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Post apacolyptic greifing simulator for D-bags

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1.) The players are not humanity, it's a subset of humanity that are used to DM games

2.) I hate zombie respawns around me, teleporting i bs

3.) Sniping is idiotic if the gear is in a dangerous location, survivors wouldn't do it.

4,) Drawback to kill should be ammo wastage. Simple.

5.) hungry after 20 minutes, a joke, 2 weeks is more realistic.

6.) Humans are tribal, and real death as a sanction would minimise killing for fun

7.) Give people Arma and they will tend to play arma w/o tribes..

I like the pvp aspect and grieving grievers is even more fun, or dehoard hoarders :D

Personally I don't see what the problem is, you can avoid pvp, mostly. And occasionally you can't. But we need more non grieving toys. Stuff that allows teams to be teams. But then we will play Arma, with zeds thrown in. Hmm .. Difficult .. There is no solution, just a big mess, which is cool, that's what people find interesting, the non scripted mess, imo.

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From what I've seen over the last couple of months, I'd say that there's a large, silent majority of dayz players (and former dayz players) that share this sentiment. The problem is that almost everyone who has tried to plead this case on the forums has been effectively run out of town. Actually, it's not even so much a problem of being shouted down on the forums, but rather the simple fact that rocket has repeatedly stated that his laissez-faire approach to the bandit-survivor dynamic is functioning as intended and he's been adamant in his refusals to address the issue. So, the net effect has been that most of the reasonable, sane people have effectively given up pleading for meaningful change and pretty much abandoned the game and the forums to the lowlifes. It's the societal leftovers - the griefers and trolls - who are running the asylum now. I guess that's the way rocket wants it. Welcome to dayz, motherfuckers.

But as soon as meaningful game design comes in the experiment fails everywhere. Most studios ty game design. The UNique selling point is a big mess, do what you want, here are some toys, be your own game designer. Facebook or twitter for the gamer.

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The reason bandits love KoS is because it gives them a huge advantage over the survivor population. Especially in a game where there is no visual way to distinguish friend, foe, or even neutral players. Bandits KoS, survivors give the benefit of the doubt, which works in the bandits favor. Hesitation equals death. Bandits don’t want to be flagged because it would create an equal playing field.

the field is equal, no one knows anyones intentions until they act either by drifting off back into the tree's, saluting and having a bit of a dance, or shooting you

i walk into a supermarket, your behind the counter, i see you, you see me, i dont know if your going to shoot, you dont know if i am (this is the classic game theory example of the burglar V's the home owner) you could be a bandit with 97 murders, i could be a good guy with 0 murders/bandits killed or vice versa

what your basically asking for is the old bandit skins back, i walk in you go 'omgz he has headscarf on atatcks!!!' you feel good you just killed a dirty bandit, problem is i wasnt a bandit i got my murders by acting in self defense, people shot at me to kill me so i had to kill them or die, only now becasue my hand was forced im stuck with head scalf bandit skin and everyone thinks im a bad guy and attacks me

how is it a level playing field if you know the intention of the other player (or think you do becasue of obvious potential indicator A but they dont know yours, you could be a wanan be bandit thats recently respaned and havnt had chance to build up the required kills for your fine and fancy bandit outfit

Trust me, if bandits were flagged as such they would experience far more deaths by PvP. Survivors would now have the benefit of enjoying KoS as well. This is obviously not what the bandits want.
its been tried, all it did was give bandits a free camo outfit and did nothing to help survivors, when they are gunning you in the back from 200 meters away with what ever assault weapon they got thier hands on the skin they wear means nothing
The fact that there are still players out there that attempt to even play as survivors speaks volumes about the nature of man, and I commend you. This game does everything it can to punish such behaviour and game play, yet you persist. So I guess if Z Day ever happened, humanity might have a chance.
thats the thing the games not punishing you for picking the playstyle, your punishing yourself by choosing that play style in this game

your picking the hard way to play then asking that its made harder for the others

if global chat were reintroduced it would give survivors a way to team up and find people to survive with, downside is it gives people chance to know where you are and take advantage of it(anyone in churno?) everyhting in this game is a double edged sword, but its a double edged sword for everyone else too

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Dude, your doing something seriousley wrong. If I was you I would stop playing for a bit, take a holiday, read a book and generally chill out. Come back when the games in better shape it sounds like your not really enjoying it.

So he should take a break to make himself ignorant of things that will still be there when he gets back....da fuq

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which is it your after discussion or unthought out agreement?

If you are still unclear as to the answer to your question then you are too dumb to breath...or a troll. So once again. Have a nice day

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(numbers usually dissuade the lone bandits and griefers)

Teehee.. they make for some of my best youtube vids <3

BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM What was that? There was 5 you say? BOOM.

The fact that no one can be trusted is exactly the reason why there is tension in the first place.

It is just so much easier to eliminate someone and REMOVING that tension... then it is to sit there for hours wondering if they are still tracking you.

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I'm quite fascinated by this thread. So much so, in fact, that I created an account to share my own thoughts.

I am a potential new player. I have been monitoring the forums for a couple hours now, trying to get a feel for the community--because let's face it, as per the creator's statements, we build the story. If the community is generally inclined towards one frame of mind, it's perfectly reasonable to assume that it will be the prevailing mindset in-game.

First off, I am in no way against PvP, but you must understand that the thought of entering the game, only to be shot upon spawning is a bit demoralizing, and does nothing to encourage people from trying out the game. People, who would otherwise probably like the game, but cannot, because they cannot get far enough past spawn to really experience and enjoy what this "simulator" has to offer.

That being said, the lack of government, the lack of law enforcement would be reasonable excuse for many to start doing things they never would have dreamed of under normal circumstances.

However, I pose this question to you. If we build the story, and no balance is attempted, because the creator would rather that we relied upon our sense of humanity, our morals to decide how to act, how would this system ever become something other than mindless player killing?

There is a disconnect between video games and reality, and a disconnect between the internet and reality. In real life--since so many like to rely on this as the logical base for their arguments--we have what we call a conscience. Whether this is because of moral upbringing, or simply a fear of retaliation (That whole thing of 'I won't do that, because i'm afraid the same will be done to me."), conscience, humanity is what keeps people from mercilessly killing everyone else. There are exceptions to this rule, of course. And I don't pretend that the circumstances present within the game-world wouldn't warrant an alteration of conscience, but for everyone to be bereft of it? Completely?

This is why the argument of "People would do that if this happened in real life." isn't a stable base of logical reasoning. Because this is a game, and because it is an online game, it is logical to conclude that anonymity and the lack of real mortality/danger/damage done will never generate the emotional response and the logical actions I believe the creator of this game really wants. He wants social interaction, to achieve a game-world that gets as close to reality as possible. And that's a great idea.

But since you have no need for a conscience in an alternate reality where no one is really hurt, killed, or robbed in any permanent way, what's the point of having such goals. From the videos i've seen, the threads i'm followed with much interest, and the statements made by the game's creator, it seems like the only way to approach some semblance of reality in a post apocalyptic world is to offer an "artificial conscience" to the players. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you exactly how you would go about that, but it would certainly approach the realm of "balancing".

In a game meant to have you think about your actions, on moral grounds or not, you need to provide the player with a conscience of some sort, real or otherwise. Without that, you will only have KoS, rampant PKing, and no alternative to thievery with mandatory execution.

A movie that people love to reference--particularly in response to people like the OP--The Road, I recall a scene (Or rather several that seem to follow along the same lines.) where a man attempts to rob Viggo Mortensen's character, and his son of their supply laden pull cart. Granted, the child is who we see as the conscience of the pair, but the ending of this scene is remarkable enough. He doesn't kill the robber, he simply punishes him by taking all of the criminals possessions instead. Or how about the scene where instead of killing the old man, they feed him? Or at the very end of the movie, a family offers to take care of the now-orphaned child? Even if you could argue that Viggo Mortensen's character has no conscience, his son certainly does. As does the family that approaches the child at the end.

More or less every post-apocalyptic film or piece of literature I have read possesses these characters. So it's unreasonable to assume that no one would possess humanity in decency within this game, which is no more real than the films or literature I mention. To truly make people think, you have to give them a conscience. Otherwise, you're all just fodder for PKers.

Thanks for anyone who takes to time to read my rather long winded post.

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ITT: Butthurt guy complains about bugs in a free, alpha phase mod of a 3 year old game. Also complains that people shoot on sight because he lost his gear.from someone when he probably bandits all day to get the gear

Newsflash, I just lost coyote backpack, silenced mp5, m14, shittonnes of food, water and drugs. Have a guess what I did... in fact, guess what I didn't do. Here is a clue, I didn't get on the forums and have a little winge.

Sincerely Every Motherfucking person reading this thread

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what your basically asking for is the old bandit skins back, i walk in you go 'omgz he has headscarf on atatcks!!!' you feel good you just killed a dirty bandit, problem is i wasnt a bandit i got my murders by acting in self defense, people shot at me to kill me so i had to kill them or die, only now becasue my hand was forced im stuck with head scalf bandit skin and everyone thinks im a bad guy and attacks me

Thats not what I personally am asking for. Im saying one solution is the ability to put a mark on you (if im slick enough to). Thats not the game punishing you for how you choose to play. Thats me punishing you because i think your a POS. I dont see why your so opposed to this idea. Sure you could argue it wont work, You could say your great God Rocket said no all ready. But supposedly from what Ive heard Rocket say is that we get to decide. So all you need to is man up and say OK. Lets do that. What have you got to lose other than anonymity? Is this a perfect system? No. Will innocent people suffer? Yes. Does the fact that its not perfect mean it should be tossed away? If so then we should all toss away DAyZ right now. Some retard posted earlier that if you hate the game so much why are still playing it. Im not actually. I would to start again which is why im active in the forums and following the development. Rocket needs to make a move. he said it himself. The game(mod :sigh:) has outgrown itself. Anyway he laid the foundation at least and if he fucks it up maybe someone will come along and do it to MY LIKING! LOL

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Thats not what I personally am asking for. Im saying one solution is the ability to put a mark on you (if im slick enough to). Thats not the game punishing you for how you choose to play. Thats me punishing you because i think your a POS. I dont see why your so opposed to this idea.

im not opposed at all, but put a mark on me how? what would this mark do specifically for you at close range? at long range? would this mark be visible only to you? and for how long?
Sure you could argue it wont work,
if i had any details to evaluate it then it might go that way, it might not
You could say your great God Rocket said no all ready.
Atheist sorry gods do not exist, rocket does though but he is still just some guy
But supposedly from what Ive heard Rocket say is that we get to decide.
how we play in game not how the game plays, very different beasts
So all you need to is man up and say OK. Lets do that.
i still dont know what it is exactly your trying to do, unless were back to the torture and face slice thing which wont do anything to deter bandits, and just becomes a built in T-bag manouver, just imagine the fun bandits would have with this, hit em with an axe to knock them out and then drag em about is already the latest fashion in comedy banditry
What have you got to lose other than anonymity?
i dont know becasue you still havnt told me what your thinking, and if it is the face cutting im still anonymous, becasue when your at a distance to go ahh thats the guy i carved a B in youd already be dead
Is this a perfect system? No. Will innocent people suffer? Yes. Does the fact that its not perfect mean it should be tossed away?
its workability finctionality and fairness determine if it should or not Edited by stuffnthings

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i dont know becasue you still havnt told me what your thinking, and if it is the face cutting im still anonymous, becasue when your at a distance to go ahh thats the guy i carved a B in youd already be dead

true...what it would do though is if i was coming out of somewhere or around a corner and we bumped into each other i would know immediatly to run or kill you. I have died many times this way shot while trying to communicate to someone i was friendly. It would tip the game slightly towards having more than one way to play. As it stands its almost completely slanted towards a single style of play which kos banditry. I know alot of players agree with me or at least are open to some change in the game to address this issue. We just need to convince Rocket. But i am taking a break at least to see if all this childishness stops. If not....no biggie. Idiots will go on being idiots

EDIT: the end of your post said it would depend on whether or not the new functionality was fair? Are you fucking kidding me? Holy shit. Unbelievable!

Edited by playZ

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ITT: Admitted hoarder wants to pvp but sucks at it. People mock him.

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There is a disconnect between video games and reality, and a disconnect between the internet and reality. In real life--since so many like to rely on this as the logical base for their arguments--we have what we call a conscience. Whether this is because of moral upbringing, or simply a fear of retaliation (That whole thing of 'I won't do that, because i'm afraid the same will be done to me."), conscience, humanity is what keeps people from mercilessly killing everyone else. There are exceptions to this rule, of course. And I don't pretend that the circumstances present within the game-world wouldn't warrant an alteration of conscience, but for everyone to be bereft of it? Completely?

morality if plastic and can change very easily dependent on the circumstances, morality dictates the conscince's likley reaction

"That whole thing of 'I won't do that, because i'm afraid the same will be done to me." can and does get easily flipped into "That whole thing of 'I will do that, because i'm afraid the same will be done to me.".

our morality evolved under an 'ingroup/out group' enviroment, if i harm my ingroup i harm myself, they help feed and protect me as i help feed and protect them, the outgroup is a threat to me and my group as they want the same things as us so may take our things and weaken us

This is why the argument of "People would do that if this happened in real life." isn't a stable base of logical reasoning. Because this is a game, and because it is an online game, it is logical to conclude that anonymity and the lack of real mortality/danger/damage done will never generate the emotional response and the logical actions I believe the creator of this game really wants. He wants social interaction, to achieve a game-world that gets as close to reality as possible. And that's a great idea.
is it logical to draw the conclusion becasue it is an approximation fo a thing it will work differently to a thing?

psychology and game thoery predict that in a catastrophic situation people will form small groups, they will then begin to act hostile to people outside those groups, the community in the game for the most part has done this, clans raid each others camps and destory or steal thier stuff to weaken them so they are less well equipped if they decide to attack them

But since you have no need for a conscience in an alternate reality where no one is really hurt, killed, or robbed in any permanent way, what's the point of having such goals
and yet some people display it and react as if they ahd actually ahrmed another, i felt guilty the first time i killed someone but mroality is plastic and realising killing others helps me survive so ill kill if i have to, ill kill if they have gear i want, i might only injure some new guy who trys to take pot shots at me with a double barrel from 100 meters away. today i let a guy live who had shot at me becasue i knew he was gonan be busy with zombies real fast and i could just slip away unhurt
From the videos i've seen, the threads i'm followed with much interest, and the statements made by the game's creator, it seems like the only way to approach some semblance of reality in a post apocalyptic world is to offer an "artificial conscience" to the players. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you exactly how you would go about that, but it would certainly approach the realm of "balancing".
300 years ago beating a slave 1/2 to death was the norm, only a small minority had qualms about it, now the majority would have major issues with that behaviour or in fact having a slave in the first place

so by what do you build this artifical concionse? by rules as they were or by rules as they would be in this situation?

In a game meant to have you think about your actions, on moral grounds or not, you need to provide the player with a conscience of some sort, real or otherwise. Without that, you will only have KoS, rampant PKing, and no alternative to thievery with mandatory execution.
disable Alt+F4 and us naughty folk can slip about and rob people without neccessarily having to kill them so they stick around long enough to search for goodies

and server hopping makes it to fast to gear up with the best stuff so death becomes near meaningless, when i first started playing dying meant hours of runnign around avoiding the bad folk and looting away to get back to the gear i had before i died, it still does but not as long, if i was lame enough to server hop i could cut that down further. run into town trainign Z's...Alt+f4, relog loot like a bitch, everytime i agro Alt+f4, and carry on. a timmed delay would prevent or limit the Alt+f4 manouver but server hopping would still be prevelent

youd still get people sniping nubs at cherno, but it would take a little longer to get gear so it would be less of a passtime if it was harder to gear up

A movie that people love to reference--particularly in response to people like the OP--The Road, I recall a scene (Or rather several that seem to follow along the same lines.) where a man attempts to rob Viggo Mortensen's character, and his son of their supply laden pull cart. Granted, the child is who we see as the conscience of the pair, but the ending of this scene is remarkable enough. He doesn't kill the robber, he simply punishes him by taking all of the criminals possessions instead.
effectivley granting him a slower death if he is unable to replace those thigns he lost (which seems unlikely as scarce as things seem to be in that film)
Even if you could argue that Viggo Mortensen's character has no conscience, his son certainly does.
actually id argue the other way, you can tell he doesnt like what he is doing but does it anyway to protect his son, he does whats needed to be done and takes it all on him self to protect his son from danger and having to do those things himself for as long as he can.

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The part where you got it right was where you said that this style of banditry has forced a sandbox game into a singular playstyle. Sadly I don't think many of the flamers got that far into your post. I don't think anyone who has played this game for a while wants banditry removed, but the stakes should be a little higher for those who want to kill. It should be the harder option not the easier one.

I'd still pick it. And I'd enjoy it much more.

Edited by cragzeek
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true...what it would do though is if i was coming out of somewhere or around a corner and we bumped into each other i would know immediatly to run or kill you. I have died many times this way shot while trying to communicate to someone i was friendly. It would tip the game slightly towards having more than one way to play. As it stands its almost completely slanted towards a single style of play which kos banditry. I know alot of players agree with me or at least are open to some change in the game to address this issue. We just need to convince Rocket. But i am taking a break at least to see if all this childishness stops. If not....no biggie. Idiots will go on being idiots

but you still havnt said how you put the mark on me? will the mark only work for you? or can anyone else see it? how would you know i need a mark as opposed to not needing one? would it only work face to face?
EDIT: the end of your post said it would depend on whether or not the new functionality was fair? Are you fucking kidding me? Holy shit. Unbelievable!
i knoe rite, we go into situations where no one knows the others intentions, where theres nothing to distinguish friend from foe, where a dirty rotten bandit is identicle to the fresh spawn good twoshoes first time play trying to struggle his way up north .. where EVERYONE you meet is equal and indistinguishable

where actions and reactions are the marker for judgment and not some suit brought from 'bandits R us costumes' or some absurd heart beat thingy

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New proposition: you kill a player without any murders, your player character model changes to a giant pink dildo with arms and legs. After all it's just a reflection of your karma.

Humanity is broken. If you're close enough to have your heart beat, you're already dead, it's just stupid. Really stupid.

This Game is a death match with zombies at best.

Players are just griefing twats who would rather shoot one person for their stuff than loot to survive, and the game encourages it with no down side at this point.

In the last 24 hours i've been:

Killed 2 times by falling into the ground, causing broken bones and massive bleeds

Killed 1 time by vaulting , getting stuck in the object and the game having a seizure.

Killed 1 time by a door opening inward on me.

Killed 1 time by spawning on top of another player.

Spawned 5 times at full health, in shock and unconscious for a 3 minute wait with a blurred screen.

I've had my tents reset 7 times in the last 3 days, losing rare items up the ying-yang, including but not limited to: FALs, M14s, M4 CCO's, M24s, M9 SDs, MP5SDs, Kobras, m16 w/ 203s and ghillie suits.

What reasoning do I have to continue to play when i'm shot on sight in addition to all the bugs?!

So even with the huge amount, it's not even the game that's the most frustrating with all the bugs, It's the people. With their sheep mentality of shooting on site with no regard for other players, because other players do it. I wouldn't mind spending the time to reacquire gear if I knew it wasn't going to be striped by a bush wookie with an enfield for no reason. Some of you think it's funny, some of you will give the obligatory "QQ moar" or "TL;DR". Some of you think it's a 'realistic' mentality to kill humans on sight when the human race is supposedly on the brink of death,

To that I say: You're exactly what's wrong with the game. You're forcing an entire community to play one specific style in a sandbox game or suffer because they don't.

It's just sad and It's getting worse. People. People ruin everything. Not a chance in hell I would be dumb enough to pay for a game in the future to get griefed non-stop . I shouldn't be forced to kill other players on site because they're forced to kill me with the same mentality, especially when it's completely unnecessary.

:beans: :thumbsup:

If you agree and would like to group up, message me, as I have a friendly group that's more than willing to outfit you with the best gear. (numbers usually dissuade the lone bandits and griefers)

you have my beans good sir. Its sad, because this game could have been so good, even the dayz devs just troll people all the time, so you know what direction it is going...

Edited by LumberBack

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Finally read through all the posts(prob. someone is writing right now lol)...

I think I got what the OP is trying to say, and the majority os ppl "against" him does not.

He thinks just like me.

The problem of this game is simply the ppl who play it.

For any of you IRL-guys, you really would take a CZ, full ammo, a lot of food, and go into a roof in the middle of, i.e. NY, to snipe for any survivors? You would really do that? I don't think so. I won't, anyway.

If I would sight a guy I would really think about AVOIDING him, but not killing him. Specially if he's with a big gun in hand.

But I would never kill him if he doesn't attacked me. Any of you would face the scene of a head opened with a 5.56mm bullet with a good mood? Believe me, it is pretty ugly.And, what about seeing the guy agonizing, drowning in his own blood with a bullet in his chest? And what about a arm crippled by a AK's shoot? I can say that you certainly wouldn't. And it's not something you get used, like being a doctor and watching your patients die by something you did not provoked, it's like YOU KILLING them, you making these wounds.

The problem in this game is that most of the players do not ROLE PLAY the game as I do, or as much of my friends do. Ppl just buy it because a lot of guys around the world are playing, it's hype. So they will have this behavior, playing DayZ just as CoD, or BF. No matter what mechanics Rocket implement, there will always be CoD players, killing just for frags, and, trolls!

The clothes with blood marks are a good solutions, but it wouldn't be gone with an hour, but with wash!! Go into watter and clean your clothes, I want to see a lot of bandits taking a bath on a lake without their guns in hand and just spray the love from my M249.

Looks violent, but, as you most of you said, it's like IRL, isn't it?

p.s.: sorry for my grammar, probably it has a lot of issues, but english is not my main language, and I learned it by myself. =)

Note: what Rocket says about making the game "evolve" is really good, but it would never be like the real world. Because it's a game/mod/wtv. No matter how realistic it becomes, it will never be the real life. You die, you respawn, angry as hell, but respawn and get some stuff again, the the cycle repeats. IRL you die, and you're dead. If this would happen, and with a death you wasted your $29, then it would start to become similar to RL.

Edited by n4ndoz
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It may have been said before but: In a sandbox game you have to adapt. You have issues with a sniper? Than don't be an easy target. They ruin your fun when they shoot you so ruin there game by not get shot!

Those who cannot adapt will become victims of evolution (old EvE quote, loooooong time ago :)

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Another thread bringing up problems that have had threads made for them a million times before?OP sure has some originality!

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It is very much the players. I've now become one of these shoot on site, for a number of reasons. And here are mine:

It first stemmed from when I started playing the game. First thing I did, was log on, with a bunch of mates, and try to find each other. Over the course of a couple of hours, we all met up and started wandering around the darkness together. We saw other people, in the night, but we let them be, at the time, we only wanted to play with each other and just stayed separate from everyone else. After a day or two of playing, we met up with another friend in the petrol station north of cherno. Then a player walked up, and shot us all, for no reason, we didn't provoke him, and hell, we didn't even know he was there till he started shooting us all.

So we respawned, and tried again, this time, approaching people more cautiously, but still willing to be friends and expand our group. We came across a couple of lone people, who we stopped and chatted to, but then went our separate ways. That was until, again, we arrived at Stary in the night, and one of our friends got shot. The other 3 that were with him at the time, lived on, but hopes of meeting up with friendly people, nearly shattered. Over the next coming weeks, we've come across others who shoot at us without asking, and we all died to them. That was the point that did it for us. The only people we could trust were those who we knew prior to playing the game.

Not only of the above, me and my mates have top rated gear now. It's fearing that we're going to loose it in combat, that near enough forces us to shoot those that we see and are posing a threat, before they see us. But we'll be patient with it, we won't go guns ho straight away, we'd wait for the clear shot. If people move out and we loose them before we get the shot, we'll let them live, depending on their threat level and the direction they're heading to us.

Other people force the mentality of shoot to kill, as questions later. Sure i've come across other people who, if you play it right, like pointing your gun to the ground and only looking around with free-look, make no sudden movements, won't shoot you on sight. As for a solution, it's almost unsolvable, not that I want it to be. PvP engagements are some of the most tense experiences i've had in this game, and it makes it worth playing it, even if you die and have to start all over again.

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I've been enjoying the mos greatly for the last two weeks. But it should be renamed to "Battle Royale" and that would be the most accurate description. All we need now is random events to flush out campers :)

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I wouldn't mind seeing different servers dedicated to a number of different game modes. Maybe set up some RPG servers, some DM servers etc. Still, I understand that the mod is in its relatively early days so I completely get that there is no rush to do anything like that. I would like the mod to be at its very best before anything like that is even considered. Let's just enjoy the madness for now.

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I wouldn't mind seeing different servers dedicated to a number of different game modes. Maybe set up some RPG servers, some DM servers etc. Still, I understand that the mod is in its relatively early days so I completely get that there is no rush to do anything like that. I would like the mod to be at its very best before anything like that is even considered. Let's just enjoy the madness for now.

Yeah, man.

The good thing about DayZ is that even it being just at Alpha it is fun!!

Even with bugs.

The problem ofr me is just that I can't play the way I would like to play in most of the servers.

I would like to role play a survivor, not a one man army getting rid of a entire server. For this I eventually play my old CS 1.6.

I hope ppl at least get my opinion on my previews post.

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Finally read through all the posts(prob. someone is writing right now lol)...

I think I got what the OP is trying to say, and the majority os ppl "against" him does not.

He thinks just like me.

The problem of this game is simply the ppl who play it.

For any of you IRL-guys, you really would take a CZ, full ammo, a lot of food, and go into a roof in the middle of, i.e. NY, to snipe for any survivors? You would really do that? I don't think so. I won't, anyway.

If I would sight a guy I would really think about AVOIDING him, but not killing him. Specially if he's with a big gun in hand.

But I would never kill him if he doesn't attacked me. Any of you would face the scene of a head opened with a 5.56mm bullet with a good mood? Believe me, it is pretty ugly.And, what about seeing the guy agonizing, drowning in his own blood with a bullet in his chest? And what about a arm crippled by a AK's shoot? I can say that you certainly wouldn't. And it's not something you get used, like being a doctor and watching your patients die by something you did not provoked, it's like YOU KILLING them, you making these wounds.

The problem in this game is that most of the players do not ROLE PLAY the game as I do, or as much of my friends do. Ppl just buy it because a lot of guys around the world are playing, it's hype. So they will have this behavior, playing DayZ just as CoD, or BF. No matter what mechanics Rocket implement, there will always be CoD players, killing just for frags, and, trolls!

The clothes with blood marks are a good solutions, but it wouldn't be gone with an hour, but with wash!! Go into watter and clean your clothes, I want to see a lot of bandits taking a bath on a lake without their guns in hand and just spray the love from my M249.

Looks violent, but, as you most of you said, it's like IRL, isn't it?

p.s.: sorry for my grammar, probably it has a lot of issues, but english is not my main language, and I learned it by myself. =)

Note: what Rocket says about making the game "evolve" is really good, but it would never be like the real world. Because it's a game/mod/wtv. No matter how realistic it becomes, it will never be the real life. You die, you respawn, angry as hell, but respawn and get some stuff again, the the cycle repeats. IRL you die, and you're dead. If this would happen, and with a death you wasted your $29, then it would start to become similar to RL.

Gave you beans for reading through all the posts ;)

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