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About core.-

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  1. core.-

    Do a lot of girls play dayz?

    Oh the humanities....
  2. Seriously? I'll admit its no picnic having to wave that thing around... but limiting my movement? Am i suddenly wearing a medieval breastplate armor? Slowing the character, not being able to sprint etc. That would make more sense then: IN THIS ARMOR! YOU CAN STAND UP! AND REMEMBER ITS MAKEBELIEVE! AND WHEN YOU WANT TO LAY DOWN! ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS LEAN FORWARD! A LOUD CLANK WILL BE HEARD... AT THIS POINT LOOK UP YOU WILL NOW SEE THE GROUND IS MUCH CLOSER TO YOU! Getting back up is simpler: Attach a line to the back of a white pickup(AND ONLY THE WHITE OFF-ROAD PICKUP) and simply hoist the sniper back to its feet.
  3. core.-

    Hero Skin vs Crap Bandit Skin

    You should probably learn to quote. No one has a clue who you are talking to :D
  4. core.-

    Hero Skin vs Crap Bandit Skin

    Seriously? Its the end of Days. Even I will tell you I wouldnt wrap a towel around my head. If this was the Desert and we had the appropriate desert camouflage. Then it would be fine! But why oh why would I wear a khaki coloured scarf? I will admit the Hero skin looks awesome and rightfully so. I just fail to see how becoming a bandit means I skip the "Balaclava" or "retardedly stupid colored skimask" phase and go straight to wrapping my head in a khaki coloured towel. I can even skillfully wrap a shirt around my head to look like a ninja. Unless of course I had sustained some sort of head injury and lacked bandages. Thus requiring me to wrap a towel around my head to stop the bleeding. Nope. No. Not a chance. Never. Despite the fact that I support Rocket on most of his decisions.. and I know this is just for aesthetics to test the mechanics and something better will probably come along I would like to express my desire to think of a more logical "bandit mask" rather than the current "Bandit Headdress". I would love to wear a native american Headdress in Chernarus! With the feathers and stuff I gathered from all the birds that cant be killed... Nope... Cant do that either. Just give me a halloween witch hat! That would look so.. Never.
  5. core.-

    Trading "Revolver Gold" for your offers.

    Rocket stated that one will not be banned from DayZ or Battleeye for using hacked weapons. Cant for the life of me find the post now though.
  6. The problem isnt the .50 cals. The problem isnt the L85A2 AWS. The problem isnt any type of other gear you can imagine right here. The problem is the duping. Sure it sucks getting one hit by a sniper but thats the name of the game. When weapons start becoming scarcer again they will be less used. As long as combat logging is an option Fifties are required. I used to like the enfield... Now its a pile of garbage that no longer 1 hit kills. Combat logging is another one. The 50 is the right response. But none of these are real reasons for the existence of the 50. In DayZ its the only "true" sniper rifle Since most are basically Designated Marksman Rifles. Not that theres anything wrong with that. Its just losing the 50s means losing the sniper rifles. No more 1.8k killshots. No more anti-vehicle rifles. No good reason to stay 1.5k from your target.(assuming you have good weather conditions :P).
  7. core.-

    ATV vs tractor

    If you ride an ATV enough and know the basics of how to unflip it... you will learn to do it in a matter of seconds. It is just very important to go into your controls and look under vehicle controls. There will be a steer left and steer right. These will be bound to A and D. Then theres Steer fast left and Steer fast right. Bind those to your arrow keys left and right. When flipped and not dead(theres like a 10-15% change of sustaining damage or even death when flipping). Simply move backwards using S and then press A and <- at the same time till they steer all the way and then simply hold D and -> till it hits its max. You will notice you can steer really quickly this way. The trick to this is simply. Whilst steering from left to right and moving backwards wait for the atv to lift a little. Note the way that lifts. If the vehicle is on its side to the left then you will need to steer right to unflip it. Keep steering left and right till the vehicle lifts whilst steering left. Now quickly steer right and keep moving backwards. This time dont stop steering right and you will slowly see your atv lift more and more and eventually unflip it. Thats the basics. The people that use other vehicles to unflip it or use other tricks have nothing on this one. It can be done in 10 seconds flat once you get decent at it. The most important thing is... dont get off and always make sure you have 1 third fuel. Cant use this trick if you run out of fuel... a mate can prolly refuel you though if you do run out. The only time you can get off and back on is if your buddy tells you he can enter the back seat. Usually you can do this on a slope and not on a flat bit of land. My advice is to just get awesome at unflipping it so you dont have to get off. Never ride for prolonged periods of time without 12k blood. Flipping is inevitable. Explosions are inevitable. Death will find you.
  8. core.-

    Suspicious phenomenon

    Most of us arent. But that funnel is not supposed to be there.
  9. core.-

    Memorable/Funny Last Words (In Day Z)

    "DONT SHOOT I AM FRIENDLY! I JUST SPAWNED IN I HAVE NO GEAR I AM UNARMED!" Guy was wearing a ghillie with an MK.48 and an AS50. The reason he screamed was because he heard my footsteps behind him as he tried to quickly get up and scurry away. I pumped 2 out of 3 rounds from my M4A3 CCO in his back and he made one final comment in a very depressing manner. "Oh why do I bother...?"
  10. core.-

    PvP vs PvE

    Agreed. Rocket is in charge and he knows it. He grew up in the same enviroment as a few of us. He was in a position where he could tell everyone to "take it or leave it" and actually said it. The take it or leave it mentality IS the mentality of all developers these days but in most cases this refers to watered down versions of predecessors. If I have to name a few: Cod hasnt changed since Cod:MW, Saints row the third? :P, Kane and clank 2, the lynchoning! etc etc Judging from the amount of people taking it.. they must really enjoy the game... or are "unbeknownst" to themselves pure masochists. Some of us are pure sadists though. ;) Anyway those are just my 2 cents in this.I will support rocket for as long as he will ignore the community as much as he has now.(The difference being: Major companies ignore the communites because they have their money already. Rocket ignores the community because its the community. He fixes bugs though! and creates new ones in the process.)
  11. core.-

    PvP vs PvE

    Do you know whats ruining gaming these days? It isn't as simple as skill modifiers taking away pure skill in reaction time and anticipatory skills. It isnt as simple as milking gamers for their money cause they will take what they can get If there was an easy answer it would probably be more along the lines of: Catering to each demographic. Gaming was great in its hayday when gaming was difficult, hard to complete and near impossible to master. But most importantly there were no handicaps and a level playing field. LEVEL PLAYING FIELD YOU SAY!? BUT THAT PERSON INVESTED MORE THEN HALF THEIR LIFE TO MASTERING THEIR REACTION TIME AND LEARNING THE GAME! HOW IS THAT A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD!? Because anyone "has" the ability to accomplish this feat. Some have talent. Some have natural skill. Some spend alot of hours of hard work to accomplish the same goals. Anyone can do it with enough time and motivation. This is where the clincher comes in. You dont have the time, or the motivation to become as good at the game as others that choose to do so? Fine. Accept that fact. Wait you cant accept that fact? Feel free to bitch and moan to the developers, call those people aimbotters and nolifers. Go ahead. No one is stopping you. It still however does not change the fact that you are less skilled than they are at a level playing field game. (For anyone missing the essence here: This is about skill modifiers that simplify and attempt to nullify user input skill to even "the odds" thereby handicapping "progamers" and allowing even "noobs" to get a killing spree.) DayZ is nothing more then a continuation of a proud tradition of level playing field gaming that was upheld nearly 2 decades ago. Take the game for what it is or find a different sandbox to play in. I strongly believe that catering to such demographics and segregating the community is a foolish move that too many developers have supported for too long. tl;dr Seperation of pvp and pve servers will allow people to choose the easy way out which is a foolish move for a game whose developer has the mindset of a developer of 18 years ago and would lead DayZ away from that which makes it great.
  12. core.-

    You get some satchel charges. What would you do with it?

    It is in fact not possible to attach a satchel charge to a animal/player/vehicle. However scripters and hackers have lots of fun with the AttachTo command
  13. core.-

    You get some satchel charges. What would you do with it?

    You'd AttachTo a satchel charge on a live animal?
  14. A designated marksman rifle (DMR) is the weapon used by soldiers in the designated marksman role. The DM role fills the gap between a regular infantryman and a sniper and DMRs have been developed with this middle ground in mind. DMR is nothing more than a designation. The rifle in question when they speak of a DMR in dayz is: The United States Marine Corps Designated Marksman Rifle (DMR, NSN 1005-01-458-6235; more formally the United States Rifle, 7.62 mm, M14, DMR) is a semi-automatic, gas-operatedrifle chambered for the 7.62x51mm NATOcartridge. It is a modified version of the M14 rifle formerly built and utilized by the United States Marine Corps. The M14 AIM EP1 in question is: A basic m14 built after 1966 with an Tactical Aim Sight