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Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

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Link to his post saying this. I searched through his posts and found nothing saying this.

I'll just stop you right here' date=' as it may not be clear to you that previous posters have already determined that I have doctored Rocket's post to include some of the most prevalent changes requested in the game.

They're all fake, dude. Every one of them. I was going to give you this link as my 'proof', but figured that I would just come clean on the whole thing.

I do love the sheer volume of people who got caught by it.

And Rocket, once you pick yourself up off the floor, grab yourself a Pepsi on me. I haven't had this much fun in a long time.


I have to admit I got duped by this then laughed realizing it was funny. But are likely fixes in the future anyway.

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edit : Shit sorry for caps.

I would double this, tents were very fine before 1.5.8 and now its impossible to pitch them, you need a freaking airfield to place single tent

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I have to admit I got duped by this then laughed realizing it was funny. But are likely fixes in the future anyway.

As long as one person got a laugh' date=' then I think I did my job. We all lose sight of the fun of riding this train from time to time (ugh, another inevitable sex reference) and it's Friday. Let's all lighten up. After all...


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edit : Shit sorry for caps.

im iranian and i find that offensive not really lol but you are right we need tents

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How about dat zombie speed?

Also I think the crossbow should do more body damage to players. 4 steel-tipped bolts to the chest is a bit much

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* [ADDED] Masturbating system' date=' [b']decreases focus

I can't wait!


:D HA!

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I can't wait to find a bike! I feel like there's should be more of them :)

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Please fix "Save old camping tent" bug, it just stuck after you see it. And it blocks a lot of options to heal your mates in-game.

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I'm in a bit of a rush so I don't have a chance to read the whole thread, but is the bug of ""make a fireplace" being an invisible context option you can scroll to and select if you have matches but no wood" fixed?

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Please fix "Save old camping tent" bug' date=' it just stuck after you see it. And it blocks a lot of options to heal your mates in-game.


Fixed in 1.5.9

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I've only been playing the game for a short period now, but the area needed to pitch a tent should be greatly reduced. I know it has been lightly touched upon in previous posts in this thread and I apologize for possibly repeating some things. I would love to be able to pitch my tent on a flat roof, but I am unable to because there are little pipes nearby (about 10 feet away from where the tent would be on both sides). The same should apply when setting up a fire, you should simply need a little more than enough walking room away from the objects in the surrounding area to be able to make it. If I have any other suggestions or feedback I'll be sure to post in this thread or threads to come.

Thanks for all the hardwork Rocket.

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Here is the current changelog' date=' I'll update it as I go:


* [FIXED'] Bodies being deleted immediately (now will stay around for a while)

* [FIXED] Player profiles sometimes corrupting and causing stuck in loading issues (error handling by engine)

* [FIXED] Temperature listed in percent and not degrees (now displayed in degrees)

* [FIXED] Loosing temperature inside vehicles (now will slowly gain or be static in vehicles)

* [FIXED] ItemPainkillers popup error (no longer happens: thanks Norbert!)

* [FIXED] Spawning in Ocean when switching models (player morphing optimized by TeeTime)

Can you put up a wall around the debug forest. I'm tired of getting killed before i even spawn.

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A bicycle would be gangster.

BTW rocket the Day Z: IRL video is pretty much spot on what happens in some cases.

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I'm with a few other people, in asking about tents. Having to set them out in the open makes them a bit unusable, as they will be seen and looted very easily. Even if it's not a complete fix, being able to set up a tent in a forested area would be nice.

Also, since this is my first post, thank you for this amazing mod. This is the most fun I've had with anything survival or zombie related in a very long time.

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I look forward to Rocket and Co. adding new things as much as the rest of you, but how bout we let him fix the things that are broken first.

I for one will be ecstatic when this vehicle repair / menu bug is gone. I can't even pitch a tent to camp this vehicle waiting for the bug to get hotfixed.

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What's the point of changing temperature to degrees instead of percent? We only see the number in the debug monitor, which will eventually go away. Green icon = healthy, red = not, so what does it matter what the underlying number system is?

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hey asshole, loot spawns on Otmeal island boat garage are to low so you can't even get them.

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edit : Shit sorry for caps.

im iranian and i find that offensive not really lol but you are right we need tents

You aren't Iranian, zombies are banned in Iran.

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slice or two of troll flavored spam.

troll spam is delicious.

(apparently i'm not allowed to say tears are delicious because some casual on 4chan got sand in his vagina)

LOL! That's the funniest thing I've read all day! Fucking casuals.

How about zed in the woods rocket? AI problems with the concept or you just don't like it?

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