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About mikyjax

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  1. mikyjax

    Been literally humiliated.

    This is so weird... I will never understand those behaviours. I could understand you shoot on sight an unarmed guy to prevent him to kill you later or find your precious loot, you shoot to loot or you even shoot only for sport. But in your story it s more perverse. Give a mature game to a 12 y old boy and see what happen.
  2. mikyjax


    No, I din't feel offended really. It s just that I know some people could and honnestly, youtube doesn't like that. What happens on mumble stays on mumble ;) but when you spread it on youtube, it s a different story. Just be carefull.
  3. mikyjax


    I really don't get the point :/ You kill people unnarmed, with high gear... then when someone fire at you, you re all like "OMG OMG WTF WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?" When the guy from your team is bleeding, you hear in his voice he's pissed. Someone else than him has a gun... And voice talking to someone you backstab... damn... even your friend felt weird... that s weird. Like rocket says, it s an experiment. All of this remains interresting. I know all of this is a game. But I really felt racism and strange actions in this vid... making fun of the accent ect.. relating it to "i hate US i will become a terrorist" No shit, it's weird, you can have problem with less than that on youtube. Be carefull guys... just an advice :/ have fun doing whatever you want ;)
  4. People must sit/lie down/sleep for one minut before disconnecting. You see the timer on the screen telling you when you can leave. You can cancel the disconnecting procedure if needed. If X hit you once, X will receive the message : Y is disconnecting in one min. if Y cancel the procedure X receive the message "Y canceled the procedure". if you alt-f4 you will spawn with all your gear somewhere randomly on the beach When you leave a server you are ban from that same server for 2 minuts wich I think could be enough to prevent server hoping behind people. All of this is only possible if the game can make the difference between Kicked for any reason or alt f4. [EDIT] We can make something else. When you "sit to disconect" you see a black screen, the timer and no sound. Wich would represent the sleep. That would last 1 minut. This is exactly the same than a timer after disconnect except this is possible with the current engine. This could be a temporary solution. Yes it s boring to watch, but you still can alt tab to do something else.
  5. mikyjax

    Learnt a valuable lesson..

    Agreed Orosian. I met a guy some time ago in dayz. I got killed and killed and killed and decided, "next guy I come across I shot first." I crossed him. I couldn't shot. He didn't either. We were staring at each other, both with quite good gear. We talked then by writting a lil. We worked together, added each other on skype and we now play most of the time together. I'm from belgium, he's from canada, he met 2 other guys from Danemark I think and yesterday we were all 4 in a van, we hit stary together and that was my best experience in Dayz. 3 guys I didn't know 2 month ago, and we worked like a crazy team. All based on real trust, not the one you got when playing with RL friends. That was just awesome. I chose not to kill that guy that day, and he saved my ass probably 20 times since. This game is incredible. Don't miss that aspect. It's so much rewarding than just shoot in the back. Yes you can kill someone and pick his gun. But you will have nobody to watch your back.
  6. Thank for your answers. I bump this to have more answers, to find an average.
  7. Hi, I'am curious about this. Each time you launch the game, you stay for a time before leaving. I would like to know the average of a player session duration and if you play more solo or group. When solo : I usually play 1.30 to 2 hours When in group : 2 hours to 5 hours
  8. mikyjax

    DayZ Diary

    Man, you have no idea how I want to try to do one :) I like working with audio, I will try to come with one soon if you don't mind Maybe soon lot of people are gonna do this and it can be funny as hell :)
  9. mikyjax

    DayZ Diary

    Hey, Just bump this because it s nicely done and creative :) You should make this while playing, while you re on break, talk of your life happening, not of your last life. Make it slower and longer. Don't worry about long blank, it will add to immersion. I would love to listen to it like if it was a radio when I play. Thanks for this. :)
  10. mikyjax

    Self Administered Blood Packs

    This is one of the only advantages in teaming up. It s logical team up got some rewards. Hunt.
  11. mikyjax

    Journals/Diaries for writing down Events.

    I don't think it needs to take place in inventory. Just 1 representing yours and others people diaries in the same spot than gps knif ect... We must not be able to remove the diary on a dead body, it s more like "copying" so you always find a diary on dead body. It's not reallistic, but it raises the chance to find at least an interresting and completed one.
  12. Yeah I think the leaderboard is a new awfull thing that can't help the mod in any way :(
  13. Sorry, just made a new thread about this, I should have put it here.. didn't see: -------------------------- The ratio enterable building / stealth difficulty seems (to me) unbalanced. When we come to a small town there is already "a lot" of infected. No prob with that. Problem is you will maybe have 1 enterable structure and MAYBE loot inside and maybe interresting loot. I love to prone between zombie with an m9 silenced to clean my path. (I am lucky to have a silent weapon) --> Prone + m9 sd works flawlessy. But, some structures required to be entered at least in crouch stance or you can broke leg or never be able to enter. If you have a z a lil too close and no more sd ammo... ONE single crouch walking step and you got the 9 others going agro. Kinda frustrating, specially when there is no loot inside. Lot of infected inside buildings preventing any stealth tentatives. I don't know if there are brought there by players or spawning there but it's very annoying. When prone you are almost invisible (no sound + 1 eye bar) why not to be totally invisible (0 eye bar) when proning holding shift. This move is very very slow and could offer a total stealth. The option is available in arma you could make it usefull in dayz. The fact that running and firing a gun is the same amount of bars seems unbalanced. I won't say the actual detection system is ruining the experience since it's not, but I find there a lot of frustrations maybe not necessary. I think it would be great that the gun sound would be a lil more penalizing while the basic move would be more forgiving because too much stealth ruins the stealth, for now it s far more interresting to run like crazy everywhere sit in a building and fire z 1 by 1 wich is boring and not really the point I think. Thanks for this awesome game.
  14. Yeah it s frustrating, specially after a 2 weeks char. Most of your lives will end that way so you should start accepting it :/ It s totally part of the game and the fun. Beeing sniped :) Try to scope more before doing anything and avoid open area as much as possible. There will always still be the chance than someone spawned wrong place wrong time and kill you and that s the more anoying part... But it s the game. Without that.. it would just suck