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Disconnecting to avoid death

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30 seconds isn't a big deal it works for many other games' date=' why not for this one?

But for the timer to work it needs to work even if a person Alt F4's or Pulls out the power to their machine. 20 to 30 seconds then their character drops from the server.


I guess you're right. Seeing as I'd only be aborting in a safe place (for logging off or switching servers), when thinking about the time it takes for you to regain conciousness, it really doesn't seem like a whole lot anymore... Of course, there will be certain circumstances when the abort time needs to not be in effect such as when you lose connection to a server, right? And I also agree with your bit about the ALT F4 and plug-pulling as long as your character doesn't stay in the server for an additional 30 seconds after genuinely aborting... :)

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30 seconds isn't a big deal it works for many other games' date=' why not for this one?

But for the timer to work it needs to work even if a person Alt F4's or Pulls out the power to their machine. 20 to 30 seconds then their character drops from the server.


I guess you're right. Seeing as I'd only be aborting in a safe place (for logging off or switching servers), when thinking about the time it takes for you to regain conciousness, it really doesn't seem like a whole lot anymore... Of course, there will be certain circumstances when the abort time needs to not be in effect such as when you lose connection to a server, right? And I also agree with your bit about the ALT F4 and plug-pulling as long as your character doesn't stay in the server for an additional 30 seconds after genuinely aborting... :)

There are ways to fake a lost connection to a server.....

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I had the jump on one guy a while back. He just looted a Hunting Tower and I had a Revolver with nothing worth mentioning. He had some sort of Primary weapon, Camo Clothing and possibly an ALICE pack.

He definitely saw me, I was close enough to see his head twisted in my direction and he hid behind a tree.

5-6 tree's stood between me and him and luckily they were lined up perfectly. I pinched out into the open and darted back behind the next tree for cover and kept my eye on his tree with the tilt shoulder buttons and by darting in and out of cover whilst running.

I got there to find nothing. He couldn't have escaped because I had the angles covered to witness him running or taking aim. All that adrenaline wasted.

Nobody even fired a shot. Some people eh.

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There were a suggestion few pages back : if you're bleeding and you log out, you will die. This IS the best solution IMO.

Why to log out and die certainly when you have the chance to fight back and survive in the game ( and get a cool experience)?

If you don't notice it first time that you're bleeding and log out, you'll probably check it the other times. Problem solved.

And it's logical to - if you don't stop the blood, you will eventually run out of blood and die. Dc just fastens that process :)

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This wont stop DC from zombies or at any sign of danger.

Also it will be nice if zombies don't despawn on dc.

But only when if there will be added logout timer.

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Just bind the character to the server and when somebody joins ( either by rejoining after disco or connecting to continue playing ) let them have a cooldown time for a couple of seconds so just in case they disconnect after beeing shot they will eventually be shot if they were stupid enough to come back the minute later because they can't move yet. Doing it the other way ( delay when disconnecting ) wouldn't work because it's in the game/engine, you name it.

There should be small numbers of zombies that are not bound to a player but to a town so if they aggro and a player disconnects they would still be there and chew him up if the area was left dangerous when disconnecting, in return you can reduce the overall zombie count per player. Ppl can of course avoid death by leaving the game in a zombie free zone.

You hit two actually three birds with one stone. No more whining about escaping death but also take players abilities to run away from a fight, connect to another server, switch locations, connect back and shoot from another location and farming for loot. If they bleed and quit let them bleed to death.

Almost the same shit happened when i played Sahrani Life, but they got a system working eventually to counter bad behaviour.

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Last week I had a D/C experience that fortunately ended badly for him :)

My brother suddenly saw three guys out in the open. We wouldn´t have killed them if they hadn´t posed this threat: Unlucky for them they started coming straight towards my brother. They hadn´t seen him because of his ghillie.I was proning 50m deep in the forest and he was at the treeline. They just about stood on top of him when we opened fire. We were afraid they would kill us because they outnumbered us.

We caught them by surprise and my brother killed two and one D/C´d. When my brother went to loot the bodies the D/C bastard came back. He had waited couple a minutes so that we could be caugh looting. He spawned 5 metres from my brother who was prone.

Exploiter literally didn´t see it coming. Bro just put couple a rounds into his chest because the D/C guy didn´t see him in his ghillie suit :D If it wasn´t for the ghillie, brother would have died to this exploiter.

Justice was served that day for that douche exploiter.

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I will be happy to see this happen. Seems like this is getting to be more and more frequent. If I don't bumrush someone they will DC to save from dying after I knock them down. Tonight ran into a duo of snipers in Berenzino that would shoot, then forcelog to lose zombie aggro, then reconnect to shoot some more. They would pop in and out everytime we tried to fight back and I even bumrush the dang bush they were popping in and out of and tried to grenade it to remove their cover.

Looking forward to either you being killed when you DC while injured or that your character leaves a 'zombie' out for a longer period of time.

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Someone was running past me with two zombies after him. Didn't think about it too much as I heard no gunshots, so I assumed he had taken his friends elsewhere (I was naive as all hell, I know)

But hey, all of a sudden he was in front of me, with no zombies. I was starteled for a second and didn't even manage to pull the trigger untill I took 1 solid bullet to the head and died.

Now, the annoying part is that as he was draging my body away, my friend popped out of the bushes and landed 10 shots in him (2 in the head)

But poof, he was gone once again, and for some reason he took my corpse with him, which I assume is a bug related to disconnecting while draging a body.

Always a nice way to lose your progress, but lesson well learned.

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This is becoming REALLY rampant after being constantly discussed on the forum. Funnily enough I don't experience this when PvPing but when I'm scoping out a town. I will witness a player run into the town with a train behind him, run into a building, disconnect then shortly reconnect. I go out of my way to headshot these people.

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Imo dc is an exploit and we are better off without it. Dc should cause your char to persist for about 20 sec, long enough to die if under attack by a survivor and bleeding should continue after dc so that u cant avoid zombies.

But friendliness is currently discouraged in dayz, you fear every one and this encourages dc.

I think that if the humanity value was persistant even after death and could be shown only on Regular servers as a differently coloured nametag, this would give friendlies a chance to avoid bandits legitimately and for people to play vet/expert servers if they dont like it.

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Hi, is this being implemented ASAP?

I'ts getting very boring all these people that seem to do this nowdays..

can you ban people for doing it over and over again?

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To be honest? We need to take a cue from' date=' of all places, an MMO.

Dark Age of Camelot specifically. Type /quit (or whatever) to have your player start disconnecting. You're not immobile, but if you so much as move your timer is cancelled. Did you recently engage someone or get caught by zombies? (the distress thingy we have now) then it's 60 seconds for you.

This kinda can't be an Abort option I wouldn't think, as Abort would seem kinda hard grained. Maybe the server can handle the timer and then kick players after 30 seconds of making the /quit command?


I totally agree with this. Was a great system in DAOC.

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Had this happen twice yesterday. First time at the barracks at NWAF and the second time I was running from NWAF towards Stary Sobor and saw 2 guys running at me, one in a ghillie suit the other not to sure if he was too or civilian clothing. Anyways they both hit the ground going prone same time as I do, I take out ghillie suit man, knowing there were 2 of them I'm waiting for movement or to see the other one get up. Nothing for awhile so I slowly approach and sure enough he had logged probably as soon as his friend died or they started taking fire.

I play a lone bandit in the game and hell even I wouldn't mind a log off timer that would prevent you from just instant log off and if you alt+F4 the timer should still count down before you "poof" out. Everyone does it to "save their lootz" I mean I have lots of good loot and if I die oh well, I've died LOTS of times already and that IS PART OF THE GAME.

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There should be something where when your character has been wounded. Either by bite, gunshot, or fall and or if he/she is already bleeding; that aborting causes your character to stay in the server for a minute longer then normal. Giving the attacker the chance to kill you, either it be a bandit, zombie, or the floor (hence you bleeding out). I believe that could be implemented because having the minute wait timer even if you are logging off to go to bed you could have the lucky person that walks past you while you are disconnecting and kills and loots you, or just steal whatever is in your backpack.

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A timer would not solve the problem' date=' you open the task manager and close the game. You could lose 5 minutes of your progress but it's better then getting a bullet in your head, isn't it?


How will your task manager save you if you char is staying in the game for 10 seconds anyway ?

Hi' date=' is this being implemented ASAP?


Who the hell cares? We just add bear traps and other nonsence shit rather then fix a game! :heart:

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Don't bother Roboserg, some people will just keep putting stupid statements these forums before they let their brain process it.

The problem with DayZ and gaming in general is the people of today, Hardly anyone stops and considers what they are talking / typing about before they talk / type.

Here's a Thought for all you people with fast typing skills and no thought process.


Maybe if everyone did that we wouldn't have 90 pages of pure Horse droppings and only a handful of intelligent posts.

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Logout timer like in mmos can shut you up... or we just have to recognize, that some people are idiots and do not behave like them.

Or ban them, or hopefully, think about that when interacting with other people as in child raising and stuff... but I guess this is too logical for current age/generation of completely shameless and selfunaware people....

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Logging in and out of the game should be the most dangerous activities a character can do, and should be when you are at your most vulnerable.

"But what happens if I randomly disconnect through no fault of my own?"

You're S.O.L. then, just like every other game in creation. Ask people playing Hardcore Diablo3 what happens when they DC.

As I understand it, the problem is technical, because the Arma engine wasn't designed to maintain a character's presence once they logged out. Hopefully the developers will find a workaround to this issue so that disconnecting will not be able to alt-f4 their way out of a bad situation.

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actually for a long time alt+f4 wasnt working in arma2. they had to patch that in, which means they can remove that functionality as well.

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I'll stop DC-ing to avoid zeds when you make them stop clipping through walls of houses, barns, sheds, etc.... To be fair, how can you say DC-ing to avoid swarming zombies warping through buildings to attack you is cheating? I can see a reason if someone logged just to escape another player/player death but c'mon, the zeds are pretty broken right now.MAKE IT SO WE DONT HAVE TO DC BECAUSE WE HAVE NO OTHER OPTION.

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Idea : make that dc'd players cant use any medical stuff for 5m after leaving... it would stopp server-hop-eat-rejoiner too.. :)

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