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Get rid of all the sniper rifles

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Right, my brief opinion: Dunno why some complain about sniper rifles in general. They're part of the game / world. You could argue about .50 cal snipers, okay. But in general? Nah. They have their uses, AND ALSO DISADVANTAGES.

Why? You can't equip a squad with sniper rifles completely, if you wanna loot areas. In fact, you can, but enjoy the disadvantages when having to rely on sidearms, since you can't really be effective in close range compared to say, a rifle, SMG, etc. Especially _IN_ the woods, not from the border or into them, but IN them, it's hard to use sniper rifles. Again, sidearm is more effective, but less than a potential rifle / smg / etc. wielding opponent. It's not OP, minus some .50 cal snipers perhaps. They simply have their uses in other areas. It's "precision" , but sometimes you need a hammer, if you get what I mean.

It all comes down to this: Be aware of your surroundings, and chose wisely where to go, how to go there, and when. The guy in the bush could also wield an enfield, AK, etc, and still ruin your day.

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Why even bother. Those guys think that anti-materiel snipers are only used against players, with is false (try to pin down an ural with your AK-74, i'm watching).

But don't get me wrong, inside my "team" (8 players) we only have 3 sniper rifles: 1 dmr, 1 m24 and my AS-50. The 5 other players are playing with assault rifle (mostly M4 and M16) because they like those. Me, I don't like assault rifles. i'd rather play with a shotgn than an AKM. I'd love to see other shotguns, other type of ammos for those, but it's sadly not going to happen for the moment. God, i'd even play with the crossbow it it had a real sight & we could stack those bolts...

Oh, I've been playing this game for almost 2 months, and i've been engaged by 2 snipers so far. Once while looting the roof of elektro's hospital, the 2nd time while looting a chopper on NWAF ( yup, totally my fault).

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. There are other things you can do as a sniper besides get your murder count up. The main thing being watching your group's back from a distance while they carry out some sort of mission.

rrmove the god damn murder count stat.

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You guys must be loot cycling or sumtin because i have played this game non-stop for 7 days. and i must say that sniper rifles are very rare.

And beside of that. I dunno if you ever fired the AKM or any other rifle. They shred people from very long distances.

This game does exactly what it is supposed to do. And that is make it a realistic zombie apocalypse survival game. And right now its in Alpha and theres allot of balancing that still needs to be done. But the sniper rifle drop is certainly in the good range atm.

Removing Sniper rifles from a game is the thread you will always see in every game with rifles. because people just cant handle getting shot without having had the chance of doing something back. Well... sorry for you. But thats just the whole purpose of a sniper. Thats why they have to have the skill to be able to make those 1 shot kills from a distance instead of unloading a SMG or Machine gun at a person till he dies or hides himself.

What you need is some friends. That can back you up when theres a sniper. Me and my friends have killed almost every sniper we encountered.

What i see as a bigger problem is sniper's who disconnected as soon as you uncovered there location etc.

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im pretty confident that snipers will be gone when dayz goes live. they add nothing to the game besides pointless killing

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im pretty confident that snipers will be gone when dayz goes live. they add nothing to the game besides pointless killing

#1 - Pointless killing? So being able to shoot someone silently, Being able to take out multiple targets without being compromised Is pointless killing?

#2 - If you meant pointless. because you would not "Have" to kill someone. Then you dont understand the role of a sniper at all.

#3 - Pointless killing is an actual part of the game. And the point to kill someone can be many things.

Can you tell me please. What is pointless killing? And then especially the one where. someone with a sniper can only do the pointless kill.

Edited by GuitarPants

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Because sniper rifles take you out of the immersion of the zombie appocalypse feeling. Because sniper rifles makes the "end game" too easy thus too boring. Also because of the mag glitch where you can loot 1 mag and sit in the woods forever without finding more.

Need any more reasons?

I'm not going to insult you or anything like that but look at how realistic this game is TRYING to be. IRL i'm pretty sure i could go too a local gun store and get a sniper and plenty of Ammo. If it had not already been looted. And Ik it hasnt happened so i wouldnt know for sure but if there was a Zombie Apocalypse or apocalypse of any kind humans would be our biggest threat. considering were eachothers biggest threats now. ALSO if you disagree with me at least support your argument, dont just say im gay or retarded, Same as how i supported how i Disagrees with Realm13

Edited by Rob1

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cry cry cry

you noob

dayz should get rid of u i hope u quit cuz u get shot and shot and shot NOOB

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its not a surprise to see a post like this from person who has 13 in nickname. this supposed to be age right?

So because i have a 1 in my name I'm 1yrs old right. if your going to insult someone try to at least do it well and dont make an even more immature comment considering there was nothing wrong with his in the first place

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If sniper rifles were removed, he majority of the griefers would leave overnight. It would be beautiful.

But completely unrealistic

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Name one successful zombie game with people safely sitting miles away from any zombie threat and picking people off with snipers.

Just name one and I'll be going.

THIS ONE but dont leave this is entertaining

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the guy that made this topic is just a noob trying to kill people with a flashlight and then got killed by a sn1per rifle i get mad of this guy here that he made this topic

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sniper rifle isnt that bad the glitch that makes your character a big black blob and visible from 1000 meters away without zoom is the problem

What glitch?

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The chances of actually getting a sniper is veeeeerrrryyy difficult.

Even though i've gotten lucky, killed 2 people over two servers with my friend, and found two AS50's two GPS', compasses, maps, range finders, NVG's and plenty of bullets for a range of different guns.

Buuuutt.. I guess i'm just lucky.

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Even better solution. Make zombies that are in smaller towns or woods more powerful. Make zombies spawn in the woods if you stay in the same 100 sq meters for more than 5 minutes. No more safe zones means no more sniper campers, yeah?

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Just because YOu are off the city, and YOU kill guys in the florest, does not mean that gun should be removed, you should change your style of play don't take away the possibility of a sandbox ... such as removing weapons!

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Nooo way just because you run out in the field like an idiot and dont know how to use a sniper rifle definatley does not mean a weapon that would definatley be used in IRL survival should be taken out it's a sim not a fuqing pick daisies and flowers pussie >={

No one said that he is running on an open field, stop making things up that aren't related to the gameplay of a player or are you talking

out of experiences you had on an open field?


The Antimaterial Rifles are really not necessary in this game. Shooting with such rifles on humans is just a waste of bullets, a SVD or CZ550 can be deadly too if you can handle them and not only focused on fancy M107 or AS50 rifles.

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