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Game Server Hosting by SurvivalServers.com *** INSTANT SETUP | CUSTOM CP | FTP | CUSTOM MODS | ANTI-HACK **

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Incorrect. All users have to have the mission file but it automatically downloads when you join any server so it's not anything you have to worry about. All your users will still be able to join your server without doing anything special.

Thank you sir! but if Rmod does get done tonight, I'll just work with that :-)

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Thank you sir! but if Rmod does get done tonight, I'll just work with that :-)

I considered doing that myself and I'm sure I will play around with it but from what I was told by the people who have already done it is that it's really difficult with Rmod to put things where you want them and you spend a lot of time deleting things. When you use the editor it's really easy to add buildings and move them exactly where you want them. With Rmod you will have to delete it from the database every time you make a mistake and with the editor you will not have any mistakes.

One question I have for anyone who know is when we get Rmod do people that connect to our servers need to have the Rmod installed or is this version of Rmod just going to be built in ???

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Just wondering guys @ Survival Servers what time zone are you using when you say "tonight" lol. Whatever timezone these forums are on throws me off. I am US Central (gmt -6) and I'm chomping at the bit to install the rmod on my private hive lol. Thanks :)

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View Ticket #557821 Can you take a quick look at this ticket?, I want to use the latest dayzantihax, but it has executables to run the parses of the log files. Will this ever work on SS?

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Could you please check Ticket: #287675

My server has been having problems for the last 3 hours and no matter what I do it won't load.

I would really appreciate a quick response.


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This is not a place to post your ticket # for help, we cannot and will not skip one customer's ticket so that you ticket's may be answered faster.

All tickets will be answered in the order that they are received.

UPDATE: Please understand that we are not normally this busy, we are just running a little bit behind schedule.

The rMod release had to be heavily modified in order to allow some of our users to stay on bliss 3.4 with the whitelisting feature, and we have to make sure that our user's are able to easily upgrade to 3.5

These bliss updates are not as simple as a Beta update, with a beta update you can just drop the files in the updates seciton. Bliss updates are more complex and takes some time to get everything properly situated.

We are having to modify our DayZTools in order to work with spawning vehicles into rMod, and there are other features we are planning on releasing soon.

Please be patient with us, we will be all caught up and back to usual by the end of tonight! All of these things we are doing are for your benefit!

rMod is being finished right now, release will be within a few hours from now!


Survival Servers

Edited by SurvivalServers

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THey must be doing updates, my Mysql server is down. and no one can login to game

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THey must be doing updates, my Mysql server is down. and no one can login to game

Same here, hopefully we will have some new toys tonight!

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kk, just making sure its not only me. One would think they would update, Not in prime time for a central US server....

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Ours is in the same state. I guess I missed the notice that this was going to happen :huh: . I had 10 different people blowing up admin skype because they didnt know what was happening.

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Ours is in the same state. I guess I missed the notice that this was going to happen :huh: . I had 10 different people blowing up admin skype because they didnt know what was happening.

There was no notice. This server host seemed great when I first heard about them. Of course our experience with them has been a nightmare so far. Their "blazing fast setup" turned into about 30 hours. Support tickets take ages to be answered. This wonderful MySQL issue. Oh! And they gave us someone else's login information to TCAdmin. That incident was fun for everyone.

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Guys - let's be fair - if you've been keeping up with the news they said they are implementing the new updates today, so we were warned. Yes, it sucks to have a server down, but the updates will be great and worth it.

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Survival Servers - Bliss v3.5 is Here - Bliss v3.4 Still Supported - !!!!rMod Release Weekend Sale!!!!

After lots of hard work and continued testing, Bliss v3.5 and rMod are here.

To install (very important to follow these instructions)

1/ Stop your server

2/ Go to TC Admin -> Mod Manager

3/ Install the version you would like to use.

4/ This step is for private hive customers only, not community hive.

Go to TC Admin -> Configuration Files Button -> Bliss\server.cfg -> Configuration Editor -> At the very bottom of the page, Add your phpMyAdmin Username/Pass, **MAKE SURE TO REMOVE THE "dayz" PART OF YOUR phpMyAdmin USER ** For example, if your database name is dayzjohnsmith, just use "johnsmith" in the bliss\server.cfg

5/ Go to TC Admin -> Configuration Files -> bliss.ini -> Config Editor -> Click "Save" This will update your server to allow it connect to the database.

6/ Go to TC Admin -> Commandline Manager -> Select the one that applies to your rMod/map settings

If you are using rMod, please use these client files (extract to Arma2 OA directory next to @DayZ, etc)


1/ Update DayZ Commander launch parameter by clicking on settings at the top right side of DayZCommander.

Find the textbox that says "Additional Launch parameters" and use the parameter with your server's map type. "-mod=@rModChernarus" or "-mod=@rModLingor" depending on which map you are playing and then click done at the bottom/ (Utes/Takistan not supported for rMod yet) - ** MAKE CERTAIN TO CLICK "DONE" **

2/ If you are using a previously installed version of rMod, that's fine! Just make sure your command line in DayZ Commander matches

Your directory should look similar to this:


You can use about 95% of Arma 2 weapons and vehicles and only use the "Class" for spawning in new items and vehicles.

Arma 2: http://www.armatechs...65f/indexA2.php

For tonight, you can spawn in vehicles (PRIVATE servers only) by adding the vehicle to object_classes AND objects, here's an example:

INSERT INTO objects_classes (Classname, Type) VALUES ('HMMWV_Armored', 'Car');

INSERT INTO objects (uid, pos, inventory, health, fuel, damage, otype, oid, instance) VALUES ('SOME RAND NUMBER', '[POSITION HERE]', '[]', '[]', '1', '0', 'HMMWV_Armored', '0', 'INSTANCE ID')

Here's some official information from the rMod thread if you want support inserting objects manually:


I highly recommend waiting until tomorrow.. we'll have the spawns and everything organized.

Information about rMod, Takistan vehicle spawns, Utes vehicle spawns:

These are in the process of being added. They are complete but we have to modify our "Run Task" so that it includes these. We'll be finalizing this tomorrow. We added about 100 rMod vehicles for Chernarus and Lingor

!!!!rMod Release Weekend Sale Details!!!!

Access a $10 coupon on ALL Community / Private hive server orders through Sunday night at 11:59PM.



Edited by SurvivalServers

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Can we get a link to the changes we get from the 3.4 to 3.5 ? I'm not sure any of us know why we need to update to 3.5 ???

Can we save our mission file or do we need the new one ? I have a mission file that I added buildings and bases on so if possible I can just overwrite the new one with the old one unless we specifically need the new one.

Edited by Maxxgold

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I can't get past loading screen

Edited by Painer

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Our entire group is getting the same error. We have actually managed to get past that and are now at "waiting for host". We added -mod=@dayz;@rMod into dayzcommander launch options.

Edited by General Maximus

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