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One thing I'm worried about is... I have to disconnect/reconnect a lot just because my internet connection and computer are not top notch, and i need to constantly change servers so that therees not many people so i don't get 5 fps... so will it just take me a lot longer if I'm constantly trying to find a new game?... caue i know even if i do get a successful connection, If I'm only getting 5 fps, i'm going to discon again and try to find a better server...

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Really Rocket, really?

This is Alpha, we all know that because this forum has like 1000 users who dedicated their time to tell you "ALPHAZ!!111oneoneeleven" as soon as you "whine" about something, and in broken Alpha like DayZ mod is you decided to remove Respawn feature?

- Hackers: teleport you around, break your leg(s), send you to debug forest.

- Spawns: debug forest.

- Playing with friends: I am playing with 5-8 people, can you imagine nightmare of us getting together now? We will literally spend HOURS to just meet and start playing together, that is your intention that goes along with game's core design? I have to quit my job and my friends have to quit their studies if they want to play few hours of DayZ with me, because now... well... it's impossible to play DayZ for couple of hours as we will spend those couple of hours just running to find each other.

Oh cmon, don't just remove something like Respawning without giving us any alternative. What the fuck is my alternative if hacker breaks my leg in middle of nowhere while I am running through the forest? Is part of game's core design to have damn hacker on every damn server breaking my legs and teleporting me around? Most of people are already annoyed by overal hacking in this game, now we have to think about being stuck in nowhere without option to respawn/start from scratch.

Thank you Rocket, and your data collecting.

I don't even know what is benefit of ALT+F4 in DayZ but people are talking about that as it is form of hacking. I guess people escape danger doing ALT+F4 but I never understood why is it different then Abort->Disconnect.

Anyway, fighting against anything that annoys most of players is always good and nice but reading like 20 pages of this thread I found out you will also bring a lot of problems to legitimate users.

- Server/Client Performance: for some reason I can't explain nor understand why is my FPS changed by server's performance based on hardware and/or internet it has. I can NOT know if server I am joining will work well for me hence every day I am playing DayZ I have to change at least few servers before I find one that works fine. Why should I get punished for trying to play this game on server that gives me more then 15 FPS?

- Friends: same thing as above, different people have different PC configurations. When I play with friends some server we pick gives good performance to half of our group, while other half has shitty FPS. We gotta keep "server hoping" until we find server that works decently for everyone. Punish us? Of course, we are such abusers and exploiters...

- Misleading server information: AT LEAST half of servers "lie" about timezone and settings. Countless and countless of times I entered server where (by description) it should've been day but is night, or it says "CH:ON" but CH is OFF and so on. Should I be also punished because server admin doesn't care for updating server's name and description?

Basically this patch just PUNISHES me as legitimate user that doesn't ALT+F4, doesn't server hop for loot, doesn't abuse this game by any other means and surely doesn't hack. I play as legit as it is possible and after this patch I'll have HARD time playing with friends, I'll get punished for going through difficult process of finding decent server - difficult process that GAME/mod enforced on me, also I will spend my DayZ playtime running and trying to find friends OR I will crawl in forest for hours trying to find a zombie to kill me after hacker teleports me to forest and breaks my leg. Or... I will just be stuck in debug forest.

Really nice of you Rocket, instead of fixing bugs/hacks/performance issues that are here for months or AT LEAST enforcing same DayZ version/beta patch version on all servers you are adding Bear Traps and shitting on players who play this legit.

Thanks dude.

Finally someone who isn't afraid of telling the truth to the creator of the game.

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Also, could we get a database wipe so that we can get start with a clean slate? I feel like this is also the best way to get clean data.

You people stupid or something? Go to the middle of Cherno or Electro and you'll be wiped the f..k out

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You know... I really wanted to like this game, I really did and at first it was fun. Now it's nothing but a very broken, buggy, and just downright bad gameplay experience. Sure If I want to sit here and spend lots and lots of time playing a game and then getting to all the "really cool stuff" then I could loose it all to some simple glitch or some player that just decided to be an a hole one day. No thanks. Until this game is in its final form, and working worth a damn (yes it is A GAME even though some seem to think it isn't "Cough* RoRogerly *cough*) then count me out! This has so much potential but sadly I don't see it ever being reached as this goes from bad to worse with each new update. Yes it's Alpha but that still doesnt prevent people from spending money on it ( and don't tell me anyone is buying Arma for Arma!) and were ultimately still playing something completely broken at times.

Edited by slasherjpc
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this topic is full of 1-post ghosts showing "their support" by writing random things & people that play all day long but suddenly got "bad internet connection" or "crappy ISP that kicks me a lot" after an ALT-F4 logging was announced.yeah

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Loading is taking a REALLY long time. I don't know if this is a issue only with and my friends but recently since the latest beta patches we've been stuck in the loading screen a lot. I mean, sometimes take us like 5 min to connect(which is a long time, I could connect in seconds in 1.6 I guess), but sometimes I'm stuck for 10+ minutes in the loading screen and the only way out of it is to close the armaoa.exe process. Few days ago I spent 1 hour trying to connect to a server to finally get in one. Same happens to my friends.

I don't know if this has to do with the DayZ or the Hive or the latest beta patches, but its getting frustrating.

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Really Rocket, really?

This is Alpha, we all know that because this forum has like 1000 users who dedicated their time to tell you "ALPHAZ!!111oneoneeleven" as soon as you "whine" about something, and in broken Alpha like DayZ mod is you decided to remove Respawn feature?

- Hackers: teleport you around, break your leg(s), send you to debug forest.

- Spawns: debug forest.

- Playing with friends: I am playing with 5-8 people, can you imagine nightmare of us getting together now? We will literally spend HOURS to just meet and start playing together, that is your intention that goes along with game's core design? I have to quit my job and my friends have to quit their studies if they want to play few hours of DayZ with me, because now... well... it's impossible to play DayZ for couple of hours as we will spend those couple of hours just running to find each other.

Oh cmon, don't just remove something like Respawning without giving us any alternative. What the fuck is my alternative if hacker breaks my leg in middle of nowhere while I am running through the forest? Is part of game's core design to have damn hacker on every damn server breaking my legs and teleporting me around? Most of people are already annoyed by overal hacking in this game, now we have to think about being stuck in nowhere without option to respawn/start from scratch.

Thank you Rocket, and your data collecting.

I don't even know what is benefit of ALT+F4 in DayZ but people are talking about that as it is form of hacking. I guess people escape danger doing ALT+F4 but I never understood why is it different then Abort->Disconnect.

Anyway, fighting against anything that annoys most of players is always good and nice but reading like 20 pages of this thread I found out you will also bring a lot of problems to legitimate users.

- Server/Client Performance: for some reason I can't explain nor understand why is my FPS changed by server's performance based on hardware and/or internet it has. I can NOT know if server I am joining will work well for me hence every day I am playing DayZ I have to change at least few servers before I find one that works fine. Why should I get punished for trying to play this game on server that gives me more then 15 FPS?

- Friends: same thing as above, different people have different PC configurations. When I play with friends some server we pick gives good performance to half of our group, while other half has shitty FPS. We gotta keep "server hoping" until we find server that works decently for everyone. Punish us? Of course, we are such abusers and exploiters...

- Misleading server information: AT LEAST half of servers "lie" about timezone and settings. Countless and countless of times I entered server where (by description) it should've been day but is night, or it says "CH:ON" but CH is OFF and so on. Should I be also punished because server admin doesn't care for updating server's name and description?

Basically this patch just PUNISHES me as legitimate user that doesn't ALT+F4, doesn't server hop for loot, doesn't abuse this game by any other means and surely doesn't hack. I play as legit as it is possible and after this patch I'll have HARD time playing with friends, I'll get punished for going through difficult process of finding decent server - difficult process that GAME/mod enforced on me, also I will spend my DayZ playtime running and trying to find friends OR I will crawl in forest for hours trying to find a zombie to kill me after hacker teleports me to forest and breaks my leg. Or... I will just be stuck in debug forest.

Really nice of you Rocket, instead of fixing bugs/hacks/performance issues that are here for months or AT LEAST enforcing same DayZ version/beta patch version on all servers you are adding Bear Traps and shitting on players who play this legit.

Thanks dude.

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this topic is full of 1-post ghosts showing "their support" by writing random things & people that play all day long but suddenly got "bad internet connection" or "crappy ISP that kicks me a lot" after an ALT-F4 logging was announced.yeah

if only it said "this server is running at 10fps and has massive desync laggouts every 30-40 seconds" in the server description.

Loading is taking a REALLY long time. I don't know if this is a issue only with and my friends but recently since the latest beta patches we've been stuck in the loading screen a lot. I mean, sometimes take us like 5 min to connect(which is a long time, I could connect in seconds in 1.6 I guess), but sometimes I'm stuck for 10+ minutes in the loading screen and the only way out of it is to close the armaoa.exe process. Few days ago I spent 1 hour trying to connect to a server to finally get in one. Same happens to my friends.

I don't know if this has to do with the DayZ or the Hive or the latest beta patches, but its getting frustrating.

yeah i was having a real problem with that until i started using dayz commander

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Really Rocket, really?

This is Alpha, we all know that because this forum has like 1000 users who dedicated their time to tell you "ALPHAZ!!111oneoneeleven" as soon as you "whine" about something, and in broken Alpha like DayZ mod is you decided to remove Respawn feature?

- Hackers: teleport you around, break your leg(s), send you to debug forest.

- Spawns: debug forest.

- Playing with friends: I am playing with 5-8 people, can you imagine nightmare of us getting together now? We will literally spend HOURS to just meet and start playing together, that is your intention that goes along with game's core design? I have to quit my job and my friends have to quit their studies if they want to play few hours of DayZ with me, because now... well... it's impossible to play DayZ for couple of hours as we will spend those couple of hours just running to find each other.

Oh cmon, don't just remove something like Respawning without giving us any alternative. What the fuck is my alternative if hacker breaks my leg in middle of nowhere while I am running through the forest? Is part of game's core design to have damn hacker on every damn server breaking my legs and teleporting me around? Most of people are already annoyed by overal hacking in this game, now we have to think about being stuck in nowhere without option to respawn/start from scratch.

Thank you Rocket, and your data collecting.

I don't even know what is benefit of ALT+F4 in DayZ but people are talking about that as it is form of hacking. I guess people escape danger doing ALT+F4 but I never understood why is it different then Abort->Disconnect.

Anyway, fighting against anything that annoys most of players is always good and nice but reading like 20 pages of this thread I found out you will also bring a lot of problems to legitimate users.

- Server/Client Performance: for some reason I can't explain nor understand why is my FPS changed by server's performance based on hardware and/or internet it has. I can NOT know if server I am joining will work well for me hence every day I am playing DayZ I have to change at least few servers before I find one that works fine. Why should I get punished for trying to play this game on server that gives me more then 15 FPS?

- Friends: same thing as above, different people have different PC configurations. When I play with friends some server we pick gives good performance to half of our group, while other half has shitty FPS. We gotta keep "server hoping" until we find server that works decently for everyone. Punish us? Of course, we are such abusers and exploiters...

- Misleading server information: AT LEAST half of servers "lie" about timezone and settings. Countless and countless of times I entered server where (by description) it should've been day but is night, or it says "CH:ON" but CH is OFF and so on. Should I be also punished because server admin doesn't care for updating server's name and description?

Basically this patch just PUNISHES me as legitimate user that doesn't ALT+F4, doesn't server hop for loot, doesn't abuse this game by any other means and surely doesn't hack. I play as legit as it is possible and after this patch I'll have HARD time playing with friends, I'll get punished for going through difficult process of finding decent server - difficult process that GAME/mod enforced on me, also I will spend my DayZ playtime running and trying to find friends OR I will crawl in forest for hours trying to find a zombie to kill me after hacker teleports me to forest and breaks my leg. Or... I will just be stuck in debug forest.

Really nice of you Rocket, instead of fixing bugs/hacks/performance issues that are here for months or AT LEAST enforcing same DayZ version/beta patch version on all servers you are adding Bear Traps and shitting on players who play this legit.

Thanks dude.

Yeah, tottaly agree with you dude, I tottaly disagree with the respawn button, it is just ridiculous, it will take alot of time and effort to find eachother after dieing ...

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Anyway possible that you can have a live feed on Twitch.tv on futures patches? This would pretty much eliminate some questions here and also give you a way to deflect your typing all the time. Basically this is that way I see how it should go...

1. Patch come out and is publicly distributed.

2. Setup your Webcam and Twitch.tv account

3. Have Twitter display your time and channel when you will be talking about the patch

4. Talk about the in's and out's the patch and your vision of the future of Dayz

5. Answer questions to your viewers.

6. Make the video public and available to the peeps who where not able to watch (Pretty sure that you could hit 100,000 viewers in a matter of a few times of this)

7. Get back to work on with suggestions from the players helpful suggestions or B.G.C (Bitch, grips, complaints)

I would eliminate alot of reading these forums everyday wasting time and get you to FIX the DAMN Helicopters!!! :) <--See how I snuck that one in there on ya... ;)

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Thank you for this. This is what the community wants. This makes me feel all tingly inside. It lets us know you care about the community still. Keep making threads like this!

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I assume that when you exit the game by pressing "Abort", the client sends the server some sort of logout request.

If you Alt-F4, the server doesn't receive this message, therefore, your character will probably stay logged in until the server realises it's getting no data from you.

That's an awful idea, the game crashing, your internet dying or the power going out would all trigger an accusation of ALT-F4ing.

Not to mention you can easily combat log by just using Abort.

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Part of the reason they are disabling respawn could be because of the scripts hackers use to abuse it. I believe I've read somewhere that they can abuse a loophole in the arma coding to execute scripts on clients. This could potentially be a fix for the global kills as well.

Besides the main reason was the performance hit when people respawn on the main hive AND the server you are playing on. So complaining about removing spawns and long load times is kinda contradictory.

As a solution rocket already said he rather have people select where they respawn.

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this topic is full of 1-post ghosts showing "their support" by writing random things & people that play all day long but suddenly got "bad internet connection" or "crappy ISP that kicks me a lot" after an ALT-F4 logging was announced.yeah

What is Alt-F4 business everyone talks about? What do you mean by logging?

As for me, I am loving this game. It is alpha = mistakes/glitches and sometimes things whose only explanation is pfm. Overall, I think this is on the right track. I would like to see in a future build is to modify the tents. I think they should have more slots and be more rare, or have the same slots and a slightly increased as far as the randomness.

Other then that, my main concerns would be resolved once the bugs are worked out.

Edited by Cvm

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rocket go back to the drawing board fast !!!

im telling you if you keep pushing these stupid patches and dont concentrate on what made this mod great then its game over.

I wont be playing anymore until its back to the way it was

people didnt buy arma 2 for this.

its ruined


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so what is going to happen to those of use the get caught in the a glitch like the debug forest or some place thathas no physical way of getting out of. the only way is to respawn. i know that is useful to those of that some how are under a certain amount of blood with no hpe of recovering, respawning is the only option.

There is a way you can get out of it :)

I dont recall perfectly but i think constantly walking south-east will get you back to the normal land XD

But yeah if you dont have a compass that might kinda suck xD

Still with a watch you could still find out your direction. And by looking at the starts but that one is kinda difficult.

As i am typing this ofcourse i understand the stupidity of it all. dont see why there is just simply a 30 sec timer.

Comments like: Omg what if i switch servers this and that. seriously? how many servers do you hop then? I can only see you doing that so that you can get a fresh loot right away. If you wanna "light cheat" just learn how to really cheat and get your gear right away instead of wasting your time server hopping if you are not looking to playing a game geniunly anyways.

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Really Rocket, really?

This is Alpha, we all know that because this forum has like 1000 users who dedicated their time to tell you "ALPHAZ!!111oneoneeleven" as soon as you "whine" about something, and in broken Alpha like DayZ mod is you decided to remove Respawn feature?

- Hackers: teleport you around, break your leg(s), send you to debug forest.

- Spawns: debug forest.

- Playing with friends: I am playing with 5-8 people, can you imagine nightmare of us getting together now? We will literally spend HOURS to just meet and start playing together, that is your intention that goes along with game's core design? I have to quit my job and my friends have to quit their studies if they want to play few hours of DayZ with me, because now... well... it's impossible to play DayZ for couple of hours as we will spend those couple of hours just running to find each other.

Oh cmon, don't just remove something like Respawning without giving us any alternative. What the fuck is my alternative if hacker breaks my leg in middle of nowhere while I am running through the forest? Is part of game's core design to have damn hacker on every damn server breaking my legs and teleporting me around? Most of people are already annoyed by overal hacking in this game, now we have to think about being stuck in nowhere without option to respawn/start from scratch.

Thank you Rocket, and your data collecting.

I don't even know what is benefit of ALT+F4 in DayZ but people are talking about that as it is form of hacking. I guess people escape danger doing ALT+F4 but I never understood why is it different then Abort->Disconnect.

Anyway, fighting against anything that annoys most of players is always good and nice but reading like 20 pages of this thread I found out you will also bring a lot of problems to legitimate users.

- Server/Client Performance: for some reason I can't explain nor understand why is my FPS changed by server's performance based on hardware and/or internet it has. I can NOT know if server I am joining will work well for me hence every day I am playing DayZ I have to change at least few servers before I find one that works fine. Why should I get punished for trying to play this game on server that gives me more then 15 FPS?

- Friends: same thing as above, different people have different PC configurations. When I play with friends some server we pick gives good performance to half of our group, while other half has shitty FPS. We gotta keep "server hoping" until we find server that works decently for everyone. Punish us? Of course, we are such abusers and exploiters...

- Misleading server information: AT LEAST half of servers "lie" about timezone and settings. Countless and countless of times I entered server where (by description) it should've been day but is night, or it says "CH:ON" but CH is OFF and so on. Should I be also punished because server admin doesn't care for updating server's name and description?

Basically this patch just PUNISHES me as legitimate user that doesn't ALT+F4, doesn't server hop for loot, doesn't abuse this game by any other means and surely doesn't hack. I play as legit as it is possible and after this patch I'll have HARD time playing with friends, I'll get punished for going through difficult process of finding decent server - difficult process that GAME/mod enforced on me, also I will spend my DayZ playtime running and trying to find friends OR I will crawl in forest for hours trying to find a zombie to kill me after hacker teleports me to forest and breaks my leg. Or... I will just be stuck in debug forest.

Really nice of you Rocket, instead of fixing bugs/hacks/performance issues that are here for months or AT LEAST enforcing same DayZ version/beta patch version on all servers you are adding Bear Traps and shitting on players who play this legit.

Thanks dude.

i think this should moved to it's own thread....very lefit concerns of many peeps. It can be responded to clearly everyone will see. Here a the same concern will be reposted ad nauseum and response will be buried

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rocket go back to the drawing board fast !!!

im telling you if you keep pushing these stupid patches and dont concentrate on what made this mod great then its game over.

I wont be playing anymore until its back to the way it was

people didnt buy arma 2 for this.

its ruined


Really? yeah there are a few flaws at the moment, but welcome to Alpha phase, the only way things will get better is if people keep playing and continue to make input for Rocket... yeah im pissed i lost my LA85 and there are some glitches but hey, ill keep playing cos it will get better!

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Also.. Zombie updates??

Interviews are full with things like. We are greatly improving the zombie performance.

zombie is a very big focus. etc. zombie animations. zombie speeds. zombie movement.

is there any of that gonna be in this update? :) just asking ;)

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Just lower your gun by pressing ctrl twice. If you stood up straight with your gun pointed down range you wouldnt be able to sidestep through a door.

It would be nice if this was automatically handled by the game, the lower mechanic is too clumsy for this particular use.

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Only problem I see with this is... when I play Day Z I sometimes get interrupted by my daughter or someone else in my family. I log out to deal with it. This can happen quite often as my daughter has some medical issues. Scenarios like that need to be taken into account.

No they do not. Im sorry if you daughter really does have medical issues, but that has NOTHING to do with me, or the game or the devs. This is not a building or employer that needs to cater to the disabled by federal law. Its a video game. A handicapped parking space, a wheelchair ramp isnt a real inconvienience to anyone. But to say that just because your daughter has medical issues and you have to DC to "take care of it" is bullshit. And than to say that anyone who has to DC for ANY friggin reason is a valid point to not implement this system is bull.

I call bull on all this I hate DC because of this or that. Go prone, hide, and deal with it. Dayz is not being played in a 2km X 2km map. Its huge. If you are in elektro you can still safely hide for a little while and do whatever you need to do without someone coming up on you. Sorry if I sound like a dick, but I hate people feeling entitled to something like game mechanics being completely reveresed to cater to people with bad connections, disabilities or real life situations. I have a real life, an important job where I can be called in a moments notice to fix critical things. I am not going to bitch about the DC thing because of it. If I get a call from work or my dog has to piss I will go prone and hide for 5 minutes. If I know im going to be gone for a while than just DC and come back in an hour or however friggin long it takes to not get bad rep. Children are a choice, as are pets and wives. If they get in the way of you playing your game, sorry. I didn't want a wife or kids to nag me if I am playing a game. And if I had them and had to do something for them I wouldent be up in arms that the DC mechanic didnt allow me to take care of MORE INPORTANT THINGS. (To you, not me or any other person that dosent know you or your family. It all comes down to you and your life inconviencing other people in a game) Its so rediculous it makes me cry bullshit that anyone would even mention it as a valid reason.

The solutions are so obvious and simple is comical to me when ANYONE suggests reasons why DC timers, DC banns are a bad idea. Its almost so obvious you are an avid DCer, server hopper. And I dont mean the the poster I quoted but rather all of the people that bitch about the DC thing. You internet sucks? Maybe you shouldent be playing dayz? When I lived in the dorms on base the internet DID suck. I was paying more than it was worth. I couldent play games, period. I didnt call up rockstar and bitch about they should change RDR network code so I could be able to play and it screw up others. If your internet is so bad that DC bans and such are a serious risk to your enjoying the game, than you probably arent enjoying the game ANYWAY because your internet sucks. You are screwing everyone else with your high latency and expect us to cater to your internet speed disability. I WOULD LOVE to have 100 acres in the middle of montana where no fiber cables exist but if I choose to live there I am not going to bitch at company A because I cant play video games online.

Bottom line is, do not expect or feel entitled to anything, especially in a mod. If you spend 80000 dollars on a corvette and the city you live in has no paved roads, are you gonna bitch at the city goverment to build paved roads just for your corvette, NO! You shouldent have bought a corvette in the boondocks. Same way you shouldent have bout an MMO if you live in the sticks. Welfare babies ugh.

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You make that long of a post just because someone is saying he cant DC because of his daughter? i mean if you think about this thread and that every word in it has value and that spamming would be also consired long pointless pieces of text. then why would you answer this dude with such a long message if you are talking about pointless respondses in a forum xD

Seriously the "STEAL BEAN" aka "Thumb Down" function must be added for real xD

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- Hackers: teleport you around, break your leg(s), send you to debug forest.

1) Carry morphine (herp) legs fixed.

2) Rocket said that when your spawn is set out of bounds you will be respawned back to the coast.

- Spawns: debug forest.

Again, out of bounds, you spawn back to the coast with all your gear.

- Playing with friends: I am playing with 5-8 people, can you imagine nightmare of us getting together now? We will literally spend HOURS to just meet and start playing together, that is your intention that goes along with game's core design? I have to quit my job and my friends have to quit their studies if they want to play few hours of DayZ with me, because now... well... it's impossible to play DayZ for couple of hours as we will spend those couple of hours just running to find each other.

Too bad you got so attached to a feature that wasn't meant to be used the way you did. And what stops you from running at nearest pack of zombies to end your miserable life?

Like you said, it's alpha, they test stuff. You aren't playing fully fledged game that is complete. Things will change, things have to change, things are tested, things are added, things are removed - that IS alpha. You aren't playing a game that is released, you are playing a proof of concept game that is in alpha stage.

You should listen to the GDC talk that the Portal 2 writers had. At one point Portal 2 didn't have portals at all. They built completely different game around the first game and they trashed it to build something that had portals. Imagine if they had released alpha and suddenly came out that they are ditching the game idea that didn't have portals and added portals back in. What kind of shitstorm would rise from that? Big one. There would be lots of tears. Your tears.

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You make that long of a post just because someone is saying he cant DC because of his daughter? i mean if you think about this thread and that every word in it has value and that spamming would be also consired long pointless pieces of text. then why would you answer this dude with such a long message if you are talking about pointless respondses in a forum xD

Seriously the "STEAL BEAN" aka "Thumb Down" function must be added for real xD

English isn't your first language huh? I couldent even decipher what you said. I wasn't talking about pointless responses in forums. I was talking about how anti DC mechanic posters have no real argument.

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