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Because video game bugs aren't always easy to "kill." You can't just grab the nearest bug spray and zap em out of existence... bugs aren't always easy to find, nor is it always easy to understand WHY they are happening in the manner they are. I tip my hat to all programmers, as I simply could never do their job... omg, I'd rip my hair out, me thinks!

Actually it kinda is like going on a bug hunt. No matter how many you kill you always oversee some in the corner of the room which will then reproduce^^

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Because video game bugs aren't always easy to "kill." You can't just grab the nearest bug spray and zap em out of existence... bugs aren't always easy to find, nor is it always easy to understand WHY they are happening in the manner they are. I tip my hat to all programmers, as I simply could never do their job... omg, I'd rip my hair out, me thinks!


it doesnt take this long to find the bugs tht have been here since launch

its not like hes having trouble recreating them either

he clearly has no clue and needs to get some other programmers on board to help

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Well I don't use Alt F4, however I log in and out frequently, as I have mention previously. Thinking the hive will track the number of times i log in within a specific amount of time.Could rate me as a player needing attention.

Login is only recorded when your client broadcasts a "success" message to the central server.

Logout is only recorded when you use the "Abort" menu item.

On a server crash - you will have no "logout" so your login will be ignored.

On ALT-F4 - you will receive a "disconnect" entry, affecting your reputation.

On a client crash - you will receive a "disconnect" entry, affecting your reputation (over a period of time). You can use RPT files to ask for a manual review.

It seems the 'alt-f4' part is affecting your reputation, not the login/out.

Edited by Max Planck

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the game is just a joke now

If there only were other games out there... shame we are all stuck with this one for a long time.

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If there only were other games out there... shame we are all stuck with this one for a long time.

not me mate im done with it to be honest lol

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To all the people that complain about anything that has to do with the game or whining about how it is set up or changes being made or changes they want. Follow these steps to get what you want.

Step 1. Call the police.

Step 2. Tell them that there is a man with a gun to your head forcing you to play some game that you think is crappy.

Step 3. Ask the gunman that is forcing you to play the game if he would like to play the game so he can see how horrible it is to play the game so he would understand why you don't want to be forced to play the game.

Step 4. Quit your bitchin and give constructive advice/suggestions instead of being a retard COD kiddie that bitches and whines when he doesn't get his way.

Facts Almost every game you play is going to have hackers and cheaters. People have been doing that even before computer games. People cheat and people find way's to ruin things for everyone. What are you going to get on a forum and bitch about terrorists next? "they are cheating they are not playing fair people aren't supposed to be dressed as civilians and really be militia with bombs strapped to them". If you want to stop hacking then build your own program to stop it. If your not smart enough to solve the problem then your not smart enough to simply stop playing a game that no one is forcing you to play.

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If there only were other games out there... shame we are all stuck with this one for a long time.

Do I detect sarcasm

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Do I detect sarcasm

Nothing goes past you, right? :)

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@ Codeoverflow Just because you live in your moms basement an read every page of this thread does not give you the right to Attack people when they ask a question that was asked on page 30 something.... Get a life kid

First of all, I did not attack you. So I apologize if you feel "attacked".

Second, you say I attack you, and then you say i'm "a kid that lives in my moms basement"? Nice one, good work on that consistency.

As a developer myself, it is just tiring to see the same issue brought up a thousand times, when it was answered before, only you did not even went to the trouble of searching or even glancing at some of the pages, as this issue was brought up quite a few times.

Rocket is one of the most community friendly developers. Most developers don0t even go to the forums, Rocket reads almost every reply.

He is not a 1.000 developer army. He too has a life, and a family, and hobbies. Fixes will come for this mod, they may take a while, or some only come in a stand alone version due to some of Arma 2 engine limitations, something totally out of control of Rocket.

nearly 2 months we wait for a patch with corrections on the helicopter. already soon. Again anything about helicopters. Already hundreds posts at a forum wrote people of the different countries about need of the helicopter. Why doesn't you hear players? Will be this problem solved? The helicopter is a dream for teams in game. Innovations aren't necessary to us, correct old bugs

There was already an answer about this on another topic I think. The helis are being fixed, they just need to do some proper testing so it doesn't break something else. No ETA on this moment though (as far as I know).

(Could be wrong on this, there are so many topics and he-said she-said one could get lost)

This game has two major issues:

- Development is way too slow,

- With every hotfix one issue gets fixed and two others get broken again :(

I'm not saying this to troll but seriously, if the War Z is gonna be as good as Dayz (and it's not the only competitor) or even a little bit worse but no bugs then everybody is gone from DayZ.

And yes it's ALPHA. I know, but there are still as many bugs as two months ago. Why is that?

First, War Z isn't a game. You can play Day Z, but for War Z, all you have is some announcements and a few pretty screenshots. That's it.

Second, yes development is slow because the Dev team is really really small, but remeber, DayZ isn't a game also, it's a mod. And for now it's really just a stepping stone for something still in the hush hush part of the interwebz. (Come on Rocket we need shiny screenshots!!) :P

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Great, entered my server and 1 minute later the whole server got teleported to debug forest at the same location, I managed to log out before shit got real but now I can't get back to the map until :(. I'm not gonna respawn because I found a M4A3 CCO... damn hackers :/

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Well I might as well throw in my 2 cents. I will probably be labeled as person that exploits but I really don't care. I have no certain server that I quote as my home server, therefore I have tents on different servers virtually in the same place. I frequently will spawn in to each of the servers serveral times either picking up items I want to use or distributing loot. I do not however log out near loot and log into different servers. I would like to see some sort of distinction between farming loot and simply joining different servers in the middle of the woods. With the instability of servers I see this as a legitimate way to play the game. After all why have a persistent database if you never plan on switching servers, seems pointless to argue the whole "Oh you're a server hopping bitch." Who gives a shit.

As far as the respawn button I could do with or without it as long as the spawning in debug is fixed. I'd also like to see the spawning in the ocean fixed. Last week one day, I cannot remember which day, I logged out about three kilomters north of Kamenka and spawned into the ocean about six kilometers southwest of Kamenka in the middle of the ocean off the map. I lost some good stuff, NVG, DMR, Bizon, big coyote etc. I just swam my ass back to shore, luckily I had GPS to figure out which way to go and moved on. I will also say that if I happen to spawn somewhere I do not want to be, I will find the nearest zed and let them do the dirty work.

To me there is way to much bickering back and forth over very trivial issues. This game is in "Alpha". Evidently 99% of the people here whining have never been involved in an alpha before. If you had ever been involved you would understand there will be bugs, there will be stuff implemented you don't agree with and most of all you have to understand the direction is going to be chosen by the developers according to data and the feedback given to them by players actions and posts on this forum. Bashing each other because my opinion differs from yours is pointless and is just taking up way too much of everyones time reading the stupid shit. If you have an opinion state it otherwise STFU.

Now that I have that off my chest. The one thing that I would really like to see modified is to make it easier to take down the damn wire fences.

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it doesnt take this long to find the bugs tht have been here since launch

its not like hes having trouble recreating them either

he clearly has no clue and needs to get some other programmers on board to help

I dont think those are the kind of bugs you have in regular source-code programming. Its not like when you change something you will have a marker popping up which says "changing the number of rounds in this magazin will cause problems with the inventory system" or like when you missed a semicolon at some point.

Im fairly sure that there are a lot of dependencies when it comes to creating a mod. Rocket has to try out a lot of things to get a feel for what is causing problems. Take the bugged hearing for instance: In theory it is a really good idea to make the zombies not hear everything through walls. Unfortunately it let to zombies not reacting to gunshots anymore.

And I see your point on the last part that he could get more help by other programmers, but maybe he doesnt want too many other people on the programming progress because its his mod and he wants to realize his vision of it.

Please have a little patience and faith in his abilities.

Edited by GoTo2k

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it doesnt take this long to find the bugs tht have been here since launch

its not like hes having trouble recreating them either

he clearly has no clue and needs to get some other programmers on board to help

Im sorry, but are you stupid? Finding bugs are not the issue. Some bugs in the game( a lot actually) are a problem from source, Rocket has NO WAY of fixing these. Some of the bugs are issues with the mod yes, but they are supposed to be there, and when they are fixed, another 10 bugs are supposed to appear.

Have you ever played any game at an in-house development stage? DayZ isnt even proper Alpha, its in-house development, in which less then 20% of the full product is available. You have most likely never tried a game at this stage because you dont work at a studio, or are a contracted QA employee, i was one of the 15 contracted for a 3 months QA job at DICE last year for BF3, and let me tell you, core game mechanics were completely broken, even after 3 years of development, they were broken.

If you have absolutely no clue on game developtment, i suggest you do not comment on any of the DayZ teams skills, its pathetic and utterly offensive.

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This thread is intended to tell people what is coming up in then next update. It is not a place to go if you want to waist your time by read 50 pages of a bunch of man babies crying about a computer game.

are you retarded? i said there wouldnt be 50 pages to read if everyone would read the first 2 or 3 pages. they would see their question already asked and lots of times already answered. so there might be 5 or 6 pages total to read. easy. most posts are short. but because of people like you, asking the same thing over and over and over and over and over it accumulates to 50 pages and you are right, who wants to read all that? instead of bitching at me, why dont you use your brain and not contribute to the fucking problem, by reading the first 2 pages before asking the same question asked by 300 other people.

"If you get placed out of bounds or stuck on geometry, how do you respawn?" has been discussed. figure it out.

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you wanna do something about the hackers rocket? theres a hacker in every server every hour of gameplay for probably everyone server nuking or now the new one MASS TELEPORTING and gunning ppl down or breakign everoynes legs chainging server times and morphing all players to goats and deleting all players gear. can you do something about this? instead of making minor fixes and updates to a game that is INFESTED with hackers?

Edited by eternalFive

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I'd rip someone else's hair out.

You don't actually do it, but you fantasize about it...

Usually your project manager when he comes with some.. ahem.. bright new ideas.

Or some clients if you work directly with them. Like one a few months ago. Who said the program I'm working on said it would need to predict if he (the user) would want to declare production on the factory a couple of hours later and leave enough parts on the line if the normal user send the parts back to warehouse.

So now aparently programs need to read minds as well.

@Rocket - Maybe you need to make DayZ read minds and spawn where the player is thinking. :P

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Im sorry, but are you stupid?


If you have absolutely no clue on game developtment, i suggest you do not comment on any of the DayZ teams skills, its pathetic and utterly offensive.

are you retarded?


please stop that, it wont help

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Hm. Still, if Respawn is removed -> what can I do if stuck in Object or spawned in Debug Hills?

you are retarded. read 3 posts up from yours.

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And if it was just a player who just logged in the first time? Would he be killed as well without even knowing where from?

They are trying to see what can be done. But this idea is quite bad for imersion in my opinion.

Besides it was already discussed earlier in the thread. please read the thread.

Really, you think someone appearing from the ether behind you to shoot you in the back isn't "quite bad for imersion," but someone making a snoring noise as if they woke up is bad for "imersion".

If you log out somewhere where players are likely to be, you deserve to be shot. If you are a new player, learn to not log out in populated areas. Plus, it sort of evens the playing field. When you are logging in, you can see the players in front of where you are logging in during the receiving data load screen. If you are standing there, you have no indication a player is logging in around you.

And, sorry, I would love to be able to sit in my boxers all day and read 60 pages of dayz bickering, but I have to work.

Edited by Stooby

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What about "relogging to refill ammo clips"?

or "getting out of a vehicle and saving it to get it fully repaired for free"?

Will those issues be adressed too?

Edited by VoLLi

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You don't actually do it, but you fantasize about it...

Usually your project manager when he comes with some.. ahem.. bright new ideas.

Or some clients if you work directly with them. Like one a few months ago. Who said the program I'm working on said it would need to predict if he (the user) would want to declare production on the factory a couple of hours later and leave enough parts on the line if the normal user send the parts back to warehouse.

So now aparently programs need to read minds as well.

@Rocket - Maybe you need to make DayZ read minds and spawn where the player is thinking. :P

Hahaha, that reminds me about that one time when my boss came in my office and was alll like "hey we got that new feature, can you implement that" and it threw me back for about a month worth of time :D

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