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HFB, Vilayer, and DayZCommander need to knock this crap off..

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There seems to be some serious misconceptions being thrown around here. By the OP.. and others.

If you visit this page http://www.armaholic...age.php?id=7467

You will find Panthera, a map created by IceBreakr.

This map has been around since Date: 2010-05-09 09:16. ViLayer simply took a map that was already created and added the DayZ Code... Just as the other guy did who had 2 servers running the map.

ViLayer spent the time to place each vehicle spawn.. Loot spawn in the building models... (of course it will look the same.. there is no other way to add the dayz code...)

It appears that the OP is mad that someone else did the same thing he did... only better, And now he claims that the server files he created are somehow Official, and that the ones someone else has done are fake... ??? Are you really serious?

There is nothing being sold... there is nothing being stolen.. Anyone can go to the link provided above and download the map... or any other map for ArmA2 or Arma2 OA and go spend hours and hours of time coding and adding in the proper spawning for vehicles and players... then go host a hive that has hundreds of thousands of players in it... then setup a support system to deal with any issues that people have with the map you have created... All without getting paid for it BTW.

Then go spend thousands and thousands of dollars for the best that money can buy servers and put them into data centers around the world... allowing anyone who chooses... not forced, to rent space to host ANY SERVER VERSIONS OR MODS they wish to play on.

I want to THANK ViLayer for Supporting the DayZ Community.. For adding content... For having a Hive that has so many maps and options...

I want to thank DayZ Commander for a FREE program that allows players of this FREE mod to have a fast , easy way to download these new maps and search for the most popular servers, the populated servers... and enjoy this MOD that so many people love to play.


My opinion? Hm not sure if I should tell you or if it may disappoint all the vilayer peons. Well here is the truth about "panthera by vilayer":

Dayz was first released on Panthera island at 28th of september not 9. october. It was created for the community and released in the tunngle forums for free and everyone to host and play. It features lootspawns for every custom building adapted mechanics like bottle refill and grabbing fuel at fuelstations to fit the map, something the existing ports never had. Then nearly 2 weeks later DayZ Panthera by vialyer released and guess what, it had lootspawns, something they were never abled to make before. Le me looking up their code, hm nothing else changed, looks fishy, grabs my own code made 2 weeks before and comapres:

My own code:

class Land_afbarabizna: Residential
maxRoaming = 10;
lootPos[] = {
class Land_fuelstation_army: Military
maxRoaming = 3;
lootPos[] = {};
class Land_army_hut_int: Military
maxRoaming = 3;
lootPos[] = {
class Land_army_hut3_long_int: Military
maxRoaming = 3;
lootPos[] = {
class Land_army_hut2_int: Military
maxRoaming = 3;

Their code:

class Land_afbarabizna : Residential {
maxRoaming = 10;
lootPos[] = {{5.24512, 5.37036, -4.19494}, {5.20117, -1.52295, -4.22117}, {-2.97363, -1.07031, -4.22117}, {-2.50391, 5.43677, -4.22117}, {5.04004, -0.233643, -0.168262}};

class Land_fuelstation_army : Military {
maxRoaming = 3;
lootPos[] = {};

class Land_army_hut_int : Military {
maxRoaming = 3;
lootPos[] = {{1.64453, -5.52002, -1.33056}, {0.53125, 1.72607, -1.36391}};

class Land_army_hut3_long_int : Military {
maxRoaming = 3;
lootPos[] = {{-1.72803, -0.726563, -1.23617}, {-2.26416, -4.87402, -1.23617}, {-0.449219, 3.71338, -1.23617}};

class Land_army_hut2_int : Military {
maxRoaming = 3;
lootPos[] = {{0.703369, 0.560547, -0.948328}, {1.6875, -2.17627, -0.948328}};

Damn they must be good, they did not only finaly figure out how to make a damn 10 lines of script to grab those spawn positions they also managed to get exactly the same I have, oh wait no its vilayer, they just copy&pasted it and signed this work of 5 minutes with their name. What else. And then releasing it under their name cutting access to the server files so that only guys who rent their servers can use them. Oh well and dayz commander releases their version so of course clients will only use their version. The result, ppl are forcd to rent servers by them if they want to have clients playing that use dayzcommander. Great company :thumbsup: . Much to be proud of with this work. Not.

Want to play the community version that is more balanced and advanced? Klick here http://www.tunngle.n...to-version-1-3/ you find a little list of servers in this forum.


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Yah may have a point, have you may be considered contacting the vanilla/rocket dayz peeps about working the maps/ hives in with them? In direct competition with vilayer?

i do play on the vilayer servers, because i live in new zealand, and with the ease they set up servers, it means that locals here rent them, and set the ping kicks to allow for us southern hemisphere peeps to play.. As a general rule, i WILL be kicked from the true private ones. But if you were able to set up these maps through Rockets Hives, and have international servers like vanilla dayz, running of a hive, it will be much more attractive to the international market due to the fact we would have true local servers pinging under 100 (the vilayers are all US (maybe europe as well?)

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EXACTLY!! They are the images of code I refered to.

It's amusing how they haven't been able to figure out loot spawns them selves in the past. But all of a sudden, when then finally "apparently" learn. They coincidently have the exact same loot codes as MrSherenia's version that he released two weeks prior

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So you mean the other 2 servers... ?

Yes thats right folks... 2 servers were running this map prior to ViLayer releasing it to the community in a version that connects to Vilayers hive.

And you can play on any HIVE any MAP ANY MOD you wish..nobody if forcing anyone to do anything.



EXACTLY... if it werent for DayzCmder and Vilayer the Panthera map would still be a mostly unused map on a couple of servers most people wouldnt even notice.

in the end theres nothing stopping people from playing on the original Panthera version if they want to. provided you can find someone willing to host the map.

this thread is pretty full on twisted panty's.. hahhah...

i must say without DayZcmder, i'd prolly not be playing DayZ anymore.. i'd be so burned out on Cherna. and the non-stop sciddie problem.

DayZcmder/Vilayer are doing the majority of the DayZ player base a massive service by keeping the gameplay fresh.

if map makers are getting butthurt about the way maps are being used, then they should rethink why they build maps in the first place.

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EXACTLY... if it werent for DayzCmder and Vilayer the Panthera map would still be a mostly unused map on a couple of servers most people wouldnt even notice.

in the end theres nothing stopping people from playing on the original Panthera version if they want to. provided you can find someone willing to host the map.

Sounds like everyone is playing on a mostly original version of Panthera.

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Rocket fails to give a fuck and do anything about it, so shall I fail to give a fuck and continue using DayZ commander.

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They are using the ORIGINAL Panthera. Directly donloaded from Armaholic site...

The fact that DayZ Planet coded the dayz part differently than whoever put that other one up makes no difference.

People can play whatever version they want... The fact that he posted his in some obscure site like tunngle... yes it is obscure.. otherwise more people would use it, is not the fault of a hosting company for taking what was offered to them to host for the community and making it available for the MAJORITY OF PEOPLE PLAYING DAYZ... yes.. go count... there are more players on ViLayer servers than any other. This is due to the Customer support they offer the customer... the great performance that their servers give to the commnuity... and the amount of content that they have brought to the DayZ Community as well.

So the 4 guys here that are bashing ViLayer are more than likely in the same clan and were butthurt when the servers they were hosting were dead... now they want to blame ViLayer.

If they really want to do what is best for the community.. they would take down the map that 50 people are playing and support the one that hundreds and hundreds are playing right now as i type this.

obscure ??????

Thats Funny All of the "vilayer " fixes come from that site.

I have seen Vilayer server code and it offers Nothing original then what was already out there and 99.99% of that come from that obscure site.

And stop Using that its more popular as a justification . The same reason it is more popular is the reason everyone is upset .

More people are running it because Dayz commander has it listed and for many of the players they dont know better.

For those who have miss understood they issue let me paint a picture .

MrSherenai made this mod with the map makers support and openly released it ( meaning any person could host the code on any service provider )

They asked for it to be added to dayz commander

Vilayer ( a hosting company ) Takes MrSherenai's Mod and locks it ( the server can now only be ran on their servers )

Dayzcommander who is supported by vilayer adds support for the Vilayer Mod. With the reasoning that they had more servers running that mod ( of coarse they did they are a server company )

Vilayer added nothing to the mod and the only reason for them showing a interest is so they could sell servers and create a monopoly.

How is this Bad for the community

well one a monopoly is never good.

Two . It hurts the creativity for expanding and adding new mods in the future.

And Just before you make assumptions about me being upset about a empty server



Edited by schism61
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Everyone and their mother is making ports of DayZ for all of the already released maps... I can't just add support to commander for everyone that asks, or it's a bad experience for the huge number of people who are playing and avoiding these ridiculous politics.

I'd rather have fewer mods that I know have an infrastructure backing available. When dayz lingor came out, I waited a while for it to gain traction before I added it. When vilayer comes to me and can promise an instant 100 servers to support it, I can't ignore it, I know it's good for my users.

I have to make my decision based on the experience for the average joe who starts commander. I can only wish that more of the community could work together to make the ports and not try to hold ownership.

With these ports, the creativity goes to the man who created the maps, not who added the loot spawns. If someone came out with something more original and it gained traction (I'm keeping a close eye on you SurviveDayZ), then there is clear ownership of what was done.

If the first port of panthera did something special that I'm missing, more than just get there first, please correct me.

Edited by dotjosh
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Rocket fails to give a fuck and do anything about it, so shall I fail to give a fuck and continue using DayZ commander.

We don't need daddy Rocket to tell us what's flat our wrong.

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If the first port of panthera did something special that I'm missing, more than just get there first, please correct me.

The guy that actually created the port did all the work, asked permission to actually use the map created by an ArmA community member, gave credit where credit was due, and continued to support the open nature of the mod by releasing it to everyone to be run on any server and on any host. Villayer comes along, snatches the code, locks it down so it can only run on their network, slaps their logo on it, claims they did all the work, and shit on the community.

That's pretty cliffy.

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Everyone and their mother is making ports of DayZ for all of the already released maps... I can't just add support to commander for everyone that asks, or it's a bad experience for the huge number of people who are playing and avoiding these ridiculous politics.

I'd rather have fewer mods that I know have an infrastructure backing available. When dayz lingor came out, I waited a while for it to gain traction before I added it. When vilayer comes to me and can promise an instant 100 servers to support it, I can't ignore it, I know it's good for my users.

I have to make my decision based on the experience for the average joe who starts commander. I can only wish that more of the community could work together to make the ports and not try to hold ownership.

With these ports, the creativity goes to the man who created the maps, not who added the loot spawns. If someone came out with something more original and it gained traction (I'm keeping a close eye on you SurviveDayZ), then there is clear ownership of what was done.

If the first port of panthera did something special that I'm missing, more than just get there first, please correct me.

its not that MrSherenai did something special , He did the work

As evidence in the code posted above vilayer have just copied his code and locked it to their servers.

If the Vilayer was a open code and any server host could run it , I don't think anyone would be as upset as they are now.

And josh I love the work you have done on Dayz commander , I really do.

I just think you need to make a mod submission policy .

and lets face it Vilayer is always going to be offer more servers running their mod .

And i know you have a sponsorship with Vilayer , But lets face it to many of the dayz players you are the gateway for dayz and other mods.

So maybe u should push vilayer to practice a more open environment, If they drop support because of this im sure the community can help pick up where they left off

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They used the bliss hive and when bliss came out with an update, they touted the fixes in a change log while calling it "ViCode". Totally laughable. They implemented TomWest's anticheat mission file fix and acted like they had their own custom anti-cheat. They went ahead and implemented AshFord3's dayz bug fixes and again touted ViCode. It's totally bad business. They are a shady company - reminds me of the folks working on the War Z. Pump out a product to ride the hype and don't give credit where it is due.

So, yes. They do steal code and act like they did it. They took the hard work of map designers who released it open source for all arma users and then modify it and sell servers while retaining the code - not keeping it open source to Arma users in order to make a profit off the original artists work. On what planet do you live where this would be considered stand up behavior? You need to check yourself and your personal values here. Whether or not they can slime through way through the legal system is irrelevant to whether or not what they do is right.

I encourage other players not to patronize Vilayer servers. Stop giving these jokers money.

Edited by SuperTuck
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LOL, ViLayer servers are the most crooked hosting I've seen in a while. They take *everything* from tunngle-forums (yes yes, this very very OBSCURE forum where most of the private-hive developers release and discuss their stuff. Very very very obscure, very very infamous. stay-away, only shady persons on this forum), and slap some "vilayer only" logos on and voilá.

They are running a private server version you can acces via tunngle, with fixes made by very talented person posting his stuff on tunngle, with mod-alterations and anticheats via *shocking* tunggle-forums, with maps developed by arma2 enthusiasts and remodded with dayz and released via tunngle... ViLayer; you code, we steal is their motto. No credits given anywhere, no shits given anywhere.

Actually, w/o community on Tunngle arma2 forums i dont see any way ViLayer would even have anything to host.

I have seen ViLayer serverfiles, there is NOTHING there of their own except LOGO. They really are something these people.

I hope dotjosh sees this too, and drops all support for ViLayer. Do community a favour and blacklist their servers from commander xD . And btw, there are lots of servers running Original Panthera, dont believe lies posted by ViLayer personel. If you dont see them in commander, just look them out yourself. I am hosting TWO servers for panthera, so geez....


ViLayer should:

give credits to where they are due; for your servercode, for your fixes, for your maps and mods. if you mod on someone's base, have the common courtesy to made your files public. stop dividing playerbase with "vilayer only" crap, it does much harm to whom ever you steal your stuff from.

Edited by Kuolio
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its not that MrSherenai did something special , He did the work

As evidence in the code posted above vilayer have just copied his code and locked it to their servers.

If the Vilayer was a open code and any server host could run it , I don't think anyone would be as upset as they are now.

And josh I love the work you have done on Dayz commander , I really do.

I just think you need to make a mod submission policy .

and lets face it Vilayer is always going to be offer more servers running their mod .

And i know you have a sponsorship with Vilayer , But lets face it to many of the dayz players you are the gateway for dayz and other mods.

So maybe u should push vilayer to practice a more open environment, If they drop support because of this im sure the community can help pick up where they left off

I've definitely learned some things with all of this. And moving forward, vilayer is already talking to the original map creator as well as releasing the server files.

Regardless if Vilayer copied the code for this port (which I do not agree with if they did), ViLayer ported 4 other maps before all of this, so they are very capable of doing it on their own.

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Someone needs to start a thread called "Dirt on Vilayer".

Its interesting that this hosting company can get bulk location ids from dayzmod and squat them until someone purchases a server.

IE, If you want a low number and its not in use, chances are a hosting company already has it and are just waiting for someone to fund the server.

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I've definitely learned some things with all of this. And moving forward, vilayer is already talking to the original map creator as well as releasing the server files.

Regardless if Vilayer copied the code for this port (which I do not agree with if they did), ViLayer ported 4 other maps before all of this, so they are very capable of doing it on their own.

Keep in mind that Lingor was a mod that was developed by a specific group who tried to keep it locked down (again without the map maker's consent). The community reverse engineered that code and re-released it. That was the first non-chenarus map you supported if I am not mistaken.

That mod was only on those servers authorized by dayzlingor.tk and using their hive originally. Within a week or two of that release we had far more servers running private hives with Lingor and soon enough the hosting providers were offering it too.

Trust in the community. Stick with open projects. We'll all benefit from it. We have been the whole time.

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Someone needs to start a thread called "Dirt on Vilayer".

Its interesting that this hosting company can get bulk location ids from dayzmod and squat them until someone purchases a server.

IE, If you want a low number and its not in use, chances are a hosting company already has it and are just waiting for someone to fund the server.

It should be given that any large hosting company with DayZ gets bulk.

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so you are telling me that a company providing hosting services should not be allowed to receive money o_O?

they dont sell the map, they sell their service provided by their hardware & manpower! and its their goddamn right to do so, as long as its not legally prohibited!

DayZ-Commander is so far the very best tool dayz has ever seen, so gtfo the forums with your childish revenge-crusade?

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They used the bliss hive and when bliss came out with an update, they touted the fixes in a change log while calling it "ViCode". Totally laughable. They implemented TomWest's anticheat mission file fix and acted like they had their own custom anti-cheat. They went ahead and implemented AshFord3's dayz bug fixes and again touted ViCode. It's totally bad business. They are a shady company - reminds me of the folks working on the War Z. Pump out a product to ride the hype and don't give credit where it is due.

So, yes. They do steal code and act like they did it. They took the hard work of map designers who released it open source for all arma users and then modify it and sell servers while retaining the code - not keeping it open source to Arma users in order to make a profit off the original artists work. On what planet do you live where this would be considered stand up behavior? You need to check yourself and your personal values here. Whether or not they can slime through way through the legal system is irrelevant to whether or not what they do is right.

I encourage other players not to patronize Vilayer servers. Stop giving these jokers money.

Very well spoken my friend.

You might aswell flush your hard earned money down the drain tbh....

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I know the concept of it is bad, and what they are doing is wrong... but if something is free then its not stealing.

There's something called "Copyright" and "Terms of Use". These are restrictions put in place by the original author that limits the usage (destination) of a work.

DayZ is free, but i cannot use it for my own commercial activities without the author permission. In example i cannot create my own game, then "rip" the DayZ contents to include them into my own product just because it is free: IT IS FREE TO BE USED for non commercial purposes, it's not free to be used for whatever you want, unless you ask the permission to the author.

Anyway that's not the bad part (not completely), in fact when they started to host Lingor island none said anything... the bad part is when they started to get those mods (maps and dayz code), rip their contents, adding their logo, changing the keys (making it not compatible with the original version), and claiming that they were "offered by Vilayer". This is the worst part for the community.. not the commercial activity (i don't think that anyone cares if Vilayer is makin money or not..), but the attitude of taking advantage of free work by Vilayer for its own commercial purpose.

DayZCommander is promoting (directly) this, and it shouldn't be supported by this website, because this is not helping the community at all. Again: in the short term it looks great, in a couple of months you'll have IceBreaker (and others) not releasing anything for free if we continue with this sort of legalized stolen.

Edited by WalkerDown

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Just wow....

Is the "community" here - the one that's been playing a free mod for months now that selfish, that interested in their own enjoyment that we can just say "fuck you" to everyone?

Fuck you Ice for making a map and putting in months of work for no reward other then the love of doing it and fuck you Rocket for making a mod for free that we can all play - seriously - is this how fucking selfish some of you are.

Ok let's try this little scenario - Rocket makes a mod called Dayz - Vilayer get hold of it and change it so you can only play the mod on their servers. You cannot join other servers now because you installed the Vilayer version of Dayz - does the Dayz author not own the copyright to his own work? If so then why doesn't Ice?

If then they advertise their servers with Dayz logo's and Panthera logo's how is that not " commercial use"

Regardless of the legal objections which shouldn't even be on debate here, how is anyone justifying this?

You actually are saying that anyone who makes anything doesn't have the right to control their own creation, that other people can come rip them off as much as they like because as long as you're having fun it's ok.

So basically everyone in support of this is saying "yeah, I don't mind being fucked up the ass by people, here let me bend over for you" because if you made anything and someone came along and profited by your work when you explicitly made a licence agreement stating they couldn't you would all be perfectly fine with this?


Of course you wouldn't and you damn well know it. Fuck the legal issue here - it's one of ethics.

They could have contacted the map creator and said, "hey we want to host your excellent maps, can we do that and we're willing to pay you something for it" and then left the map EXACTLY how it was rather than editing it and fucking it up for the community by having 2 versions out there.

Let me just point out one last thing, everyone involved with this has profited by this. Everyone that is except for the guy who put all the work in and that's ok is it?

Humanity will make itself extinct because of people like you.

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There's only 2 things happening with u comments on this forum, Jack shit and Jacks left town.


Just wow....

Is the "community" here - the one that's been playing a free mod for months now that selfish, that interested in their own enjoyment that we can just say "fuck you" to everyone?

Fuck you Ice for making a map and putting in months of work for no reward other then the love of doing it and fuck you Rocket for making a mod for free that we can all play - seriously - is this how fucking selfish some of you are.

Ok let's try this little scenario - Rocket makes a mod called Dayz - Vilayer get hold of it and change it so you can only play the mod on their servers. You cannot join other servers now because you installed the Vilayer version of Dayz - does the Dayz author not own the copyright to his own work? If so then why doesn't Ice?

If then they advertise their servers with Dayz logo's and Panthera logo's how is that not " commercial use"

Regardless of the legal objections which shouldn't even be on debate here, how is anyone justifying this?

You actually are saying that anyone who makes anything doesn't have the right to control their own creation, that other people can come rip them off as much as they like because as long as you're having fun it's ok.

So basically everyone in support of this is saying "yeah, I don't mind being fucked up the ass by people, here let me bend over for you" because if you made anything and someone came along and profited by your work when you explicitly made a licence agreement stating they couldn't you would all be perfectly fine with this?


Of course you wouldn't and you damn well know it. Fuck the legal issue here - it's one of ethics.

They could have contacted the map creator and said, "hey we want to host your excellent maps, can we do that and we're willing to pay you something for it" and then left the map EXACTLY how it was rather than editing it and fucking it up for the community by having 2 versions out there.

Let me just point out one last thing, everyone involved with this has profited by this. Everyone that is except for the guy who put all the work in and that's ok is it?

Humanity will make itself extinct because of people like you.

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Dotjosh wrote [on his website]

My goal is to support the end users the best and not the mod creators or server companies. I need for there to be lots of available servers to consider adding the mod to the list, not just any mod anyone creates. My hope would be that everyone could work together so there aren't duplicate maps, but that's out of my control and up to everyone else.


Wrong Josh. You have a community of 700,000 players, all brought about SOLELY by the mod creators (Dayz + Maps) without who you wouldn't even be posting here. If you don't support the mod creators, you don't support the community - it is that simple.

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