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Get rid of all the sniper rifles

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Dayz forces players to hit the NWAF for military gear

It's amazing how you were able to fit two different levels of being completely wrong into the same sentence.

Helicopter crashes are best source of military equipment and they appear "randomly around the world" just like you said you wanted! Amazing.

And even if the NWAF were the only source of military gear, you sure as fuck wouldn't be forced to go there.

You could, you know, kill other people who have been there?

Or just use the non-military gear, some of which is just as effective and powerful as the stuff you will find at the airfields?

In summary, try to be less completely wrong.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby
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But I am right and you know it......the game is geared towards sniper rifles and camping hotspots as end game.There is no inner city fighting will assault rifles etc.There is camping onhills taking out people trying to survive.And again its easier to evade in cities then the NWAF and heli crashes and that was my point,as a way to make snipers less OP.Just remove these as hot spots maybe?Maybe randomly spawn heli crashes all over the map instead of certain places?There are downed soldiers all over the map that have no gear on them.Would be excellent to have rare gear spawn on them all over the map.

But alas thats the way this mod is geared.Just my opinion on to why snipers are so OP.if they were so OP then why wouldn't armies just have sniper squads?

EDIT...maybe when underground bases come into play then the game will change for the better.Imagine....sniper rifles would get you killed down there.;)

Edited by wolfstriked

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I agree with the OP. Remove sniper rifles since they make bad end game content.

What I love most about PVP is the rush that I get when I actually have to risk something to kill another player.

It's always a gamble when you go in with an assault rifle or even an axe.

Snipers on the other hand are so lame.. just sit in a bush and shoot everything that moves and if you have buddies let them clean up the bodies while you cover them.

PVP should be high risk high gain not some asshat wanking in a bush.

Edited by zamp
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I agree with the OP. Remove sniper rifles since they make bad end game content.

What I love most about PVP is the rush that I get when I actually have to risk something to kill another player.

It's always a gamble when you go in with an assault rifle or even an axe.

Snipers on the other hand are so lame.. just sit in a bush and shoot everything that moves and if you have buddies let them clean up the bodies while you cover them.

PVP should be high risk high gain not some asshat wanking in a bush.

Well said. No risk, no pressure = no fun.

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First, the phrase "civilian sniper rifle" just makes me cringe (there is no such thing). Hitting a man sized target at medium range is not that hard with any decent precision rifle, assuming you've had any exposure to long range shooting at all. Especially when you have opportunity for a follow up shot. Anything inside of 600 yards is cake. If you don't believe me, just try it. It's everything ELSE that is hard (field craft, data collection, ranging, making first round hits).

I've said it before, but there is no need to eliminate the scoped rifles, or even reduce the spawn rate at all. Just fix the glitches, then let it get sorted out naturally. Eliminate the server hopping for loot and duping and mag glitches. That will automatically limit the use of the scoped rifles, because it IS indeed difficult to find them. But not when you can just go to your tent and make more.

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Hear me out people as I may have a good idea here but it would require people to accept a dumbing down of Arma2's accuracy in weapons.

To start,I modded my own Stalker game yrs back where I made the weapons to the stats I could find online.But Stalker sucked due to small maps and just a point and click feel to the gameplay since the weapons felt like lasers.What I then did was do an across the board change so that snipers were as accurate as assault rifles,assault rifles went to as accurate as sub machine guns etc etc.This worked perfectly and was enhanced even more when I added in a little extra bullet drop.Its a game set in a fictional world with monsters so I felt I could err a bit in realism and voila,it was perfect.

Now I am not saying to do something so drastic in Dayz as it is based on a realistic military simulator with huge maps,but remember peeps,it also has monsters.And also remember that the rest of the game has huge errs in realism to keep the mod,as Rocket points out,authentic.Maybe a little err in its realism would open up the mod for much better gameplay.And that err in realism could be a reduction in each weapons accuracy and also maybe a bit of extra bullet drop added in.I am talking about a way to force players a little bit closer and to compensate just a touch more for bullet drop.

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To be brutally honest, removing sniper rifles from Day Z wouldn't bother me in the slightest, because then people would actually require -skill- to PvP in this game.

That's also 95% of the reason so many people are crying on this thread and saying no. Lol.

If they are to remain, there should be huuuge bullet drop and more shakiness when prone, to match that of crouching at the very least. It's too easy mode right now.

High risk high gain makes sense for PvP, not just high bush high gain, that's a pretty bad concept lol. Almost as bad as one click killing your hardcore character without a confirmation box when you tried to change controls/video settings. (See signature thread).

Edited by bonesnap

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It's anoying to get sniped in cherno or anywhere, but the look in a players eye when he finds a very rare gun like that is worth sacrificing a few lives for.

Besides the intensity of working together to take out a sniper while under heavy fire is an amazing part of the game.

We all injoy sniping so leave the rifles alone.

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Because once people get sniper rifles and/or rangefinders, all they do is camping in the woods outside of high population areas and snipe people. (I know most of the people I know did it, so did I for a brief period of time). At this point you are so far away from the zeds and you don't feel that this is a zombie appcalypse survival game at all. It's more like a sniping game with "zombie: the human detector" game.

Please consider getting rid of all the sniper rifles so everyone will need to get their hands dirty in some real zombie action.

TL;DR: Dayz shouldn't be a "Sniper Elite multiplayer with zombies in the distance as decorations". AND NO, I'm not the "snipee", this is your bored sniper speaking.

EDIT: I made the title of OP a bit extreme to raise attention, but I can settle with having less powerful snipers, less sniper and their ammo spawns, and fix the ammo bug.

The reason snipers are so content hunting players from far away is that they have no incentive to get to a player's corpse. I have an idea that could help with that, possibly, and simultaneously give people a good reason to kill zombies!


Edited by jesquik

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Aw, you need a tissue?

Any idea how hard it is to even obtain a rifle in this game? Even the most common, CZ 550, has less than a 2% rate I believe.

Technically the Enfield is a rifle and is retarded common.I pass by at least 4 everytime I play lol.

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Hear me out people as I may have a good idea here but it would require people to accept a dumbing down of Arma2's accuracy in weapons.

To start,I modded my own Stalker game yrs back where I made the weapons to the stats I could find online.But Stalker sucked due to small maps and just a point and click feel to the gameplay since the weapons felt like lasers.What I then did was do an across the board change so that snipers were as accurate as assault rifles,assault rifles went to as accurate as sub machine guns etc etc.This worked perfectly and was enhanced even more when I added in a little extra bullet drop.Its a game set in a fictional world with monsters so I felt I could err a bit in realism and voila,it was perfect.

Now I am not saying to do something so drastic in Dayz as it is based on a realistic military simulator with huge maps,but remember peeps,it also has monsters.And also remember that the rest of the game has huge errs in realism to keep the mod,as Rocket points out,authentic.Maybe a little err in its realism would open up the mod for much better gameplay.And that err in realism could be a reduction in each weapons accuracy and also maybe a bit of extra bullet drop added in.I am talking about a way to force players a little bit closer and to compensate just a touch more for bullet drop.

Are you people that against making Dayz's weapons,god forbid slightly less realistic,that you will ignore this post completely.It did not even get a NO!!!

Its a zombie game where we can heal broken bones with morphine injections.Would it be so bad if the best sniper in game were only accurate to 1000m and all other weapons reduced accordingly?You hardcore snipers could stand to get a little challenge IMO.What this would do is bring epople closer together and make for longer firefights.Do you sniper elites:) want more challenge?

Edited by wolfstriked

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I agree of remove SOME of snipers;

Who needs a AS50? M107? They are Anti-Material weapons that are USED against Armored Vehicles, not on people like you guys that own these guns do.

To balance the game, it should only have M24, SVD and DMR of Military Snipers, ONLY. And increase the spawn chance of CZ550 and later add some others more common civilian snipers rifles.

You just said everything i had in mind, i totally agree to that. Why

the hell do we need Anti-Vehicle Rifle that fires a .50 cal. bullet? The CZ 550 is a damn good Rifle and is really precise, and a thermic-scope is just a fancy accessiore, that makes it just easier to kill someone @ night, what in my eyes isn't really necessary.

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Nooo way just because you run out in the field like an idiot and dont know how to use a sniper rifle definatley does not mean a weapon that would definatley be used in IRL survival should be taken out it's a sim not a fuqing pick daisies and flowers pussie >={

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That's what it's all about. Even at the end of the world people can't get over themselves and work together.

well put

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You just said everything i had in mind, i totally agree to that. Why

the hell do we need Anti-Vehicle Rifle that fires a .50 cal. bullet? The CZ 550 is a damn good Rifle and is really precise, and a thermic-scope is just a fancy accessiore, that makes it just easier to kill someone @ night, what in my eyes isn't really necessary.

No need to remove the variety.just lower the accuracy so that the rare AS50's will be top end gear but just not as accurate.Most people here would never tell the difference in game as they have never even shot a real weapon.

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ALL of your buddies have those things? Really?

Then you're either duping or you don't very many buddies.

My group of 6 have been looting for weeks. Everyone has hundreds of hours in-game. We have found 3 pairs of NVGs total, and lost one last night in a firefight.

This thread is a directionless mess. What problem are you trying to solve, exactly?

And how do you propose I play tactically and cover my friends while they loot highly dangerous, exposed areas?

There's a reason chopper crashes are in the middle of fields and not in forests, you know that right? To make them hard to loot safely?

Now I can use my DMR or AS50 and stay in the treeline to cover my brother while he loots.

In your world we would both have to run up there like a couple of idiots and get killed by one nubcake with a lee enfield crouching in the bushes.

Fuck that and fuck this thread.

Sorry to be harsh but it's a terrible suggestion with no rational backing that would undermine critical tactical elements of the game.

And this game will never, ever have AI "guards," ever. So lets not go down that road okay?

I looted 3 yesterday solo and never even got shot at in a server with 40 other people in.I did die later on while in the woods northwest of Olshka.Out of the 40 others about 30 of them where firefighting in cherno.Go figure.

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"If I don't get handed the thing he worked for hours to get, then...uhh...he shouldn't get to have that!"


Just because you got shot by a sniper automatically makes all snipers totally OP and the devs should delete them because it ruins the game for everyone.

Why don't we all spawn with Class IV ballistic armor that stops practically all bullets, so "the noobs" are protected from the "cheating bad guys"? Better yet, let's just ban people who shoot other people without getting their permission eforehand, because ambushes are so OP.

No. If we give in to this, you'll find that people then start complaining about the automatic weapons "being unfair", then the semi-automatics "being unfair", then the one and two shot weapons "being unfair", until we all have cricket bats and people call the guys who run around with hatchets "cheating axe murderers".

Learn to deal with snipers instead of coming crying to the devs whenever you "lose" their game. Instead, beat the snipers. Get a gun and make friends, search for them, track them, kill them.

Make yourself a harder target by moving erratically and not stopping in an open field. Wait, why are you even in an open field? Don't do that. There's something called "passive cover" as well as "active cover". Even when you're NOT being shot at, take care to put something between yourself and potential enemies. If you can choose between Moving down the middle of an empty street and moving behind the treeline, use the trees! If you can choose between cutting across an open field and circling around to the other side of an industrial complex, go behind the industrial complex!

Don't whine about your experiences. Learn from them. The devs don't need to fix a damn thing. As soon as you learn to minimize your risks, you won't have this problem near as much.

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What is this ..End Game? There is no end game! When you die and decide that spawning in with a pile of sniper rifles at your feet is making the game too OP for you and you don't play again, that is the "end game". DayZ is the 'end game' of the internet.

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If sniper rifles were removed, he majority of the griefers would leave overnight. It would be beautiful.

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Because once people get sniper rifles and/or rangefinders, all they do is camping in the woods outside of high population areas and snipe people.

Welcome to DayZ, you must be new here.

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The way i see it, disempowering won't to much good for dayz. It would dull the game out, and make it very tiresome. Of course it might be more 'realistic' and fit more into the how one might expect an apocolypse would be, but it would drag on and there would not be much point playing. The reason the other games such as Amnesia and Call of Cthulu are good like that, is because they are singleplayer, and a have a story behind them. To make something ultra realistic that is to be played as a game takes away the 'game' aspect; I really cant think of any multiplayer game which makes players powerless, without much to do, and is also entertaining. Aside from all that, I believe that taking away snipers would be a bad idea, but having fortifications and more persistent defence things would be very good.

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we need to be able to find those kind of weapons, since haxers bring weapons like as-50 with thermal scoops into the game.

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