ih8 56 Posted July 24, 2012 if you ALLOW PvE only servers then a system to restrict those players from joining PvP servers would have to be implementednothing is fair about playing on a bottle and diaper server to get gear and then switching over to play the full game Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bottlerocket 205 Posted July 24, 2012 Entirely different question, one completely unrelated to a supposed "PK problem".The most obvious answer is: Lots of people still play Counterstrike. :)But this isn't counterstrike. If you want counterstrike, um, go play it? Playing DayZ solely for the PvP is like being given the keys to a Lambourghini and spending the day reverse parking, in my opinion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
XenoSententia 11 Posted July 24, 2012 if you ALLOW PvE only servers then a system to restrict those players from joining PvP servers would have to be implementednothing is fair about playing on a bottle and diaper server to get gear and then switching over to play the full gameYeah I mentioned that in my initial post. They would not be allowed to interact at all. Hence why it wouldn't effect anyone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 117 Posted July 24, 2012 "You are the inhabitants of the world. I am the architect. You guys are going to decide how this world plays out. Don't compare this to other games and look for different balancing mechanics. This is an attempt at something different, it is an experiment. There is no balance, other than the balance you will put in. I will put in the features required for you to either destroy this world into mindless PVP, or create something else. Don't look to me for that balance, because I will not give you it. We started this in a particular way, we're going to finish in that way."http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3141-banditsurvivor-morphing-to-be-removed/page__st__160#entry32219 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kentk94 194 Posted July 24, 2012 The game itself is great, its an amazing concept. The problem is the players themselves have ruined this in the short time Ive played. Nearly every player ive come across is hostile and thats not why some people want to play it. Moving forward this game needs to allow 'private' server play minus hive support, OR allow none PK servers, OR reduce weapon damage a lot. The fainting mechanic is also a pain the @@@ if you've been shot once and cannot recover because theres simply no time to recover - you end up F4'ing and if your blood is low from the hit you likely wont recover - it may as well be a one shot kill game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Klu 20 Posted July 24, 2012 I agree that this game is amazing, and I myself enjoy PvP and every other aspect of this game. But comparing the ability to host offline servers to me frivolously wishing for world piece is a dicy metaphor at best.Someone else playing PvE by themselves would make you lose interest in your own server you are playing on? You seem to just have some issue with letting other people play the way they want to play. It's not really your business what the do with the game in their offline servers. You seem to be the one that has some serious issues.If just the thought of someone else playing the game differently than you turns you off of the game . . well . . I don't even really have words for you. That's about as ignorant as it gets. In fact that's borderline insane that you would let someone else's play-style effect you that negatively.People can do and say what they want. It's not your business. OP does his thing you do yours, don't let it effect you. He plays PvE on LAN with his buddies you play the game the way it was meant to be played in all of it's PvP goodness and we all win. Literally not hard at all.Xeno, you consistantly say how Item #1 doesn't affect Item #2, when #1, #2 all the way to #10000 all affect each other. Just having PvE servers available, and offline servers available, would VASTLY change the game. It would change everyone's view of the game.I have a personal issue if I think having a bunch of PvE servers would affect my experience of the game? You... are narrow-minded.To clear this up, do you think that having PvE and offline servers would NOT affect the game in any way? Would it NOT change the image currently being projected by the developers? Would it NOT go against what they have already said are their goals? Riddle me this, jack-o.OP does this, I do that... we ALL do what the developers say. Period. Unless you "hack." However, if you have the knowledge required to successfully "hack" the game and not get caught then you probably already know everything I'm trying to say. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jay.pis 32 Posted July 24, 2012 And as I said before, it's only the Devs choice.Exactly!The more people understand this, the better. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
E M P 10 Posted July 24, 2012 PvP has its place, but it gets pretty tiresome to have KOS as my only [realistic] option when interacting with strangers. Many people have said that players who want PvE should go play Left4Dead et al. These games are not much like DayZ. They do not have a gigantic world full of realistic terrain, with zombies roaming about and all kinds of fun loot to try to steal. They don't require the player eat and drink and assemble vehicle parts etc etc. Why should the devs make strong PvE options? Because if they don't, the competition will. If the competition offers more for the same price, who will want DayZ? Counterstrike has surfing servers, servers for huge numbers of players, and 5v5 tournaments [just using counterstrike because someone brought it up]. You don't get the 5v5ers complaining constantly that other players who just want to surf have that option...It's not asking much. Just promise [you don't even have to implement it immediately] that a goal of the devs is to build stronger PvE, and then get there as the alpha turns into beta turns into the final product."The zombies are too easy to kill for PvE to be fun." Well duh... so ramp up the challenge of the zombies. Make them soak bullets and swarm in numbers. Limit our ability to run, the supplies of guns and ammo, and the amount of light indoors. There's plenty of room for improvement in the PvE area without compromising the fun of PvP. "It's supposed to be a realistic sim." That might be the claim, but it's not. It's a game. It's not even close to realistic, and it never will be. This is a good thing! Games have someone designing them; real life is just random and unfair and unfun. If you made a truly 'realistic' game, nobody would play it. You couldn't shoot accurately, and nothing would respawn, and you'd probably go insane from boredom because you couldn't log out to go take a shower. So piss off. There's no such thing as a 'realistic' sim in the sense you're using it. The only thing that's realistic here is the physics engine, and even that has issues. I happen to enjoy a fair bit of PvP, but I'd like it more if it was organised around clan fights, rather than negging [killing people who have just spawned], as the majority of PvP seems to be at present. Fighting over good items that don't respawn, or for pieces of valuable territory, like forts, is great. Sitting on a hillside 1km away from Cherno and shooting un- or lightly-armed people as they forage for food is just masturbation. "But you could just shoot back." Ya... I could be forced to play a certain way because someone else insists on being a dick to me... but I guess that's not really the 'play the way you want to play' mentality of a sandbox. And frankly, my system [gpu and cpu] isn't the best, so I have trouble running Arma2 at settings high enough for effective PvP combat. What I CAN do is sneak about. If I get the drop on someone, I can shoot them. Otherwise, not a chance. So I'd appreciate having more PvE that I could do with my friends, where the emphasis is on competent handling of a problem I KNOW how to solve, rather than the randomness of some douche logging in and shooting me from a spot I've already checked...I'm not angry, though. The only thing that has me annoyed is the hacking issues my home server has been experiencing lately. US914 has seen people hacking in items and vehicles, esp/aimbotting, and mass-teleport-followed-by-slaughtering. Otherwise, I'm just waiting to see what will come next. If another game [on a better engine?] comes along that offers what DayZ doesn't, I'll switch. If Rocket doesn't want my money, that's fine by me! 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LNC PhantoM 0 Posted July 24, 2012 How is it fun dodging incredibly stupid zombies? They're nothing more than a nuisance, not a real threat. The thrill of the game is not knowing if anyone can see you, if anyone is near you. The random and unpredictable nature of other humans is what MAKES the mod. if you wanna fuck around with some idiot zombies then go play Dead Rising. What's the pont in the mod if it's just zombies? What are you getting better loot for? You really think you need an AS50 to kill some zombies? Of course not. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
notemedown 2 Posted July 24, 2012 OMGEEE<<< the bullets r like killing me in 1 hittt!!!!!!<@<!<<!THIS IS UNREALISTIKIN real life, i can take like 20 shots withouit dying, and who passes out when shot? WHen i getz shot in real life, i dont pass out, i just recover in like 5 seconds!!GOds, cod of duty is OBVIOUSLY mroe realistic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
XenoSententia 11 Posted July 24, 2012 (edited) Xeno, you consistantly say how Item #1 doesn't affect Item #2, when #1, #2 all the way to #10000 all affect each other. Just having PvE servers available, and offline servers available, would VASTLY change the game. It would change everyone's view of the game.I have a personal issue if I think having a bunch of PvE servers would affect my experience of the game? You... are narrow-minded.To clear this up, do you think that having PvE and offline servers would NOT affect the game in any way? Would it NOT change the image currently being projected by the developers? Would it NOT go against what they have already said are their goals? Riddle me this, jack-o.OP does this, I do that... we ALL do what the developers say. Period. Unless you "hack." However, if you have the knowledge required to successfully "hack" the game and not get caught then you probably already know everything I'm trying to say.No actually I don't. I do not think having a few people play in some offline servers would really effect the over all goal of the project.OP for example, won't be playing at all nor will his friends. What's the difference between them not playing and them playing by themselves? Not really that much at all.The only potential harm I could see coming from PvE or Private servers is if there was a mass transitions to these mods simply because admins wanted control of their own servers. But that's another issue, which again, is up to the Devs.And you said the thought of PvE servers existing ruined your experience, not that they would literally ruin the experience.If they have negative effects on the game, which is debatable, then they should not be allowed. But if the main reason for people hating them is because "they don't like them", well that's a proverbial non factor in any argument.But maybe I am basing this too much off of personal beliefs. Edited July 24, 2012 by XenoSententia Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Klu 20 Posted July 24, 2012 Xeno, you really don't seem to get anywhere in your posts. I'm done with you B) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gator (DayZ) 22 Posted July 24, 2012 If you want to see the future of this mod, go read the Mortal Online msg boards from two years ago. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
XenoSententia 11 Posted July 24, 2012 Xeno, you really don't seem to get anywhere in your posts. I'm done with you B)Neither do you ha Guess it's a good 'ol case of agreeing to disagree. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jay.pis 32 Posted July 24, 2012 Many people have said that players who want PvE should go play Left4Dead et al. These games are not much like DayZ. They do not have a gigantic world full of realistic terrain, with zombies roaming about and all kinds of fun loot to try to steal. They don't require the player eat and drink and assemble vehicle parts etc etc.I liked Dead Island but I wish it had a bit more features similar to DayZ or even PvP, why can't I have that?Why should the devs make strong PvE options? Because if they don't, the competition will. If the competition offers more for the same price, who will want DayZ? Counterstrike has surfing servers, servers for huge numbers of players, and 5v5 tournaments [just using counterstrike because someone brought it up]. You don't get the 5v5ers complaining constantly that other players who just want to surf have that option...Competition is always good and we all don't know what the release version of DayZ will look like. If the competition has PvE options, I say good for them! :thumbsup:This goes back to their business model and who their target audience is. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZedsDeadBaby 2287 Posted July 24, 2012 (edited) The simple fact of the matter is that at the moment we do not have to tools to play co-op unless you play with your friends.The simple fact of the matter is that we never will and never could.Asking rocket to implement some "tool" that makes it so I will suddenly want to spend my evening with any random 15-year-old, Mt. Dew swilling loud-mouth is like asking him to figure out this whole cold fusion thing while he's at it.Game mechanics cannot create social relationships. only we can do that.I don't group with random people in the game because random people are random, and on average do not play the game with the care and respect that I do. They run when they should walk, shoot when they should wait, stand when they should prone, get lost, turn circles, shoot friends, attract unnecessary attention and generally become a deadly liability as likely to get me killed as anything else. And when I try to give them advice, they ignore it or complain.Nothing rocket can possibly do will change this. People are who they are and no game mechanic is going to make them a different person.I play with people I know and trust. If I meet them randomly in game and they seem to be a reasonable person and we talk and I find out they are in the same time zone and have the same play habits as me, I might start considering sharing out-of-game contact info with them so they can join our circle of trusted friends. Edited July 24, 2012 by ZedsDeadBaby Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jay.pis 32 Posted July 24, 2012 If you want to see the future of this mod, go read the Mortal Online msg boards from two years ago.I was in Beta Block A and that game was so much more fun while it was in that beta time frame, since I do think that it still is pretty much in beta right now. Even after 2 years they are barely releasing the biggest major city and still pretty empty small world riddled with bugs.And I'll say this, that game is an open world full loot game and had mechanics such safe zones and a lot of people still complained about PvP, can you imagine that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Micklewhite 0 Posted July 24, 2012 The simple fact of the matter is that at the moment we do not have to tools to play co-op unless you play with your friends.The devs have aknowledged this, and I hope that means we are going to move towards a system where we can actually interact without everyone shooting on sight. Instanced underground hideouts have been mentioned, where people can meet and team up. This would at least create areas where people can't ghost in and go on a murder spree.I'm all for PvP, and think dayZ is boss, but honestly - how much longevity is there is a game where you gather gear, get shot, gather gear, get shot, gather gear etc etc ad infinitum, ad absurdum, ad tedium?This isn't a PvP game. At least, not solely a PvP game. It's a zombie apocalypse simulator with PvP elements.That needs to be the focus. At the moment zombies may as well not exist. I'll give you an example: The other night I was in Cherno when I saw a player running down the street pursued by two zombies. I ducked into a shop and hunkered down, but he still came in and pumped a few shots into me - presumably while zombies were chewing on his ass?No way that should have happened. No-one should be able to take time out to PvP while they are under attack by zombies.Zombies need to be the threat, as much as players are. So in a way I blame a lot of those calling for zombie nerfs for the current state of the game, with regards to PvP.This, so many times over. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
isw 0 Posted July 24, 2012 There's always World of Warcraft strict PVE Severs to play on. World Of Warcraft Carebear Stair Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Black Dow 21 Posted July 24, 2012 (edited) And as I said before, it's only the Devs choice. And that everyone shouldn't care.Exactly!The more people understand this, the better.I'm pretty sure the entire point of releasing a game in alpha is to get opinions from the players on how you can make the game better. That's part of the reason I find it so hilarious that people on here get so defensive when other people criticize the game or offer suggestions that may make it better. That's why we're playing! Edited July 24, 2012 by Black Dow Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jay.pis 32 Posted July 24, 2012 (edited) I'm pretty sure the entire point of releasing a game in alpha is to get opinions from the players on how you can make the game better. That's part of the reason I find it so hilarious that people on here get so defensive when other people criticize the game or offer suggestions that may make it better. That's why we're playing!Right, but we also have to take into account the developers vision and what information they have already provided as to where they are taking the game itself. As someone who is involved in indie game development I do want to see our vision to be true and that's why we choose to be indie. Edited July 24, 2012 by jay.pis Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sticker704 121 Posted July 24, 2012 This thread will fail if your grammar isn't addressed. World has gone to shit due to assholes? It's a zombie apocalypse. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Klu 20 Posted July 24, 2012 (edited) Neither do you haGuess it's a good 'ol case of agreeing to disagree.I'm very aware of how an agree/disagree conversation goes. There is more direct answering to specific questions. You, Xeno, have been resaying the same things over and over. I'll disagree to this being a "good ol' case" because, to me, that would be giving you too much credit. Edited July 24, 2012 by Klu Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sandorski 17 Posted July 24, 2012 No actually I don't. I do not think having a few people play in some offline servers would really effect the over all goal of the project.OP for example, won't be playing at all nor will his friends. What's the difference between them not playing and them playing by themselves? Not really that much at all.The only potential harm I could see coming from PvE or Private servers is if there was a mass transitions to these mods simply because admins wanted control of their own servers. But that's another issue, which again, is up to the Devs.And you said the thought of PvE servers existing ruined your experience, not that they would literally ruin the experience.If they have negative effects on the game, which is debatable, then they should not be allowed. But if the main reason for people hating them is because "they don't like them", well that's a proverbial non factor in any argument.But maybe I am basing this too much off of personal beliefs.Private Hive servers already exist. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
random51 172 Posted July 24, 2012 But this isn't counterstrike. If you want counterstrike, um, go play it?Playing DayZ solely for the PvP is like being given the keys to a Lambourghini and spending the day reverse parking, in my opinion.Who said anything about playing DayZ solely for PvP? I don't. Anybody who lives longer than 30 minutes doesn't. Even pretending that they do it is still OK for them to do it here, they're not the ones advocating that the game be ruined for people who currently enjoy it, are they? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites