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LNC PhantoM

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About LNC PhantoM

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
  • Location
    West Mids, UK
  1. LNC PhantoM

    Thermal scopes.

    The L85 is a completely over-powered and ridiculous weapon; whilst it reamins, there really is very little point in playing Day Z anymore. My team and I all just died over the period of say an hour, when we played incredibly carefully around a recently spawned (we can presume, given the relatively poor condition) helicopter. We were all killed by an L85 and the owner's friend sniping, simply because we are given away by the thermal signature. Whoever has this weapon has no need for any skills or careful spotting. The game virtually plays itself. It isn't hard to aim and shoot on this game (one of the most basic FPS games I've played) and most of the skill in the game is the ability to spot other players and keep yourself hidden from them. When you have an L85, all of this is of course irrelevant. So, personally, I shan't be playing Day Z anymore (and before some moron comes in and says "good, haha, blah blah", I really don't care) until the weapon is removed from every inventory and is no longer able to spawn anywhere. It just honestly defeats the point in playing. I have probably around 4-500 hours of play now... I started playing the mod in mid-May but I only recently started playing again after taking a long break due to hackers. When/if this change is implemented, I'll come back and play again. I really do want to try the stand-alone but I'm fearful it'll be plagued by the same problems. Until then, adios.
  2. LNC PhantoM

    My DayZ Adventure for the day.

    Great, so you logged in and out multiple times to gain an advantage. You're well sick, mate.
  3. LNC PhantoM

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    Attachments not showing for anyone else?
  4. LNC PhantoM

    Selling M9SD/MP5SD6

    I've seen a fair few M9SD mags on DZ, usually when I don't have one. Firestations seem to be most common.
  5. How is it fun dodging incredibly stupid zombies? They're nothing more than a nuisance, not a real threat. The thrill of the game is not knowing if anyone can see you, if anyone is near you. The random and unpredictable nature of other humans is what MAKES the mod. if you wanna fuck around with some idiot zombies then go play Dead Rising. What's the pont in the mod if it's just zombies? What are you getting better loot for? You really think you need an AS50 to kill some zombies? Of course not.
  6. Literally I can't hear this, ever. My sounds aren't exactly low. My effects is at a reasonble level and I hear gunshots in the distance better than my friends. But even my friends who all have a fair few murders at a time at least SHOULD have heartbeats, but I never hear them. Usually I have about 10+ murders on a character and they all say my heartebeat is very clear. :/
  7. LNC PhantoM

    Best sniping spot in Cherno?

    I don't think there's anything too inherently wrong in sniping Cherno, as long as you don't server hop. You balance the risk with the kills. I got 7 sniper kills there yesterday from one spot and I then moved on. I've been killed in my spot a few times before, though...
  8. LNC PhantoM

    Riot shields, hear me out ok?

    Makes me think of 28 Days Later.
  9. LNC PhantoM

    Make inventory weight based instead of slot based.

    Inventory needs streamlining, but it's okay at the moment. We need an additional section, called "temporary storage". When your pack and your gear is full and you need something from your pack, it's too easy to lose items. Also if you carry 2 weapons like me, you have to do it a certain way to ensure you don't drop the weapon. There needs to be prompts if something will get dropped/deleted warning you. Temporary storage above the others would solve a lot of problems, and you can only use it if you're still. You put things up there whilst you reorganise your pack/gear.
  10. LNC PhantoM

    Ghille suits and camo.

    Whenever I put on a Ghillie suit the screen goes weird and blue for a second... it's weird. I guess if it's "loading" the sea that'd make sense.
  11. Press , and . to cycle through the chats. Just stay on direct (white). If you're within 40m of someone you can talk to them. Risky move, of course. At the bottom right you have canteen and a knife/fork icons (water/food respectively). Wait until they're flashing red before drinking/eating as there's really no need until then. The redder it gets the closer it's getting to flashing.
  12. LNC PhantoM

    You guys are funny

    Thanks for the thrill pal.