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Timing of Patch 1.5.8

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theres nothing wrong with the zombies.

I beg to differ. With how terrible the zombie movement is, not to mention how that awfulness is exacerbated by server lag, it's a wonder that you ever manage to head-shot anything, let alone the 10+ zombies you'll aggro trying to kill anything at all. I appreciate that people want to feel more of a threat from them than we encountered before 1.5.7, but zombie numbers as they are now make this game much more difficult and frustrating than it needs to be. If this was Left 4 Dead in the source engine then you'd easily be able to hit everything you needed to, but because we're in this awkward arma engine we can't deal with threats nearly as easily. I'm sure there is a middle ground somewhere, between seeing zombies as an overwhelming obstacle, and seeing them as scenery, but this mod has yet to find that middle ground.

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theres nothing wrong with the zombies.


-Spawn right ontop of you behind you, had that happen.

-How they run sometimes and makes it impossible to hit them

-And their respawn sometimes

-bug through doors, which is how I died last night and lost my first m4....

-how many there are in pure numbers in a small town and their aggro, GL getting HS, and enjoy the death.

just sayin

for science and feedback

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So this patch is getting rid of the main sources of light in towns (flares and chemlights) by making them attract zombies... but still keep the nights unrealistically dark? That's not nice. How can anyone play during the night now without NVG's?

I don't even know why the nights are so dark... it's not realistic at all. There are periods where there is no moon and it is literally pitch black unless you screw with your gamma settings.

The ARMA 2 nights were fine, they could be made a LITTLE bit darker.

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The arma engine is a realism engine. Hitting a moving target the size of a head from point blank isn't easy. Learn when to take your shots, and stop expecting a Makarov to have stopping power. ]

The ONLY issue with zombies in 1.5.7 is the speed that they respawn. The actual number spawned is fine.

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The arma engine is a realism engine. Hitting a moving target the size of a head from point blank isn't easy. Learn when to take your shots' date=' and stop expecting a Makarov to have stopping power. ']

The ONLY issue with zombies in 1.5.7 is the speed that they respawn. The actual number spawned is fine.

Except for the fact that it fails to hit realism of any sort when dealing with zombies who run through walls and teleport around.

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how is this mod at ALL Bohemia's problem? Rocket may work for them' date=' but this mod appears to be pretty independent of them...

Maybe YOU should donate some SQL servers to the cause...


lets be clear, I'm aware this isn't their problem. But this mod has generated a whole lot of sales for them. As show of gesture of good faith it would cool if they donated some gear to help out the mod.

just sayin'

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Very nearby zombies may hear direct chat, depending on how loud it is. All zombies in a large area will hear global chat.

I can't wait until the first time someone leaves their global mic open while in town.

I believe he means something like... Zombies can hear your direct chat or VOIP.

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Salty tears???

HA! This forum is NOTHING like the forum for the game in which I have migrated to DAYZ from... BF3.

The EAUK forums are literally called Mordor, for good reason.

Even the Devs refer to it as such.

We have all cried, & cried, & cried some more to the DICE Devs, to no avail. About content, balancing, key features of the game not being there, patches, support, customer service, communication.

The list goes on and on...


Theres the thread in which I found out about ARMA 2's DayZ MOD.

553 replies, and growing. Everyone loves this game.

The Devs, (Dev) actually listen to it's consumers here. I think I'm happy here.

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One suggestion: You can release patch as torrent in first few hours after release.

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One suggestion: You can release patch as torrent in first few hours after release.

As far as I know it's not the download server that is the problem but the inevitable spamming of connection requests to gameservers and the character database after the patch went out.

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Update all of the servers

Let 100 people download the patch, then throttle the download to 1kb/sec for 15 minutes, unthrottle and let another 100 people download.

Repeat this for the first hour and then let the floodgates open. (After an hour someone will have hosted a zip of the files somewhere so throttling won't matter anymore.) Should soften the blow pretty well.

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Why are you so happy? The patch still isn't out yet. I'm gonna sit here and complain until it is up. I'm auto-refreshing http://us.armafiles.info/

Each patch is like Christmas. There's always more in the patch than what shows up in the changelog. :D

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Why are you so happy? The patch still isn't out yet. I'm gonna sit here and complain until it is up. I'm auto-refreshing http://us.armafiles.info/

Each patch is like Christmas. There's always more in the patch than what shows up in the changelog. :D

It would have already been out if it was coming out today. Player count is way too high now. Check back tomorrow morning.

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I'm getting a "Bad version" error on almost every server now. Is that an indication that something is happening?

Only server i can connect to is one running a normal mission but with DayZ in the server title. Gits.

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Just do it around a Sunday at 4am with a notice a week in advance. Then shut down the authorization server for one hour, or better, and have a marketing campaign for that week to let communities know of the update. That way when the update comes, there will have been plenty of notice and you'll have full control over the process around all of the host.

Really, this game is so good, people should have no problem dealing with downtime for updates...

And if they do have a problem, we'll feed them to a horde!

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I'm getting a "Bad version" error on almost every server now. Is that an indication that something is happening?

Only server i can connect to is one running a normal mission but with DayZ in the server title. Gits.

People are still connecting and talking on Chicago 13

13:33:42 Player BB connecting.
13:33:43 BattlEye Server: Player #30 BB () connected
13:33:44 Player BB connected ().
13:33:46 BattlEye Server: Player #30 BB - GUID: (unverified)
13:33:46 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID () of player #30 BB
13:33:50 BattlEye Server: (Side) Travis: not as big as the main rotar for helis
13:33:51 BattlEye Server: (Side) NugZeh: dayyyy
13:33:51 BattlEye Server: (Side) Ross: day
13:34:02 BattlEye Server: (Side) VOID Dragon: k

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I'm getting a "Bad version" error on almost every server now. Is that an indication that something is happening?

Only server i can connect to is one running a normal mission but with DayZ in the server title. Gits.


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* [FIXED] Zombies not attracted to Flares and Chemlights

How big will the aggro radius be for Chemlights? I hope they're low. Chemlights are really the only thing that makes it possible to do night missions without pumping your gamma all the way up >_<.

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