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DayZ Redux - DayZ purist focused custom DayZ Mod (Formerly DayZ DIAF)

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Think it was a huey, but I just found a huey in elektro when I respawned, got chased by the other chopper through the night sky with bullets whizzing past me, after 5 minutes i pulled a sneaky low 180 turn from 220kmh to stop to 150kmh the opposite way, heli physics eh? then decided to just go up high into the sky and sit at 1400ft for a while and fly out of the map to stop my hands from shaking...glad i lost them...

EDIT: I've seen the little bird about earlier in elektro, and the chopper chasing me was a huey as it had the guns.

(Had to look up some images to see which heli's they were)

Also, I gave input on your survey :)

hey p2 sorry about the kills on you man we had the little bird found that huey that spawned in electro and were using all the ammo so no one could shoot us down in the little bird you were saying you were friendly but got really close to us with hatched one hit one kill you know ;)

i want to know how in the balls you got that second huey up so fast but great flying man !

tried to give spuddey the last working chopper in the server but he decided to shot us instead. extreme enjoy the truck and the little bird man ! :)

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Whew I feel better now. When you posted, the only flight capable helicopter was the MH-6J Littlebird. I had spawned vehicles again just at that recent restart, which did spawn 2 Hueys. But, neither we're repaired yet or moved from spawn. But, what you say now makes sense. One spawned on Elektro hospital and they were manning the M240s to defend it while also using their Littlebird in flight. All is well.

The other Huey I saw randomly spawned only lacking an engine, so he got lucky. I will be changing this method up soon (it's just the Bliss private hive default method right now, which is very courteous with its spawning)

Sleep time.

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hey p2 sorry about the kills on you man we had the little bird found that huey that spawned in electro and were using all the ammo so no one could shoot us down in the little bird you were saying you were friendly but got really close to us with hatched one hit one kill you know ;)

i want to know how in the balls you got that second huey up so fast but great flying man !

tried to give spuddey the last working chopper in the server but he decided to shot us instead. extreme enjoy the truck and the little bird man ! :)

After I saw it on my next life I started grabbing equipment from elektro, found engine and rotor parts and 6 jerry cans. I died again due to the huey shooting me on top of the fire station that I ran up to after extreme stole that white truck off me with one of my crossbow bolts sticking out of his side and him bleeding all over the seats. I got another shot at him through the windshield with my second and last bolt, aimed right at his face, got the shot off, the glass broke, he was alive and charging at me, I had to move quick as he tried to run me over. Headlights blinded me, got so worried i'd trap myself running into a wall and get splatted. I managed to avoid becoming roadkill and switch to my pistol, chasing him up the street aiming for the tires, but he was gone, and so were 4 of my jerry cans and the lee enfield in the boot.

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Just got killed by some guys with 2 helicopters at elektro...o_o

No worries, i killed them for you. And don't trust them. KaptKrunKed tried to lure me by asking if i could fly a chopper over direct chat. Basically my options were to come with him or die. His 2 mates were hovering over Electro while i was in the office building. I caught a glimpse of KaptKrunKed and saw he was a bandit. As i refused to come with them he told me i was going to die. Fair enough...

As he was sneaking into the the office building all i had to do was wait for him untill he popped into my crosshair. Easy kill, i had the advantage there. His 2 mates didnt like the loss of their friend and decided to finnish me. Dunno what their plan was but they managed to crash the heli into the office building. A failed landing? An attemmpt to crash the heli into the building to make it blow up? No idea but they both survived(i think they bailed out). Anyway as i sat there patiently i heard them chuck a couple of nades inside which attracted alot of zeds. Then i heard a leg snap just outside and the sound of zeds feasting on one of them. Kyle was killed...

2 down, one to go. The last guy finally came in and hit me a couple of times with his pistol. Emptied a stanag on him. Joshemyte(or something) was killed. There ya go, justice served! :)

Edited by Spuddy0108
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Submitted my vote, easy one for me as it's the one I'm looking forward to most, Chernarus Redux.

This for me would breathe massive life back into the map.

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Submitted my vote, easy one for me as it's the one I'm looking forward to most, Chernarus Redux.

This for me would breathe massive life back into the map.

I donno, Id love to see Chernarus Redux, but on the bigger picture... Chernarus Plus and stand alone itself could be said to be round the corner... The time Venthos puts into building Chernarus Redux it could be too late. I was going to pick that but then ino once Stand alone comes out, if it meets my expectations then I cant see me playing DayZ mod anymore. So my Vote was to see a wider range of guns. (and the EU server :P)

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More guns would of been my last choice tbh, not very imaginative and will not change game play in away way at all.

I want to see where Vent can take this mod, he has a lot of good ideas and I'd like to see him implement them and will give him the support he needs.

Standalone or not, I'm not suddenly gonna ditch the modding community, that's how this all started in the first place, and tbh I think you're overestimating the initial content that Standalone is going to give you, I think a lot of these mods, by the time SA is released, will be miles away in end game content than we'll have on initial release.

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Already thought of throwing cans at the glass. It makes a high pitched sound that slowly fades away and does nothing to the glass.

I sat there all night waiting to die, woke up this morning with a session lost message. Logged back into the server and my stats are reset.

Hopefully someone comes kills me today or I just dies of thirst.

Or vent, can you kill my character at the admin level?


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Ты про пожар или про количество убитых зомбей. Просто тут с читерами как дела обстоят чуть легче на обычном заграничном паблике. Вчера, например одно тело пыталось плеершилд активировать, правда ему тут же "глаз" банан выдал, но вот зомбишилд - то как нефиг-нафиг, сами в видели. =)) А вообще веселый сервер!

Вчера впятером загоняли около Старого какого-то "кабанчика" с эмкой (Карлосом кажись звали). Кабанчик умирать не хотел и истерично отстреливался из своей хлопушки. Но как только увидел сколько нас и что все идут по его душу, тут же c перепугу начал плеваться свинцом из пулемета, правда тоже без особого результата (только двоих наших подранил) и с летальным исходом для себя. Эмку, кстати, так и не нашли. х))))

А что потом было на побережье между Электро и Березино... так там вообще такой экшОн развернулся, что "не в сказке сказать, ни матом отредактировать". х))))

Если ты про пожар, то RedNome верно сказал: это графический баг игры - либо вертушку уронили, либо машину подожгли, благо техники тут хватает. =)

I assume you're talking about the fire?

If so, looks like someone crashed a heli to me, the fire effect in Arma is quite tragic tbh and very buggy.

Maybe it's a car. Car is also a big fire can do. =)))

Edited by Mr.Miles

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I assume you're talking about the fire?

If so, looks like someone crashed a heli to me, the fire effect in Arma is quite tragic tbh and very buggy.

Ou fuck, I thought it was an atomic explode there :D Ye, lately I saw an helicopter on the roof of the school and offroad nearby.

Ты про пожар или про количество убитых зомбей. Просто тут с читерами как дела обстоят чуть легче на обычном заграничном паблике. Вчера, например одно тело пыталось плеершилд активировать, правда ему тут же "глаз" банан выдал, но вот зомбишилд - то как нефиг-нафиг, сами в видели. =)) А вообще веселый сервер!

Вчера впятером загоняли около Старого какого-то "кабанчика" с эмкой (Карлосом кажись звали). Кабанчик умирать не хотел и истерично отстреливался из своей хлопушки. Но как только увидел сколько нас и что все идут по его душу, тут же c перепугу начал плеваться свинцом из пулемета, правда тоже без особого результата (только двоих наших подранил) и с летальным исходом для себя. Эмку, кстати, так и не нашли. х))))

А что потом было на побережье между Электро и Березино... так там вообще такой экшОн развернулся, что "не в сказке сказать, ни матом отредактировать". х))))

Если ты про пожар, то RedNome верно сказал: это графический баг игры - либо вертушку уронили, либо машину подожгли, благо техники тут хватает. =)

Да, я про пожар, там верт был короче и пикап рядом на текстуре машины взгромождённый, то есть так кк будто его туда скинул читак.

Это пичаль полная, сервер вроде нра, чистый хардкор, но если тут читеры так гуляют, то врядли нам с ним по пути..

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Да, я про пожар, там верт был короче и пикап рядом на текстуре машины взгромождённый, то есть так кк будто его туда скинул читак.

Это пичаль полная, сервер вроде нра, чистый хардкор, но если тут читеры так гуляют, то врядли нам с ним по пути..

Группу себе найди (хотя бы три человека) и нормально будет, а в один нос там гулять - реально очень напряжно. Что же касается читеров, то насколько я понял из увиденного - там особо не разгуляешься, так что на мой вкус оно вполне играбельно и главное: там нет смертоубийственных топ пушек!!!!11 Так в большинстве своем тут решают руки, голова и господин Ли Энфилд. х))) Собственно, вчерашняя встреча с "пулеметчиком Гансом" тому подтверждение.=)

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Nah it's the guys that crashed the chopper into the office building in electro.

These people buy a license to pilot a helicopter, and then break down the helicopters.

What a country?! Everywhere mess ...


Edited by Mr.Miles

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Already thought of throwing cans at the glass. It makes a high pitched sound that slowly fades away and does nothing to the glass.

I sat there all night waiting to die, woke up this morning with a session lost message. Logged back into the server and my stats are reset.

Hopefully someone comes kills me today or I just dies of thirst.

Or vent, can you kill my character at the admin level?


Cans work (I use them constantly to "stealthily" break into hospitals without using a gun). ARMA just seems to only appreciate your attempts to break the glass when you throw the cans at the outer most panes of glass instead of any of the inner panes. One can/bottle will do it. I do it all the time.

I tried to contact you in game yesterday, but you must have just been AFK. I moved your character 20 meters north/20 meters east in hopes that you win the coordinate lottery and it's a favorable location. Let me know what happens.

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Cans work (I use them constantly to "stealthily" break into hospitals without using a gun). ARMA just seems to only appreciate your attempts to break the glass when you throw the cans at the outer most panes of glass instead of any of the inner panes. One can/bottle will do it. I do it all the time.

I tried to contact you in game yesterday, but you must have just been AFK. I moved your character 20 meters north/20 meters east in hopes that you win the coordinate lottery and it's a favorable location. Let me know what happens.

Thank you Vent. I relogged in this morning with the hopes you did that.

I didnt know that about the location of the glass. ALthough you said that you used cans to break into the hospital, have you tried usiing them to try to break out of the hospital? Wondering if thats a different issue.

THe funny thing is that I was stuck in side and shot out all the glass with a shotgun blast. The glass texture changed to broken but I still wasnt able to walk out of the hospital, I was still stuck inside.

ANyways, I appreciate you moving me.

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Ah, that's a shame, I was going to be all hero like and come and blow a big fucking hole in your face!

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Wow. Scumbag of the year. Trying to get hero skin, runs into a guy, he tried to shoot me even tho ive got my weapon down and making it easy for him to get me. Once he runs out of ammo he tried to kill me with an axe. Still i do notting, he runs and i kill the zeds hes now pulled. I follow him round the fire station shouting the whole time im friendly im friendly, for him to break my legs with the axe and kill me... just disappointing...

sorry, i like your alice-pack

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Is it possible to remove some spawns like this one where you spawn in SToby inside of a house.

Isn't fun to start with broken legs and bleeding.

I mean its better to spawn in open terrain as in a house

Edited by Fastj@ck

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Damn, can't I vote for more than one option? I voted for the Chernarus Redux, but there were some great ideas in there.

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Is it possible to remove some spawns like this one where you spawn in SToby inside of a house.

Isn't fun to start with broken legs and bleeding.

I mean its better to spawn in open terrain as in a house

You mean Novy? This is not an intentional spawn setup by Rocket or myself. I'm not sure what causes people to get spawned there. It's happened to me one time way back in vanilla DayZ.

I wish I could reproduce it consistently to find out what causes it.

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Ouch, this server doesn't have stmovment? :/

Isn't it a stand alone mod? should only take a few seconds to include it.

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