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Console Update 1.18

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  On 6/15/2022 at 3:53 PM, grimysparks said:

Game chat hasn't worked for me since update. No icon appears when I double click or hold left on dpad. Have tried with several different accounts on 2 different xboxs with different controller's and headsets.


Icon also doesn't appear if I set it to voice activated and maximum sensitivity.

No game chat is game breaking for me. Best part of this game is interaction with other players.

Party chat works fine.


Also inventory is now horrible to use. Triggers no longer cycle through containers. Moving things between containers is a huge pain. 

For me the Voice Chat dosen't work ingame, when i am in a Xbox Party talking with friends.

I hope they fix it asap kinda sucks when u playing and Talking with Friends, see a Guy ingame and cannot talk to Him.

Most Players shoot instand if u don't reply.

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As of 1.18, the biggest issue I and MANY others are experiencing is the inability to access the inventory of certain items, such as barrels, cars, seachests... PLEASE PUT OUT A HOTFIX SOON!!! It's driving us nuts!!!

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Console Stable 1.18 Update 2 - Version 1.18.155001 (Released on 30.06.2022)



  • It was not possible to access certain clothing containers in the vicinity
  • A non-functional "combine" option was displayed for plastic explosives with the remote detonator
  • Fixed a server crash related to vehicles
  • The Derringer was missing a reload sound after only one bullet was shot
  • The Derringer did not display ejected shells
  • The character got stuck in walking speed after dying while in inventory
  • It was possible to arm an empty improvised explosive using an alarm clock or kitchen timer
  • Consuming an item assigned to a quick slot could result in the slot becoming unresponsive
  • Raising hands with an opened map in hands could result in desynchronisation (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165934)
  • Widgets were still displayed after disabling the HUD via keybinding
  • Plastic explosives were dealing inconsistent damage (this also includes additional damage rebalance to reflect this fix)
  • An improvised explosive with one plastic explosive was doing more damage than one with two explosives attached
  • Disarmed plastic explosives and improvised explosives could not be picked up
  • Timers from the improvised explosive could not be disarmed
  • Ruined landmines and bear traps were still triggered on contact
  • Cargo of vehicles and barrels was not displayed properly (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165739)


  • The M79 Launcher can no longer jam
  • Slightly increased resistance of the base building wooden walls against explosive damage (tied to plastic explosive fix)


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Is anything being done to address the voip issues please?


It was great when we were able to toggle game chat on and off without having to hold down a button on console. 


The only way I've found to get voip working now is by clearing the mac adress but this has to be done every single time. It's so frustrating. It worked perfectly before this update

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For those having issues with VOIP, what works for me is if i load into a server while not being in a xbox party as soon as you join a party it stops working for me then have to do the same again. 

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  On 6/30/2022 at 12:26 PM, Jayjnr0194 said:

For those having issues with VOIP, what works for me is if i load into a server while not being in a xbox party as soon as you join a party it stops working for me then have to do the same again. 

I'm never in a party when I first load. Just so frustrating it was working beautifully before the last update. I watched a live streamer the other day and he had to log out and reset his xbox. It's such a pain when you've qued for ages to get into a busy server

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When is the update coming. Can't see it on the ps5. And it asnt updated anything 

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All needed fixes. But, please fix console inventory. All of today’s fixes were great, but none of those issues are killing gameplay like the tedious and broken inventory. 

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Dude. I figured out so quickly how to fix the inventory. The major issues that need to be fixed are swimming under the map and that ability to crawl through base walls rendering bases useless 🙂

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When I look at me server browser on PS4- I see now a mouse icon stuck in the upper left corner of the screen, and the only available servers are “mouse and keyboard enabled”. That’s broken and the default. Making the game unplayable. Cmon!!!  And just fixed. Whew, my buddy just got ahold of 2 M79’s. Look out!

Edited by Keith Iscool

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Bruh why is Xbox exp popping rn? I'm in a queue of 16 people on a NE US server at 10 AM lmao

Edited by Kohlbar

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Its summer and the kids are getting their boogery fingers on controllers right now.

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Another broken update. For some reason only experimental servers are showing in official list and no community servers show at all. Also, inventory is still just as broken.

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  On 6/30/2022 at 1:50 PM, Noahtastic said:

Dude. I figured out so quickly how to fix the inventory. The major issues that need to be fixed are swimming under the map and that ability to crawl through base walls rendering bases useless 🙂

110%.... how can ANYONE enjoy this game long-term when I log into bases that have taken weeks to build, completely empty, but my gates are still locked?  Everytime I find a functioning car I can't keep it as they'll teleport in, kill the engine and despawn the car. 


It's so....frustrating....even more so the absolute deafening silence from BOHEMIA INTERACTIVE on this issue, on every platform. It's such a simple fix, NO LOGGING OUT WHILE IN WATER. DONE. This is supported by reality as you can't tread water for hours or days. 

Edited by Ryan Cooles
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Yeah please fix inventory system too, not sure how it go so messed up, when scrolling through inventory on console your "inventory camera" was dragged with the DayZ inventory corsair (the white square), now its not and you just stay at the top, forcing you to scroll to the bottom, being very annoying and making inventory much slower for controller players.

QUICK FIX FOR BUGGED VEHICLE INVENTORY: If you walk outside of the cars inventory range, go into your inventory and walk towards it, it fixes it and you can see the items.

VOIP FIX: For console/Xbox, go to network>network settings>Advanced>MAC Address>Clear MAC address>this should fix the issues.

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Quando os servidores da comunidade vão voltar?

Edited by Glcok4881

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I still cannot get my microphone to work in game.ive tried all suggestions.something I'd like to address the loot economy being changed or because adding the trains too has just completely outed us xbox 1 people from the frame rate and server performance is just so low its not playable now

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  On 7/2/2022 at 12:37 PM, Craig Szweda said:

I still cannot get my microphone to work in game.ive tried all suggestions.something I'd like to address the loot economy being changed or because adding the trains too has just completely outed us xbox 1 people from the frame rate and server performance is just so low its not playable now

I've had no issues with frame rate personally. 

Regarding the mic issue, do you have a third party controller? If so, it defaults the mic to off every time you load the game. Try going down to mic setting to check it. 

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so many more things need fixed with the game, swimming under the map, phasing through walls, not even being able for two people to get in the car at once, cars are also extremely laggy.

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Console Stable 1.18 Update 3 - Version 1.18.155048 (Released on 14.07.2022)



  • Fixed two game crashes
  • Equipping the plate carrier or assault vests could cause inventory management issues
  • The character was shaking while covering other players' heads with a burlap sacks or gagging them (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T159648)
  • Fixed a game error related to inventory containers
  • Fixed a server crash when corrupted character logs in (character is removed instead)


  • The inventory of the smersh vest and attached backpack is falsely displayed as one container, but still separated

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Still don't see any notes about patching glitching under the map. Why is this so hard to implement? Don't allow people to log out while swimming in water. What is wrong with you guys. 

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