Max Planck 7174 Posted June 17, 2012 without any sort of melee' date=' people should spawn with a gun at least[/quote'] Why? Is it written in the Ten Commandments of Gaming?Is the Rocket man commiting idolatry? Your weapon is in being sneaksy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrBloodworth 1 Posted June 17, 2012 We were sneaky before, with a gun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Max Planck 7174 Posted June 17, 2012 We were sneaky before' date=' with a gun.[/quote']Not enough. You have to be like... Hmm... Like Gollum! Yeah, that's right. Exactly like Gollum, in every way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HooDoo (DayZ) 0 Posted June 17, 2012 NO.. Not realistic in the least. 20 words wouldn't cover the weapons I can start with if the world went to crap. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aidas2 1 Posted June 17, 2012 That's it I'm done with the mod, aswell as many people and many of my ingame buddies. This thing turned from a very realistic and enjoyable experience to a full time job experience. If you want to sneak, you have to spend like 30 mins at the bare minimum in each town crawling and waiting for each zombie to walk past you 100 m away and yet you're not even sure if they will spot you. I don't have the time nor the patience to play splinter cell with the zombies and egzamine their patrol zones. Crouching is out of options completely as zombies 200m away will decide they want to eat you while zombies 20m away will just do their own thing. Pre patch was perfect, if you werent carefull you'll get eaten by zombies immidietly. There were no bandits, since the last patch I've been killed only 3 times, Compared to how I was being killed on my every life when bandit system was in. The rest times I died because I was careless or did some retarded things. The only way to loot towns now is just to run in like a retard, collect all the zombies on your ass and leave them in some enterable building or shed and then collect all the loot and get out like a nuke is going to explode behind you, sneaking is completely out the window now. Zombies also seem to have a 5m attack range, cant even hide in buildings from them when you get hit from the other end of the room by them...Also night is completely unplayable, seriously who thought having pitch black night would be good? I wonder if any of the people supporting a pitch black night have ever seen one or been to one besides looking at it through a computer screen or through the window? Human eyes adapt to any lightning conditions, even when theres no light at all, after a while you will get used and start to see rather well.Furthermore surviving with any gear is impossibly now, as soon as people spot you have a pistol in your hand, a gun on your back or a backpakc that's not the starters one, you're gonna get shot. Noone wants to risk anything now and noone hesitates to shoot.And to end it, communication is completely out the window, half the time direct chat doesn't even work, either other players or you can't see their messages. Global chat was the only interesting and fun thing that kept it all enjoyable, as many jokes and lols and many inteligent and not so inteligent discussions passed through it and everyone had a good laugh, now everything is dead and quiet and theres just nothing interesting happening besides the 50 zombies behind you. If it was removed due to bandits finding players based on their descriptions, then it's your own problem for telling everyone where you are going or will be and even when you tell where you are or going, 90% of time noone bothered to come and kill me. Now it's a ghost town.The best compromise would be to present hardcore and softcore server settings. Softcore being pre patch or spawning with pre patch gear and hardcore the way it is now.TL;DR Game takes too long now, communication is out, pvp still at large, night is retarded, add softcore and hardcore modes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scorcho 1 Posted June 17, 2012 The best thing about this patch is that it may drive the deathmatchers away. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aidas2 1 Posted June 17, 2012 It doesn't drive anyone besides new players away. PvP still is at large, players that had gear before patch just walk past through town killing zombies and kill everyone who even have a pistol. Just came back from dying in elektro, passed a group of players like 2 times with a flashlight, they didn't kill me because they knew I had nothing on me. When I found a winchester with no ammo, I got killed by the same bunch instantly, they didn't even ask me to give it up or anything, shot straight in the face. There goes your anti bandit thing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dhal (DayZ) 3 Posted June 17, 2012 That's it I'm done with the mod' date=' aswell as many people and many of my ingame buddies. This thing turned from a very realistic and enjoyable experience to a full time job experience. If you want to sneak, you have to spend like 30 mins at the bare minimum in each town crawling and waiting for each zombie to walk past you 100 m away and yet you're not even sure if they will spot you. I don't have the time nor the patience to play splinter cell with the zombies and egzamine their patrol zones. Crouching is out of options completely as zombies 200m away will decide they want to eat you while zombies 20m away will just do their own thing. Pre patch was perfect, if you werent carefull you'll get eaten by zombies immidietly. There were no bandits, since the last patch I've been killed only 3 times, Compared to how I was being killed on my every life when bandit system was in. The rest times I died because I was careless or did some retarded things. The only way to loot towns now is just to run in like a retard, collect all the zombies on your ass and leave them in some enterable building or shed and then collect all the loot and get out like a nuke is going to explode behind you, sneaking is completely out the window now. Zombies also seem to have a 5m attack range, cant even hide in buildings from them when you get hit from the other end of the room by them...Also night is completely unplayable, seriously who thought having pitch black night would be good? I wonder if any of the people supporting a pitch black night have ever seen one or been to one besides looking at it through a computer screen or through the window? Human eyes adapt to any lightning conditions, even when theres no light at all, after a while you will get used and start to see rather well.Furthermore surviving with any gear is impossibly now, as soon as people spot you have a pistol in your hand, a gun on your back or a backpakc that's not the starters one, you're gonna get shot. Noone wants to risk anything now and noone hesitates to shoot.And to end it, communication is completely out the window, half the time direct chat doesn't even work, either other players or you can't see their messages. Global chat was the only interesting and fun thing that kept it all enjoyable, as many jokes and lols and many inteligent and not so inteligent discussions passed through it and everyone had a good laugh, now everything is dead and quiet and theres just nothing interesting happening besides the 50 zombies behind you. If it was removed due to bandits finding players based on their descriptions, then it's your own problem for telling everyone where you are going or will be and even when you tell where you are or going, 90% of time noone bothered to come and kill me. Now it's a ghost town.The best compromise would be to present hardcore and softcore server settings. Softcore being pre patch or spawning with pre patch gear and hardcore the way it is now.[/quote']TLDR, someone doesn't know how to count to 20. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aidas2 1 Posted June 17, 2012 Game takes too long now, communication is out, pvp still at large, night is retarded, add softcore and hardcore modes.Here's your 20 mister can't count more than 20. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thealgerian 2 Posted June 17, 2012 The best thing about this patch is that it may drive the deathmatchers away.Exactly what I was thinking (and said somewhere else in the forum).I'm aware that the YES passed for now and I'm too late, but I'd like to add my opinion anyway:YES, but, more guns should spawn in right places, like Police stations.Like Rocket said, very few people have guns at home, but there should be plenty in Police stations, Army camps etc. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Carpetbob 0 Posted June 17, 2012 YESBut the answer to the guns thing rocket, in the US there are something like 89 guns per 100 person (in 2007 i think).(Not sure about Russia or wherever Chenarus is located)Still like it though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 19 Posted June 17, 2012 No.This has to be the dumbest fucking idea in the litany of horrendous ideas that this forum has generated.Seems like my analysis is vindicated. Good job there rocket. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Max Planck 7174 Posted June 17, 2012 YESBut the answer to the guns thing rocket' date=' in the US there are something like 89 guns per 100 person (in 2007 i think).(Not sure about Russia or wherever Chenarus is located)Still like it though.[/quote'] We know how Americans feel about firearms, but how does that relate to this game? It does not take place in America, America is irrelevant in this context. Ok? You belong to a small minority of the global population, but your inflated ego extends across the fucking galaxy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RealSourLemonade 1 Posted June 17, 2012 ^ You are a retard. he doesnt even say he lives in the US he just says that in the US this many people have guns and then speculates on the situation in Russia, So that is a great exuse to randomly insult america. good going.NOBecause i am more likely to grab a weapon than pain killers in the case of the zombie apocalypse and as there are no melee weapons then it must be a gun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theelfishgene 3 Posted June 17, 2012 Yes!I'm from the UK and the only weapons in my house are a rather blunt butter knife and my tea strainer.Loving the new build! Things just got serious! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arkaddy 4 Posted June 17, 2012 off topic and by the way...america its a continent, you know...:rolleyes: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Max Planck 7174 Posted June 17, 2012 ^ You are a retard. he doesnt even say he lives in the US he just says that in the US this many people have guns and then speculates on the situation in Russia' date=' So that is a great exuse to randomly insult america. good going.[/quote'] I was not randomly insulting America, I was insulting him and it wasn't random. The 'ego' I was referring to was his own, not the collective ego of America. Funny how people throw a fit when they think you badmouth the USA. Imagine if the russians behaved the same way, they get insulted all day long in topic and by the way...america its a continent' date=' you know...:rolleyes:[/quote'] Two continents, to be precise. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Golgotha 0 Posted June 17, 2012 YES.It's great. Keep it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tced 45 Posted June 17, 2012 NOTo hard for all those new players who bought A2 just for this mod & have never played A2, it goes way over the top. This is better suited for hardcore servers. I've been playing the Arma series sense the beginning & I'm getting frustrated more & more, the fun factor keeps taking a hit.I would beat that if you provide a choice of this on hardcore servers & the previous load-out on regular servers... you would see the difference. Careful not to bite the hands that made you so popular, they are the ones your must appeal to.. not the hardcore few who don't care about anyone but themselves. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StoneColdSteve 52 Posted June 17, 2012 NOgames are supposed to be fun, this isn't. and most people i know own guns, idk where u got that idea. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Max Planck 7174 Posted June 17, 2012 NO.. not the hardcore few who don't care about anyone but themselves. Seriously. Liking the starting equipment changes does not mean people only care about themselves... It's just a preference.About regular/hardcore servers, it's probably not a good idea to split the game in two during the alpha testing period. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Golgotha 0 Posted June 17, 2012 NOTo hard for all those new players who bought A2 just for this mod & have never played A2' date=' it goes way over the top. This is better suited for hardcore servers. I've been playing the Arma series sense the beginning & I'm getting frustrated more & more, the fun factor keeps taking a hit.I would beat that if you provide a choice of this on hardcore servers & the previous load-out on regular servers... you would see the difference. Careful not to bite the hands that made you so popular, they are the ones your must appeal to.. not the hardcore few who don't care about anyone but themselves.[/quote']Why should an entire game function be based around new players? It takes 10 minutes playing Arma's tutorials to get accustomed with the controls/layout. After they become more familiar, now they're stuck with an easier beginning per spawn, how is that beneficial to the overall player base?Bite the hand that feeds? He's not getting fed at the moment. I dislike the idea that rocket has to appeal to anyone other than his own vision. It is funny to claim that hardcore players only care about themselves, yet you believe that your opinion is superior and must be the one that is followed. That's pretty much the definition of only caring for yourself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Max Planck 7174 Posted June 17, 2012 NOgames are supposed to be fun' date=' this isn't. and most people i know own guns, idk where u got that idea.[/quote'] Here we go again... American, you? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Golgotha 0 Posted June 17, 2012 NOgames are supposed to be fun' date=' this isn't. and most people i know own guns, idk where u got that idea.[/quote']Most people I know have homes and vehicles too. They're also stripped from a player for the survival aspect. How is a lack of a starting weapon any different? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
koolaidlips 0 Posted June 17, 2012 NOunless you add melee weapons keep the gun/ammo for now Share this post Link to post Share on other sites