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About Defhrone

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  1. Defhrone

    Major Update Pending: 1.7.0

    Will this include a new chance to change character to female? Cuz my friend wants to play female and he did get changed back on death. Just wondering.
  2. Defhrone

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    Í'm sure someone mentioned it already, but male characters are turning into males again.
  3. Defhrone

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    I don't mind dying that much, sure it's annoying to lose your stuff, but it's the struggle for supplies that put your into the danger zone, which is the thing that creates this game's atmosphere imho. I'd rather see something done about the long wait times and the respawning in the state just before you died last time (without changing servers) It's annoying to have to wait 5-10 minutes to die again from bleeding out and having to start the wait again. I think, that is the bigger problem right now. People will find to avoid deaths somehow anyway.
  4. Defhrone


    So do I! I think the radio would soon become a tool of importance. It will allow you to talk to people you don't know who you happen to find on a channel and meet up (for better or worse) I also think that adding batteries for it and the flashlight and possibly the NV googles. Power could become a form of currency. Since I assume to powerplant doesn't actually work since the cities don't have any lighting of their own. It would add yet another layer of realism to the game imo and I truely think it would be fun to scavenge for batteries to charge my battery pack and trading power with someone for a bloodpack or some juicy beans. How about you folks?
  5. Defhrone

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    Finally no more bandit skin! I praise this mainly because it registered self defence kills as murders with -humanity which lead to unwanted bandit skins and meta gaming. Praise the Rocket!
  6. Defhrone


    I could imagine a scenario, where a survivor would stumble upon a radio and try asking for help on different random channels. While, somewhere on the map, someone is just searching a town and happens to hear a voice with some static comming from a bin and stumbles upon a radio that happened to be set to the channel the other one was talking over. Would they become friends, would they hunt eachother. I think the idea leaves so many options to explore it'll be actually interresting to see what people come up with. I think this whole mod thing is one big psychological test. What will people do when given the choice. Thnx for the interrest, hopefully a dev will notice this and check out the possibility.
  7. Defhrone


    Haha, and have it attract alot of bandits and mutants, erhm... I mean zeds, but have a private army keeping you safe to fight the good fight :) That would be one hell of a job to pull of, but the thougher the job, the more interresting and prestigeus it is right? Party on brothers!
  8. Defhrone


    Ha!. Well I did love the fallout 3 music. Ladies and gentlemen this is 3-daawg :)
  9. Defhrone


    I dunno if you should be completely cut off without a radio, new players could need help (although a good set of tutorials linked on the site could take care of that) It would however, be completely realistic. I don't really know if there could be 2 types of radio's. Portable that only have a group communication purpose, and placed ones, in public type buildings that give access to global chat. But perhaps switching channels on a radio is the way to go. What would you do if you whre all alone with a working radio, right? Although I think that might be to complicated. It is just something that sprang to mind. Show interrest if you have it :)
  10. Defhrone


    Just an idea, but is it an option to set voicechat to direct chat only by default (since everyone hates people who spam the global chats)? And for have a group communicating over a long distance (group chat) they'd have to find radio's and set channels (make a group channel) for long range communication? And I don't know if it the engine will allow it, but batteries found (with variable amounts of energy still stored) for the flashlights, radio's and other electronical equipement. And being able to charge them at the powerstations or other points on the grid or them just being expendible goods to trade possibly. Just some idea's that sprang to mind when watching a vid with group ops and some random guy ranting over global chat. Lemmy know if you think it has potential. :)
  11. Defhrone

    Knifes & Nades

    I wouldn't mind being able to backstab a zed to safe ammo. But I think that should be the only 1 shot kill a knife can do, and only on zeds. not players (although, you'll need to watch you back more.
  12. You forgot to mention shock. although I don't know if it is currently in the game (I haven't experienced it myself) and hyperventilating (which I've also, just seen in a vid)
  13. Top poster... your idea is horrible. It is not realistic which is what makes this game so great. Do you walk along the street at night and hover your curcor over people to see howmany people they have killed? And even if so, how do you know that the 'kills' are not self defence? Current system is broken, but your suggestion is potentially worse. It will take away from the immersion. The whole point of this game is not getting killed by zombies and who can you really trust. I do happen to have a bandit skin, due to the system not registering propperly who takes the first hit. I have currently globally killed 4 people and I am not proud at all. But in this game, you have to protect your beans or die trying, and believe me.. I have died trying. The fact that people are still not penalised for shooting a bandit just makes the survivors triggerhappy when they see one. Today I hooked up with 2 survivors which didn't shoot on sight and we ended up having to kill someone taking shots from the top of the crane... And guess what? One of them turned bandit because he did the kill. It is soo clearly broken right now it's just not funny anymore. Anyway, the trailer of this mod should tell you that being paranoid when you encounter a player IS part of the game. Having any background info you can just read of your HUD will take that away and is totally unrealistic. Go watch 'the Mist' humans under treat will do inhumain stuff. That doesn't make them inhuman, it makes them survivors.
  14. Defhrone

    IF this was an actual game...

    If this where a stand alone game. I'd easily pay upto 50 euro's for it. I have dremt of a game like this ever since the Fallout series whent FPS. Monthly sub... perhaps if it where an actual MMO and the map be even bigger (world map maybe?) But I preffer not having monthly subs in general unless new features and content are added regularly. Also, don't pull a blizzard and ask for subs and extra money for every 'expantion' I thougth that was what subscriptions where about. Free updates and shit :)
  15. Defhrone

    What Day Z really needs: Bicycles

    Love it! But I'm Dutch, and we ride our bikes almost everywhere. We even have a think called a bike holiday (I wouldn't do it but some people here do) It should make squeeky noises and attract zombles doh. Well, maybe if you find a better quality bike it wouldn't, or you need to remove rust with coke or pepsi or something :) I would make the roads a bit more lively :)