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Post apacolyptic greifing simulator for D-bags

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Finally read through all the posts(prob. someone is writing right now lol)...

I think I got what the OP is trying to say, and the majority os ppl "against" him does not.

He thinks just like me.

The problem of this game is simply the ppl who play it.

For any of you IRL-guys, you really would take a CZ, full ammo, a lot of food, and go into a roof in the middle of, i.e. NY, to snipe for any survivors? You would really do that? I don't think so. I won't, anyway.

If I would sight a guy I would really think about AVOIDING him, but not killing him. Specially if he's with a big gun in hand.

But I would never kill him if he doesn't attacked me. Any of you would face the scene of a head opened with a 5.56mm bullet with a good mood? Believe me, it is pretty ugly.And, what about seeing the guy agonizing, drowning in his own blood with a bullet in his chest? And what about a arm crippled by a AK's shoot? I can say that you certainly wouldn't. And it's not something you get used, like being a doctor and watching your patients die by something you did not provoked, it's like YOU KILLING them, you making these wounds.

The problem in this game is that most of the players do not ROLE PLAY the game as I do, or as much of my friends do. Ppl just buy it because a lot of guys around the world are playing, it's hype. So they will have this behavior, playing DayZ just as CoD, or BF. No matter what mechanics Rocket implement, there will always be CoD players, killing just for frags, and, trolls!

The clothes with blood marks are a good solutions, but it wouldn't be gone with an hour, but with wash!! Go into watter and clean your clothes, I want to see a lot of bandits taking a bath on a lake without their guns in hand and just spray the love from my M249.

Looks violent, but, as you most of you said, it's like IRL, isn't it?

p.s.: sorry for my grammar, probably it has a lot of issues, but english is not my main language, and I learned it by myself. =)

Note: what Rocket says about making the game "evolve" is really good, but it would never be like the real world. Because it's a game/mod/wtv. No matter how realistic it becomes, it will never be the real life. You die, you respawn, angry as hell, but respawn and get some stuff again, the the cycle repeats. IRL you die, and you're dead. If this would happen, and with a death you wasted your $29, then it would start to become similar to RL.

You can have my beans and sardines. :)

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We're more attuned to the spirit of the mod and can understand that a true post apocalyptic setting is one in which the previous rules and authorities of the former civilization are no longer relevant. It's this razor's edge of brutality that has allowed this mod to make the impression it has.

It's not candy-coated and surrounded with rubber bumpers and arrows to guide you safely through your journey.

Your decision to trust a stranger is tied to your ability to judge character and motivation not because he's not dressed like a "bandit."

Stay strong with your vision, Rocket. Ignore the casuals trying to turn this into something warm and fuzzy. Keep it cold, sharp, and fucking brutal.

Excuse me for being an idiot but how the fuck am i supposed to "judge another players character"? You claim this game is so cool because the decision to trust another is based on my ability to judge character. In order for this to be true the character would have to "display" some gameworld representation of character for me to judge. Which is exactly what me and people like me are asking for......So you sort of just made my point for me. :)

Edited by playZ
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Another thread bringing up problems that have had threads made for them a million times before?OP sure has some originality!

Posts like this confirm your lack of intelligence and even more so than me; originality. I created a discussion on the essence of player interaction in the game as it stands now - which is 99% of the time: See guy, shoot guy. Your comment made no contribution to this discussion what so ever. Part of the allure of the game for me was the uneasy tension surrounding player interactions in game. But now it's no mystery as to the intentions of other players in my eyes.

You can't sneak around zombies and avoid snipers at loot points at the same time. One or the other makes you a huge target.

So far the only solution the nay sayer's have come up with is

A: stop playing (retarded)

B: Shoot on site (circular logic - eye for an eye)

Those that have been here since the beginning have this almost elitist snobby hipster vibe about their posts in relation to any criticism's levied against the game as it stands.

they are incapable of forming any other response than an elongated "you mad bro" "you must be bad" "qq more" or the best yet "stop trying to pussyfy the game"

Edited by skyter
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Just popping in here to say that this PlayZ guy seems like the biggest retard on this forum.

Kudos, kudos.

As for the identifying bandits bit: it would be nice to see whos a bandit or not but having something like this defeats the purpose of the game, does it not?

Edited by Sodanorway

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Might I propose that instead of a potentially paranoia and shoot-on-sight inducing skin for a "Bandit". A small but balancing buff be added to a player who has not killed another player, potentially something that's effects decrease with each player killed. Somewhat of a slow onset of becoming more and more jaded to the situation your in, and becoming more and more jaded to the killing of other players. As the non-bandits and newly respawned players would have a far lighter conscious and hope for the continued survival and re-building of society perhaps characterized by doing certain actions slightly fast as well as a slightly noticeable but not game breaking movement speed boost, a spring in their step if you will.

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This made me think a bit.

From what I've experienced, Day Z is not really a sandbox at all. The current parameters of the game force you to either group with others on external voice chat and shoot all others on sight, or wander around alone and kill all others on sight. Any other playstyle is heavily penalized through constant deaths and loot loss.

But I'm still going to play, I want to see where this goes.

You mean it forces YOU to play like that. I play alone mostly but fairly often I teem up with people. Eg: Yesterday was my favourite few hours yet, I was looting Electro in the dark with just a torch and no gun, met a stranger and we teamed up for about 3 hours. If your having issues getting shot or not being able to contact people then try changing your approach.

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Might I propose that instead of a potentially paranoia and shoot-on-sight inducing skin for a "Bandit". A small but balancing buff be added to a player who has not killed another player, potentially something that's effects decrease with each player killed. Somewhat of a slow onset of becoming more and more jaded to the situation your in, and becoming more and more jaded to the killing of other players. As the non-bandits and newly respawned players would have a far lighter conscious and hope for the continued survival and re-building of society perhaps characterized by doing certain actions slightly fast as well as a slightly noticeable but not game breaking movement speed boost, a spring in their step if you will.

I think that's the path it might go down. Rocket has suggested adding subtle features (scarring ect.) to players the more they murder.

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I swear if i read "shoot on SITE" one more time I'm gonna shit myself, eat it, then shit myself again.

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HEY! bush wookie is offensive to me, I prefer the term seaweed monster asshole.

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I can’t speak for others, but the reason I started playing this game was because of the unique sandbox experience. Once I started playing I realized the infinite bugs definitely took away from the gaming experience. But I figured it’s an alpha, and it’s only a mod that’s forced to work within the limitations of the game. I’ve played through countless alpha and beta phases before, and I wasn’t really excited about toughing it through another alpha; but the unique aspect of the game kept me coming back.

The problem with the game as I see it now is that it’s not really the sandbox experience I originally expected it to be. I know the game is what it is, you either like it or you don’t. The real problem is I can see the potential of this game. After reading forums, and Rockets and other comments, I’m now not excited about toughing it out of more of the alpha experience, and I have little hope about this game providing the great gaming experience I expected even in a standalone product down the road.

Essentially the incredible sandbox nature of this game has devolved to avoid Z’s and shoot players, and loot what you can. The worst thing is the fact that after reading the forum and news links it’s become readily apparent that even the standalone version won’t aspire to be anything more. The only silver lining I can find out of this experience and game is that although Rocket will unlikely make DayZ what I was expecting; the popularity of this mod will likely inspire real developers to take this idea and create the unique gaming experience it can be by utilizing its true potential.

The beauty of a sandbox game by its very nature is that the developers don’t create a game that holds a players hand. The game is what the player makes it. The only limitations put on the game are those within its mechanics and the players own creativity. Essentially it’s the developers roll to provide all the necessary in game tools so the player can achieve the gaming experience they desire. I just don’t see this happening with DayZ. But there are a lot of creative people out there with the financial backing to make this happen. DayZ will incite inspiration in other developers and they will expand upon this idea, and this will hopefully create an entire new genre of games in the future.

Edited by moisan4
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World of Warcraft : Mists of Pandaria Beta. is buggier than DayZ alpha. just saying.

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there should be no weight to player killing , in such a desperate situation i'd kill a distant relative just to stay alive nevermind a complete stranger.

The game isn't set in switzerland , everyone doesn't walk around holding hands with a natural sway towards neutrality. You should accept the mood/atmohpshere and theme of the mod or move on and forget about it. Players and zombies are BOTH part of the threats in game , just because one seems to better than you doesn't mean it needs to be changed. adapt and overcome or leave and stop crying.

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Excuse me for being an idiot but how the fuck am i supposed to "judge another players character"? You claim this game is so cool because the decision to trust another is based on my ability to judge character. In order for this to be true the character would have to "display" some gameworld representation of character for me to judge. Which is exactly what me and people like me are asking for......So you sort of just made my point for me. :)

If you're dense enough to approach a stranger (reveal yourself) in game then you should also be able to at least assess their equipment versus your own, or at least what they're showing atm.

Given the ARMA engine's atrocious weapon switch times, if it's not showing, then you still have 5-10 seconds to find cover during their animated lockdown.

If you're foolish enough to try and talk with strangers in the game and they're not immediately meeting your conversational overtures with bullets, but instead responding either in chat or through voice communication, then you are reliant on your own real world character assessment skills to determine whether or not the person is a threat.

The alpha state of the mod and its current nomadic server structure allows for a greater degree of anonymity than a statically bound server model. The inevitable result of the increased anonymity is an increased amount of unaccountable douchebaggery within the general population. This is why those that try to work with their newfound online friend should not be surprised when they find themselves betrayed for the "lulz."

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there should be no weight to player killing , in such a desperate situation i'd kill a distant relative just to stay alive nevermind a complete stranger.

The game isn't set in switzerland , everyone doesn't walk around holding hands with a natural sway towards neutrality. You should accept the mood/atmohpshere and theme of the mod or move on and forget about it. Players and zombies are BOTH part of the threats in game , just because one seems to better than you doesn't mean it needs to be changed. adapt and overcome or leave and stop crying.

The problem with that argument is, you don't need to kill anyone to stay alive. It may take travel and time to get what you need, but you will almost always find it eventually.

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If you're dense enough to approach a stranger (reveal yourself) in game then you should also be able to at least assess their equipment versus your own, or at least what they're showing atm.

Given the ARMA engine's atrocious weapon switch times, if it's not showing, then you still have 5-10 seconds to find cover during their animated lockdown.

If you're foolish enough to try and talk with strangers in the game and they're not immediately meeting your conversational overtures with bullets, but instead responding either in chat or through voice communication, then you are reliant on your own real world character assessment skills to determine whether or not the person is a threat.

The alpha state of the mod and its current nomadic server structure allows for a greater degree of anonymity than a statically bound server model. The inevitable result of the increased anonymity is an increased amount of unaccountable douchebaggery within the general population. This is why those that try to work with their newfound online friend should not be surprised when they find themselves betrayed for the "lulz."

What equipment one has is not an indication of their Character.

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What equipment one has is not an indication of their Character.


Not what I was trying to imply.

I was suggesting that if you're dumb enough to adopt a, "Oh, hai gaiz," approach in a post apocalyptic setting, then you get what you deserve, but you should still have enough sense to be able to visually assess your new would-be friend before revealing yourself and beginning your, "Wanna team up?" speech.

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I hate when ppl say: "If you don't like, then don't play!"

Averyone in here are not saying that don't like the game, or are even COMPLAINING ABOUT THE GAME!! What the fu**??

What about some classes on text interpretation?

What at least I am complaining that the Game proposes a hipotetically new sandbox mode, never seen before, and what is happening is simply a deathmatch. I'm saying that I want to play this game how it is really meant to be played, and not like a deathmatch. C'mon.

I wan't to try to contact someone and not be 100% sure that if I do it I will get shot. And pls, do not say that making contact IRL would get you killed. It will, as soon as the world has turned into a Mad Max like state. So, please, man...

And, as someone said before, we MUST complain now so the game would be well constructed later when I will really play this shit, because now ALL OF US are a bunch of stupid testers, nothing more.

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Stay away from the towns that are likely to have a large amount of people in it. Spawn and run north a bit and you will find everything you need without running into anyone.

If he really wants to add some sort of identification to players who kill people Rocket needs to do like other games I've seen the in the past. Lengend Of Mir is a perfect example.

- If you killed someone your name would become yellow signifying that you had killed someone whether it be in self defense or a straight up PK.

- After a while your name would change back to green as long as you didn't kill anyone else in that time limit when your name was yellow. The more people you kill when your name is yellow the longer the yellow name stays.

- After a certain amount of kills your name should change to the color red showing people that the character is a PK and is hostile most of the time. Then finally back to yellow then green after a long, long, while. I would say for at least 5-7 hours or until death.

Edited by MaDKroniK

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Not what I was trying to imply.

I was suggesting that if you're dumb enough to adopt a, "Oh, hai gaiz," approach in a post apocalyptic setting, then you get what you deserve, but you should still have enough sense to be able to visually assess your new would-be friend before revealing yourself and beginning your, "Wanna team up?" speech.

AGain, forgive me for being thick...but how do you propose i do that? "Visually asses" the other player i mean.

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Stay away from the towns that are likely to have a large amount of people in it. Spawn and run north a bit and you will find everything you need without running into anyone.

If he really wants to add some sort of identification to players who kill people Rocket needs to do like other games I've seen the in the past. Lengend Of Mir is a perfect example.

- If you killed someone your name would become yellow signifying that you had killed someone whether it be in self defense or a straight up PK.

- After a while your name would change back to green as long as you didn't kill anyone else in that time limit when your name was yellow. The more people you kill when your name is yellow the longer the yellow name stays.

- After a certain amount of kills your name should change to the color red showing people that the character is a PK and is hostile most of the time. Then finally back to yellow then green after a long, long, while. I would say for at least 5-7 hours or until death.

seems reasonable....and it would only work in servers with nameplates enabled so bandits just wouldnt play on those servers. Its a good idea but unrealistic with the current state of server system in DAyZ

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AGain, forgive me for being thick...but how do you propose i do that? "Visually asses" the other player i mean.

Go post in this thread. Or this one.

Or make one of your own.

You know, actually help to test and provide feedback and suggestions instead of sitting around whining because you got shot.

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Don't give up keep playing the game. Gear = nice shiny things to enjoy before you are murdered by natural (or unnatural) causes, zombie fest, or a bullet in the head.

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Go post in this thread. Or this one.

Or make one of your own.

You know, actually help to test and provide feedback and suggestions instead of sitting around whining because you got shot.

+1 on your reading comprehension skills buddy

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