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About nuggit

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    Far far away from the coast
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    scavenging for beans

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    I spend my free time doing what I enjoy

    -playing guitar and recording bands
    -playing dayz

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  1. nuggit

    Stable Update 1.02

    You disregarded the whole point of what I was saying about this specific topic regarding controls and gamma. Thanks for indirectly insulting myself and others. You are implying and presuming I am either old or less flexible or both, because I have previously complained about non ergonomic keyboard functions due to design decisions which your comment stemmed from. I am middle aged (30) fit and healthy and my hands are in tip top shape (I am a muso/guitarist) Thanks for making me feel even worse to how this whole journey.panned out. As sad as it is, Dayz won't miss me but I'll always miss dayz and what could have been. Just so you know I have been patiently waiting since 2016 when 0.60 hit experimental (new ui added) when the features and toggles were removed as I "knew" they were coming back as that was the hope and impression the team had given us, the community. In due time, things will get better they said. Remaining gamma exploits. This is worded again like it has fixed one or two ways to abuse gamma. Exploits are still the same except with a hint of pixelation the brighter you go. You still see like a cat regardless as shown by my screenshots, however you have worded it like this glow worm rectified this. I have shown it is the opposite effect and supports gamma abuse more. Nvdia/Amd control panel and gamma correction unvalidates this. I have not tested to see if reshade/sweetfx has been blocked but it's the same concept. I stated this was a losing battle and you cannot win it. It is only hindering a part of the core experience and turning it into an empty one with a detached feeling from your character and ones emotions and senses. (sight/sound). I do applaud the team for trying to address this issue but it is only causing more rifts in the community, and you would have a large amount of data supporting this. Also just because something appears on twitch and "looks" ok does not mean it is and if this is how you are gathering any feedback or the way to justify it, that is mind boggling. Most streamers run everywhere or camp and and you cannot see their hands in real time. Anyone who plays a different way will attest to this and how bad the scheme is. We cannot toggle currently, we cannot rebind controls properly either like you mentioned. It is the logical thinking behind it and how the team gets to these decisions that make me puzzled and the wording that makes it sit uneasy with me. I am not verbally attacking you personally Impulz or any other individuals from the dev team. I am actively critisizing design decisions that go aginst the core experience and wording it in the best way I can without resorting to meme worthy comments. It just looks like the sand glass has emptied and anything that will require adding back in missing or changed content is no longer feasable due to the amount of issues still included in the base game and the time scale still needed and is considered a non essential part to dayz. Sad. Please do not misconstrue what I have had to say. I am just stating facts which has been handed down from the team and the confusing way to which information is conveyed to the player base and is only muddied further when conflicting info is posted from one dev to another or worse from one statement to another. You don't need to like anything I have said but it is not a personal verbal attack on any individual, so please do not treat it as such.
  2. nuggit

    Stable Update 1.02

    I appreciate you acknowledging this @ImpulZ. As to several issues, there not really issues are they? it's either cut features or it's getting added back in eventually, right? If eventually, then I am a happy chappy. I am only antsy because everything that has been said and implemented says otherwise and I felt like all these features are just culled and not coming back. I know as a track ir user I am in the minority and don't expect this to be addressed any time soon, I have stated this openly in many posts and know this will be fixed eventually, I'm happy for that, I am more concerned with other features that tie into 6 DOF and overall player experience. Features that matter when not using track ir that is vital for first person. I am more concerned with the removal of a lot of the character functions and if any of this will be permanently removed. or eventually added back in like variable fov (numpad -/+} peripheal vision view for clearing buildings, normal view and eye focus. and will aiming deadzone be reimplemented down the track along with mouse smoothing? At this stage I really dont know if this was cut to de-militarize it or the opposite and it is a time thing.I have been secretly hoping for the latter but it is time I asked. I'm not digging through years of this stuff to quote and timestamp a few vids but it was stated multiple times with carefully chosen words as to why some of these things changed and in part was to curb the kos mentality and to promote interaction. Look at the coastal fog as an ie! Gews also asked Eugen about the fixed fov when aiming ads and it was said this may not change which has had me worried ever since, especially since most functions I use are now gone in game and the control scheme is just unergonomic. that's all i want to know regarding this "issue". Also regarding the finger olympics and the control scheme. Have you tried to walk, whilst free looking and then using focus vision to keep your head on a swivel. It is not a fun time with how much we need to be alert in dayz. Stay with me here as I was halfway through typing out a post before you quoted me. Regarding gamma abuse below this is kind of conflicting and I'll show why further below. I would say if this fake glow worm fixed the gamma abuse, it would be more then optimal and a perfect solution and I will retract everything negative I have to say about it.. If it genuinely fixed gamma abuse I could understand this and get behind it 100% BUT.... What I take out of these 2 statements from you are, A) Gamma abuse is MASSIVE. B) a compromise was decided on in house so everyone can now see at night and gamma abuse is now REDUNDANT. so no one gets left in the dark alone and everyone is on the same playing level (sounds perfect actually as redundant = no longer useful or loss of employment) If only you could predict what the players do, doh! C) The new solution was not optimal and gamma boosting is still a thing and the devs knew but is considered negligible unless someone can "efficiently" abuse gamma still or it never was for gamma abuse Did the team move the posts on what is considered gamma abuse and what isn't? Is there a difference between gamma abuse and efficient gamma abuse? Is it only deemed efficient if it takes no effort to gamma abuse? I dont know and this is confusing why you chose that word. I think this is not a language barrier thing either. Gamma abuse and the way to do it has not changed since the beginning. I stated that either gpu control panel or reshade/sweetfx is viable for gamma abuse without even trying it myself, as I knew the outcome. Your asking me to put in a ticket and waste more developers time which is precious, chasing up this which would take up far more time and resources then a simple alt tab on a test machine or personal pc and into the amd/nvdia control panel. I wonder how many tickets are wasters and floating around waiting for the team to look at them all. If this fix was supposed to stop gamma abuse, why didn't the team pick this up that it made it far easier to abuse the gamma? I actually don't think this night light was for gamma abuse or just not tested, it just cannot be, logically. It makes no sense for the effect it created unless I have completely misread or interpreted things. I just don't see why I should submit this and waste everyones precious time. Am I wrong here in saying this? I want a fair playing ground more then anyone but this feels like a lost cause. You cannot have a fair even playing field in dayz., ever. It is the nature of the game and certain game decisions that were made early on. You can't stop gamma abuse completely, you can't stop people chatting outside of games via discord/TS, you cannot stop a player in fp getting abused by the 3p camera player. You can mimimise it but not eradicate it. There is a huge amount of things that are unfair and it won't change. You cannot predict humans. They dont have navmeshes and 1s and 0s where they can/cannot go. Their not sheep and like being told where to go (debatable) Humans can be very creative with the littlest of resources. One thing I am certain of is humans are great at adapting and overcoming. I am sure a little shove in the other direction could do wonders, you could be surprised. There is a reason this anti game blew up so big and held player retentiuon. Go to far in the other direction and you lose them but gain others. Its a double edged sword I know and the backlash is strong whatever way you lean. Is this what you would call gamma abuse or rather efficient gamma abuse? I have never abused gamma before but looks efficient to me. No wonder why I was killed so much back in 2013/2014 and everyone was whinging about it THEN Been awhile since I have heard of people whinge about the night stalkers 😄 (I can actually see better then what my phone picked up in game.) I really don't think colours and fake lighting is a winner for curbing gamma abuse, if that was the intended effect for adding it in. I can't see many ways around this if you want to stop it honestly. for funsies, a throwback to 2015!
  3. nuggit

    Stable Update 1.02

    Whilst there is many things left un-addressed & broken or just simply removed that I am disgruntled about, why does most of this community scream at any change that fulfills dayz's legacy and vision? (remember getting shot standing still when shuffling your inventory because you didnt address it earlier? Won't do that again!) Have you actually tried the new feature for shuffling your inventory?...Really, scrolling is your issue because it takes to long? Sigh not the defunct controls, bunny hopping, night lights and other critical features that made dayz or not.. This is a non issue and it is due to laziness and playstyle. Usually in dayz you make a mistake once or twice before you learn a hard lesson only to then adapt or die. Rinse and repeat. If you don't learn, you die a lot and become frustrated possibly rage quitting. You didn't make the cut, that is cool, maybe dayz was not for you? We don't all make the cut sometimes. Not so much these days, the majority take the path of least resistance, something dayz was never about. It punished the easy way. Every decision you make has a meaning and an implication. This includes inventory management and other basic tasks you don't think about straight away. If you stuff your inventory completely choccas and use no personal sorting system, you will end up hindering your self later on especially when shite hits the fun. If you don't want to scroll as much, get better at inventory management. The devs added in a way so we can sort and prioritise what goes where. Use the up/down arrow and re arrange to your liking. You want to access everything from the gui? Store "food" in one clothing piece and collapse it or whatever else is un important. No need to have it viewable when looting etc If you can't be bothered or don't want to. Stop. Complaining.. I thought I was going to be the only one left playing after Hicks stated he couldn't care if there was only 1 person playing but at this rate, it will be the casuals left looking for their next kill whilst the old timers lick their wounds and wondered what happened 😞 Collapsed inventory with open empty shirt and boots Inventory A Inventory B Inventory C Inventory D Inventory E @ImpulZ I see you mentioned about the glow worm at night and it was for helping to prevent gamma abuse. Could you please elaborate how this glow worm at night is to stop the abuse of raising your gamma? As far as I can see, it has not stopped people from externally abusing gamma and only hinders those who play legit. I mean I could use nvdia control panel to up the gamma, using a icc profile in windowed mode with light gamma, or sweetfx reshade and so on. What does this solve for the legit players? Is the thinking behind this that it was hoped that those who upped their gamma would not do it anymore? If so that is wishful thinking. Also now we have walking when in the inventory, could you please pass on to add my beloved walking toggle back to whoever is responsible (and other toggles)? Hand strain is getting real now that the controls are so very unergonomic. Old arma/dayz controls were clunky but in a good way. We had fine control for all movements including, walk/jog/sprint toggle / 3 stage fov on numpad or trackir z axis/mouse smoothing/ aiming deadzone/6 DOF Track IR. It accomodated everything for everyone albeit with a steep learning curve. Don't want to use it, disable it! The new dayz controls are clunky but in a very bad way for the keyboard and mouse player. This whole convoluted way of finger streching olympics is crazy. I get you guys want to seperate dayz from arma and pidgeon hole certain playstyles and discourage others (devs you shouldnt be doing this ever!) but please stop changing it at the expense of others playstyle. This has been consistent through out development sadly. The control scheme doesnt even make sense. If anything shows in dayz history, players will rebel harder the more you try to change itheir playstyle (griefers are still going to grief, gamma cheaters are still going to cheat and so on, it has not changed and it never will) Now I am left with a player controller that is dysfunctional and lacking any real fine control and everything else that goes with it. First Person is also hindered by not using exclusive animations but rather using its 3rd person animations. Is this eventually getting swapped over to its own anims like previously mentioned and will the missing variable 3 stage fov/aiming deadzone /smoothing return/ functional 6dof track ir returning?
  4. nuggit

    Experimental Update 1.02.150980

    Player illumination brightness is still the same. Only the distance at which it kicks in was tweaked. I get why this was added but I just can't work out the logical thinking behind this. Why back pedal from all the work put in, again? The night shadows and dynamic lighting, the newer particle effects. and so on. More importantly, every move you make is supposed to have some sort of meaning and/or consequence, whether this be a good or bad one. Which goes two fold when the sun sets. Night was stressfull and it was sometimes hard to see and not always the most fun, but it was dayz and what it stood for. This Player Light destroys all of that plus my selfish immersionZ. I have never been more stress free when the sun sets now. Sound was one of the biggest factors for doing a night run and now not so much. Just look for the glow worm and she'lll be right. I have played a lot since this was all added to gather my thoughts and give it a fair shot before condemming it and being short sighted. You can't please everyone nor should you. Nor should dayz be "fun" all the time. (It was hardly ever fun for the casuals btw) This experiment was about how we act when we are stressed and placed in non idealistic situations and presented in a way that would make you think twice about everything, even before opening our mouths to say "friendly". I did not expect to feel a lack of emotions when playing dayz, ever. Please for the love of Dean re think about this and any other future ideas that go against dayz core. It looks wrong on every level and defies what dayz stood for. @ImpulZ why is something like this added now, afer the game has gone past the 1.0 status? Why not back when the engine modules were changed and finalised? Is it because of the low player count at nightime, TV vs monitors, Vocal majority or the fun factor as dayz is now labelled a game and not a social experiement or something else entirely? I am genuinely curious to this as I would have never thought 5 years ago that the bulk of the things that made this experiemnt so special and stressfull is now missing from majority of the game. Yay for lighting buffs Nay for ALL fake lighting Tweaked Player Lighting on new exp patch just released a short while ago. New Map Sign Texture When zooming in, it is a lot easier to navigate and read. (Balota Village) Clipping from the tress as the sign is placed a wee bit too close to the tree directly behind it but I like this much more then the old one.
  5. This is quite interesting Weyland. Not sure what your net is like but I imagine it is far superior then what we have here in Australia. NBN is finally here and getting rolled out for most, it probably is a better experience for the folk who are on it. Sadly I still can't get NBN yet and stuck with ADSL +2. On the other shoe. I actually have had a very different experience from yours. It is very noticeable playing with large ping and overseas servers that are close to full for me. There is delay in all actions and the ai and other players can become laggy and glitchy. Take up to 2 seconds to pick an item up or open a door and so on. I have also noticed getting kicked a lot with high ping because it exceeded the latency limit. So this is quite interesting with your experience as it is the polar opposite from mine. Also take the fact you are playing from overseas and then joining a empty or a very low pop server over here. A very different experience then joining a close to full server over there. There is a couple community servers that are vanilla here that go from medium to sometimes high pop on weekends and late afternoons. It can be a lonely place at the best times though.
  6. @Cyral The shards are seperated so from my experience you cannot share between 1st and 1st/3rd official servers. They weren't linked like you think. What more then likely happened was some servers were being used on experimental for testing purposes and now the patch went to stable, there was no need to keep extra experimental servers up so they brought them across to stable. I noticed a few extra up and now we have 4 first person servers and usually there is 1 or 2. It is possible that fragnet or gameservers were switched over from 1st/3rd to 1st person only which would remove the ability to shuffle your characters across gameservers/fragnet Some other community servers like the pipsi ones have a 1st and 1st/3rd linked so you can switch across though if you want to though.
  7. @Cyral The reason for this is because Gameservers are running the 1st/3rd person and Fragnet are running 1st person. You cannot share across these.
  8. nuggit

    Stable Update 1.01

    @Leah Snow Don't play the devils advocate. I don't think you understood. Get aqquainted here https://forums.dayz.com/topic/153786-forum-rules-roles-and-guidelines/ Back on "track" Natural Point Support reached out to me and are happy to help where needed. It could be possible that it is just the implementation of how IR is streamed in game. Either way, it has been acknowledged so in due time things will get better. Just before bed I came across a situation that I found odd no one had reported. Maybe everyone just runs everywhere, man!. Either I am blind or careless or both. (I searched and could not find any report that directly related to this and was open) If you approach the bottom of steps or stairs and hold control to walk up them you cannot ascend the stairs/steps but rather walk on the spot. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T137021 Most noticable on police station spiral stairs and the one shown in the trackers video. If I find other steps or stairs I will update my ticket.
  9. nuggit

    Stable Update 1.01

    I really appreciate this being acknowledged @Baty Alquawen Thanks!
  10. nuggit

    Stable Update 1.01

    I have never been one for posting much and I give my beans to feed the hungry around here. My stay here has been a very long one, lurking since day dot on these very forums. I read everything around here and it is getting really hard to swallow some of this. I have usually ignored these comments and kept to myself, If I have nothing nice to say I was taught I need to be quiet. Everyone that is itching, can you please read what I have to say. You don't have to agree or like what's in my long post but just take it on board like the responsible adults we all strive to be. Can everyone involved in this thread, please provide constructive feedback. It is doing no one any good here venting because of unstable emotions. It is getting everyones jimmies rustled. It has a knock on effect! You know when someone smiles at you and it makes you smile at them back? (I hope you all do) If you have some emotional issues with this game, take a deep breathe and maybe just walk away for a bit or for a long time or for good, you decide. Stop testing and go get some sun. It can be a bitter pill to swallow but it will be better for everyone involved. I get it. You are all extremely passionate and do not want this to fail like so many think. It is after all, a one of a kind gaming experience that can not be rivalled. It has been 7 years in the making with no end in sight. We were the social experiment that Hall produced. Don't forget that. We got hooked and we became junkies like the crack heads down in cherno apartments and can't seem to get enough. We are all in this together and it will not help speed anything up, rather slow it down whilst the devs have to sift through all this crap with half baked comments, conspiracies and next to little information on the issues many face. Now they have to also read through my crap. Some are just not happy with the direction, that's cool, it was bound to happen. I blame myself a lot for not contributing enough in the earlier days of feedback, something that the majority is guilty of. I have played every. single. patch ever released and I look at the feedback tracker all the time. Most of the issues I ever faced was either reported or never phased me because at the end of the tunnel, I can change it to tailor my experience or knew it was going to be fixed at some point when they got a handle on the engine and newer modules. I should have been a better tester in my eyes even though it was "not my job" I care about this and so do you all. Regardless if any of you paid for servers, bought the game, wasted hours of real life and then feel cheated because it does not live up to your expectations, gives absolutely no right to speak with the venom produced by some members Everyone is a human and has a right to be treated equally regardless if you feel wronged in your current situation. If we all chip in, do our part and treat and talk to everyone as respectful responsible adults, this place could be so much healthier and constructive. Still I should have done much better as a tester to something I am very very passionate about. To this, I sincerley apologise. It just was not good enough from me. It also was not good enough from the majority of the community either. The real testers, are heroes in my eyes and now are all in lurking and a bit pressed. I understand and hope they all come back in a years time all fresh and wide eyed and get surprised. Myself included. Everyone that cares about this project knows that 1.0 was not really a true 1.0 release. There is reasons for this and it has been explained. No pixie dust. Don't throw theories and vendetta in this because it is not the vision you wanted at this current stage. Whilst I cannot agree on alot of everything they have done, stop speculating and making things worse. It is what it is, if you are not happy, come back in a years time or not. Arma 3 was not perfect on release nor were any other BIS titles ever released from them. it was as barebones and buggy as the next EA game getting released monthly on steam for the last 7 years since dayz inception. I adore BIS work effort and their visions and have the upmost respect for all the developers under the name. It was a mammoth task dealing with what they had been dealt and it was only compounded by the irrational toxic players. To that, well done devs, I hope you are all in a happy, healthy state. You have been walking on a 0.1mm fishing line over 2 20 story buildings. I can only speak for myself and for this, I thank you. I also want to thank all the moderators if any of you happen to read this. You have been at the brunt of the storm for many years. You all have withstood the test of time and you do not do it for fame or money. You do it because you are all passionate and believed in Deans vision. I know some are not happy either but thanks for being here and being fair If anyone who reads this and cannot understand or take on board anything I have said due to your ego, you really need to take a long hard look at yourself as a human being. I am sure everyone here has been in some dark places and kicking people when their down is the worse thing you could possibly ever do just because you are not happy with results or yourself as a human being. Now I was coming here to report about trackir and reading through this thread I just had to have a sigh and think about everything and this came out of my fingers. woah woosah! As to my feedback it is purely on TrackIR implementation again. As a couple other people mentioned, it does not feel or look right. I hope I have clearly explained myself in the ticket and my videos I finally uploaded (took 20 hours all up due to wonderful Aussie net) Feedback Tracker https://feedback.bistudio.com/T136979 DayZ TrackIR - Arma3 TrackIR - I cannot give feedback on TrackIR and the ADA or any other vehicle as I have spent over 5 days looking for one to test and no luck. I personally feel it is not correctly implemented but due to being in the minority. as an IR user, I very much do not expect this to be looked at for quite some time.as there is some major pressing issues they really want to get fixed more then any of you or I believe That is ok in my book. Maybe if I did something about reporting things in the early days it could have been different. 🙂 TDLR: Community Members ONLY. Read everything above and let it sink in on how the behaviour and attitude has been. it's not a one off, it has been 7 years of this and there is no short version. Just read it!
  11. nuggit

    Experimental Update 1.0150408

    I'll try and stick to my point. This was originally about trackir but I have discovered some things related to the "new controller". I spent the last 2 days running around collecting data and videos for track ir/player controller and to provide some feedback and write up a thread on it. Whilst investigating, I noticed quite a few things about the player controller and have many thoughts and questions I would like answered. I will write up soon once I get everything I need and rendered. I have to test more now since a new update has dropped. The new post that cropped up from @MirekManena kind of confirmed my experience and thoughts from 2 days of running around Cherno. Trackir's implentation is not the only culprit here, player controller also is. I think It's either tied into some sort of synced fps (server) or client due to optimisations and saving server/client fps. It is not dependant on if you use track ir or not. Mouse input is just not good. There is a jitter/interpolation issue happening and I think this comes down to the new controller optimisations and implentations. I run a 144hz benq XL series monitor, usually on 120 hz if I cannot maintain 144 fps with the blur buster app to change my strobe timings. This basically eliminates motion blur and is a joy to play games on when these requirements are met. When playing at a high fps, games look and feel stunning. Everything is easily spottable and smooth and so on. No exception for dayz and arma, even at lower fps with vsync. There is still hardly any motion blur and zero jitter. Frametime seems to be ok jumping from 6-7 ms to the occasional 15 ms, kind of usual I think. Running on lowest settings to eliminate gpu strain. 144 fps locked at 144hz refresh rate and there is still jitter on track ir and mouse movement although minimised due to the fps. It causes the screen to jitter and re-adjust its input on any panned input movement and makes it feel like it is running at very low frame rates. More noticeable on very small slow mouse movements (in game is 100+fps) I'll get some videos and extras rendered when time allows. I also use my deathadder mouse at 400 DPI with low in game mouse settings. (most don't notice due to their high sensitivities maybe?) It is so bizarre. Why does A3 at 35 fps feel more responsive and fluid then dayz which is running at 120/144 fps? Player Controller? I have never ever experienced this in any BI title. My fps has never mattered much in BI game or have I cared much as long as everything is double digits from 20 and above. Everything has always been smooth with mouse and track ir. Obviously if you pan at low frame rates fast, you get motion blur from unsynced frames but never any jitter or strain. I know everyone wants "extreme" fps .but BI games never needed it on the client with how the game plays out. You are not supposed to sprint everwhere especially inside buildings. It was never desgined for mouse movemnt with 1600 dps and wild mouse movements flicking all over your desk trying to scour all 4 corners in a room in a heartbeat Playing BI games like modern games made it feel more clunky then it really ever was. Some of these features in regards to player controller that are missing were in the game for good reason I believe. I recall reading many times that the pc version would come first and foremost and the console would not affect pc in any way. Rather the opposite, dayz would benefit from consoles and new tech. I can only judge with what I have been given. All the data given by the devs may look right on paper including server fps, but at what cost? It just does not feel right running around (or cramping my hand to walk around). My fear in any game development studio is optimisation. Most love this word.... I say this because anything in the last 10 years that looked promising or too good to be true, usually is. I see developers go the multi-platform route and change their goalposts, hit new road blocks, bite off more then they can chew and ultimately sacrifice one vision for another just to get all platforms functional in some way. There is a reason the mainstream studios pump out artifical release after release, year after year on consoles. Understandable in one way but not another. History has shown time & time again that a proper pc developed game with no influence from console, what is achievable and it is amazing. Waters get muddied doing multi platforms and no strategic plans to counter for both and a sinking ship when directly designing it for console and then porting it with non functioning systems not desgined for the pc platform. I also tried to bandage form a zombie inside a building after shutting the door with some duct tape and I self restrained myself leaving me defenceless and loxked in unable to do anything but relog as the break free mechanic was not working. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T133343
  12. nuggit

    Experimental Update 1.0150408

    Some feedback on trackir. (just a note, dayz is listed as having full 6 dof support. https://www.naturalpoint.com/trackir/games/) I deleted all my old configs, reset track ir to make sure it was not a bad profile, reset all controls in game and verified files to make sure it was not something from my end. It feels like there is acceleration going on and it is very stuttery regardless of v-sync and fps at a solid 120 locked, especially around the center of the screen. Like it seems to correct a mouse input.. Only Pitch and Yaw axis work/bound. I had a look in keybinds and and tried setting up track ir. I can not bind a +/- on the same axis so for example if I bind lean. In Arma 3 I could lean L and R and set up lean for the same Y axis and it used an analogue input. In the current implementation it works as a key/mouse input. No incremental lean only hard lean and center. There was no way to bind zoom in/out on any axis that I could find. I even tried disabling all inputs from track ir and only using the Z axis. I have found as well due to the change in the player controller and the way fixed fov works on scopes, it is extremley jarring getting forced into a fixed fov when ads using track ir. We need variable fov to use track ir whilst using weapons to even be remotely useful. Using track ir in fullscreen mode using a corsair K-70 keyboard and touching the volume wheel minimises dayz.. Using dayz in windowed borderless does not It feels like trackir has not been implemented properly but rather as a keyboard and mouse input emulation. It feels nothing like how trackir has ever functioned in bohemia titles. It feels more like when Star Citizen brought in a temporary fix to get track ir working {using the mouse input to look around and not true track ir analogue input) I have used track ir with aiming deadzone in 90% of my 4000+ hours in all bohemia titles and Dayz before the new ui was added and I understand that myself and other track ir uses are more then likely in the minority. However this has always been a big sell from bohemia. I feel like this must be looked at if you continue to support track ir. @eugenharton I recall reading somewhere from you about the fixed fov on scopes possibly not getting changed. Is variable fov on scopes and track ir analogue inputs coming back? Because this tied in with track ir being fully functional and correctly using all 6 DOF.. As it stands it feels like a tack on just to get track ir working rather being fully functional from a consumers point of view. Does the simplified player controller in its current iteration, affect track ir inputs functioning from using all 6 dof properly?
  13. nuggit

    Trackir for post-1.0

    I have been sorely missing trackir. It is featured as having 6 dof support on naturalpoints site. Found here. https://www.naturalpoint.com/trackir/games/ I am a little worried about its return and full functionality. It was broken when the player controller was getting revamped (exp -newui launch param) It was patched a couple times to work later but ever since the player controller was finalised we lost full trackir support and many other things. (all relatable to trackir, ie: variable fov/aiming deadzone etc) @eugenharton Is trackir making a come back along with aiming deadzone? Since the change to ADS, keybind actions and fixed fov, will it be possible if reimplemented to use our Z axis like before as a bind for continuos zoom in/out. Looking through all binds, it seems most things are missing/re worked to function differently.
  14. nuggit

    Freelook toggle

    No worries mate.
  15. nuggit

    Freelook toggle

    Just a quick thought. Have you tried unbinding the free look toggle and only using the hold to use feature in options/keybinds/view? You should have look (Left Alt) and free look (x2 Left Alt). Only keep look bound to whichever button you prefer it on your gamepad and unbind freelook. Does this help @ShaneRetter?