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Dr Wasteland MD

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I wish i had a pair of NVG's :D

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private message .

or just join US183

I'd strongly recommend that you not post a server here. Use PM or Steam for that. That's a really good way to get two people killed.

I'd suggest you make alternative plans and communicate them in a more secure manner.


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so yea like i said in my edit and im goin to repost here.

BIG shoutout to Snortan for helping me out with some Morphine. Had a small problem with giving it to me but he let me get it out his pack and apply it. Thanks Man and i seriously hope all you guys have a nice one.

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Tractor Crash in NorthEast

Reward Included

If this was a mission in a single player game I would consider it high difficultly considering the location and the fact that I don't know exactly where I am. If someone could pull this off it would be amazing.


  • Crashed a Tractor into a fence and flew out the window (lol)
  • Normally I would respawn but I have too much gear to die.
  • Need someone with time and patience, I can get on Skype or TS3
  • Willing to wait to for a medic who's up for the challenge (no rush)
  • Please PM me for my Skype or Steam Name
  • If you come save me I'll send you $5 on PayPal or give you a couple million in Diablo 3 gold.


  • I believe I am somewhere in the red circle (although I could be wrong)
  • I was heading directly South when it happened
  • About 100 yards ahead of me was an unmarked little gas station along a dirt road
  • I believe it is somewhere along the dotted road between Olsha and the Airstrip


  • About 2k Blood
  • Bleeding
  • Unconscious (won't survive the timer)
  • Have Bloodbags and Epi-pen in backpack


Edited by Internet
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You still need treatment? I can make a run there in 10-12 minutes from Cherno

Yeah i do rather badly got two broken legs managed to stop the bleeding and restore some blood through food now hold up a small what i would call a security office, sorry i haven't replied all day haven't been able to get to a computer.

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Any medics around Stary? I had a great meeting with whitelist medic +Ben+ (Browner) last night where he brought me back from 750 blood. I've been killing zeds for more hours than i can count today and i'm in need of another good medic. Only down to 6k blood this time and I can walk. Any whitelist medics around Stary send me a pm pls. Much appreciated.

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Any medics around Stary? I had a great meeting with whitelist medic +Ben+ (Browner) last night where he brought me back from 750 blood. I've been killing zeds for more hours than i can count today and i'm in need of another good medic. Only down to 6k blood this time and I can walk. Any whitelist medics around Stary send me a pm pls. Much appreciated.

Anyone near Stary with some Pain Pills?

I'm sending you both pm's. As your both in the same area I can sort you both out quickly before i go to bed. I'm nearby so it wont take me long.

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My friend and I are held up in the firestation in the NW airstrip. We foolishly tried to navigate through the airstrip when the entire place was glitching out with the graphical artifacts bug and we took a lot of aggro from zombies. My friend is bleeding out with 500 hp left and no bandages. I'm at about 2k hp and keep passing out. I was well equiped with medical supplies but I didn't do a safe bag switch at the airfield and lost everything in the bag.

If anyone could save us, I'd really appreciate it!

Edited by jmido8

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I ran into the ol' inventory clearing glitch and I ran into a zombie who broke my leg in one hit. Stuck in Zelenogorsk and I need morphine. Thanks. I'll be here or on Steam. Again.

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My friend and I are held up in the firestation in the NW airstrip. We foolishly tried to navigate through the airstrip when the entire place was glitching out with the graphical artifacts bug and we took a lot of aggro from zombies. My friend is bleeding out with 500 hp left and no bandages. I'm at about 2k hp and keep passing out. I was well equiped with medical supplies but I didn't do a safe bag switch at the airfield and lost everything in the bag.

If anyone could save us, I'd really appreciate it!

I'm available. Sending you a PM.

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Tractor Crash in NorthEast

Reward Included

If this was a mission in a single player game I would consider it high difficultly considering the location and the fact that I don't know exactly where I am. If someone could pull this off it would be amazing.


  • Crashed a Tractor into a fence and flew out the window (lol)

I will have to make a quick hospital run for some supplies, if you can wait a bit I'll make my way over to you.

Edited by CombatCactus

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After Action Report

Summary: Just read this one :P its pretty cool

So im running along to balota as a fresh spawn, as you do and come accross 3 people along my travels all of which are pretty scared so i tell them to follow me, at kamerovo we come under sniper fire (a newb taking out fresh spawns) i tell them to run to the building at the docks and ill distract him and start zig zagging towards him...i have no wepon yet it works and the sniper goes after me, i zig zag all the way up to the road then over to trees and keep running until i reach the hangers in balota, i hope those 3 made it.

upon searching them i found nothing except a M9SD and a toolbox, which to be honest made me very happy (i just have a thing about tool box's dont know why) and then realise that this server is a PvP server so i DC and connect to a good old favorite, UK9 however i realise the server was so laggy i lose everything i picked up :/ i make my way to cherno after getting a call out to a patient near the dam's of elektro.

upon reaching cherno there is barbwire, litrally stopping you from entering from the flats to the shore and tank traps stopping you crawling! i spend 20 mins or so trying to enter till i get annoyed and just server hop in, i need those med supplies.

i gather some basics including alice pack, med supplies (INCLUDING ANTIBIOTICS!) -although with temp removed i think to myself i doubt they will be needed- food and drink and set off (no map or compass) and reach elektro and decide to see if i can grab any navigating tools, when i enter the school there is a dead body just in the hall way, i go check it and find a TOOL BOX made my day, anyway i move upstairs looting and not a damn thing except clocks not even a hunting knife and matchs :/ i go out onto the second balcony and see two bodies, i press G and get hit by a train. Im down for the count, blood at 4000, ticker couting down.

"FUCK i think to myself, not worries about dying but annoyed i let a patient down in making him wait so long only to be told he has to wait longer!"

I wake up but think the guy will shoot me as soon as i do, i was right as soon as i move i hear the train but he misses! (thank god for dusk servers) i finish doing the weird hand dance and crawl to the door but get stuck! *come on come on move you stupid idiot!* is what im screaming at my computer, CRACK! another train shoots past my head into the wall infront of me, i manage to move side ways, just where the bullet had gone and crawl through, CRACK, i hear another train shoot past and miss my foot. I get around and finally bandage myself with only 3000 blood, but do i DC? not today, i'll stay. I crawl to a small room and wait for him to come, i wait, wait, wait some more! even check facebook but nothing happens.

I figure hes just out for kills and not loot since three bodies and no loot taken? i get up sprint down the stairs and out the back door and keep running, zig zagging all the way but i dont think he says me as its getting dark (probably thinks i DC'd! i make it past the firestation and to the pond, only to realise the patients at the Dam and set off all the while being scared that im being tailed.

The patient is on the bridge and i barely see him through the fuzzy screen, i patch him up and he gives me some blood and we talk. I offer to help him get steam to work with Dayz so he adds me on skype and i give him a spare morphine! he says i can take a his spare gun since he prefers the AKM and i take it, grateful :P since i give him my AKM ammo and it turns out to be a bizone O_0 i just stare, snap out of it, and take it. I say my thanks and move up, i gotta make it to base.

I try to navigate at night, with no map or compass and no outside map help, you know! like how we use to play Dayz back when it was actually scary? :P well it was scary this time, i made wrong turns back tracked got lost needed food chased and just enjoyed walking through the woods until i finally did a loop back to zub castle and made my way up to novy where i logged off.

Hope you all enjoyed the read :) stay safe all and start navigating like you use to!

Edited by SoulShaper2
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Just posting to thank +Ben+ He came to to me, stopped my Pain and then gave me some spare pills with a morphine injector. Great guy!

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Available for about an hour from now on. PM me, if you need any medical help. Current location: Berezino


Don't have any antibiotics

Edited by Duny

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Quick question, and I apologize if I am posting in the wrong forum. I'm new.

How do I join the VA 18 server? The only server I was able to find in Virginia is US 1218.

I am running, 95417

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Hey there, i currently need a blood bag/transfusion and food would be be nice also, Im in the long barn/fuel take area in between the NW Airfield and Grishino. Much appreciation to who ever can help.

Thanks so much to Bombadil for saving my ass, chalk one more live saved for him!

Edited by Scruffles

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Hey there, i currently need a blood bag/transfusion and food would be be nice also, Im in the long barn/fuel take area in between the NW Airfield and Grishino. Much appreciation to who ever can help.

Hi Scruffles, I'm at the NW airfield and on my way to your location. I'll PM you for details.

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Hey there, i currently need a blood bag/transfusion and food would be be nice also, Im in the long barn/fuel take area in between the NW Airfield and Grishino. Much appreciation to who ever can help.

Just outside of the barn, awaiting your response.

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Hey i would like to become a part of the Medic team, what do i need to do?

Read the first post on the first page.

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