No Text on UI

    After the last update I still have the same blank text though I see a character in the background. How is it they couldn't even get the UI working?
  6. Jex

    Guess when helicopters will be in

    Does anybody remember the day, back in the original mod, when that guy shot down a Huey with a Makarov?
  7. OMG OP what do you expect after 8 years of coding! I think you ask too much - video games are expensive to make! You're not a game developer! All games have bugs (Look at Fallout 76 embarrassment!)! Did I hit the complete fanperson bingo yet? I can't even play the game as I have no text anywhere on the UI so I can't click anything to get in a game - maybe that's a blessing in disguise...
  8. Jex

    No Text on UI

    Hi there, This is the issue I have on startup. I've googled for an answer but doesn't seem as though anyone else is having this issue... I tried resetting the ini file for graphics to defaul and I reinstalled the game but it's still the same. Thanks :)
  9. Jex

    DayZ FB hate

    The forums responses here are almost as dead as the steam charts for player numbers,.
  10. And the needles go down your back....
  11. Jex

    State of the Game?

    Well they have our money already so they don't need to say anything. When they want our money, oh the promises, the foot massges....wait!
  12. Jex

    Ambient Launcher for the game :)

    That's awesome - love stuff like this so have some beans, Heinz of course, only the best! :)
  13. Jex

    State of the Game?

    This post and the one above? Why would I read them - have YOU read them? They're awful. Once people start on me, I'm free to start on them back. I think most people would regard that as fair. Could you add anymore poison into your posts? Your "points" make literally no sense - I'm not cogent? Do you even know what the word means? I've read your posts, they're really not worth replying too as you just resorted to another two childish name calling posts after Orlock specifically told everyone to calm it down. Some people here managed that and now I'm enjoying better discussions. You on the other hand have a problem with being polite for what reason, exactly?
  14. Jex

    State of the Game?

    Ok you missed the point but nvm.
  15. Jex

    State of the Game?

    Thanks for the effort but not really lol. It doesn't asnwer where the game is going but that's fine, I don't expect anyone here to know the answer but the devs themselves. I hope we get hundreds of zombies in towns, that we see hordes and that we have way less food found so we have to grow and we also get an advanced survival/medical system (apples for a start should be seasonal - hmmm then we need food storage and we're heading into farming simulator......) That can easily be fixed though - just make each tree only bear fruit in summer autumn and they only have x aomunt of apples and once picked they're all gone and no waiting, apples are obvious. other food like potatoes should just grow via the game mechanics. After that, medical, so broken legs arms have massive consequences - limited movement, morphine only works for a short time to deal with the pain. other diseases, ways to eleviate conditions, ways to prevent conditions (basically boil stuff and keep clean) so stuff along those lines. Zeds need to be numerous to a point that makes you think twice going into a town. However, 2 major points, don't have zeds giving players away EVER - as in, they only spawn in when a player is near and 2 - make it possible to sneak passed them but not easy - so there's a rough sketch of where I want the game to go regarding those things but it also needs good pvp mechanics. I understand they made a disastrous decision about the engine but they also were a year and a half off their own prediction of the new graphics. That's pretty awful for a team to get it that wrong and that ties in with my last point, how long is it going to be - 3 more years?