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Nawn (DayZ)

Don't move DayZ to Arma 3

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arma 3 won't be coming out until 2013 anyways. plenty of time to save up $60

Release is 2012 Q4.

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I like how $50-60 is considered a "shit ton" nowadays...

It is when you're a teenager. Hell, even for me, it's quite a bit... considering I got hundreds of bills to pay. Gaming expense is quite down there on my list of priorities. I mean that amount can almost pay my cell phone bill.

Edited by Whattteva

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Do some extra chores or something.

Don't buy smokes for 2 weeks.

Lay down the bottle of booze for a while.

$60 isn't much to spend on a game that makes all your wishes and dreams come true.

DayZ is like a fluffy cloud land filled with hot naked chicks trying to eat you.

$60 is really that much period >.>

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Release is 2012 Q4.

Quite a few posts back, this was corrected. It got pushed back to 2013

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Release is 2012 Q4.

Most companies go by fiscal quarters which vary from company to company, sometimes Q4 stretches into the next year

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I like how $50-60 is considered a "shit ton" nowadays...

well it does look alot when your talking in dollers

£38.88 < that looks like a better price

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That article that states a stabdalone release by September seems dodge to me. It's based off another article that has some half quote in it from rezzed.

I get the feeling he could have been talking about anything being released September.

Developing a standalone alpha game by September also seems ludicrous.

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I like how $50-60 is considered a "shit ton" nowadays...

When you live paycheck to paycheck, or you're still a teenager, it is quite a bit.

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For most ARMA players, $50-60 is nothing. Which is why the population will move to ARMA 3 and in response to the players being in ARMA 3, the mods will come with it. The cool thing about Dayz is that Rocket and team have access to the ARMA 3 engine noe, so they could potentially be the first mod in the game.

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Not everyone is filthy rich, me, I plan to sell or tade a kidney in order to get ArmA3.

Not my own ofcause, haha, I'll go search for a fairly healthy homeless person, when that time comes.

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The OP's request is not only selfish, but it makes no sense from any point of view. Arma III, I'm assuming will eliminate so many of the bugs that are a problem in DayZ now. Why would anyone halt the forward progress and overall improvement based on a couple in the community not wanting or able to spend money on the new and improved version of the project?

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Stabdalone? It always sucks when you are stabbed and alone. I agree...

ArmA 3 is going to be freaking awesome!

Edited by Vertisce

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I don't mind shelling out the cash for ARMA III. I've really enjoyed the experience of playing DayZ; so I'll follow it wherever it goes.

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Hey, my name is Nawn. And i know this is selfish and cheap and stuff. But in reality a lot of people bought Arma II JUST so they could play DayZ, Me, being one of those people. And i just recently bought the game, and i have a lot of friends who would buy the game, once they get enough cash. But i really don't want them to spend the 30 Dollars, and find out that in order to continue playing, they have to spend a shit ton more money later, because it's being moved over. So, if anything, Please change it to a Free-to-play Standalone version. Or keep it as a mod for Arma II. I am ready to receive the flame.

This is the worst nightmare I could have ever dreamed of.

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Lets hope all the alpha players get a free standalone version! :D

Lets hope all the alpha players get a free standalone version! :D

More like saying, lets give this game out for free!

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The OP's request is not only selfish, but it makes no sense from any point of view. Arma III, I'm assuming will eliminate so many of the bugs that are a problem in DayZ now. Why would anyone halt the forward progress and overall improvement based on a couple in the community not wanting or able to spend money on the new and improved version of the project?

I don't support the OP, but this claim is quite bold. I've played games that are worse than its predecessors in terms of bugs. Just because it's "newer" doesn't necessarilly equal "less bugs". It may very well have less bugs, but that remains to be seen.

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Im buying Arma lll when it comes out, but for those who don`t buy it, this mod will probably be playable on Arma ll after Arma lll is out..

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I want all my stuff for free too. Perhaps I could write a letter to my electricity company asking for a free to use system.

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I bought Arma 2 just over a month ago to play DayZ and now I have 119 hours played.

In my eyes, that's better than going to 2-3 movies which would only last ~4-5 hours..

On top of that, I would never have played the vanilla game, but now that I have it, I play it and it's great!

I will definitely buy Arma 3, even more likely if DayZ does get ported over.

And after that, if it goes to a standalone game, I'll buy it again!

This is the first mod since Dystopia (hl2 mod) that I felt this attached to not only the game itself, but the community as well, and I'll damn well stick with it until it's final death rattle..

This mod could keep being ported to every new engine that comes out and I would continue to buy it over and over..

hell it's better than shelling out $50 every year for a new COD game.

Edited by Cyanyde

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Rocket already said that this game wont be a FTP game. And the game will most likely first move over to Arma III then it will prob be a standalone game.

Uh, at Rezzed he was pretty certain he wanted to follow the F2P model that minecraft is following. Where do you get your information from?

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My system will probably not run Arma III :( So I better enjoy DayZ while I have it. And I suspect I'll not be the only one.

If we're going to be PC gamers we have to accept that we'll need to upgrade eventually to play the latest releases.

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Hiya. I bought Arma 2 just for Day Z, too. I still want to see the game ported over to Arma 3. Why? Because what's good for the game is better than what's good for a single selfish twat who would rather see the game held back for his own good than to be moved onto greener pastures where it can be better refined.

Do some extra chores or something.

Don't buy smokes for 2 weeks.

Lay down the bottle of booze for a while.

$60 isn't much to spend on a game that makes all your wishes and dreams come true.

DayZ is like a fluffy cloud land filled with hot naked chicks trying to eat you.

You do realize that laying down a bottle (traditionally) is what you do after you've emptied it, right? Maybe I'm just being nitpicky, but it just sounds like you tried telling him to drink in order to save money. xP

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Uh, at Rezzed he was pretty certain he wanted to follow the F2P model that minecraft is following. Where do you get your information from?

Did you know Minecraft isn't Free to Play... you have to pay for it. Free to Play = Free to Play, DayZ is going to be aiming for Single Purchase of the game if we continue along the path we are on now..

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i don't c what his problem is i have to build a brand new computer for arma 3 - gpu/power supply

Edited by VegetaL

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