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Pending Update: Build

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are you trying to put a weapon into a small backpack or a full one ?

Doesn't matter. Items being magically destroyed just because they don't fit into the target container is just stupid.

I wonder what makes this so hard to fix, since it should just be a simple check if the target container has enough space for the item that is to be moved. And this has been a problem that has been around for ages now.

Add to that Arma2's "convencience feature" of moving all the ammo of a weapon with it and you easily end up destroying precious ammo by accident as well.

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What I've actually said:

When you login, a record will be made in a database, somewhere in the United States...


Obviously, you underestimate the audacity of "law enforcement" in the United States.

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Sure, it may make the elitist groups, who think games should only be realistic and should NEVER cater to anyone else, a bit upset... but they'll get over it! ;-P

quick question

why does wanting or liking realism make me an elitist?

i also dont think the game should cater to anyone. i think the people that play it should adapt to the game. (bugs aside)

Edited by sivart

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quick question

why does wanting or liking realism make me an elitist?

"Elitism is the belief or attitude that some individuals, who form an elite — a select group of people with a certain ancestry, intrinsic quality or worth, higher intellect, wealth, specialized training or experience, or other distinctive attributes — are those whose views on a matter are to be taken the most seriously or carry the most weight; whose views and/or actions are most likely to be constructive to society as a whole; or whose extraordinary skills, abilities or wisdom render them especially fit to govern." ~wikipedia

In other words... those who are saying that giving players certain options to spawn is in NO WAY a plausible option, "due to it taking away from the realism" would fit my definition of elitism. I'm certainly not sitting here saying that the game MUST have these options... I'm simply saying that this is the manner which I personally would prefer to play this particular game.... and hopefully Rocket takes the opinion in and mulls it over.

i also dont think the game should cater to anyone. i think the people that play it should adapt to the game. (bugs aside)

Exactly why, when he takes the respawn button away, I've already stated that I have no issue adjusting... and will simply be Zombie-Death-Respawning if need be. (ZDR'ing! -- my new term for this next update)... I have no problem adjusting to games as they change, nor do I have problems with changes I don't necessarily like. Doesn't mean I won't voice an opinion. I just don't go around saying everyone is retarded (or any other such name calling) because they differ in their opinion. Doing such is an elitist attitude (imo)... as it is basically saying that others are "less qualified" to give their opinion if said opinions differ from your own. This is a form of elitism.

Edited by Chameleon

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And during the 30 min you roam elektro or cherno as a zombie... oh the madness it would bring :D

That would be fun indeed especially if you had a couple of extra swings or kicks that regular zombies don't have.

So you could play a being zombie then into grief mode :P

Id spend all my time in cherno getting shot :D

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Still waiting on a "performance tweak" that actually sorts the framerate issues most are having in major towns. Don't get me wrong, I love the game but going into a major town is basically a core aspect of gathering supplies as it's along the coast where you spawn.

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Doesn't matter. Items being magically destroyed just because they don't fit into the target container is just stupid.

I wonder what makes this so hard to fix, since it should just be a simple check if the target container has enough space for the item that is to be moved. And this has been a problem that has been around for ages now.

Add to that Arma2's "convencience feature" of moving all the ammo of a weapon with it and you easily end up destroying precious ammo by accident as well.

actually atm it does matter .... clarify the question

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Simple Suggestions that have already been suggested just standing behind them.

Make every server you enter have you start off fresh. That will eliminate server hoppers staying in one spot and going server to server to get prime loot. I have on a few occasions spent hours getting to a prime loot spot up north scouting the rooms find it empty only a few seconds later have someone magically appear and kill me. Every server starts you off new.

The problem with this suggestion is that people need to stick to one server to play, if that server goes down and never comes back you are history. So to solve this you can still spawn on the beach if you pick a new server but still have your loot, guns etc.

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Rocket said a few pages back, that for now they are just collecting Data. The mechanics will be improved, and will of course take that into account.

Sorry, well, I didn't have the time nor the patience to read all 60 pages lol.

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Yesterday My server was infiltrated by a hacker, This hacker teleported everone on the server to balota airfield and everything went to shit. As an admin I am helpless to hackers due to teh fact that I have no way to track what people are doing. If I had a way to see what scripts were being loaded on the server while in my RCON or through log file access that show that sort of thing then I would be able to Ban said person through IP and through GUID. Without the proper tools to hunt down these people the problem is only going to get worse. This needs to be addressed.

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Indeed, the hordes used to be great:

I actually posted the wrong video, this was a bit OTT but was one time we really felt the zeds were a threat, the vid missed the chaos at start, and once we left the church things got even worse.

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Please, for the love of all that is sacred in the world.

Can people PLEASE accept that:

This update - will only LOG your LOGIN, LOGOUT, DISCONNECT




Point taken.rofl..

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Elitism is the belief or attitude that some individuals, who form an elite — a select group of people with a certain ancestry, intrinsic quality or worth, higher intellect, wealth, specialized training or experience, or other distinctive attributes — are those whose views on a matter are to be taken the most seriously or carry the most weight; whose views and/or actions are most likely to be constructive to society as a whole; or whose extraordinary skills, abilities or wisdom render them especially fit to govern.

In other words... those who are saying that giving players certain options to spawn is in NO WAY a plausible option, "due to it taking away from the realism" would fit my definition of elitism. I'm certainly not sitting here saying that the game MUST have these options... I'm simply saying that this is the manner which I personally would prefer to play this particular game.... and hopefully Rocket takes the opinion in and mulls it over.

Exactly why, when he takes the respawn button away, I've already stated that I have no issue adjusting... and will simply be ZDRing! (my new term for this next update)... I have no problem adjusting to games as they change, nor do I have problems with changes I don't necessarily like. Doesn't mean I won't voice an opinion. I just don't go around saying everyone is retarded (or any other such name calling) because they differ in their opinion.

right on. i wasnt hammering you by the way. but dont get carried away, the 2 do not always go hand in hand. its like the square is a rectangle thing.

and i reserve my name calling for the boners that dont take 5 min to read the first 2 pages to find their question was already asked/answered. takes the same amount of time that it takes to actually type it out.

Edited by sivart

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im down with that. or remain a zombie until you manage to kill a human player. or get killed by a human player. you want to promote team play? yould almost have to team up horde up with other zombie players to kill anyone. then the horde could go back to human player.

or we could just spawn somewhere on the beach or any random location each spawn. no more spawning where you log out. sure fire way to prevent loot farming and getting shot in the back from a cleared room. no more ghosting. i believe considerably less alt f4 as well. cant get back on your "home" server for a day, you might think twice.

I wonder if we would be able to zigzag and run 60 mph too!

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How? I only see the last 10 or so of his posts, non of which answer the question: If you get placed out of bounds or stuck on geometry, how do you respawn?

Yes, but ponies

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The problem with this suggestion is that people need to stick to one server to play, if that server goes down and never comes back you are history. So to solve this you can still spawn on the beach if you pick a new server but still have your loot, guns etc.

I play on several different servers i have vehicles and loot on each i can't take the cars trucks bikes or bicycles with me. same should be for the loot. if you want to have a consistent server then rent one. the best part of the game is finding the loot. and that is just an opinion though. going to a different server and starting fresh will keep loot farmers and server hoppers out. It sucks to be in a server at a prime time when no one is on and i run all the way to NW airfield for two hours watching people log in and out log in and out get to the NW airfield and see that it has been looted out by hoppers.

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hey, just wondering is anything being done about the duping problem?

come across camps sometimes with 10 as50's, 10 nvg's, 15 rangefinders etc.

i mean really, its so easy to exploit, and the server admins are not going to catch everyone with their 3gb of .txt files even if they wanted.

really does break the balance of the game i think

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i can't wait this update comes out to see the shitspray it's going to flow through the forum :-)

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Rocket...I am begging you make this a one-time purchase either as a stand-alone or add on for Arma3.

I come from the gaming days before MMO's, unlocks, micro-transactions and pay to win gaming type models and I think they have destroyed casual pc gaming. It cheapens the entire experience and shows that the developers really care more about their bottom line than the product they are creating.

I want to you to benefit as much as possible from all your hard work, but please make this game a onetime purchase even if it is $50 a pop. That is the way all games used to be and I think it worked great. Someone mentioned the minecraft model which I feel has rewarded the developer very well financially and his customers have enjoyed an ongoing experience after an initial investment.

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right on. i wasnt hammering you by the way. but dont get carried away, the 2 do not always go hand in hand. its like the square is a rectangle thing.

and i reserve my name calling for the boners that dont take 5 min to read the first 2 pages to find their question was already asked/answered. takes the same amount of time that it takes to actually type it out.

I understand, and I also wasn't really calling any one particular person an elitist. Just expressing that there ARE people who seem to think that their opinion of what should happen (regardless if it's in a game, or in life) is the most relevant and important thing known to man! (lol) All in all, though, I simply love this game and I personally WILL adjust to whatever Rocket throws at us. I personally DO love trekking thru the woods, and i LOVE exploring the map... I still have HOURS of map exploration ahead of me, as I've only been playing this thing for a few days now... my only complaint, really, has been that I'd rather spend most of my time WITH friends exploring together, than FINDING friends in order TO explore together... That's all really. ;)

As for calling people names that don't read thru the posts, thus asking the same questions over and over... yeah I get your point. I've read thru all 60pages, myself. Maybe not every single word on every single post.... but enough to be completely in the loop of all that has been said... especially by Rocket! :D

EDIT-- Wow... My Beans-to-Post ratio is looking good! (haha)... 9 posts to my name, and already 11 beans! I'm on a roll! (or in some soup; or something!) LOL

Edited by Chameleon
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You know I'm more interested in a "log out" penalty than a "log in" penalty.

Even 5 seconds before loging out means you are better off hiding and logging out if you think you are in danger, and once you are in a firefight standing motionless for 5 seconds will not save you. Same goes for being in a building with zombies walking towards you. The only major downside I can think of is that you cant quickly jump out during a hack attack, but that is really it.

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You know I'm more interested in a "log out" penalty than a "log in" penalty.

Even 5 seconds before loging out means you are better off hiding and logging out if you think you are in danger, and once you are in a firefight standing motionless for 5 seconds will not save you. Same goes for being in a building with zombies walking towards you. The only major downside I can think of is that you cant quickly jump out during a hack attack, but that is really it.

You're in luck then, it's a 5sec logout timer.

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Rocket...I am begging you make this a one-time purchase either as a stand-alone or add on for Arma3.

I come from the gaming days before MMO's, unlocks, micro-transactions and pay to win gaming type models and I think they have destroyed casual pc gaming. It cheapens the entire experience and shows that the developers really care more about their bottom line than the product they are creating.

I want to you to benefit as much as possible from all your hard work, but please make this game a onetime purchase even if it is $50 a pop. That is the way all games used to be and I think it worked great. Someone mentioned the minecraft model which I feel has rewarded the developer very well financially and his customers have enjoyed an ongoing experience after an initial investment.

I dont think you have to worry about that. Rocket has mentioned that hes aiming for a minecraft model and said the pricing would probably lie around 15$.

Source: Sidestrafe-Interview (its quite worth watching it)

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