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DayZ Standalone Confirmed

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I know what you’re thinking: "Will DayZ be released before the apocalypse on December 21st?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I kinda can't tell. But it only make sense that it would be released on that very day, the greatest apocalyptic survival game in the world, so you have got to ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well do ya, punk?

Is it me or you used black as your font color?

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I know what you’re thinking: "Will DayZ be released before the apocalypse on December 21st?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I kinda can't tell. But it only make sense that it would be released on that very day, the greatest apocalyptic survival game in the world, so you have got to ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well do ya, punk?

You're a genius!

Confirmed: Dayz SA will be released on the 21st.

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Nowadays both "alpha" and "beta" are marketing terms used to describe a "demo"

ok I had to go back and dig through my marketing books, hit up the internet afterwards, and then call my brother in law who is a director of marketing. While beta could be considered a marketing term because it is generally the first phase where products are typically made available for consumer use, Alpha is still not a term used in marketing except by a few companies who want to advertise an alpha release. Even then it's not alpha, but beta with an alpha tag.

I had to look simply because I am a finance and management student finishing up my senior year and both alpha and beta are terms used in finance. I had to make sure the marketing people weren't changing definitions on us like economist did with the word equity.

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I just don't understand everyone getting their panties in a bunch because he said he would make an announcement asap on Wednesday but still hasn't yet. Incase anyone has forgotten ASAP is an acronym for "as soon as possible". Not a synonym for the word immediately. If he hasn't made one yet then it hasn't been possible, whether that is because he went home for the first time in almost a year or because he is still waiting on information himself so he doesn't have to make an uninformed announcement. So sit back, stop salivating over an announcement, stop badgering him and do something with yourself.

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This is going to be AMAZING! I'm extremely excited and will be purchasing this on day one, no matter the cost.

Thanks to Rocket, the development team, and the forumZ team for making this mod, the standalone, and this wonderful community possible! Way to go guys!

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This is going to be AMAZING! I'm extremely excited and will be purchasing this on day one, no matter the cost.

Thanks to Rocket, the development team, and the forumZ team for making this mod, the standalone, and this wonderful community possible! Way to go guys!

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I just don't understand everyone getting their panties in a bunch because he said he would make an announcement asap on Wednesday but still hasn't yet. Incase anyone has forgotten ASAP is an acronym for "as soon as possible". Not a synonym for the word immediately. If he hasn't made one yet then it hasn't been possible, whether that is because he went home for the first time in almost a year or because he is still waiting on information himself so he doesn't have to make an uninformed announcement. So sit back, stop salivating over an announcement, stop badgering him and do something with yourself.

Thanks coach.

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am i the only one starting to think this is a piss take and wont be out this month there just giving us false hope that it will be done for december just too keep us intreasted if they are going to realise it give us a date even if that date falls through for some reason im just getting sick of it will be out in november sometime then its december next it will be after the new year watch i bet this is the next thing that we are told

I've got my pitchfork and torch all ready to go, just give me the word.

Edited by Menny
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everyone the standalone wont be out till febuary or march so dont get your hopes up for this month or next as all there doing is keeping you intreasted in the product so i will come back at the end of january and say told you so llf

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this thread is so being F5ed

normally you read one page then click on next page and read the next page and so forth

Here, the first thing you have to do is click on next page

then read the current page (take your time)

and if you are lucky the next page starts to load right on!

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The lack of information of any sort is just going to pi55 people off.

Something, anything, a NEW picture of a building or zombie from devs, a one line email about how its going.

ANYTHING !!!! raaargh!!!

rage over, im alright with waiting really :)

Oh, and the forums are painfully slow, STOP with the F5 already lolz!!

Edited by magicoi

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News by the end of the week FAIL!!!

and its not the end of the week so you fail...

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How bout you all just relax and let these MEN do their job and give you a great product at a great cost. Play the MOD and kill a zombie or two. Remember, they have lives and family and friends and pets.


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What do you call a grenade thrown by Rocket?

A rocket propelled grenade! get it!? its not really funny, i know.

as for the end of the week, where i am at, i still have 35 hours for the week to end. and its meh. keep your pants on people.

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What do you call a grenade thrown by Rocket?

A rocket propelled grenade! get it!? its not really funny, i know.

as for the end of the week, where i am at, i still have 35 hours for the week to end. and its meh. keep your pants on people.

i loled

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