Kyiara 791 Posted April 18, 2023 PC Experimental 1.21 Update 1 - Version 1.21.156073 (Released on 20.04.2023) NOTES Consider using the Steam client option to verify the integrity of the local game cache to avoid corrupted data after downloading this update. Consider de-fragmenting your HDD after downloading large updates. In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q., DayZ F.A.Q., or BattlEye F.A.Q. You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker. GAME ADDED Crossbow and color variants Bolts and Improvised Bolt variants Sword Mace Chainmail Chainmail Leggings Chainmail Coif Norse Helm Chestplate Medieval Boots Wool Gloves with fingerless and color variants Feathers Game hints in the loading screen Added new game hints Thrown items and moving vehicles now move smoother on high refresh rate devices Status icon for mild leg injuries UI brightness can be adjusted in the settings The character now spawns with items pre-assigned to their quickbar FIXED Fixed further exploits to look through walls ( - private) Fixed an exploit to glitch through walls It was possible to execute a stealth kill even if there was an obstacle between the player and the target Several explosions were missing their tail sounds The camera would move sharply when a vehicle turns opposite to the mouse/joystick movement The camera would glitch when swimming with a broken leg ( The action to refill a partially filled gasoline container would appear at water sources The Scout rifle reload sounds would echo ( Items ruined while in a container carried in hands would float in the air Fixed issues with several structures (,, - private) It was very difficult to reach the "Open trunk" action for the Olga 02 wreck Ruining handcuffs would not free the cuffed player ( Arming/disarming damaged Remote Detonation Units would reset the health of the explosive and detonator ( Links between remote detonators and explosives were not persistent The character could collide with items dropped from a thrown fireplace Interrupting of building by another player could result in desync On lowest FOV settings, the camera would zoom out instead of in when focusing the view Items inside the vehicle cargo were not drying or changing their temperature (, Exhaling sound was missing when exiting ADS while holding breath ( The player could fall to their death when reconnecting while high on a ladder ( Infected could walk through specific base building objects Fire barrels did not have accessible cargo space when attached to a truck ( Aiming to attach wooden sticks to an improvised shelter could display non-functional selection arrows Weight of the heat pack was irrationally high It was not possible to purify water in a cauldron ( It was possible to purify an empty container Placing a tent inside a bigger tent could cause inventory management problems Thermometer was not displaying realistic temperatures in cases of sickness The character could get stuck when changing stances while dropping an item Player could desync and fall through the map by going prone or being attacked by infected (,,,, Accessing ladders from crouch position could offset the character's collision PU scope reticle would glow slightly at night Heat comfort was not handled properly after reconnecting on elevated positions in buildings The tripwire could not be moved in the inventory in ruined state ( Advanced placement did not work as intended in the small factory building ( Some clothes, accessories, tools and car parts could not be shot through ( A damaged Battery could lose quantity when being swapped A square shape was present when looking through the iron sights of the 4x ATOG optic ( UI tabs were resized when changing sliders in the settings ( The control when looking through binoculars and certain scopes in hands was very floaty ( Desync when reconnecting near a car or entering a running car's network bubble could result in the client showing a stalled state for the car Aiming while prone would not take the terrain surface into account normally The state of weapons would not be reflected properly when dropped to the ground The texture for bloody hands was darker on survivor model 11 The action to wash hands was even available when gloves are put over the bloody hands Infected could walk through rocks Infected could walk through piles of wooden planks The NVG headstrap could be dropped on the ground upon reconnect Vehicle startup sounds were not synchronized with the animation ( Freelook could only turn the camera by 90 degrees ( Bird and cricket ambient sounds would cut instantly when a player shoots within 500 meters Bird and cricket ambient sounds would not react to explosion sounds Soft braking a vehicle with CTRL+S was not working as intended The player could get stuck in the load-in queue at position 0 while being kicked off the server Fixed a bug that could transform vehicles into unusual shapes Fixed an issue where players with poor network connection could influence the connection of other players Fixed several cases of items falling through the map when being thrown Reigniting a fireplace would not increase its heat again ( CHANGED Reworked falling damage impact depending on height Removed the BattlEye license agreement prompt in-game (PC only - - private) Tweaked sounds of doors with valve lock Changed the horn sound of the M3S truck Increased the audibility of explosions Allowed eye gear to spawn on infected ( Login timers are now also displaying in minutes and hours Zoom functionality is no longer reduced during fast movement in crouch or prone Applied minor visual tweaks to the Great Helm Reduced the weight of the plastic explosive by 60% ( Tweaked impact sounds for metallic objects depending on the targeted surface Ripened horticulture plants now stay for twice as long before they start to decay Increased the minimum amount of quick slots available to the player Reduced the amount of additional quick slots given by certain gear Interactions with a power generator now refresh the lifetime of it and all items connected to it ( Removed the "Loading..." text on the login timer Washing hands is now a continuous action Tweaked the width of all tire tracks Changed the animation for pill consumption Improved the visuals of the PSO-1, PSO-1-1 and P1-87-L Scopes Reduced the reflection on the glass of scopes Improvised fishing rod can now be dismantled Adjusted position/rotation of individual weapons when carried on the shoulder ( Distant lights are much dimmer Transition from close up light to distant is much smoother Slightly increased the damage the Sarka 120 takes from impacts The drying rate of items has been adjusted to correctly reflect item location and outside influences Increased the duration of the wringing action Adjusted inventory lighting to make the item previews more read-able (less over-exposed) and more in the style of UI (flatter lighting) CHERNARUS Changed: Updated the Chernogorsk football field LIVONIA Added: Flags of the winners of the "Lights Out" event Fixed: Shifted police situation at Bielawa ( - private) SERVER Added: Object spawner supports direct p3d spawning (Documentation) Added: Server config int parameter 'networkObjectBatchSend' (default = 10) which is how many objects within a players network bubble are sent to be created within a server frame ( (Documentation) Added: Server config int parameter 'networkObjectBatchCompute' (default = 1000) which is how many objects within a players network bubble are processed to check if it already exists for the player within a server frame (Documentation) Added: Optional logging for raising/lowering flags at flag poles ( Added: Object Spawner: "enableCEPersistency" which when set to true will make an object behave as configured by economy, otherwise it will not be saved in the server storage until a player puts it in inventory Fixed: Script execution not functioning properly in certain situations depending on init.c ( - private) Fixed Several inconsistencies in the admin logs ( Fixed: It was not possible to spawn infected with functional head torches attached ( Fixed: Items spawned before CE Init were not persistent Changed: Shortcut for map toggling is not available if use3dMap option is enabled ( LAUNCHER Fixed: Offline servers (in Favorites tab) now always appear after online servers Tweaked: Offline servers (in Favorites tab) are now faded to clearly indicate they are offline MODDING Added: WORKBENCH define for script which should only compiled on Workbench launch Added: Defines Window to set up custom Workbench validation Added: "Compile Core Builds scripts" option to Build menu (CTRL+ALT+F7) to compile multiple important build setups in a row Added: Flags parameter to DayZPlayerUtils::SceneGetEntitiesInBox ( Added: Additional flags parameter for DayZPlayerUtils.SceneGetEntitiesInBox Added: Class in CfgMods now auto generates a static (loaded before script compilation begins) script define ( Added: Class in CfgMods now supports "defines[]" text array which adds static script defines Added: Support for adding static script defines in gproj with ScriptDefines -> ScriptDefinesClass ( Added: CGame::CreateStaticObjectUsingP3D Added: 'Serializer.CanWrite'/Serializer.CanRead' to check if the serializer can be read or written to Added: 'IEntity.GetRenderTransform' Added: Variable 'DayZPlayerCameraResult.m_bUpdateEveryFrame' to change camera update behaviour from fixed tick to unlocked frame rate Added: Variable 'DayZPlayerCameraResult.m_OwnerTM' to override the transformation of the owner Added: Ability to set proxy (inventory slot) offset per item in item config Added: Methods for controlling brightness of UI (Widget.SetLV, Widget.SetTextLV, Widget.SetObjectLighting) Added: "ignoregloballv" property flag to layout Added: 'HumanInputController.GetAimDelta' to get the frame independent aim change Added: ECE_NOPERSISTENCY_WORLD, ECE_NOPERSISTENCY_CHAR and ECE_DYNAMIC_PERSISTENCY flags to be used with CreateObjectEx Added: 'IEntity.AddChild' can use pivot points on RV animated objects Added: 'Object.GetBonePivot(level, component)' to retrieve the pivot index for the component in the shapes LOD Added: Moved 'GetBonePositionX', 'GetBoneRotationX' and GetBoneTransformX' to Object class, can be used on RV and Enfusion animated objects Added: 'DayZCreature.GetBoneIndexByName' Added: Ability to set inventory lighting from config (top-level InventoryLighting config class) Added: Exposed methods World::MarkObjectForPathgraphUpdate and World::ProcessMarkedObjectsForPathgraphUpdate Added: 'IEntity.GetHierarchyPivot' to get the pivot point used when called with 'IEntity.AddChild' Added: CollisionInfo classes for OnProjectileStoppedInTerrain() and OnProjectileStoppedInObject(), which will fire for ALL projectiles that get stuck in objects Added: InventorySlotsOffsets config class (on item/weapon), which can define position and rotation offset of an item when placed into a slot on the character Fixed: Transformation synchronization for script class 'Transport' when the vehicle is inactive ( Fixed: EntityAI which were previously reported as Object in script will now be properly reported as EntityAI ( Fixed: 'typename.GetVariableValue' would not check inheritance Fixed: Crash when calling methods on inventory owner in GameInventory.Init Fixed: Crash on DayZCreatureAIInputController::GetMovementSpeed() ( Changed: Moved 'EntityAI.IsDayZCreature()' to 'Object' class Changed: Ignore detection of dropped items has partially been moved to script through overridable method 'Object.CanBeIgnoredByDroppedItem' Changed: 'IEntity.AddChild' (and 'Human.LinkToLocalSpaceOf') now synchronize the pivot and position only flags to clients ( Removed: Obsolete sound config parameters: drySound, reloadMagazineSound, reloadSound, reloadAction, shotAction, reloadSkips, soundBullet, disarmAction, soundBegin, soundBeginExt Removed: 'Protected' keywords from PPEMatClassParameter* Update method variables ( KNOWN ISSUES The ability to pick up bolts after impacting is currently inconsistent Some explosions sound unnatural Arrows are incorrectly attached to characters or objects after getting hit Loaded arrow is missing from the Crossbow after reconnecting / re-entering the network bubble Cancelling the reload animation will result in the arrow to visually appear on the crossbow Texts of loading screen hints are cropped in specific resolutions Headtorch is misplaced on infected (we are testing a fix internally) Light sources are not shining if they are not attached to an entity (impacting fireworks, we are testing a fix internally) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PC Experimental 1.21 Update 2 - Version 1.21.156117 (Released on 02.05.2023) GAME ADDED Sound indicator when dying of thirst FIXED Fixed server crashes related to crossbow bolts The collision of improvised shelters was conflicting with the player character in crouch (, Loading screen texts were cropped in specific resolutions Certain weapon attachments could not be damaged Light sources were not shining if they were not attached to an entity (impacting fireworks) It was possible to glitch through a wall of the airfield tower ( - private) Grenade explosions sounded unnaturally Medieval boots and the chainmail had a bad holding animation Bolts would not get stuck in specific objects Vehicles stuck outside of the map would not despawn ( - private) M1025 tires were not properly aligned on wrecks ( It was not possible to remove batteries from head torches previously worn by infected Interrupting the unpacking action by jumping would spawn unlimited amounts of paper Fixed an instance of the blow torch causing desynchronization ( The crossbow could clip with the player when taken from the right shoulder Certain loading screen hints would only appear once Eye zoom reduction would trigger in not-intended situations (, It was not possible to repair certain masks with a sewing kit ( CHANGED Pants did not take damage by falling from more than 5 meters Updated the falling animation for medium heights The red UI flash effect does not show up any more when falling from minor heights Reduced the chances of pristine weapons getting jammed when chambering a bullet It was possible to see under the map while driving with vehicles in 3rd person Reduced the view obstruction of the great helm Adjusted the view obstruction of the norse helm Crossbow recoil has been adjusted Bolts will now penetrate through some objects (mainly some wooden doors - depends on thickness) Bolts are more likely to deflect off of hard surfaces Increased the time bolts are simulated in the air Hunting Bolts deal slightly more shock Adjusted the sizes of several dialogue boxes to better fit their texts Items will now be placed to the side of vehicles when dropped CHERNARUS Reduced spawning of medieval gear on Skalisty Island SERVER Fixed: Objects could not be spawned by the Object spawner if the Central economy was disabled MODDING Added: Workbench: Defines: There is now a duplication check which will prevent the same define being present multiple times Added: Workbench: Defines: "Combo" defines are now visible in defines window KNOWN ISSUES Arrows are incorrectly attached to characters or objects after getting hit Loaded arrow is missing from the Crossbow after reconnecting / re-entering the network bubble The ability to pick up bolts after impacting is currently inconsistent ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PC Experimental 1.21 Update 3 - Version 1.21.156165 (Released on 11.05.2023) GAME ADDED Movement sounds for the chainmail top FIXED The landing animation for falls from medium heights was not played correctly Swapping items while loading a weapon could lead to desync Digging up worms could result in desync ( Bolts would not get damaged from the second use Bolts were incorrectly attached to characters, when hit It was not possible to directly load bolts stuck in players and AI back into the crossbow Bolts would delete themselves after making contact with items with armor Heated items did not cool any further once taken into inventory ( Walking with the crossbow in hands in crouching was making melee sounds ( It was possible to tear clothing items into rags that should not It was possible to open the inventory while entering vehicles Armbands were not visible in first person perspective ( Fixed a minor visual remnant on the PSO-1 scope ( The PSO-1 scope had the wrong colors while having a battery attached Water from animal troughs was not contaminated with cholera Ruined wool gloves were appearing pristine in the inventory view It was possible to skin and quarter ruined chicken, resulting in unreasonably large yields Fixed several instances of items clipping with the medieval boots It was possible to shave a character's face while it was covered with a mask HUD brightness setting was being reset upon restart Quickbar slot numbers for mouse and keyboard were barely readable with low HUD brightness settings Applied some visual fixes to the chainmail coif The login dialog UI was not wide enough for some languages Chainmail leggings would clip with certain footwear Medieval shoes would clip with certain pants Fixed several animations that could be abused to look through walls Items can no longer be dropped on dynamic objects Kicking from prone position would not stagger players or infected ( - private) RPM of cars could jump up while entering CENTRAL ECONOMY Fixed: Removed headtorches definitions from "cfgspawnabletypes.xml" and "cfgrandompresets.xml" Fixed: Improvised Bolts were not marked as "crafted" Fixed: Humvee wheels were not marked as "vehicleparts" causing them to often spawn in sheds instead of on wrecks Fixed: Chickenfeather was missing from "types.xml" Tweaked: Adjusted spawning of gloves to accommodate for the new wool gloves Tweaked: Adjusted medieval loot spawns to accommodate new items Tweaked: Reduced amount of 7.62x54 mm and 9x39 mm ammunition spawning CHANGED Changed bolt crafting to a continuous action Made bolts easier to be picked up Tweaked positions of items on the back of players that would clip too much or appear to be hovering ( Improved simulated view for car passengers Increased the inventory size of the crossbow Adjusted the inventory view of the crossbow SERVER Fixed: Static objects created from P3D could not be deleted ( MODDING Added: Object.GetShapeName to get full path of shape( Added: 'Car.SetBrakesActivateWithoutDriver' to disable the handbrake while there is no driver inside the vehicle ( Added: 'Car.GetClutch' to get the value of the clutch Added: 'Car.SetClutchState' to set if the clutch is disengaged Added: 'Car.EngineRPMMin' to get the minimum rpm constant of the car engine Added: 'Car.EngineRPMIdle' to get the idle rpm constant of the car engine Added: New config class EnvironmentWetnessIncrements for wetting and drying parameters that can be defined on any item (see Inventory_Base config class for the default settings) Fixed: ClientConnectedEvent not giving the proper UID Changed: CGame.CreateStaticObjectUsingP3D, EntityAI.SetObjectMaterial and EntityAI.SetObjectTexture now disallows absolute paths and support '$' prefixed paths Changed: Man.SetFaceTexture and Man.SetFaceMaterial now disallows absolute paths and support '$' prefixed paths KNOWN ISSUES Loading a crafted, feathered bolt transforms it into a non-feathered bolt Regular jumping causes the character to grunt as if falling from a higher distance ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PC Experimental 1.21 Update 4 - Version 1.21.156198 (Released on 18.05.2023) GAME FIXED Loading feathered bolt into the crossbow would transform it into non-feathered one. If a wound closed itself, the bolt would not get removed automatically. Thrown items were sometimes shaking and making repetitive impact noises. Incorrect bolt position in some cases. ( Some clothes were clipping with Chainmail. Bolts can be stuck/shot inside each other and stacked that way. Server error when a player reconnects with a bolt stuck into them. Bolt is stuck in the air after skinning an animal. Chestplate has no metallic sound when thrown at hard surface. Digging for worms enables player to see through walls. (,, Third person camera clips through floor when walking into stairs. Ruined feathers still function on craft action. Crafting a bolt with a feather or a stick in any damage stage always results in pristine state. Equipping a vest shot with multiple bolts, drops only one of the bolts on the ground the rest stay stuck. Bolt widget appears when an item is stuck and taken to the hands. Items with bolts stuck in them would drop the bolts when moved into cargo or attachment. Character was making grunt noises when jumping. Error when interrupting reload of a crossbow. Not all items attached to other entities would synchronize to the client until the player got within the close (20m) network bubble of the root entity. ( CENTRAL ECONOMY Tweaked: NVG headstrap removed from the infected spawning ( SERVER Fixed: Fall and shock damage was logged in the admin log from small jumps. Fixed: Player can fall through some structures, spawned through the object spawner ( MODDING Changed: Reverted clothing mid classes change as it was breaking vanilla clothing balancing mods. ( KNOWN ISSUES Some mods with custom items with advanced placement could result in a client crash when item placing has started. Fix is already in testing internally. ( ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PC Experimental 1.21 Update 5 - Version 1.21.156243 (Released on 31.05.2023) GAME FIXED In the French localization of the logout timer, minutes and seconds were swapped The player camera would be misplaced after swimming (, The loaded state of the crossbow was not properly reflected when carried on the player's back ( Other players could hear characters groan in pain after falling, even if this sound wasn't played for that player ( Bolts stuck in infected and animals could not be taken into hands directly ( Switching items right after cutting down a tree could result in desynchronization ( Ammunition piles outside of the player's network bubble could desynchronize (,, Items inside waterproof gear could get wet ( Vehicle parts on truck wrecks were spawning badly rotated Items spawn points were misaligned in various buildings CHANGED Reduced the volume of the thirst indication sounds CENTRAL ECONOMY Fixed: Vehicle parts on truck wrecks were spawning badly rotated Fixed: Items spawn points were misaligned in various buildings SERVER Fixed: Wood & rock mining deleted objects spawned by Object Spawner Fixed: Loot spawned through the Object Spawner did not despawn if moved ( Fixed: Items spawned by the Object Spawner had incorrect positions (, Fixed: Admin kill logs did not include hitzone and caliber information (, MODDING Fixed: IsWell returns correct value based on WaterSourceObjectType ( Fixed: Some 1.21 items were missing their respective script classes. KNOWN ISSUES Projectiles will always create bleeding sources, even if wearing armor Admin logs are not writing deaths by AI correctly ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PC Experimental 1.21 Update 6 - Version 1.21.156300 (Released on 15.06.2023) GAME FIXED Fixed several server crashes Fixed several game crashes Felled trees retained their collision ( Fixed a case of desynchronization related to players exiting the network bubble ( - private) SERVER Fixed: Kills by AI were not logged correctly in the admin logs 4 1 1 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jevez 34 Posted April 20, 2023 "Aiming while prone would not take the terrain surface into account normally" Does this mean what I think it does? Is it finally fixed after 5 years? I hope so but my mind is refusing to believe right now. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lantia survivor 0 Posted April 20, 2023 This one is on this patch? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pyongo Bongo 244 Posted April 20, 2023 The devs are really good at adding stuff which ties into gameplay, is 100% fitting to the setting AND IS COMPLETELY UNCALLED FOR AND INSANE XD I love the flaming brooms, mummy outfit and new Knight armor! 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
'AZAZEL' 110 Posted April 20, 2023 On 4/18/2023 at 1:37 PM, Kyiara said: Distant lights are much dimmer Transition from close up light to distant is much smoother Do distant lights still ignore walls and collision in general? Should get that fixed first. Currently in the old build: 2 construction lights at a warehouse ... looking straight at it is fine, turn your back and the light bleeds through the wall, and the whole warehouse starts glowing from a distance. 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
William Sternritter 449 Posted April 20, 2023 On 4/18/2023 at 12:37 PM, Kyiara said: The character now spawns with items pre-assigned to their quickbar Why? 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jappe Hallunken 16 Posted April 20, 2023 5 hours ago, Lantia survivor said: This one is on this patch? yes Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jappe Hallunken 16 Posted April 20, 2023 6 hours ago, Jevez said: "Aiming while prone would not take the terrain surface into account normally" Does this mean what I think it does? Is it finally fixed after 5 years? I hope so but my mind is refusing to believe right now. Seems to be fixed! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
clickptg 31 Posted April 20, 2023 add a quickbar like consoles on PC, will be a game change Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MisterMysterious 3 Posted April 20, 2023 6 hours ago, 'AZAZEL' said: Do distant lights still ignore walls and collision in general? Should get that fixed first. Currently in the old build: 2 construction lights at a warehouse ... looking straight at it is fine, turn your back and the light bleeds through the wall, and the whole warehouse starts glowing from a distance. Also important, do light sources still disappear when viewing them through scopes? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bikerdude254 0 Posted April 20, 2023 After this update, I start playing and about 30 seconds in, I get kicked off, with a message that I need to restart Steam, even though I have a bunch of times, it keep kicking me off. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
justin1248 0 Posted April 21, 2023 (edited) Hi I play on console and watch a lot of YouTube on PC players it would be great if there was a map and a party system with name tags to determine friend from foe on console as well Edited April 21, 2023 by justin1248 Not complete Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
0.64 Freerider 261 Posted April 21, 2023 (edited) On 4/18/2023 at 12:37 PM, Kyiara said: [...] KNOWN ISSUES The ability to pick up bolts after impacting is currently inconsistent Some explosions sound unnatural Arrows are incorrectly attached to characters or objects after getting hit Loaded arrow is missing from the Crossbow after reconnecting / re-entering the network bubble Cancelling the reload animation will result in the arrow to visually appear on the crossbow Texts of loading screen hints are cropped in specific resolutions Headtorch is misplaced on infected (we are testing a fix internally) Light sources are not shining if they are not attached to an entity (impacting fireworks, we are testing a fix internally) Suggestion to add to KNOWN ISSUES: Moving while crouched with the Crossbow in hands plays a 'whooshing' sound Moving a loaded Crossbow from players hands to a shoulder or item slot, visually hides the attached bolt and charged string Moving a loaded Crossbow from a sholder or item slot into players hands, plays a Crossbow 'dry fire' sound Edited April 21, 2023 by 0.64 Freerider Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
arlingtine 27 Posted April 21, 2023 Noice! Crossbow. Does this maybe mean we will be getting the craftable bow back in the future? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GeordieMarv 293 Posted April 21, 2023 (edited) I hope now that crossbows are finally being added means we will also see bows soon! Edited April 21, 2023 by GeordieMarv Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GeordieMarv 293 Posted April 21, 2023 21 hours ago, William Sternritter said: Why? My thoughts exactly ...pointless feature as the majority of players will just have to remove the items from the hotbar as they are not in the order that they prefer. It's just annoying having to remove them every time. Makes more sense to just leave them blank an let us assign them ourselves. 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xeonmeister 22 Posted April 21, 2023 24 minutes ago, GeordieMarv said: players will just have to remove the items from the hotbar as they are not in the order that they prefer. My brother in dayz, it literally takes the same amount of time to assign anything to any of your quickslots as before. This small improvement just saves a little time for example when you want to bandage after being hit the first time. Dragging an item into an empty slot or dragging it to one that s already assigned literally takes the same amount of time. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GeordieMarv 293 Posted April 21, 2023 24 minutes ago, Xeonmeister said: My brother in dayz, it literally takes the same amount of time to assign anything to any of your quickslots as before. This small improvement just saves a little time for example when you want to bandage after being hit the first time. Dragging an item into an empty slot or dragging it to one that s already assigned literally takes the same amount of time. I guess you are correct as you can indeed just drag your own items on top of the pre-assigned ones to replace them. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nebulae3 422 Posted April 21, 2023 Not sure if mentioned but experimental branch dont save properly when the servers go down you lose a little progression. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jappe Hallunken 16 Posted April 21, 2023 4 hours ago, Nebulae3 said: Not sure if mentioned but experimental branch dont save properly when the servers go down you lose a little progression. Sounds more like "normal" behaviour of a server crash, I experienced this in the past on non exp servers too. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Zod 1118 Posted April 21, 2023 This is ridiculous, so many other useful items that you could add that the players have been asking for and you waste time adding medieval armour and weapons. What a joke. 2 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JeffreyOdougal1234 4 Posted April 21, 2023 This year you're all focusing on cosmetics, meanwhile this update you only add a couple items of clothing that literally destroys immersion. Why not more military/civilian clothing? New armored vests, helmets, different visors for the Assault helmet, maybe hearing protection? But instead you add medieval clothing. What a joke of a company maybe you should stop updating this game since clearly you aren't competent enough to not break things with each update. Why have you still not fixed the perspective switch while in hipfire? Prior to 1.18 you could switch perspectives while hipfiring and I used this alot. Fix your game 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JeffreyOdougal1234 4 Posted April 21, 2023 (edited) @General Zod Exactly. The mace & the sword have already been in the game files for the past year WITH animations and they couldn't have just added them in these last couple of updates? this company is such a joke Edited April 21, 2023 by JeffreyOdougal1234 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MaGhorCZ 0 Posted April 21, 2023 Proč. Se obávám, že Vaše p*d*l pozná středověk od hráčů... :( Vážně nestálo za to přidat krapet méně neužitečné věci. A to z těch, co hráčská základna žádá, to by bylo fajn... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites