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About kentk94

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    a little fishing town just 80 miles north of Anchorage. You might have heard of it, it's called f**k your mama.
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  • Bio
    This is a song I wrote off my first album and it goes something like this:


    Originally it was a love song, but I kinda spruced it up.
  1. kentk94

    Explain Your Avatar!

    I specifically made my forum account here to troll people with Imgur photos when they post random stupidity on the forums. So an evil clown made sense to me... Been a while since I've been here, but back hoping for Stand Alone to arrive. I miss my DayZ, and would like it hacker free.
  2. Well then you're a special little snowflake there Abe Froman. I have had several bones broken thanks to doors, I've been killed through the back of the barracks at the NW airfield thanks to clipping zeds, slid off a roof and died. It's annoying, but I realize they're bugs. Since the artifiacting, I've just given up. I feel like everything is stepping backwards instead of forward.
  3. kentk94

    Consoles eh?

    You people blow my mind. Take a good hard look at what the Battlefield series has become. I remember large maps in BF 1942, much larger than we've seen in Bad Company or the most recent, Battlefield 3. It's already been said multiple times. The consoles just can't handle large maps. As for the person who thinks next gen consoles will be able to handle it, I'd like to see this proof that you seem to have, otherwise it's merely wild speculation and there is NO proof that it would work. My main argument for this whole thing is simply, look what happens to games when they get ported. Someone almost always loses. If it's done for the PC and ported for consoles, it doesn't bode well for console folks. Same thing happens to Console to PC ports. I mean, good lord, look what Ubisoft did with Ghost Recon Future Soldier. What a complete joke that was on the PC. I get why Rocket would want to do this. I get why any developer wants to do it. Because there is more money when you reach out to a wide variety of players on different systems. Sadly, I've just seen so many good games get the shaft as they get dumbed down to please the console folks.
  4. Wall of text crits for over 9000! Seriously, if you want people to read that, at least help them read it with a bit more clarity. There are these things called paragraphs that help to make reading large amounts of text much better. See, I have started this sentence out with a 5 space indent, thus informing the reader that I am starting a new paragraph. Hell, you don't even need to add 5 spaces, but FFS, please separate that shit if you want to be taken, even close to, serious. Sadly, because you're going on about The Warz, you won't be. As the Soup Nazi would say...."NO BEANS FOR YOU!"
  5. kentk94

    Should people stop complaining?

    Agrees with nicebasi. Rocket has said multiple times that both sides are needed. While I'm not a fan of completely useless complaining for complaining's sake, I think constructive "complaining" feedback on "why" a person isn't pleased with an issue is great for the game.
  6. kentk94

    Did i do the right thing?

    Apparently you've never played DayZ... I'll take a man shooting someone who is decked out in a ghillie suit and a 50 cal over someone who shoots a random fresh spawn with nothing. See, THAT to me is the definition of a coward. What he did was called survival.
  7. kentk94

    You don't fool me

    Gotta be one of the most ridiculous things I've read lately... Your forests? Sure thing bub... Surviving is what it's about, surviving the environment and other players. In other words...
  8. kentk94

    Did i do the right thing?

    He definitely would have killed you to save his precious gear. No harm, no foul. This game is unforgiving, now had he been a helpless unarmed man, that might be different...
  9. kentk94

    Stop Crying.

    I didn't realize everyone was crying about it. Hmmm....You have a very interesting take on this OP. This thread is completely new and original.
  10. kentk94

    Guys, use dayzCommander

    Oh look, a person who seems to be citing an opinion has hard cold truth... Sorry pal, I use both. but none the less...
  11. Good lord the fanboy is strong in this thread. I'm with Machine on this mess. I love how programmers come out of the wood work to tell OP that this is an Alpha and he needs to know how Alphas work... Then you have the fanboys that support this game no matter what happens. This came could be bugged out to the point of crawling only, pistols only, with no ability to carry a pack, and they would still scream at people who have a problem with the development....unreal. I've alpha/beta tested before, I know "WHY" we are here, but never, EVER, in my history of testing, have I seen new patches do more damage with each release than they fix. I'm not sure how you "elite" programmers do shit, but if this is normal, stay away from the shit I use and leave the programming to the guys who have their big boy pants on. Pretty sure I saw the same shit go down on the Diablo 3 forums and that game is complete shit. And for everyone throwing around Rocket lingo, I'll use his words as well, because I think I remember him saying that these threads need both kinds of people. So yeah...
  12. kentk94

    Why is this happening?

    I just had the exact same thing happen to me. Logged in, had my alice pack, M4A1, and G17. ran from the NE airfield, to just outside the NW airfield, noticed severe artificating was starting up, Logged off so I could mess with my settings. Upon logging back in, same shit. No pack, no guns, no tools, just what was in my main inventory. Makes me a sad panda, that's for sure. :(