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An-2 Colt (Large Biplane)

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Do you actually realize that An-2 was already in game back in past versions? I suppose Rocket had some reason to remove it... no idea what it can be however

Edited by Blaf

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As was stated earlier, aircraft only have one "health" characteristic, which is "Hull". With that being said, I am still completely FOR this idea.

I <3 flying the AN-2 like a stunt plane (full vertical stalls/drifting...it is a fun aircraft to pilot).

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Do you actually realize that An-2 was already in game back in past versions? I suppose Rocket had some reason to remove it... no idea what it can be however


Huh. Never knew that. When was this?

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Huh. Never knew that. When was this?

Unfortunately i cant find the relevant info atm, but it was in very early versions.

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I dont see any point in this, maybe only for fun...

you cant land where you want you must fly to the airport to land or if you can fly you can lend on field but then you probably wont be ably to Take off again.

it can be used to make from one airport to another and then get killed when landed.

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I dont see any point in this, maybe only for fun...

you cant land where you want you must fly to the airport to land or if you can fly you can lend on field but then you probably wont be ably to Take off again.

it can be used to make from one airport to another and then get killed when landed.

It's actually quite easy to land and take off out of fields. The Colt only needs about 50 to 100 m for landing and takeoff.

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I dont see any point in this, maybe only for fun...

you cant land where you want you must fly to the airport to land or if you can fly you can lend on field but then you probably wont be ably to Take off again.

it can be used to make from one airport to another and then get killed when landed.

This plain is very easy to fly. It can also very easily land virtually anywhere, even the streets of Cherno if the pilot has a little bit skill.

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I think this thread should be stickied.

I dunno about sticky'd. But it'd be nice to get rocket's opinion on the idea.

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This would be so fantastic. Imagine trying to do a raid with 8 guys doing a quick in/out. The most wonderfull kind of chaos. Also, every time you flew you risked showing the randoms in the field where you were going/coming from!

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+1 for the plane

I have read so many different ideas of new vehicles, guns and functions on this board but the AN-2 is the first one which fits in perfectly.

Needs to be part of the game in the future.

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Read in the Armory on ARMA2OA that it was a Russian farming and transport plane, also used in the Vietnam wars by the (Vietnamese?) as ship interceptors.

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Read in the Armory on ARMA2OA that it was a Russian farming and transport plane, also used in the Vietnam wars by the (Vietnamese?) as ship interceptors.

Yup, there are still many of them in service today.

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maybe we can combine it with a crashsite like the heli, but with some other supplies (like medicine and food for the mainloot) and when a weapon then a russian one or something like that ;)

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Since Ander hinted that choppers might return in the possibly very near future, I'd like to know what he or the other devs think of adding the an-2.

Someone pitched that it was in a way early version, which I can't find any record of. Anyway I think it should be added (again?). We've been pushing the whole idea for a while now so a yes/no/maybeinthestandalone kind of answer would be greatly appreciated.

bump in disguise? you decide ;)

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id like to give you a +100. have my beans sir

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We have bicycles, buses, helicopters, vans, jeeps, cars, trucks, quads, motorbikes, boats, and even freaking tractors.

And I've never seen a single one of those :(

Atleast bicycles should be really common, I mean cmon this world is huuuge.

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And I've never seen a single one of those :(

Atleast bicycles should be really common, I mean cmon this world is huuuge.

Bicycles should be more common? I agree.

But give them some sort of disadvantage/nerf for balance. (Stamina?)

Edited by Synergy

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