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What should our next competition be?

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Who can accumulate as many tin cans in one of the open squares in cherno before being shot XD

I like the idea of a fan based trailer tbh, only problem is ye cant get any cinematic shots :(

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While art & screenshot & meme's and Vids are all great forum competitions, for a game in alpha it doesn't contribute much to the game. It's fun for the forum, true, but there is no lasting honor for a winner... so I propose the following competition:

An Item, Weapon, Skin, Asset competition. While this may take some preperation from the mod(s) running the competition (pointing out requirements for ingame item files and possibly point towards software that can aid in constructing them), the results could be that this game get's instantly enriched with a TON of stuff, and there may be a TON of winners that get their item implemented in the game. HOW COOL IS THAT !

The competition could still run as a forum competition, the better the 'thing' created, or funny or w/e, could win the forum competition. While all good & viable assets have a chance to get implemented in the game. This way it becomes both a forum competition as well as a bit of a community project, with out the whole hassle that tends to come from a community project. Aka, the competition is to make some asset for the game, which could be anything, and make it so that it can be implemented (thus the need for some guidance from the mods), the winners just 'win' the forum competition, and all assets are for Rocket to use as he sees fit (or not).

And don't be mistaken, there are likely a lot of players who'd be into entering a competition like that, and if the competition is set up right you can have all sorts of entry levels, f/e:

- flat textures (.png?) for: Notes, Scribbles, checklists, Pictures of wife&kids, posters on buildings, art in buildings, instructions, map fragments etc. and so on. all these items could be added into the game to enrich the story of the world. What was it like b4 the infection, how did people live, did people survive for a while, etc and so on

(for mods: do these textures need to be of a certain resolution, size, do they need an icon (reqs for those), or a .txt file to be viewed?)

- Simple items (.???) for: Canned Pineapple (or w/e canned), cookies, candybars, candy, beer, winebottles (empty/full), fruit. But also think of: nibbled on feet, chunk of arm. Perhaps dried ham. Basically anything 'smallish' that needs: A simple 3D model, a texture, an icon, Bit of txt. If they are useable a discription of their use, and they may need an after use item. If used in 'crafting' it may be an assembly of items used together (with or without the 'code' to make them operable). Perhaps a simple spawnpoint for a particular item, like a pile of rubble... Lighters, zippo's, kitchen knives, forks, spoons.

(for mods: do these need to be of a certain resolution, size, reqs for those icons, and the .txt file)

- More elaborate Items, Weapons, assets: Basically anything bigger than kneeheight, these can be items, weapons & ammo, or simply assets (boxes, streetlights, etc be creative!). They would all have a model & texture, and may need other stuff as well. Perhaps Truck parts to assemble a truck. Or they could be animal models (bears, wolfs, brown chickens, squirrels, rabbits, etc and so on). Or even closed off buildings. Weapons like: lead pipes, branch, driftwood, guns, tasers, you name it...

(for mods: again some guidance on requirements would be needed ;) )

- Full blown Assets: These are basically enterable structures, buildings, containers, perhaps openable sheds, dumpsters. Some may still be simple, but the requirement for this catagory is basically that a player needs to be able to enter or open it (chests, locker, cabinet, closet). Obviously needs a model and texture + activation triggers (and thus a different state model?). This is basically the 'expert' catagory, or for those driven enough to figure stuff out.

(for mods: more guidance needed to point people in the right direction and clear requirements)

How to run this competition

Obviously the time requirement for each of these catagories is different, so i would make this a phazed competition:

1. Make 1 thread announcing the whole competition, with links to the 4 threads for each catagorie. Make sure you include that all rights to the thing created are transferred to Rocket.

2. Make 4 threads for each catagory, give clear discriptions of the requirements for the particular catagory and a clear deadline:

- catagory A: within a month

- catagory B: within 2 months

- catagory C: within 3 months

- catagory D: within 4 months.

3. Then run the catagory A competition every month for 4 months, announcing a winner every month. Run catagory B two times. Catagory C & D will run once. Obviously people making a catagory C or D asset, may well find a certain A or B item usefull to implement in their asset, think artwork on walls, posters, etc?

4. Have multiple winners on the forum for 4 months, have a tons of stuff to be added to the game. We all win and have a good time! Big plus, besides the forum glory, loads more people will be honored with their item implemented in the game. The game is greatly enriched with items & assets in just 4 months, exceeding what Rocket would ever be able to accomplish in those 4 months, and Rocket can just keep fixing bugs during those 4 months, at the end he will have a ton of stuff to implement and it will feel like christmas to him, and to us all as the game gets a HUGE boost in things to find, places to go. You name it!

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I agree with LOG!N on this one. In the sense that every one who contributes should get something. My idea will bring a bit more story to the game and help bring ideas like LOG!N's idea.

A forum locked down that only certain people can moderate around a journal from a survivor from the game. Made up by the forum posters! First contest could be about the character that we will base our "journal entries" on. Is it a he or she in a group or alone? Is this person sane at first and slowly the "journal entries" we make show him/her eventually going crazy or infected. Possible events for in game can be created from this or locations found.

Not only does this idea bring more story to the game but is a mechanism to introduce new possible content. Winning journal entries can get different items in game or maybe even an completed hard cover copy of the journal in real life (just a wild idea who knows).

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Making a DayZ movie/game trailer with in-game footage

Super agreed.

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Scavenger hunts would be cool. They'd have to be near land marks though.

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The next competition should be who can get the biggest horde and take a screen shot for it that would be funny as hell

I'm liking the idea.

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For the love of god no memes, I honestly don't want to see the same copy-pasted unoriginal memes that pop up all over the internet. I'd much rather see something that takes an actual amount of imagination or skill to accomplish, like a Fan Trailer.

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Screenshot Competition "Dayz Meme" addition:

1) Wear aviators

2) Stand on a steap hill

3) Lean towards the hill, as if you need to in order to not fall

4) Take screenshot

TIP: The more people doing this in one screenshot, the better!

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While art & screenshot & meme's and Vids are all great forum competitions, for a game in alpha it doesn't contribute much to the game. It's fun for the forum, true, but there is no lasting honor for a winner... so I propose the following competition:

An Item, Weapon, Skin, Asset competition. While this may take some preperation from the mod(s) running the competition (pointing out requirements for ingame item files and possibly point towards software that can aid in constructing them), the results could be that this game get's instantly enriched with a TON of stuff, and there may be a TON of winners that get their item implemented in the game. HOW COOL IS THAT !

The competition could still run as a forum competition, the better the 'thing' created, or funny or w/e, could win the forum competition. While all good & viable assets have a chance to get implemented in the game. This way it becomes both a forum competition as well as a bit of a community project, with out the whole hassle that tends to come from a community project. Aka, the competition is to make some asset for the game, which could be anything, and make it so that it can be implemented (thus the need for some guidance from the mods), the winners just 'win' the forum competition, and all assets are for Rocket to use as he sees fit (or not).

And don't be mistaken, there are likely a lot of players who'd be into entering a competition like that, and if the competition is set up right you can have all sorts of entry levels, f/e:

- flat textures (.png?) for: Notes, Scribbles, checklists, Pictures of wife&kids, posters on buildings, art in buildings, instructions, map fragments etc. and so on. all these items could be added into the game to enrich the story of the world. What was it like b4 the infection, how did people live, did people survive for a while, etc and so on

(for mods: do these textures need to be of a certain resolution, size, do they need an icon (reqs for those), or a .txt file to be viewed?)

- Simple items (.???) for: Canned Pineapple (or w/e canned), cookies, candybars, candy, beer, winebottles (empty/full), fruit. But also think of: nibbled on feet, chunk of arm. Perhaps dried ham. Basically anything 'smallish' that needs: A simple 3D model, a texture, an icon, Bit of txt. If they are useable a discription of their use, and they may need an after use item. If used in 'crafting' it may be an assembly of items used together (with or without the 'code' to make them operable). Perhaps a simple spawnpoint for a particular item, like a pile of rubble... Lighters, zippo's, kitchen knives, forks, spoons.

(for mods: do these need to be of a certain resolution, size, reqs for those icons, and the .txt file)

- More elaborate Items, Weapons, assets: Basically anything bigger than kneeheight, these can be items, weapons & ammo, or simply assets (boxes, streetlights, etc be creative!). They would all have a model & texture, and may need other stuff as well. Perhaps Truck parts to assemble a truck. Or they could be animal models (bears, wolfs, brown chickens, squirrels, rabbits, etc and so on). Or even closed off buildings. Weapons like: lead pipes, branch, driftwood, guns, tasers, you name it...

(for mods: again some guidance on requirements would be needed ;) )

- Full blown Assets: These are basically enterable structures, buildings, containers, perhaps openable sheds, dumpsters. Some may still be simple, but the requirement for this catagory is basically that a player needs to be able to enter or open it (chests, locker, cabinet, closet). Obviously needs a model and texture + activation triggers (and thus a different state model?). This is basically the 'expert' catagory, or for those driven enough to figure stuff out.

(for mods: more guidance needed to point people in the right direction and clear requirements)

How to run this competition

Obviously the time requirement for each of these catagories is different, so i would make this a phazed competition:

1. Make 1 thread announcing the whole competition, with links to the 4 threads for each catagorie. Make sure you include that all rights to the thing created are transferred to Rocket.

2. Make 4 threads for each catagory, give clear discriptions of the requirements for the particular catagory and a clear deadline:

- catagory A: within a month

- catagory B: within 2 months

- catagory C: within 3 months

- catagory D: within 4 months.

3. Then run the catagory A competition every month for 4 months, announcing a winner every month. Run catagory B two times. Catagory C & D will run once. Obviously people making a catagory C or D asset, may well find a certain A or B item usefull to implement in their asset, think artwork on walls, posters, etc?

4. Have multiple winners on the forum for 4 months, have a tons of stuff to be added to the game. We all win and have a good time! Big plus, besides the forum glory, loads more people will be honored with their item implemented in the game. The game is greatly enriched with items & assets in just 4 months, exceeding what Rocket would ever be able to accomplish in those 4 months, and Rocket can just keep fixing bugs during those 4 months, at the end he will have a ton of stuff to implement and it will feel like christmas to him, and to us all as the game gets a HUGE boost in things to find, places to go. You name it!

I love it!

Edited by Tox2401

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Hi all,

currently we have the screen shot competition running for a prize, we have got to start thinking about the next one. What would you like to compete against your peers at?

How about a competition to see who can survive the longest, only to be killed by a server wide nuke, or a competition to see who can get teleported above the NWA to fall to their death from the greatest height?

Or how about a best accidentally pressed the respawn button not the options button story competition? Or my personal favorite, a who can be in a boat when a server side desync happens and end up in the water and lose all their gear race? XD

srsly tho, an in game video competition, along the same line as the halo fails of the week series, with a devs choice and a players choice prize. Or, a fanfic competition, again with winners for devs choice and players choice.

Edited by datguy

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While art & screenshot & meme's and Vids are all great forum competitions, for a game in alpha it doesn't contribute much to the game. It's fun for the forum, true, but there is no lasting honor for a winner... so I propose the following competition:

An Item, Weapon, Skin, Asset competition. While this may take some preperation from the mod(s) running the competition (pointing out requirements for ingame item files and possibly point towards software that can aid in constructing them), the results could be that this game get's instantly enriched with a TON of stuff, and there may be a TON of winners that get their item implemented in the game. HOW COOL IS THAT !

The competition could still run as a forum competition, the better the 'thing' created, or funny or w/e, could win the forum competition. While all good & viable assets have a chance to get implemented in the game. This way it becomes both a forum competition as well as a bit of a community project, with out the whole hassle that tends to come from a community project. Aka, the competition is to make some asset for the game, which could be anything, and make it so that it can be implemented (thus the need for some guidance from the mods), the winners just 'win' the forum competition, and all assets are for Rocket to use as he sees fit (or not).

And don't be mistaken, there are likely a lot of players who'd be into entering a competition like that, and if the competition is set up right you can have all sorts of entry levels, f/e:

- flat textures (.png?) for: Notes, Scribbles, checklists, Pictures of wife&kids, posters on buildings, art in buildings, instructions, map fragments etc. and so on. all these items could be added into the game to enrich the story of the world. What was it like b4 the infection, how did people live, did people survive for a while, etc and so on

(for mods: do these textures need to be of a certain resolution, size, do they need an icon (reqs for those), or a .txt file to be viewed?)

- Simple items (.???) for: Canned Pineapple (or w/e canned), cookies, candybars, candy, beer, winebottles (empty/full), fruit. But also think of: nibbled on feet, chunk of arm. Perhaps dried ham. Basically anything 'smallish' that needs: A simple 3D model, a texture, an icon, Bit of txt. If they are useable a discription of their use, and they may need an after use item. If used in 'crafting' it may be an assembly of items used together (with or without the 'code' to make them operable). Perhaps a simple spawnpoint for a particular item, like a pile of rubble... Lighters, zippo's, kitchen knives, forks, spoons.

(for mods: do these need to be of a certain resolution, size, reqs for those icons, and the .txt file)

- More elaborate Items, Weapons, assets: Basically anything bigger than kneeheight, these can be items, weapons & ammo, or simply assets (boxes, streetlights, etc be creative!). They would all have a model & texture, and may need other stuff as well. Perhaps Truck parts to assemble a truck. Or they could be animal models (bears, wolfs, brown chickens, squirrels, rabbits, etc and so on). Or even closed off buildings. Weapons like: lead pipes, branch, driftwood, guns, tasers, you name it...

(for mods: again some guidance on requirements would be needed ;) )

- Full blown Assets: These are basically enterable structures, buildings, containers, perhaps openable sheds, dumpsters. Some may still be simple, but the requirement for this catagory is basically that a player needs to be able to enter or open it (chests, locker, cabinet, closet). Obviously needs a model and texture + activation triggers (and thus a different state model?). This is basically the 'expert' catagory, or for those driven enough to figure stuff out.

(for mods: more guidance needed to point people in the right direction and clear requirements)

How to run this competition

Obviously the time requirement for each of these catagories is different, so i would make this a phazed competition:

1. Make 1 thread announcing the whole competition, with links to the 4 threads for each catagorie. Make sure you include that all rights to the thing created are transferred to Rocket.

2. Make 4 threads for each catagory, give clear discriptions of the requirements for the particular catagory and a clear deadline:

- catagory A: within a month

- catagory B: within 2 months

- catagory C: within 3 months

- catagory D: within 4 months.

3. Then run the catagory A competition every month for 4 months, announcing a winner every month. Run catagory B two times. Catagory C & D will run once. Obviously people making a catagory C or D asset, may well find a certain A or B item usefull to implement in their asset, think artwork on walls, posters, etc?

4. Have multiple winners on the forum for 4 months, have a tons of stuff to be added to the game. We all win and have a good time! Big plus, besides the forum glory, loads more people will be honored with their item implemented in the game. The game is greatly enriched with items & assets in just 4 months, exceeding what Rocket would ever be able to accomplish in those 4 months, and Rocket can just keep fixing bugs during those 4 months, at the end he will have a ton of stuff to implement and it will feel like christmas to him, and to us all as the game gets a HUGE boost in things to find, places to go. You name it!

Log!n has the best idea.

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Id like to see an origins story comp.

Write a DayZ prequel.

Explain how Day Z Happened right up to where we wind up on the coast

with all those questions on how and why answered.

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best journal pages of your first life in dayz

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In-Game, biggest horde competition, people attract as much as possible zombies and send several screenshots to prove it :3

Edited by shiding

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Making a DayZ movie/game trailer with in-game footage

Yeah i'm thinking of making a fanmade trailer for a long while already. But my Specs deny me this. Running about 20fps without fraps already and i guess noone wants to see a diashow xD

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Meme suks, make a competition of photography RL :)

With a theme near Dayz and this post apo universe.

Make more than 1 winner, too many competitors.

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A gun show in cherno. One who is voted to have the coolest arsenal wins.

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Biggest moving convoy through cities while keeping their formation intact whatsoever.

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