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Major Update Pending: 1.7.0

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Thanks a lot.

And if i m not mistaking VOIP direct voice should work with this beta patch right?

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ooo I hope this means fixing of direct chat and the eventual removal of global chat :)

Perhaps radios as a lootable item once voice comms get working for long distance coms?

"hello, hello, I just found this radio, I need help.... is anyone alive out there? I repeat is anyone alive out there"

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Good stuff. You hooked me with this game Rocket.

Took me away from Tribes:Ascend for a while.

I'll have your babies..

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I won't do anything gay like have your babies, but as I've previously said, I'll definitely wire the money for a beer.

Props, Rocket!

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Whats the talk about a beta patch, is this game going into beta with 1.7 or is it something else?

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Whats the talk about a beta patch' date=' is this game going into beta with 1.7 or is it something else?


The beta patch is released by the guys that made Arma 2. It has a bunch of fixes, one of the big ones being that it fixed Direct Chat. So now you wont have to talk over side chat about everything from locations, to weapons, to whats going on.

It should be good to see it working again.

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And here I thought that I would never get a hard-on from a game ever again.

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Whats the talk about a beta patch' date=' is this game going into beta with 1.7 or is it something else?


The beta patch is released by the guys that made Arma 2. It has a bunch of fixes, one of the big ones being that it fixed Direct Chat. So now you wont have to talk over side chat about everything from locations, to weapons, to whats going on.

It should be good to see it working again.

ok thanks.

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BTW, Rocket, do you have any word on the FPS issues that many of us are having? I really do love the mod, it is a breath of fresh air from the normally stagnant gaming scene, but it is, honestly, kind of hard to play when i'm only getting 6-9 fps, versus my normal 45-60.

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Any chance of some more details on the changes required for server hosts, maybe even post it in the private hosts section or the google group

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Will this include a new chance to change character to female? Cuz my friend wants to play female and he did get changed back on death. Just wondering.

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Any chance of some more details on the changes required for server hosts' date=' maybe even post it in the private hosts section or the google group


The change so simple that it will be explained once it goes live. If you can make an @dayz folder and dump random dayzmod-files in it, you can do this too.

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I dont think the code for "server side" stuff is working.

I am having to wait 15-30 minutes or longer to get past "Loading", along with countless "Retrying to Authenticate" and "Receiving Data" that last well over an hour until I give up, in a full day of trying to play I have connected about 5 times out of about 100 attempts across many different servers over the world.

Hope this is being looked into further as its becoming unplayable.

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I am also as of today having problems where I get stuck at loading.

I downloaded and installed the 1.7 files from this site, am I supposed to be installing some kind of beta patch for arma 2 or something????

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I am also as of today having problems where I get stuck at loading.

I downloaded and installed the 1.7 files from this site' date=' am I supposed to be installing some kind of beta patch for arma 2 or something????


When it's released, yes.



"Servers will require the Beta patch to be installed (and therefore clients will also) prior to the rollout of ArmA2OA patch 1.61."

This reads as if 1.7.0 Dayz patch is to be classed as beta, especially witjh it being headed as "Major Update" unless its a typo and meaning the upcoming ARMA2 beta patch 1.61.

I'm assuming it is but it dosen't read that way.

Can this be clarafied?

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It is talking about the latest ARMA2 beta patch.

But it dosen't read that way.

Major Update Pending: 1.7.0

The update will be named 1.7.0 to avoid confusion with the ArmA2 Patch 1.6)

A major update is pending' date=' that will mainly affect the server side code. This will have a significant impact on player loading times and general stability of player saving. The system hasn't been tested at capacity however our testing has so far indicated loading times are reduced to being almost instant.

Servers will require the Beta patch to be installed (and therefore clients will also) prior to the rollout of ArmA2OA patch 1.61.

Initially, when 1.7.0 is released we will bring several servers online with this to test this new method at capacity levels, prior to rolling out across all Beta servers. Once 1.61 is released all servers will run the new system. [/quote']

Re-read it. Especially the part referencing a "Beta Patch" that must be installed "prior to the rollout of ArmA2OA patch 1.61."

In other words a patch (called "beta patch") for both server and client has to be installed BEFORE the ARMA2 patch 1.61 (which also is a beta patch.)

That is heavily saying the MAJOR update is Beta.(?)

I truely hope it isn't beta in comparrison to what I understand as beta which is usually about balancing, fine tuning out bugs of the near final product where as alpha (generally) is about adding content.

Maybe this is "it" and will see the "bigger picture" of DayZ in ArmA3?

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It is talking about the latest ARMA2 beta patch.

But it dosen't read that way.

Major Update Pending: 1.7.0

The update will be named 1.7.0 to avoid confusion with the ArmA2 Patch 1.6)

A major update is pending' date=' that will mainly affect the server side code. This will have a significant impact on player loading times and general stability of player saving. The system hasn't been tested at capacity however our testing has so far indicated loading times are reduced to being almost instant.

Servers will require the Beta patch to be installed (and therefore clients will also) prior to the rollout of ArmA2OA patch 1.61.

Initially, when 1.7.0 is released we will bring several servers online with this to test this new method at capacity levels, prior to rolling out across all Beta servers. Once 1.61 is released all servers will run the new system. [/quote']

Re-read it. Talking of a Beta Patch that must be installed "prior to the ArmA2 patch."

In other words a patch (called "beta patch") for both server and client has to be installed BEFORE the ARMA2 patch 1.61 (which is a beta patch.)

That is heavily saaying the MAJOR update is Beta.

Arma 2 beta patch.

Arma OA 1.61.

They're two different things. DayZ is still going to be an Alpha. I'm pretty sure they'd make a bit more of a stink about moving into their next phase of development than naming it in passing, here.

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