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Finch (DayZ)

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About Finch (DayZ)

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  1. If you list the version number you are currently running, it would be nice if you actually ran that version. It's enough of an ordeal to find open servers running the newest patch, but don't label your server as having the newest patch when it in fact, does not.
  2. Inventory wiped except for pack contents. Defaulted to this "standard" kit that everyone seems to be getting when they get wiped on login. So long M14 :(
  3. Finch (DayZ)

    Spawning in with weird items

    Goddamnit! My hatchet wasn't bugged until they patched it and bugged it, harvested wood just fine the other day before the patch.
  4. Finch (DayZ)

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    [FIXED] No backpacks or medical boxes spawning What are medical boxes? I've never seen one or even heard about them.
  5. Finch (DayZ)

    Variety in Player's look

    Alternate skins are coming, you have to find them in the world. Right now 99% of this mod is using art and models that come with ARMA, extensive character models requires a ton of work. I'm sure ARMA has a huge selection fo soldier skins we could find and use, but there won't be much in the way of civilian skins until someone makes them.
  6. Finch (DayZ)

    Balota Airstrip Loot Question

    Unless something has been changed all hangers in all the air fields have the chance of spawning the same loot, same goes for other military buildings save for the medical building and machine shed. If you look at the loot spawn probabilities table you'll see that the highest spawn rate is still given to generic loot and junk, so you might find an assault rifle, but more likely you'll find crap, or some ammo. I've raided an airfield on a nearly empty server where it was highly unlikely someone got to it before me and the fanciest thing I found was an AK-74 and some smoke grenades, everything else was generic. Its still pretty hit or miss even at military bases.
  7. Finch (DayZ)

    Crashed Hueys - where did they go?

    Haven't spotted a single one. I found 3-4 before the patch, and I've checked pretty much every open space between Stary, NE airfield and Devil's Castle and nothing. Even all the places where I sawthem previously....Man I really want to find a M14
  8. Finch (DayZ)

    Sneaking and sound.

    Ok, so I know zombies are pretty much oblivious to me when I'm prone, but what about other players? Mostly I ask because honestly the crawling on the ground noise is as loud as sprinting coming from my own speakers, are sounds you hear from your own character representational of how loud you are to other players you might be nearby? Here's a situation. Trying to loot the NE airfield at night and go through safely, but saw someone with a DMR climb on top of the aircraft control tower as I was leaving. So I could have taken some shots at him from my vantage point off the the side a bit but when I'm sporting an AK74 KOBRA and I've got numerous zombies roaming around its really not an option. So here's my question, can I crawl/walk into the building go up the stairs and up the ladder to the top of the control tower and pistol him in the head without him hearing? Is the ingame sound level indicator accurate when dealing with other players?
  9. Finch (DayZ)

    a few things I'd like to see changed/added!

    Totally agree on all points. I really want more civilian guns as you don't always need an AK or M4, and I'd like the option of finding more interesting and diverse guns in civilian locations. I would LOVE an SKS in this game, thats a perfect long range zombie plinking player killing gun. Same goes for ammo. I would be realistic to have to find empty magazines and load them from a box of ammo, but that seems annoying and needlessly inventory clogging. Other option is to just find ammo by the box and somehow just have infinite disposable magazines that are loaded from your box. Probably the best gun/ammo management I've experienced in a game was the Fallout series. Ammo was itemized as "bullets" and when you reloaded a gun, you use a magazine's worth of bullets from your total bullets for that type of gun. You could also unload scavenged guns and take whatever ammo was left in them. Sure it left out the idea of needing magazines, or time to reload them, but it was a really straight forward system and didn't do weird things like having 12ga shells come in packs of 10 and 8 and 10 that only worked in one weapon.
  10. Finch (DayZ)

    Server Time in Server List

    I think I know which Dallas server you were on. I always play there as I can only play at night, so getting some sun in game is a nice change. I think they have their time offset by about 8 hours from normal Dallas time. Ideally id like EVERY server in the world to run the exact same time but with something like 4hr daytime and 4hr nighttime. Playing through a sunrise or sunset is epic, but right now its hard to catch. Plus it would be nice to always know what your getting yourself into when you log in. IE: what time is best for raiding a town or exploring and when to hop in to meet your friends before it gets light and dangerous to be out in the open.
  11. Finch (DayZ)

    Loot Spawning thoughts.

    The idea would be that for the most part all loot spawns at all locations, but with greatly skewed probabilities. You might find an AK in an outhouse, but its not likely. It makes every loot location exciting and keeps people wanting to scout everything, instead of just making a bee-line to an airfield. I think its a bit of a fun-breaking aspect that the really cool stuff ONLY spawn at military locations, and there are a ton of military spec guns, and only a few civilian guns, so once you've tried out the 7 civilian guns you either decided on one, or ditched it for something military. It feels like I don't even need to bother going into towns anymore because unless I want beans, flares, or .45/shotgun ammo there is really nothing there for me. I find that I really just deer stand hop around the map and that really satisfies all my loot gathering needs and keeps me really really safe. Having a larger variation in loot and have it possibly show up anywhere keeps you hunting all the time for the good stuff. Sure you can go to the airbase for a higher chance to find military stuff, but i'd like every building to be exciting. Right now I'm just skipping barns because I already know what might be in there. I miss the excitement of anticipation.
  12. Finch (DayZ)

    Solutions to 1.5.7 gripes.

    I've been soloing for awhile now and I think if your wasting all your ammo in every town, then your doing it wrong. I've gotten into, and out of many decent sized towns without firing a shot because I crawl around and sneak. Sure it takes more time, but it works really really well. At this point I actually have too much ammo for both my revolver and winchester. Here's what I do. •Sneak everywhere, they are really blind and as long as you don't make much noise your fine, just wait for them to move away or throw bottles to distract them. •If you aggro a zombie, run for it. NEVER shoot it in town. Run straight out of town as fast as you can into a field and shoot it there. You'll probably attract a few more in your mad dash out of town but 5 or 6 zombies is better than firing an AK in town and getting a whole town's worth. Also, 2-3 zombies around a deer stand isn't even worth expending ammo for, just crawl up there and climb the ladder once they wander away or aren't looking your direction. I've never had to shoot a zombie in order to get into a deer stand.
  13. So I'm all clear on the character persistance, but what about other items in the game. 1. If I place a tent and fill it with loot on one server, does it stay on that server even if I switch servers? How long do tents stay active after being placed. 2.Do vehicles also stay on the server where they were first repaired?