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Dr Wasteland MD

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One time I was in Elektro on my way to Berezino and I was being shot at by bandits. I look over to my left and there is another survivor bleeding and unconscious. Instead of running away from the fight as I am armed with a few medical supplies and a M1911 and a hatchet. I run over to the wounded man and bandage him up and wake him up using my Epi-Pen. I give him my M1911 a morphine injector I told him I will distract them and he can run off while they shoot at me. I start running drawing all the shots towards me while he escapes uninjured. eventually i bled out but it was such an amazing experience compared to my other encounters with survivors.

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Hey killer110 your gonna have to add me on steam SoulShaper2

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Add me on steam : parachuteskies104

I'm not terribly close but I can make it fairly quickly.

In the area now, for this as well. Let me know if still need the assist.

Came to the server that worked best for me. He was quick and efficient. I within an inch of death. This guy deserves to be whitelisted.

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I'm available in Cherno atm, eventually making my way up towards zeleno. I'm currently running around resupplying myself after dying, but I'll try to help if anyone is in the area.

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I'm available in Cherno atm, eventually making my way up towards zeleno. I'm currently running around resupplying myself after dying, but I'll try to help if anyone is in the area.

Im so sorry man!

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Came to the server that worked best for me. He was quick and efficient. I within an inch of death. This guy deserves to be whitelisted.

Not a problem, glad could help. Was a slow night so gave me something good to do.

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What happend:

Feel down the stairs in the barn above Elektro and broke my legs, my mate was in a car on the other server and was heading to my location so I switched server got the unconscious timer and alt-tabbed to check upon some things came back noticed I also was bleeding and I am on 2k blood now. Mate is gone for a few days so he cant help me atm and I dont want to respawn with this char because of the ghillie.


Bandages 1x

Bloodtransfusion 1x

As my char is only 20mins old I dont have allot stuff on my char atm for trading but we can always figure something out.

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SoulShaper2 saved me, thank you to him, and to all the medics of the wasteland. :)

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Jumped into a bush near Pusta to avoid a Zed and broke a leg. I can trade a few bandages for help.

I'm in the Australian Timezone if anyone can help. Steamname: Shellcaster

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Jumped into a bush near Pusta to avoid a Zed and broke a leg. I can trade a few bandages for help.

I'm in the Australian Timezone if anyone can help. Steamname: Shellcaster

I'll send you a PM mate, i'm only a about a km and a half away at kumyrna at the mo so i can get to you pretty quickly.

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I'll send you a PM mate, i'm only a about a km and a half away at kumyrna at the mo so i can get to you pretty quickly.

You sir, are a champion.

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hi there

first time posting in this thread as a patient :blush:

anyone near Berezino harbor and is willing to save my "young" life with a bandage ?

got hit by a zed and bleeding... still 8k blood but really walked a long way .... so if anyone is willing to help a 20min character i probably share a rangefinder or sth like that if i get to my tent and it is still there ;-)

check contact in my sig

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Hi there i had a bad accident with my atv im currently laying prone atop the atc building in the nw airfield if anyone could come give me a blood transfusion i apreciate it alot

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After Action Report

I loot berezino at night and there is nothing useful so i head to base and dump my gear then move to heal someone at grishino and we move to starry to heal another dude, he never comes online so we loot and leave.

I see a downed helicopter and go to loot but get shot by a sniper and respawn in elektro, get kitted out and then see a unarmed survivor being chased so i help him but he finds a gun and you can guess what happens.

Going out biking now lol c ya all

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Big thanks to +Ben+ for saving my butt. All you medics do a great job.

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Is there a medic on the south coast I've got two broken legs and 6.5k blood, any help would be great i can repay in the sense of bandages a few painkillers or helping out in any role.

I have you to find a map but the best way to describe were i am is, on the southern coast there is a small island with a light house, just north of that light house there is a docking platform then across the road from that is a little fenced of complex, i'm currently in the small office building there.

Thank you to anyone who can help

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Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen.

I know you all treat medical wounds. I've heard you do a fantastic job, and it's great to see so many have been saved thanks to you lot. Right now I am in a bit of a pickle, I have not been able to find food. Everywhere I look has nothing I can eat, and I'm blinking red on my food icon now. Needless to say I've hit a bit of bad luck. What I am asking is can anyone help me out with a can of beans? I hate asking medics for food but I'm on my last leg here. If anyone can help me I would greatly appreciate it.

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Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen.

I know you all treat medical wounds. I've heard you do a fantastic job, and it's great to see so many have been saved thanks to you lot. Right now I am in a bit of a pickle, I have not been able to find food. Everywhere I look has nothing I can eat, and I'm blinking red on my food icon now. Needless to say I've hit a bit of bad luck. What I am asking is can anyone help me out with a can of beans? I hate asking medics for food but I'm on my last leg here. If anyone can help me I would greatly appreciate it.

I don't have a patient in the moment. If you're somewhere in the southwest, feel free to add me on Steam: steamcommunity.com/id/merinomedic

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I don't have a patient in the moment. If you're somewhere in the southwest, feel free to add me on Steam: steamcommunity.com/id/merinomedic

Ugh my luck sucks, right now I'm suffering bullet in head syndrome. Guy walked into the barn I was in and popped me. Thanks anyway.

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Ugh my luck sucks, right now I'm suffering bullet in head syndrome. Guy walked into the barn I was in and popped me. Thanks anyway.

Ack.. yea we haven't found a cure for that one yet :/

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To elaborate on my last post i am just east of electro just south of topolka dam

Edited by Manuforti

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Hey there, can´t get you on your Steam groupchat! i am near Berezino, just got about 3000 blood,allready got a Blood Bag,just need one who help.

Steamname: Ulf.undercover

ingamename: Ulf.undercover

Edited by Ulf.undercover

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