Soujyo 23 Posted July 16, 2012 First off let me say, while I absolutely have had a blast playing this game... enough so that I myself even rented a server for some friends to further spread the Dayz fun to others. This alone was by far and large one of the strangest and most ridiculously restrictive processes to get ahold of a server I've ever been through.However for some reason I can't fathom other than a belief that the mod & community would fall apart, there are a series of fairly restrictive rules before a server is allowed to be a part of the hive. Rules that are regularly broken for both malicious and innocent reasons I might add. All the while having this looming threat of being "Blacklisted" from the hive for being a heretic. :PWhile I felt they were a bit overkill, I was still weighing in the enjoyment factor and idealism behind the rules and decided it was worth the effort to support this game and the community behind it.Sadly since then I've received email after email recently informing me of just one more restriction, then another, then another... and finally tonight one more arrived informing server admins they'd now be stripped of access to their server files and configs. Essentially placing us at the mercy of whatever patch was deemed the new "stable" version (I might add I've not been able to play since 1.7.2 released nor any of it's mini updates). Then it finally hit me, that I was spending more and more time trying to make sure my server didn't get blacklisted from some increasing and seemingly ever expanding list of do's and donts, and I began to wonder exactly when or if that list would ever stop growing. I'm after all taking the risk paying for a place for people to play, I'm constantly losing more control over the very server I supposedly operate.When does it stop?::TL:DR::It's not just a privilege that we're allowed to play Dayz, the very nature of gaming relies on cohesion between the Dev's, the server hosts providing a place to game, and the community as a whole in order to thrive. This means one cannot trample or trump the other with out ruining the very delicate balance of all three. This is not a mindless rant, this is me requesting server hosts start taking an active role in making sure that we are heard and respected as much as we're supposed to be respecting the DayZ team, as well as asking them DayZ team to show a little respect back and stop waving the blacklist threat in our faces to force compliance.We want to help be a part of your dream and help provide a community. 20 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fraggle (DayZ) 15720 Posted July 16, 2012 Have you contacted them with your thoughts? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted July 16, 2012 (edited) hellointeresting.One part of me want to blatently throw the Alpha meme about and the other half of me thinks that there indeed should be some kind of interaction between the devs and the server hosters.I can however see the points and difficulties from both aspects.I think at the moment, the thing you're stuck with is liking or lumping it.It's not ideal, I just don't think many serverhosts, unlike you, care more than just playing the game.rgdsLoK Edited July 16, 2012 by orlok Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tsugan 20 Posted July 16, 2012 (edited) I have no experience with this, but from what you posted it seems as though there is a serious disconnect between the server hosts and the DayZ staff, which is never good.Have you contacted them with your thoughts?Do that. Edited July 16, 2012 by Tsugan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KField86 237 Posted July 16, 2012 Hm. Interesting. I'm about to be purchasing a server from HFB within the next week or so, but I'm going to have to do more searching. I already know the basic rule set, like No passwording. 40 slots minimum in the US. No kicking and/or banning for anything other than malicious threats and/or racism. But I'm really curious about how more and more privileges are being stripped away. To be honest with you, a good half of me wants to wait until we have the authority to remove and ban people from our servers when they are caught hacking, and battleeye hasn't caught them yet. I don't want to even imagine how upset I'll be to know I'm paying monthly for a server, and I won't be able to stop people from ruining the experiences of players on my server by hacking. If they just allowed that one thing, to be able to ban players for hacking, DC'ing from combat, or general server hopping, I'd feel a lot more comfortable. Even though it's only roughly $35 a month for a 40 slot server, that's still $35 a month I'm paying for an experience that is less than what I'd like. People who are hacking this game have no place in testing this alpha. We have tens of thousands of legitimate players. No one's going to miss the assholes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CrossShade 4 Posted July 16, 2012 Hm. Interesting. I'm about to be purchasing a server from HFB within the next week or so, but I'm going to have to do more searching. I already know the basic rule set, like No passwording. 40 slots minimum in the US. No kicking and/or banning for anything other than malicious threats and/or racism. But I'm really curious about how more and more privileges are being stripped away. To be honest with you, a good half of me wants to wait until we have the authority to remove and ban people from our servers when they are caught hacking, and battleeye hasn't caught them yet. I don't want to even imagine how upset I'll be to know I'm paying monthly for a server, and I won't be able to stop people from ruining the experiences of players on my server by hacking.If they just allowed that one thing, to be able to ban players for hacking, DC'ing from combat, or general server hopping, I'd feel a lot more comfortable. Even though it's only roughly $35 a month for a 40 slot server, that's still $35 a month I'm paying for an experience that is less than what I'd like. People who are hacking this game have no place in testing this alpha. We have tens of thousands of legitimate players. No one's going to miss the assholes.Then stop hosting, obviously the rules are not going to change so why not get rid of the discontent you feel and continue playing on other servers with no feeling of negativity towards a simple $35 a month. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wrath (DayZ) 140 Posted July 16, 2012 I personally support strict ruling. As soon as the rules are relaxed you're going to get locked servers, people exploiting admin rights, and all sorts of retarded crap that goes on in other games that have relaxed ruling.This is an MMO hybrid, this isnt just another COD/BF server. You're dealing with a persistent world akin to an MMO and thus server control should be strict. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ScapeZero 3 Posted July 16, 2012 It needs to be that way so you cant ruin things on the hive. It sucks, but things need to be this way. No ones forcing you to host the server. If you dont want to comply, well...stop hosting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KField86 237 Posted July 16, 2012 (edited) Then stop hosting, obviously the rules are not going to change so why not get rid of the discontent you feel and continue playing on other servers with no feeling of negativity towards a simple $35 a month.You obviously have no way of knowing that unless you happen to be a part of the development team, or you hit 88mph in your delorian and saw things no one else does. I also don't host yet. I also have no qualms paying $35 for a server as it doesn't dent my wallet even with the bills I have to pay. It's just the simple fact that I feel hackers have no place in this game, and they should be policed a bit more than they are. I'm still going to get a server because I want a single place for me and the guys I play with to login to. I'm not saying battle-eye is shit, because it's not, it just needs to stay on the ball and I hope it will.Keep in mind the only thing I'm saying we should be able to police is people maliciously and deliberately exploiting game mechanics and/or hacking the game. And I'm fairly certain that option will be there in the future without servers being blacklisted for it. I don't condone kicking for slots, or deliberately restarting servers to gain an edge, or anything an abusive admin would do. But being able to police a server against the threat of people ruining the experience of others, is a bit frustrating. I know a guy through steam that was hosting a chicago server, haven't talked to him in a while.. and he had to shut his server down because every day it was having a hacker presence, and driving off legitimate players. And he couldn't do a thing about it. That's a pretty awful feeling, but I guess you just have to live with it. Like I said, either way I'll be getting a server, and I won't be bitching about it but I do hope in the FUTURE, we can be able to police against legitimate threats. I'm all for a strict rule-set, but within reason. Edited July 16, 2012 by KField86 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 19 Posted July 16, 2012 Just a matter of time until they just overdo it with their don't's and someone will bother to make a custom hive that all the servers are gonna join as most of the serverowners I know are sick of the freaking rules of the official dayz hive. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rogan (DayZ) 24 Posted July 16, 2012 Just a matter of time until they just overdo it with their don't's and someone will bother to make a custom hive that all the servers are gonna join as most of the serverowners I know are sick of the freaking rules of the official dayz hive.The hive needs to handle a massive amount of data, so there's zero chance of that. Oh and you know what kind of people enjoy playing pirate servers? Hackers. Enjoy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ElRolle 97 Posted July 16, 2012 The hive needs to handle a massive amount of data, so there's zero chance of that. Oh and you know what kind of people enjoy playing pirate servers? Hackers. Enjoy.You can still use BattleEye and create a global GUID ban list for the unofficial HIVE.I like the idea of creating a community around single server - so private database is the way to go IMO. I hate being restricted by other people and their silly rules on my own server. +1 for OP. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 37 Posted July 16, 2012 It's something that's not changing anytime soon unless a bunch of serveradmins boycott DayZ and demand more control over their servers, sadly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Macenzie 79 Posted July 16, 2012 Keep your server up to date. Simples. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boneboys 7988 Posted July 16, 2012 I'm moving this to Server General, seems a more suitable forum. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Acolyte 42 Posted July 16, 2012 Admins abuse their powers far too much to be allowed too many abilities.I'm sorry, that's just the way it is. Blame all the power hungry admins that think that just because they pay for a server, it means they can ruin the fun for everybody else. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 9 Posted July 16, 2012 Keep your server up to date. Simples.That doesn't help one bit, if anything I have had more hackers in my server since / 94876, than in the 2-3 weeks before it. I keep my scripts.txt updated with everything I can find to stop script kiddie tricks and hacks. The problem is people are bypassing battleye, had a guy in my server yesterday around 6AM that teleported to all the players and killed them, we saw his name, I checked the logs, he had no unusual scripts in there, they are bypassing it in a way that it isn't even logged anymore. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jskibo 143 Posted July 16, 2012 We could all stop our servers for 24 hours. See how much fun that is for everyone....... 12 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
azunai 32 Posted July 16, 2012 project honeypot for dayz would be coolanyway what new rules are taked about here? i did not get any email yet o.0 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
machomanugget 26 Posted July 16, 2012 We could all stop our servers for 24 hours. See how much fun that is for everyone.......haha yeh brilliant idea... no servers = no game 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jskibo 143 Posted July 16, 2012 (edited) HFB sent out an email about pulling FTP and file manager access. Not sure if that's the OPs reference or notHey there!Time for another HFB update email!Last of all, we regret to say that, at the request of the DayZ team we will be removing� filemanager and FTP access to our servers. The file manager will remain, but users will only have access to the beserver.cfg in "/cfgdayz/BattlEye" in order to change their rcon/maxping details. Access to the text editor for configuration files is also being removed , and being replaced with a form-based configuration editor.Thank youHFBServersTo which I say, excellent, I'll stop pruning my log files. Enjoy the terabytes of crap on your systems HFB.... Edited July 16, 2012 by jskibo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
azunai 32 Posted July 16, 2012 thats actualy a good decisionthanks :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jskibo 143 Posted July 16, 2012 If the dev team wants to run servers, let them pay to run servers.....Friday July 20th US 193 and US 566 will be offline for 24 hours. 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 9 Posted July 16, 2012 God damnit, this is going to make catching hackers even fucking harder, the log files will bloat to files way too damn large to conveniently download and they will be too large to open. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
digital0 22 Posted July 16, 2012 The hive needs to handle a massive amount of data, so there's zero chance of that. Oh and you know what kind of people enjoy playing pirate servers? Hackers. Enjoy.Nope there are already unlinked custom hive servers and with a bit of google you'll find a how-to easily. It takes very little time to setup if you have all the tools ready.The only thing you're signing up to is server to server persistance. My view on it, as a server owner who plays on his own server exclusively this isn't really a plus or a noteworthy feature as I would rather see people don't bring stuff from other servers. Have my server build it's own little community. I would rather have a signup process and a user bound password for players to be allowed to play on my server but for now I play by the rules because I respect rockets creation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites