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Nawn (DayZ)

Don't move DayZ to Arma 3

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People need to learn there is more to arma than just DayZ.

My bet is that they will release DayZ as a DLC with a special map (don't see zombies work on Limnos) and weapons that fit the mod.

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actually, i never liked arma since day 1. i bought arma 1 at release, because i was really impressed by the features and videos. i tried to get on a multiplayer server and after 8 hours without success and a few weeks without patch to fix this issue, i never got hand again on a bohemia title.

this mod was the only reason, why i bought arma2 co, and i will buy arma 3 too for this mod, no question. the surrounding game, doesnt care, i just play dayz and enjoy it, even at alpha state.

and to be honest, the move to arma 3 is absolutely neccessary, what do you think why zombies are glitching throug walls, ground and doors? surely not a problem from modders, this is the arma engine, and if the ground to work is better, the mod can go on and maybe, arma 3 supports melee weapons, its also something which arma 2 can't handle, thats why the crowbar is actually an invisible silenced gun at a low distance with smoke ;)

and as light is a really important feature in this mod, it just needs the new light system from arma3.

and for those who are telling, that it's a lot of money for underaged peoples, think about it twice.. is this a game for underaged peoples? no, not really ;p

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It isnt coming out for Arma 3. It will be out as standalone by the end of the year. Early 2013 at the latest according to rockets latest interview.

He estimated a price of 15 euro's.

Edited by Delta Smoke 01

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ArmA 3 is 10 times better than ArmA 2 in anything from Graphics to stability.

If you don't want to spend $60 on ArmA 3, suit yourself, stay on ArmA 2, no one's forcing you to switch.

EVENTUALLY you'll have to pay again, either when DayZ goes to ArmA 3 or when it becomes standalone.

Either get a job like, you know, the rest of the world, or ask your parents to fork over a few bucks.

Edited by krtshv

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Lets hope all the alpha players get a free standalone version! :D

Maybe they'll do it like Minecraft, where, when the real game comes out, alpha players get the game for, say, 5 bucks. And Beta players get it for 15 bucks, and the start price would be 25 or 30 dollars on the standalone (full release).

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It's an alpha MOD. This is not the game. You bought Arma II and Operation Arrowhead as a perfectly working game and add-on. Do you really think Rocket will care that his alpha is moving on to a better engine and to become a standalone game because you shelled out 30 bucks on a game? Who are you gonna complain to? Oh no the alpha isn't working anymore, so what? The game you bought works fine, quit moaning.

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Rockets plan is probably to use the ArmA engine, and have DayZ as a seperate game.

Either way, you're going to have to buy another version of DayZ, whether it is on the ArmA 2, or ArmA 3 engine is up to rocket.

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I say throw your wallet at Bohemia. The Arma Series is quite enjoyable without DayZ. DayZ is basically the Icing on a cake. Good with or without.

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I think most people are worried about ArmA3 not working on their computer.

I like the fact it will be much better in terms of gameplay, but maybe there wont be as many players due to this and "money" issues...

I'd like to see it go into ArmA3, but also it would be good if DayZ on ArmA2 was still supported, with some servers - but ArmA3 as the main priority.

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Do some extra chores or something.

Don't buy smokes for 2 weeks.

Lay down the bottle of booze for a while.

$60 isn't much to spend on a game that makes all your wishes and dreams come true.

DayZ is like a fluffy cloud land filled with hot naked chicks trying to eat you.

+1. loool, nice.

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Rocket already said that this game wont be a FTP game. And the game will most likely first move over to Arma III then it will prob be a standalone game.

As if people would end up buying the same game 3 times.

And yes I mean it. Tons of people who bought Arma II don't even play the game, it's SOLELY for DayZ

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Dayz will be standalone way before Arma III comes out. Rocket said he's aiming for September.

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I like DayZ and think it's an amazing game but I hope it's not a $50-$60 game I am not going to pay that much for an multiplayer only game, I need a single player (offline) experience to justify paying that much. As for DayZ being on Arma 3 I hope it does go to Arma 3 just not on release give it 6 months to a year to let Arma 3 players time to enjoy their game with out the DayZ distraction. So many games I must get coming out GTA5, Deadpool, Watchdogs, and DayZ it's gonna be rough I have butt loads of bills.

Edited by Kex

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