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Build 1.5.8 rolling update

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Regarding the amount of zombies spawning and the 'carebears' comment' date=' Rocket was clearly just kidding.


So he's making fun of people that prefer a different game style. Rocket is a grown man and should know better than to assume anyone different is a carebear.

So from now on, anyone different than me, who can't see gamers as people, or women as more than rape victims, is a self-entitled prick.

Hey, it's what everyone else is doing.

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Zombie numbers themselves weren't the problem' date=' it was the ridiculously fast respawn rate. Yesterday me and some buddies cleared out a small ruined fort in the middle of nowhere and had zombies respawn practically right next to us within 5 minutes or so.


^^^THIS^^^. I'm fine with dying from a zombie mob. I'm fine with dying from other players. What I hate is dying from server hoppers and it sucks so hard when the zombies would do this same thing. We'd clear an area only for 3 minutes later, zombies pop; not wonder in but POP next to us. Waste of ammo + takes away from the immersion of the mod.

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I downloaded the entire update allready. Could I create a torrent for it so people having the 500 error can download it?

Only if you want your connection to be slower than dial up.

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Regarding the amount of zombies spawning and the 'carebears' comment' date=' Rocket was clearly just kidding.


So he's making fun of people that prefer a different game style. Rocket is a grown man and should know better than to assume anyone different is a carebear.

So from now on, anyone different than me, who can't see gamers as people, or women as more than rape victims, is a self-entitled prick.

Hey, it's what everyone else is doing.

Jesus christ, you clearly ARE a carebear. Stop being such a whiny bitch and man the fuck up. Dry your tears.

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I downloaded the entire update allready. Could I create a torrent for it so people having the 500 error can download it?

Only if you want your connection to be slower than dial up.

My connection can handle torrent traffic. Once more then a few people have the update, it'll be the fastest way to distribute it.

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Affected addons:

* dayz_code 1.5.8

* dayz_equip 1.2.4

* dayz_sfx 1.1.2

* dayz 1.2.5

* dayz_weapons 1.1.2

Anyone else notice on the files page those are still 1.1.1?

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I sincerely hope he does not change night time. It NEEDS to stay dark, and it NEEDS to be nearly impossible to find your way around. If it was just a tiny bit easier to see what you were doing, we would have no use for items like chemlights or flashlights. NVGs wouldn't be such a luxury.

Please, Rocket, don't cave to pressure from the invalids when they stomp their feet and cry about night time being too scary for them. If you start chipping away at the things that make this mod unique, it won't be worth playing for a lot of players.

My advice to those of you that don't like night time: flares and chemlights. Both of which are stupidly common, and you even start with a handful of flares which can be launched and carried for all sorts of different situations.

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where can I find wood?! i am middle of forrest but my player refuses to burn it down to increase temperature!

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No longer use the sea for water? This'll make things interesting. I've yet to find any other water source' date=' haha.


You do realize that wells are marked on the map. So are ponds.

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Regarding the amount of zombies spawning and the 'carebears' comment' date=' Rocket was clearly just kidding.


So he's making fun of people that prefer a different game style. Rocket is a grown man and should know better than to assume anyone different is a carebear.

So from now on, anyone different than me, who can't see gamers as people, or women as more than rape victims, is a self-entitled prick.

Hey, it's what everyone else is doing.

You pretty much missed the entire point of my post. He's not making fun. He's joking. Not making fun of you, the player, but when you act like an over entitled child, kicking and stomping your feet like this, he just might start making fun of you, and to be honest, you would 100% have it coming after this post.

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Well that's an issue with ArmA's AI system' date=' not sure if they can fix that :c


Nope. As far as i know, zombies are implemented as "animals" without an AI supplied by the AA engine. It's a selfmade finite state machine for performance reasons. They are also all controlled by one of the clients/players near them.

Ask 10 developers whether the clipping checks should be done by the engine or the AI and you get 10 different answers ;)


Daniel, who had to implement several AI systems and networking code and still learns something everytime he does this ;)

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[FIXED?] Too many zombies for the Carebears to be able to play

In short' date=' keep the zombies hard because we want it, but namecalling is childish and uncalled for at best, and is downright appalling as a public statement.


I think you are taking it a bit too seriously; I'm willing to overlook Rocket's attitude because I know he works so hard, he never asked for all this attention, and he usually does end up listening to the community (bitterly).

But I generally agree, saying "salty tears" or "carebears" whenever someone dislikes gameplay changes is like saying "U MAD" and "butthurt lol" whenever someone expresses a complaint. It's just a way of intimidating people who disagree: it's a very poisonous and contagious attitude on message boards and it has to stop.

This is very irrational, since the entire purpose of this alpha is to get players' responses. On these boards I have participated in some excellent discussions about this game, where people didn't resort to these sort of tactics at all: I think Mr. Hall needs to do the same and show a bit of maturity, and respond to his fans' queries and worries with patience and respect, even when they don't do the same. I very rarely see developers or artists who treat their fans in such a way, it's not only unpleasant, it makes us fairly worried about the future of the game knowing that the developer might act irrationally.

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Well that's an issue with ArmA's AI system' date=' not sure if they can fix that :c


Nope. As far as i know, zombies are implemented as "animals" without an AI supplied by the AA engine. It's a selfmade finite state machine for performance reasons. They are also all controlled by one of the clients/players near them.

Ask 10 developers whether the clipping checks should be done by the engine or the AI and you get 10 different answers ;)


Daniel, who had to implement several AI systems and networking code and still learns something everytime he does this ;)

Well I didn't know this :)

Thanks for your answer, learned something today ;)

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First log in under 1.5.8 and I came across a barn that had barbed wire on both entrances. I could still get in but it sure slowed the hordes chasing me....lol

Next log in and it was gone. Oh well

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Ok, finished the update.. But, now when I open up ARMA 2 OA [combined operations] from steam, I get an error window: "Data file too short 'c:\program files(x86)\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\@dayz\addons\dayz_wquip.pbo'. Expected 22766838 B, got 8388091 B"

Ok, finished the update.. But, now when I open up ARMA 2 OA [combined operations] from steam, I get an error window: "Data file too short 'c:\program files(x86)\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\@dayz\addons\dayz_equip.pbo'. Expected 22766838 B, got 8388091 B"

Anyone else getting that?

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Think you should probably allow people to still use scrollwheel to interact with basic equipment tbh

I found the scroll wheel fairly easy to use equipment with and intuitive. The inventory and pack system is what I feel needs more of a change.

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Glad they nerfed the Winchester. It was unrealistic. 15 shotgun rounds in one tube?

do you know your Rifle History - NO Shot Shells ....... but w/Pistol ammo ....

Henry Rifle .44 Cal Rim Fire 15 rounds


no reason really not to have a 'shotgun' - there are modern .44 mag Shot Shells for Pistols ..........

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Scroll wheel remains for interacting with objects (in your world) as it was intended.

For interacting with individual inventory items, you right click. This caused a massive performance increase.

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Think you should probably allow people to still use scrollwheel to interact with basic equipment tbh

This. I found the scroll wheel pretty convenient.

On the subject of the carebear thing, so the fuck what? You're all adults, you shouldn't need to grow up. Would you rather have the interaction between you and Rocket handled by some sterile calculating support team like those bastards at EA and Ubisoft? You've got human interaction you twits. Why are you complaining about a good thing? This is transparency, and it's where game development is heading.

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Also' date=' relating to the OP, what's with Rocket always offending his playerbase? Seems kind of silly to me; you wouldn't find a musician offending his fanbase.



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Regarding the amount of zombies spawning and the 'carebears' comment' date=' Rocket was clearly just kidding.


So he's making fun of people that prefer a different game style. Rocket is a grown man and should know better than to assume anyone different is a carebear.

So from now on, anyone different than me, who can't see gamers as people, or women as more than rape victims, is a self-entitled prick.

Hey, it's what everyone else is doing.

You pretty much missed the entire point of my post. He's not making fun. He's joking. Not making fun of you, the player, but when you act like an over entitled child, kicking and stomping your feet like this, he just might start making fun of you, and to be honest, you would 100% have it coming after this post.

Virfortis, you'd have been served better hanging around for a while before jumping in this way. I thought I was uptight.

This is just the .... Jocular(?) way things are on the site here. It's entirely friendly. Didn't you ever play a role playing game with a diabolical dungeon master who seemed to be relishing making your characters suffer, but told a great story? This is a version of that.


Regarding the amount of zombies spawning and the 'carebears' comment' date=' Rocket was clearly just kidding.


So he's making fun of people that prefer a different game style. Rocket is a grown man and should know better than to assume anyone different is a carebear.

So from now on, anyone different than me, who can't see gamers as people, or women as more than rape victims, is a self-entitled prick.

Hey, it's what everyone else is doing.

You pretty much missed the entire point of my post. He's not making fun. He's joking. Not making fun of you, the player, but when you act like an over entitled child, kicking and stomping your feet like this, he just might start making fun of you, and to be honest, you would 100% have it coming after this post.

Virfortis, you'd have been served better hanging around for a while before jumping in this way. I thought I was uptight.

This is just the .... Jocular(?) way things are on the site here. It's entirely friendly. Didn't you ever play a role playing game with a diabolical dungeon master who seemed to be relishing making your characters suffer, but told a great story? This is a version of that.


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