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Post apacolyptic greifing simulator for D-bags

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shoot them in the face, it works wonders

congratulations, you just suggested the problem IS the solution. Circular logic back to shooting on sight at everyone regardless.

God dammit, are people really that dumb? Are you really that dumb?

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If you wouldn't murder in real life don't do that here. I hope they remove tents/vehicles/sniper rifles/nvg for 3 days. Snipers might not pump someone full of lead if they can fight back.

Edited by amudkipz

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Im not asking for "the game" to punish you/them Im asking Rocket for a tool with which players who want to punish bandits can. It exists in the real world. In an apocalypse it would exist in some form too.....so just give it up man. You are unintentionally or intentionally not hearing what i am saying and what i am asking for....you are just making all the obligatory arguments and trying to use other peoples words out of context. Why is this so important to you. Just give it up. You cant beat me in an intelligent argument. So go away

Stop asking. He won't give it to you. PvP and banditry are key to this mod, and will stay. Deal with it. No need for arguments. This is what Rocket has stated again and again. Don't like it? Make your own post-apocalyptic zombie mod.

This mod can lose half its player base and still do alright.

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I don't think an ability to mark or identify bandits is a way to solve the issue, Skyter. And personally I enjoy the whole aspect of not knowing if you can trust someone. And as of now, I've never killed anyone in game, but I tend to just stay away from people for now.

Where the problem lies is in some of the fundamental mechanics in the game. A few ways I've read that would help lessen the rampant killing in the game (there is no way to stop it at all, nor should there be) is first to lessen access to high grade military loot (and specifically sniper rifles and NV goggles). And while there does need to be some change to the grouping system in game, a way to get in contact with other players is highly needed. The best and most "design" friendly way to accomplish this would be with in game radios (walkie-talkies, ETC.) to allow players to communicate over longer ranges to eliminate some of the danger of close personal encounters. There would still be the danger of meeting someone in "person" but it would allow as Rocket has stated many times: "a person's real life skills to translate to in game skills." If you are good at conversing and knowing if a person is lying then you would have an advantage in meeting other friendly players. An other option would be to have an as of now undetermined chance to destroy items when you shoot someone. (Bullets tend to break things). This would also have a positive impact in reducing the overall quantity of good gear in the game.

Of course none of this would change the fact that some people will just run around and kill people for fun. But there will always be murders, right? Especially in times of lawlessness.

Edited by Ozark
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We're more attuned to the spirit of the mod and can understand that a true post apocalyptic setting is one in which the previous rules and authorities of the former civilization are no longer relevant. It's this razor's edge of brutality that has allowed this mod to make the impression it has.

It's not candy-coated and surrounded with rubber bumpers and arrows to guide you safely through your journey.

Your decision to trust a stranger is tied to your ability to judge character and motivation not because he's not dressed like a "bandit."

Stay strong with your vision, Rocket. Ignore the casuals trying to turn this into something warm and fuzzy. Keep it cold, sharp, and fucking brutal.

Ding ding ding! We have a winner. This guy gets it. The world is a cruel and harsh place. In an apocalypse it would be 1000x harsher.

Im not asking for "the game" to punish you/them Im asking Rocket for a tool with which players who want to punish bandits can. It exists in the real world. In an apocalypse it would exist in some form too.....so just give it up man. You are unintentionally or intentionally not hearing what i am saying and what i am asking for....you are just making all the obligatory arguments and trying to use other peoples words out of context. Why is this so important to you. Just give it up. You cant beat me in an intelligent argument. So go away

When society breaks down it'll be every man for himself. There will be no authority. There will be no hand holding.

And again you resort to personal attacks too quickly. It shows you know you're wrong you just don't want to admit it.

Edited by RoRogely

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Ding ding ding! We have a winner. This guy gets it. The world is a cruel and harsh place. In an apocalypse it would be 1000x harsher.

When society breaks down it'll be every man for himself. There will be no authority. There will be no hand holding.

And again you resort to personal attacks too quickly. It shows you know you're wrong you just don't want to admit it.

Shooting people for fun is not surviving, its being a dickhead. Could you really do it? Could you actually do that? Murder for gear is one thing, but in real life you wouldn't shoot everyone you see you would signal them to leave or that you are leaving (or just leave quietly). You wouldn't meta-game with forums to find groups, you would have to actually find similarly minded people.

Edited by amudkipz
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In stead of yelling FRIENDLY!!11 and waiting for a response, there should be a tag system.

Like I see some random dude. Then I tag him for "friendly". He gets to choose either yes or no. If he chooses no then I get a confirmation of that, and we're good to go with killing each other.

However if he accepts, we become "friendly". He can still murder me, but if he did so after accepting, there should be some kind of consequence. Either through his skin instantly labelling him as a backstabber/bandit or something else.

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We're more attuned to the spirit of the mod and can understand that a true post apocalyptic setting is one in which the previous rules and authorities of the former civilization are no longer relevant. It's this razor's edge of brutality that has allowed this mod to make the impression it has.

It's not candy-coated and surrounded with rubber bumpers and arrows to guide you safely through your journey.

Your decision to trust a stranger is tied to your ability to judge character and motivation not because he's not dressed like a "bandit."

Stay strong with your vision, Rocket. Ignore the casuals trying to turn this into something warm and fuzzy. Keep it cold, sharp, and fucking brutal.

Im not asking for it to be candy coated....why do you idiots keep putting words in my mouth. Im asking for a way to anbush you cuff you beat the living piss out of you and carve a big fat fucking B on your head that will stay their even when you respawn. Hows that candy coating? You are the one actually asking for breaks from in reality by demanding a mechanic where there is no possibility for consequence to murder and theft. That sounds like candy coating to me no? Let me ask you this. If a large minority of players want the ability to implement some reasonable mechanic....why shouldn't it be looked at seriously. Rather than just brushed aside with moronic obligatory responses accusations of being pussies? Give me a logical answer and we can discuss it. No?

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Im not asking for it to be candy coated....why do you idiots keep putting words in my mouth. Im asking for a way to anbush you cuff you beat the living piss out of you and carve a big fat fucking B on your head that will stay their even when you respawn. Hows that candy coating? You are the one actually asking for breaks from in reality by demanding a mechanic where there is no possibility for consequence to murder and theft. That sounds like candy coating to me no? Let me ask you this. If a large minority of players want the ability to implement some reasonable mechanic....why shouldn't it be looked at seriously. Rather than just brushed aside with moronic obligatory responses accusations of being pussies? Give me a logical answer and we can discuss it. No?

It's not going to happen. It's not "our" game. It's ROCKET'S game. He doesn't need you to play it. No one is forcing you to play it.

Carve a B on forehead that persists after death? Lmao. Yea. That's the very definition of candy coating it.

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You are such an ignorant asshole really. Incapable interpreting the words in post. WHen did cry about being killed? Never? oh...you just said that because your obligatory response when anyone tries to address the banditry issue? Why? OH because you are daft? Sorry. Tell mom and dad sorry too :)

What I am asking for is for Rocket to somehow create a tool/mechanism so this isn't just a sos deathmatch. Do you understand that? God!!! People wonder why im mad. Its because people are sooo fucking stupid! shit!

I wasn't aware people killing other people for their things was an issue. I also wasn't aware that having an opinion different from yours made me daft or stupid.

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Rorogley, gtfo of here on quoting Rocket. Rocket dances around the issues in all of his posts. He was never a project lead before. This is his first project he's over seeing in its entirety. He has no set of goals either. It's his little experiment. That's why as things scale up, things change. At the end of the day fun has to trump realism and debauchery to feasibly look to enter the market as an independent product. No one wants a 1:1 IRL simulator. He's dancing on eggshells so he doesn't have to pick sides and alienate portions of the community. Notice how bandit morphing was removed AFTER that quote. Stop arguing, you're not going to make a point.

Edited by skyter

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Non of the deaths you listed had anything to do with other players. Why are you complaining about other players when you are the one doing the dmg to yourself.

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Yes thats what im asking for....how does that make me more important. If you ruin our fun why cant we try and ruin yours? what makes you guys so special?

im not special, i dont feel entitled to anything, thats why when i shoot people ill shoot them with what ever i have in my hands at the time. im not asking for special magic powers when i kill 10 people like bieng able to see in the dark or have thermal vision

a guy shot at me earlier with a 50.cal he missed badly, i pulled out my dmr moved to a nice spot to find him, spotted him sprinting into a town like an idiot decided not to shoot becasue A) his aim was terrible he needs the practice B) he was gonna get eaten by Z's the way he was acting

i currently have 3 murders and 2 bandit kills, does that make me a bandit? or does it balance out? do the two guys i could have shot and didnt count?

ya notice the differance? your asking FOR SPECIFIC GAME MECHANICS TO BE ADDED, were not, so again what makes you more deserving?

And its really not about that for me....i was just placating your stupid attempt at an argument. If a large minority of players want a bandit ID system...why shouldnt we get it? Tell me why.
there was one, the bandit skins, free camoflage skin .... people killed people just to get it

so lets go, lets see how much youve really thought about it, whats the mechanic you would put in that aids you in spotting a bandit but doesnt impair them, so you both get your fun?

and gratz on the bandwagon argument -_- so a majority of players wants tanks should tanks be added? a majority of people want save points so if they die they get to respawn there with all thier gear and carry on thier merry way, should that be added? (hypothetically of course but you see how ludicrous that argument line is)

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At the end of the day fun has to trump realism and debauchery to feasibly look to enter the market as an independent product.

No. It doesn't. Because people like me will still play this game. Can't wait for the carebears like you two to just give up already.

Edited by RoRogely

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This game is not for you, if you cry about players killing you.

Try this one. Sounds about more suited for your play style.

I wasn't aware people killing other people for their things was an issue. I also wasn't aware that having an opinion different from yours made me daft or stupid.

Also, don't let your self die, and you won't die.

First of all this is not expressing an opinion different than mine....its telling me to go cry somewhere else and giving me an insulting link so fuck off with your bullshit rightousness. I called you an idiot because you seem incapable of understanding what I type. But obviously you are not even aware of what you type as you mistook your own post as an opinion about what we were discussing and not just as the ignorant insult it was. IDIOT!!!!! Edited by playZ

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Well this has been fun......like shooting dumb fucks in a barrel. I gotta go now though :)

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If you say bandit skins is unrealistic and use TS3 or Vent or Skype, isn't that game breaking too?

Edited by amudkipz

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Non of the deaths you listed had anything to do with other players. Why are you complaining about other players when you are the one doing the dmg to yourself.

I was making the point that out of all the bugs glitches, player killing trumps it as the most experience breaking.

No. It doesn't. Because people like me will still play this game. Can't wait for the carebears like you two to just give up already.

You are one person. One person doesn't make a project financially sustainable or fiscally reasonable. Get you're head out of your ass. This game will change based on the players. If it doesn't, it WILL fail.

Edited by skyter

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so lets go, lets see how much youve really thought about it, whats the mechanic you would put in that aids you in spotting a bandit but doesnt impair them, so you both get your fun?

The way I would spot a bandit...way number one: I see them kill and rob a defensless or friendly player.

way numver two....by the large B i carved in their forehead after I tracked them, ambushed them, cuffed them, beat them within an inch of their life.

Is that thouhgt out enough for ya? And its fair right? and fun for everyone?

Edited by playZ

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If you say bandit skins is unrealistic and use TS3 or Vent or Skype, isn't that game breaking too?

No. Meta-gaming is allowed: http://dayzmod.com/f...ers/#entry62024

You are one person. One person doesn't make a project financially sustainable or fiscally reasonable. Get you're head out of you ass. This game will change based on the players. If it doesn't, it WILL fail.

Funny because I'm pretty sure 500k+ users says you're wrong.

The way I would spot a bandit...way number one: I see them kill and rob a defensless or friendly player.

way numver two....by the large B i carved in their forehead after I tracked them, ambushed them, cuffed them, beat them within an inch of their life.

Is that thouhgt out enough for ya? And its fair right? and fun for everyone?

Just kill them.

Edited by RoRogely

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You are the one actually asking for breaks from in reality by demanding a mechanic where there is no possibility for consequence to murder and theft. That sounds like candy coating to me no? Let me ask you this. If a large minority of players want the ability to implement some reasonable mechanic....why shouldn't it be looked at seriously. Rather than just brushed aside with moronic obligatory responses accusations of being pussies? Give me a logical answer and we can discuss it. No?

The consequence for theft and murder is that you have just as much of a chance of having it done to you, how is that hard to understand?

It's why I generally try to avoid survivors outside my group. I don't kill without provocation, and many times, I'll get the drop on another and wait until they move on in an attempt to avoid conflict and not be a "griefing douche."

Also ,why do you need to rely on some externalized game mechanism when you can dispense your own justice by firing back? I know that you may not always be able to because sometimes you get killed outright, but those are the situations where you acknowledge that you made a mistake and you try to learn from it by adjusting your behavior.

I have yet to see evidence that a "large majority" support the claims you guys want.

I would rather see things left as they are with relation to the player models, but transition to a more static server model for a standalone game.

I think that the anonymity provided by the game combined with nomadic server hopping contributes to rampant banditry more than anything else.

It also limits the development of server based communities that could be formed under a more static model. These communities could decide their own solutions to bandits (if they even wanted to pursue some sort of bandit policing measures).

I feel that this would be more in keeping with the sandbox nature of the game and allow the server communities to determine their own levels of tolerance for banditry.

Edited by Dasein808

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congratulations, you just suggested the problem IS the solution. Circular logic back to shooting on sight at everyone regardless.

God dammit, are people really that dumb? Are you really that dumb?


it works, but thats the fun of the game working out if they are a bandit or not, post appolcalypse everyones running around in the same smelly crap covered clothing they have been wearing for weeks so your not gonna know if that guys gonna cave your head in with an axe, share his beans with you, or drop the can of beans then cave your skull in when you bend down to pick them up

its rather unlikley theres a special bandits costume for hire store, so how do you tell the good guysfrom the bad when they all look alike? and thats why the bandit skins were removed, we all have the same advantage/disadvantage were on an equal footing, theres nothing to balance so no need to jam stuff in to try and balance it

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If you say bandit skins is unrealistic and use TS3 or Vent or Skype, isn't that game breaking too?

Well the use of any out-of-game voice chat among close friends is never going to stop. But giving bandits a huge "Omg, I kill people flag" is a lackluster and unfun game mechanic. The need for mystery among players is needed to create a sense of tension. And since my post back on page three was buried under all the childish fighting I'll repost the main point here:

Where the problem lies is in some of the fundamental mechanics in the game. A few ways I've read that would help lessen the rampant killing in the game (there is no way to stop it at all, nor should there be) is first to lessen access to high grade military loot (and specifically sniper rifles and NV goggles). And while there does need to be some change to the grouping system in game, a way to get in contact with other players is highly needed. The best and most "design" friendly way to accomplish this would be with in game radios (walkie-talkies, ETC.) to allow players to communicate over longer ranges to eliminate some of the danger of close personal encounters. There would still be the danger of meeting someone in "person" but it would allow as Rocket has stated many times: "a person's real life skills to translate to in game skills." If you are good at conversing and knowing if a person is lying then you would have an advantage in meeting other friendly players. An other option would be to have an as of now undetermined chance to destroy items when you shoot someone. (Bullets tend to break things). This would also have a positive impact in reducing the overall quantity of good gear in the game.

Edited by Ozark

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The way I would spot a bandit...way number one: I see them kill and rob a defensless or friendly player.

so no special mechanic neede for this, its the game we have now
way numver two....by the large B i carved in their forehead after I tracked them, ambushed them, cuffed them, beat them within an inch of their life.

Is that thouhgt out enough for ya? And its fair right? and fun for everyone?

so we add a mechanic to torture and maime people, obviously only the good guys can do this becasue only good guys torture people right? and then ...? you see someone from 300 meters away think a tiny B scar on thier face is gonna show? so now you gotta get closer .. and then they shoot ya

so the 2 possibles youve given one is pointless and the other already exists

neither of these will spoil thier fun or yours, but neither of them were what you were asking for earlier

in fact it seems like all your really want is some way to get a bit of revenge

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