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About hyamzy

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  1. hyamzy

    Have you ever been held up?

    Me and a friend scared someone into a barn where he sat camping the doors for about a minute, I tried to get him to drop his guns and walk outside by bluffing we'd throw a grenade in. He didn't even reply so I just swapped to my M4 and shot him in the face. If they don't comply they die!
  2. I'm fairly certain that the performance is akin to whatever map/mod you're playing. I believe Wasteland runs better than DayZ mod for some reason. And in Chernarus I get good performance at 1920x1080 on a mix of high settings whereas on DayZ Taviana I have to play on medium to low to get a framerate above 20 in certain areas. This is a surprise because I have a Radeon 7870 graphics card which is more than capable of running more or less any modern game at their close to highest settings. DayZ Taviana is the only game on my PC which runs like shit :(
  3. Someone ran over to my group last night shouting friendly in direct and then switching to side channel for everyone to hear. He then started screaming in Mexican, fortunately the server I was on has kill messages and I could see he was a bandit and had killed 5 people previous to his death so I started to shoot him with my M9 SD as not to attract attention but I couldn't take him down and I saw him run to a dead body to pick up their gun. Luckily my friend shot him before he got too it or we may of taken a casualty! Protip: Study what people say/do prior to meeting them so you can get an idea whether they're friendly or not!
  4. hyamzy

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Rocket will post a Tumblr blog post later. "Dean Hall ‏@rocket2guns I'm working on a tumblr update explaining why standalone isnt out, why thats a "good" thing, and what the plan actually is now"
  5. hyamzy

    this is gonna sound weird...

    I believe you can never really tell. I had a guy come up to me multiple times in Cherno asking if he could team up with someone and eventually after a zombie one-hit knocked me out I asked him if he could go find me some blood bags. At this point he started talking on voice chat and the guy truly sounded like a new player just looking for someone to play with. I couldn't sense any wrong-doing in his voice and he sounded like a genuine nice guy. After he healed me up I decided to let him team up with my group who picked us up just a little later. We then took him back to our camp, which admittedly was stupid but we trusted him. After giving him a sniper and some other gear we then set off to the NW airfield where we heard somebody dropping grenades on zombies and decided to go on a little hunt, however we lost sight of the players (like they knew we were there). We then decided to retreat in our cars and in suspicion of being followed we parked and assembled our group inside a large warehouse. After sitting there for a bout two minutes we were right about being followed and fire was opened on our position. One of our group members was shot but another managed to spot one of the enemies and take him out, which caused his friend to retreat. THe new guy told us where that guy was heading but instead of following we decided to escape. Sure enough we got away but just as we decided to log off, the same two guys from earlier appeared and killed us out of nowhere. Ofc my initial suspicion was that they were teleporting/map hacking but it turned out the guy who i grouped up with and played with for about 4 hours was with the enemy group and was feeding them our location the whole time! I was pissed off and now I rarely trust players, but I have a fairly large group so I still have a lot of team play. TL;DR: Played with a seemingly friendly player for 4 hours to find he was part of a bandit group and revealed our position to his friends.
  6. hyamzy

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    You're a genius! Confirmed: Dayz SA will be released on the 21st.
  7. hyamzy

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I come into work everyday and stalk these forums looking for news, yet nothing! SA information is my oxygen and I'm suffocating ahwehaeawdnasjdasdkadaj
  8. hyamzy

    Share your noob stories

    Haha the best part is that you were looking for a single jerry can, wouldn't of gotten you very far in that heli!
  9. hyamzy

    Mt Dew can

    I stole a Mountain Dew from a bandit I killed and I'm pretty sure it was cursed! Because whilst it was in my inventory the helicopter my group was in was hijacked by a traitor with me as the only passenger and it was purposely crashed into the ground killing me and leaving the Mountain Dew to a passing survivor. That survivor was never heard of again... Some say he lives in a cave and has become immortal and refers to the Mountain Dew as "his delicious".