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About infekt3d

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. infekt3d

    No more global chat?

    Apparently I'm the only one who disliked side chat, it really distracts from the game.
  2. I have 2 survivor kills (I am sincerely sorry, but you pointed your enfield at me and I was scared and your friend tried to avenge you) and my buddy has 3 (he's rude xD) but neither of us can hear any kind of heartbeat when we point our guns at each other. I really like the idea of this, as having at least a LITTLE hope that the person you are targeting might be friendly is more than none.
  3. infekt3d

    Zombie behavior

    I think the reason for this is the zombies only spawn when players get near them, and despawn when they leave. If, and I'm not arguing your points because I would love for this to be the case, they wandered all over the map though, most peoples computers would cripple under the number of zombies meandering about.
  4. infekt3d

    How do broken bones work?

    Fair enough, if it's working as intended I'm cool with it, I'd just like to know. Not necessarily an answer, but at least we have this now: * [FIXED] Too easy to break legs due to infected (reduced probability of leg damage, reduced amount of leg damage)
  5. Silly title, valid question. I had a zombie run up, bitch slap me through a wall in a grocery store last night at 11,500 blood, broke my leg and made me pass out for ~45 seconds. I would have died had my friends not been there. Is this "working as intended" (apart from the wall glitch) or are you only supposed to get knocked unconscious / broken legs at lower blood levels?
  6. infekt3d

    Crossbow Bolts

    I want to use the crossbow, I want to so bad. The inventory and difficult retrieval of bolts makes it very impractical though. I concur with your suggestions.
  7. infekt3d

    Try this! Head Tracking (FaceTrackNoIR)

    I set this up last night. I have a Microsoft Lifecam Cinema, and it works well if I have my overhead light on or it's daytime. I have a few more adjustments to play with tonight after work. For those having issues; I am on Win 7 x64 and got it to work using the following - Uninstall FaceTrackNoIR Install the faceAPI > http://www.faceapi.com/Download/register.php (You have to register first) Install v1.6 FaceTrackNoIR (Make sure you load it up and you can see your face on the left) Close both programs completely Uninstall the faceAPI in Control Panel Right click the FaceTrackNoIR.exe and set it to "Run as Administrator" Right click the ArmA beta exe and set it to "Run as Administrator" Load ArmA, go to settings, controls, controllers and enable the Facetrack Load FaceTrackNoIR, load the ArmA preset, and click "start" You SHOULD at this point get some kind of movement in the game, from here just tweak your settings accordingly. I have some issues where sometimes I have to start ArmA FIRST, if I leave the FaceTrack crap running it screws up, but only with the ArmA beta.
  8. infekt3d

    Loot Despawn

    How long does it take for loot that you place on the ground to despawn?
  9. From my understanding the primary difference between silenced ammo and regular is the grain. It would be neat to have a facility (small workbench) say in factories or some other building where you could remove the grain from regular ammo to make it silenced ammo. There would be no going back, unless gunpowder was added as loot (unnecessary IMO). If this was implemented you could essentially remove silenced ammo from all the loot tables and force players to create their own. Open to further suggestions and modification.
  10. infekt3d

    For those of you with FPS issues...

    I noticed this as well, I try to keep as many of the settings that don't make a drastic (5+ FPS) change in framerate on high or very high.
  11. infekt3d

    For those of you with FPS issues...

    I've tried every combination of every setting in there, and the settings in my Nvidia control panel. It HAS to be my CPU. Your i5 crushes my Phenom II in every sense of the word. Hell my CPU is probably a bottleneck for my 670.
  12. infekt3d

    For those of you with FPS issues...

    What CPU do you have Cpt. Obvious? I can barely crack 60 FPS when out in a field with nothing around me in the REGULAR game. I have an Nvidia 670. Also another thing I forgot to mention, ensure that you put the 'Video Memory' setting to 'Default'. Anything other than that will restrict it to 512MB or less.