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20 words or less: Super-Low Humanity Detection

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I voted YES earlier.

But GET this, we bandits smile or smirk every now and then instead around survivors :D

Evil Grin.

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Some really dont read the thread opening...20 words around only and yes or no...like a kindergarten. =)

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A murderer doesn't have characteristic body language. When you see a soldier, do you know for a fact by looking at him if he has killed another human or not? No. You'd have to ask him yourself to be sure.

Highly unrealistic.

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Nice idea, but will not work on the long term. This will not solve the problem to identify the bandits, because you need to get close to identify them...

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There has to have been some intent/purpose or humanity wouldn't be in the game.

Stick with your own gut instinct and ideas.

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It's subtle, promotes greater gameplay, and unlike the bandit skins it doesn't break immersion.

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That would be fun, although not very useful because you don't get to see strangers with low humanity from close range (or maybe right before you get killed). IRL you can never tell who's bad from looking at them (check the news)

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I'm scouring this thread for the answer, but has it been discussed yet whether we can misjudge someone? Oftentimes gut instincts are 100% wrong.

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Early on in my first lives, i was absolutely convinced, the music background was actually hinting at a threat (zombie/survivor) nearby. It made me go all stealthy and tactical about it just because of the aroused doubts in my mind => Enjoyment!


rocket enphasized that some randomness will be included. Which means we're on the right track imo.

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I like the idea of minor changes in the look of the character but not the heartbeat thing, at least for now. I would prefer Scars, wounds etc. I don't want to be handheld.

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This will not solve the problem to identify the bandits' date=' [b']because you need to get close to identify them...

I think that's good. Currently I try to ID bandits by during surveillance on them.. sneak around and watch how they behave. Then I'll decide if I can trust the player or not.

Sneaking up close and hearing a heartbeat could simulate this 'surveillance' without taking up a lot of time. It shouldn't be EASY to tell who is a bandit and who isn't.

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Whether this is a perfect idea or not, at least it's a step in the right direction.

And I DO think that this 'humanity level' that will be implemented for this new mechanic should definitely carry over from life to life. The whole point of this mechanic is to offer some type of consequences right? What's the point if someone can run around ruining everyone's day for a week and then just die and have their humanity reset? They know they can "switch" and be good at any time (by dying), so this doesn't really make people think before killing as much as it should. Now, if the consequences were permanent, as in carying over from life to life, then people would REALLY have to live with their actions. I think that's the way to go.

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Then it would be just some sort of a detection 'device'.

Now nobody knows (for sure) who is 'bad' and who is 'good'. Much better. More tears.

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Heartbeat sound immediately after player kill. Nervousness and Paranoia symptoms vanish over time. Short term effect yes, long term no.

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Whether this is a perfect idea or not' date=' at least it's a step in the right direction.

And I DO think that this 'humanity level' that will be implemented for this new mechanic should definitely carry over from life to life. The whole point of this mechanic is to offer some type of consequences right? What's the point if someone can run around ruining everyone's day for a week and then just die and have their humanity reset? They know they can "switch" and be good at any time (by dying), so this doesn't really make people think before killing as much as it should. Now, if the consequences were permanent, as in carying over from life to life, then people would REALLY have to live with their actions. I think that's the way to go.


It makes no sense whatsoever to have a humanity counter follow a player around instead of a character. If I lose my gear when I die because I'm playing a different survivor now, why should I have some kind of celestial conscience following me around?

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It adds excitement to the game. With that addition, you can now at least know what kind of player you are dealing with without completely predicting the player's future action.

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Heartbeat sound immediately after player kill. Nervousness and Paranoia symptoms vanish over time. Short term effect yes' date=' long term no.


Interesting... I really like that idea.

Maybe have your humanity influence how long the symptoms last? high humanity = symptoms pass fairly quickly. The lower your humanity is, the longer they stick with you?

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I really don't think it's too much to ask for, mods please delete above twenty word replies!

Follow the rules!

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20 words: We need something that let people trust others again. Random encounters are less exciting now that the default is "kill".

Brevity is the enemy of content. A little elaboration follows:

While this feature seems subtle enough, I would prefer if some sort of mechanic was introduced that would motivate players to cooperate IN SPITE of trust issues.

The tension of these moments should not go away, there should never be a surefire way of identifying intentions in the absence of a dead body etc.

The IV mechanic is a good example of this kind of thing, but I would personally like to see more of this kind of stuff. Maybe some sort of "button needs to be continually pushed for gate to open"-thing or "use player as ladder to get to otherwise inaccessible area".

Lame examples, but you get my drift.

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I think we need some kind of identifying feature or I am just going to keep shooting everyone I see cause they will do the same to me...

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If someone has that low of a humanity, we will never be that close. Also, I like seeing my stats.

Think about the Bar Scene in the walking dead (SPOILER: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1ZOOnovCwU), how did Rick know they were bad?

The answer is, he did not know they were bad. But they knew they were in opposition to his group.

IE: Nither side/group was "bad" in that situation. They were just opposed.

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I think it should be a subtle visual cue

eg. Pale skin, blood stained etc. (Use the hurt models for people seeing as though bleeding is gushing blood)

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I'm loving it

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Let s experiment everything that comes to your mind. That's what alphas and mods are for.

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