Asmondian 372 Posted May 13, 2022 (edited) Hello there! This is a new list of QoL suggestions for DayZ Standalone. I have created several of these posts in the past, which I invite you to visit in the links below, and the intention was always to come up with achievable and “easy to implement” suggestions within the general framework of the game. Nothing too crazy, no completely new features or things that would not be in line with the overall concept of DayZ. Were these ideas deeply thought through and evaluated? To some extent, and that’s why I probably underestimate the complexity of actually adding any of this to the game. Only the Devs (and probably some experienced members of the community) can get a real idea of what adding them would actually entail in light of the current structure and content. So keep this in mind when assessing them because nothing is actually “simple”, even when it appears to be. Having said that, I hope you find them useful and least serve to awaken other tweaks, ideas or improvements, either from the official development or through community mods. OTHER SUGGESTIONS SUGGESTIONS PART 1: SUGGESTIONS PART 2: SUGGESTIONS PART 3: SUGGESTIONS PART 4: SUGGESTIONS PART 5: SUGGESTIONS PART 6: HERE ARE MY +50 QOL SUGGESTIONS 1) Soviet Plash Palatka | Tarp/fabric poncho. It would be very interesting and useful to have a craftable "plash palatka" that goes in our backpack slot offering high insulation value and waterproof protection. What is a plash Palatka in the first place? This is just an improvised poncho made of fabric, very popular among soviet troops and many other armies. This piece of gear could be crafted from a piece of Tarp/Fabric (2) combined with a Sewing Kit (75%) or Leather Sewing kit (50%). It would not only provide with another relevance and use for the Tarp/Fabric (item that its currently almost unused because players always craft the Improvised Shelters over any other alternative), but would also provide an extraordinary survival feeling with the proper balance between protection and size (no inventory slots). As I said, this item also has a real context with soviet clothing and the DayZ lore. 2) Precise positioning | Transparency when trying to place big items There is a general issue when we want to place large items (such as a barrel, a power generator and such…) when using the blue print system (or precise positioning). The item completely obstructs our vision (1PP) and we have to play with the free cam to be able to guess where is going to be placed. Although this could be fixed with some modifications to the holding animation of these items, their models or maybe by extending their positioning range (to be able to position it from further distances), when thinking about modding and possible big custom items, a definitive solution could be to add some kind of transparency to those items when the precise positioning is activated (LMB Click). By this, you would be able to see through them. 3) Flare guns | Higher altitude + longer duration (Credit to Kafeina) Currently, the flares shot from a flare gun last just a few seconds in the air and then they start falling at a very high speed, making them quite useless for their intended purpose (signaling, illuminating, attracting other survivors). The idea is to simply increase their height (shooting speed/distance) and reduce their descent time so that they can last at least 30 seconds in the air and then, another a little more when falling. Kaffeina (modder) has already implemented this with his "Aerial-Flares mod", but I think an intermediate version would be an excellent tweak for the vanilla version of DayZ. 4) Flags | Craft armbands and courier bags from them Flags are a rare item and the only real use for them right now is to add them to a flagpole. Since some updates ago, you can now obtain rags out of them. However, this item could be much more interesting (and also used by any player, even with non-base building intentions) by being able to create improvised backpacks and armbands from them (like you do with a burlap sack or boar pelt). This would not only offer a new element of customization (which is always welcome) but also a new and interesting use for an item that it tends to be exclusively associated with base building. 5) Sawed-off weapons | Less weight + random spawn in the world There are 4 weapons that can be sawed off right now, but the Mosin is the only one that actually lose some weight (4kg to 3kg) in the process. It would be convenient and consistent that all the weapons lose at last 1kg of their total weight when you do so. The LE-MAS (FAMAS) perhaps could be the only exception to this rule because of the type of modification it undergoes. In addition, as previously suggested in another thread, it would be interesting if these sawed-off weapons could also spawn into the world instead of being an only crafted item. Always thinking about diversifying and expanding the content with a large amount of non-op civilian weapons for tier 1 and tier 2 zones and also, since these are not very popular, it would give new players the knowledge that they actually exist. 6) Player animations | External clue when managing your inventory (Credit to Wardog) This suggestion clearly came from Wardog's tweet (@thewrdg) where he showed us some of the game's “hidden” animations, among them, one that simulates the player checking his pockets. For anyone who hasn't seen it, he linked that animation (checking your pockets) to the action of opening/managing your inventory, so that there is a visual clue to other players of what you are actually doing (instead of displaying a completely static player). I think that having this feature would be excellent to achieve a better realism by filling that lack of immobility when a player is still but checking his inventory and also, it would provide a visual cue of a possible risk, danger or appearance as part of a player during an encounter. An initial 3-4 seconds delay would be very necessary to avoid forcing the animation with each opening of the inventory. 7) Pieces of guts | Alternative fishing bait The idea is quite simple: Instead of having as our only option the earthworms as bait for the fishing hooks, make it possible to cut small “pieces of guts” out of animal/human guts to also use them as bait. It would provide us a better use of this item while being able to combine even more hunting and fishing in an organic way. Not to mention that it's something quite common IRL when improvising a bait. (Thanks Project Lemons) 8 ) Tripwire | Attach a loaded flare gun Another idea that I believe would add to the general gameplay is the possibility of attaching flare guns to the tripwire. This way, when its activated, the flare is fired and the presence of a player in the area is warned. We all know that this can be already done with other lighting items, but of course a huge flare in the air would provide with a much more interesting and noticeable indication of a player presence. This would also serve to play with the players' minds in anticipation of a possible air attack (dynamic toxic gas), forcing them to move from their positions. Eventually, this could even be extended to other types of weapons and ammunition, not for the purpose of damage or incapacitation (which I understand would be quite complex to materialize and neither is the idea to make this kind of traps as it happens in games like Rust), but for the weapon to be fired to the air, providing a long range audible alert. 9) Items Sterilization | Boiling items to sterilize them (Credit to Mikhail) Non-sterile bandages and rags, plus any other items that can provoke a wound infection in the future, can only be cleaned/sterilize with disinfectants. It would be a good and also a realistic idea to allow to get the “disinfected status” by boiling the rags/bandages in water. Attention should be paid to the time in which bandages and rags become ruined for this to even be possible. This idea is not new, and there is already a community mod that allows this by DZR|Mikhail. 10) Bayonet | Multiple cuts inflicted While bayonets have gotten a bit more attention recently by increasing their overall damage (being more effective against infected) I think there is still room for improvement in close combat to give a new relevance to this quite unpopular item. In what way? By providing a 100% cut chance and even, by allowing each hit to generate two wounds or bleeds on the affected player instead of just one. A hit with a bayonet against another player should represent a game changing scenario during a pvp, where the affected player should seriously consider his blood loss as a conditioning after having received a “lunge”. 11) Shelters | Differences and advantages between them Since its implementation, the craftable shelters and their three variants - improvised, tarp and leather - there was never really a differentiation between them besides the required crafting items. They all have the same storage, persistence and durability, even when the time and difficulty invested into crafting them is different. This is why the vast majority of players simply choose the “Improvised Shelter” as their main option, not only because it’s the most accessible to craft but it’s also because it offers the best camouflage. This kind of kills any incentive of crafting the other two shelters and prevents us from giving more use to the whole feature. The proposal is then simple: provide with more differentiations between them, offering more/less slots, more/less resistance, more/less persistence, more/less waterproof to the items inside, etc. The leather shelters should definitely be the best of all tree, followed by fabric shelters and finally, the improvised shelters should be just that, improvised, lasting no more than two or three nights, with slots limited to a single survivor storage. 12) Attachments | Better management/replacement (Credit to Akula) This suggestion and the next one are 100% from the user akula692008 from the DayZ forums, so I thought it was a good opportunity to make them more visible for everyone since I completely agree with both. In few worlds, the game should allow us to replace any weapon attachment (optic, buttstock, handguard, etc.) by the same way it does with magazines, this is, by dragging the item to the “combine” section of your hands instead of forcing us to drag it over the particular attachment. This would be not only more practical but also consistent and particularly useful for console users. 13) Attachments | Inventory battery representation (Credit to Akula) Right now, if we carry a rifle with a battery for your optic plus a universal light for example, we would see two batteries, one under the other (left side picture), and it is not quite intuitive for telling which device they belong to. The idea then is to reposition the elements as shown in the image above. This small change would solve this lack of clarity providing with a cleaner and clearer view. 14) Raincoats | Add the hood to them I understand that this is definitely not a simple thing to do and that there are many, many things to consider in what would appear to be a small cosmetic change. Nevertheless, I always wondered why those hooded pieces of gear like the Gorka Jacket, Raincoats or Hoodies did not allow us to equip ourselves to cover our head, protecting this part of the body from the rain and adding to the heat retention (or protection against frostbite in Namalsk). I think it would be a good feature (or future change) to consider either models with the hood already deployed (where it blocks the head slot because it is already taken by it, avoiding clipping problems) or, something more elaborate, like the possibility of folding/unfolding the hood. There is also a “banal” argument linked to a post-apocalyptic aesthetics where hoods and ponchos are a fundamental element. 15) Repeater | Sawed-Off version Simple idea that would add to the diversity of the civilian’s low tier weapons without really implying new content is the possibility of sawing-off the Repeater as it currently happens with the Mosin and other weapons. Of course, it should suffer the corresponding nerf to the distance, accuracy and weight, but the basic concept would be the same to all the sawed-off weapons in the game. Not to mention that it is something that actually exists. 16) Bone Knives | Attachable to the improvised rope belt Maybe this will be changed in the near future because this item is in the game very recently, but I suggest to add the possibility of carrying the improvised knife on the rope belt. I think it is logical and a way to make this a "first step" in the survival crafting progression for any player. I honestly didn´t find many arguments against this like I did find with the stone knife because of its shape and model for example. 17) Feet Wrapping | Increased crafting cost + less durability We are all aware that an improvised item, easy to craft and offering a great advantage when approaching enemy with total stealth could be somehow abused. Unfortunately, many players have been using it as a “pvp meta” lately. In an attempt to avoid this, the proposal is to increase their crafting requirements (actually, I would personally increase it for all the wrapped crafting recipes in general) and reduce their overall durability (or at least prevent them from being repaired or their requirements - rags - from being significant), so that they only serve as a transitory solution in those cases where your footwear get ruined and you must look for another one, avoiding bleeding feet or frustrating scenarios. 18) Radios as an attachment | Slot for vests and belts I have already suggested the possibility of having custom key binds for the use of radios so that we do not have to resort all the time to put them in our hand to interact with them in the first place. I believe that for items that are not so popular but at the same time can represent an extraordinary element for gameplay and immersion, making them as practical and accessible as possible is definitely the way to go. In this occasion, the suggestion is related to the possibility of attaching the radios to our vest and belt. This would also allow us to have more than one active radio simultaneously, on different frequencies. 19) Clear indication for front / back fences (precise positioning) Even when you can always use the knots on the poles and the initial position when deployed to know the direction of the fence (front/back), it is often quite unintuitive (its direction) when you have to rotate or place them in a very specific position. The suggestion is then to add some sort of “direction indicator” in the ghost model itself, or slightly modify the model (the bottom portion that would be buried for example) so that it clearly indicates which is the front and which is the back in a more intuitive way, even after having placing it. 20) Torches | Fuel should fully charge the torch Maybe the current limitation to this is somehow related to a balance and performance idea due the duration of the torches in general (avoiding that someone can leave for a long time multiple torches lit in a very easy way), but I think it would be a more functional that, when adding gasoline to the torches, they charge at least 50% of the total and not just 5-10%, forcing us to soak them in gasoline like 6-7 times. Using gasoline to fuel torches is already a difficult method to use and it should then have its reward which would have to be a hell of a lot better than simply adding rags. 21) Holding breath | Stance impact on the stamina depletion speed (Credit to Simonvic) It seems to me that it would be not only realistic but very beneficial for the gameplay in general to be able to differentiate the speed at which stamina is consumed when holding breath, not only depending on the weight (which determines the total stamina and therefore, how long we can hold our breath) but also by the stance of our character (standing, crouching or prone). Thus, for example, if we have 30% of our maximum stamina due our gears weight, when we hold our breath while standing, it will empty completely in 5 seconds. If we are crouching, it will do it in 8 seconds and if we are on the ground, it will do it in 15 seconds. It doesn't make much sense that someone lying completely flat on the ground, in a resting state, even with a lot of equipment on him, can only hold his breath for less than 1 second when he wants to land a shot. 22) Automatically stack items in your inventory (Credit to InclementDab) Right now, if we have for example a stock of 10 .308 bullets in our inventory, and we grab 5 more from the ground/world, these new 5 bullets will take a different slot in our inventory instead of just stocking on top of the existing 10 bullets. It seems to me that it would be more than practical to expect the game to put identical/stackable items together directly in our inventory, or at least to do so once our inventory is 100% full (no slots available). This can be limited to certain items categories if there is any case where it would not be convenient to stack. The same should apply for meds or other stackable items. Example. 23) Tearing up chickens using only your hands or boulders With 1.17, and improvised bone knife has been added. However, to get those bones in the first place, one already has to have a knife to dismember the animal that provides it. This doesn't make too much sense considering the progressiveness of a survival crafting line. I think the ideal case would be to allow players to dismembering small animals (Chickens and rabbits) either by using their own hands or using the rocks in our environment. As a result, we should only get bones out of them. 24) Open cans by hitting them with a rock With a very similar criterion of the previous suggestion, and taking into account that since version 1.17 we can now “combine” certain items with boulders from the environment for our crafting, it would be excellent to use this feature to open food cans, obtaining a substantial reduction in their total amount. 25) Mask attachment slot for backpacks and belts Keeping the idea of gas masks having multiple uses and not being limited to static/dynamic toxic zones, it would be quite necessary to be able to add attachment slots for them on both belts and backpacks. 26) Lock picking | Reduced effectiveness (Eventually tied to passive skills) While this idea relates to a broader concept like passive skills evolution and such, I believe that lock picking should not have to be 100% effective (opening or locking the doors on the first attempt) but rather have a percentage of effectiveness where it is possible to fail to do so and have to repeat the action. As I said, thinking about an eventual development of passive skills, this percentage of effectiveness could be linked - or even conditioned - to the skill developed by the player (or survival time). But an initial approach would be that lock picks do not always open the door but that there is a chance of failure followed by an audio clue that it has failed. 27) Grenades | Automatically attached to grenades slot 4 Quality of life modification, the suggestion is to automatically assign the slot of the vests grenades when we pick them up from world since, right now, we must manually take them to our vest. 28) Epinephrine abuse | Negative effects and overdose Epinephrine has gone from being a medical item to a military tool, where players stockpile large amounts of them to use one after another, perpetuating their stamina in an unrealistic way during combat. The concept behind my suggestion is precisely to try to avoid this abuse by generating some kind of punishment. This could be with an overdose effect (shock damage, reducing the duration/boost with the second application or permanent stock max at 50% for 10 minutes making it easier to go unconscious after being hit) or by adding a general stamina reduction after the epi effect (for a period of 2-5 minutes) if you applied more than one epinephrine within 10 minutes. Again, the main idea is to find a way to counteract its abuse by relating it to an effect it would produce in reality. 29) M7A3 grenade | Tear gas grenade (Credit to DUG) I believe that tear gas grenades would be an excellent addition to complement the use of masks in situations other than airstrikes or toxic zones. They should cause coughing, stamina reduction and eventually sock damage (unconsciousness without a default recovery until the gas wears off) if the players are exposed for too long. Of course, this could be repelled by using a gas mask with full filter, completely avoiding its effects. Particular attention should be paid to the area of action to avoid possible exploits where the smoke goes through walls, generating undesired scenarios. 30) Wash hands under the rain Being able to wash your hands when it rains (complementary to the idea of bringing back the “catch rain” feature, especially for maps like Livonia) would definitely be a QoL addition to the game. It wouldn't be invasive either (for the HUD) since you would only get that pump-up option if you have bloody hands and you are in the outside. They could even make it automatic without the need for animation. Bloody hands are probably the biggest enemy for new players, and if we add the rain, that first game may be impossible for them. Fighting each other may be a great option to leave only one active threat. 31) Rusted and static fire barrels around the map One of the simplest and most efficient attractions in maps like Namalsk is the presence of static fire barrels spread around the map where players can get together, warm up or cook. While this concept already exists with the indoor fireplaces around Chernarus and Livonia, the fire barrels provide a much clearer guideline and are generally found in large places, industrial areas and barns where you (and your group) can take a minute of rest, away from the urban areas. The suggestion is then to add those rusty, static fire barrels scattered around Chernarus and Livonia. 32) Bandaging | Continuous cycle when you have multiple wounds Right now, when we have more than one cut/wounds and perform the bandaging action, we have to complete a full cycle, finish the animation and then click again to start the bandaging animation again for treating the next wound. Although there are some “exploits” to speed this the “finish/start”, the ideal in my eyes would be that - as with other actions such as cutting down a tree, drinking water or getting planks from a plank pile - we could simply hold the LMB and the cycling would be continuous according to the amount of cuts/wounds that we have. I understand arguments like that there are multiple wounds and not always in the same place, however the animation is always the same, so it would not be something that could break any kind of immersion either. In other words, if you have 2 cuts, you just put a bandage in your hands, hold LMB and your character would perform two full cycles. If you interrupt the second cycle, you have only been bandaged once. 33) Logging in | Anti-ghosting + anti-glitching + anti-combat log I think it has happened to many of us that, being in a closed place, a player logs behind and kills us. In the same way, it is also frequent to chase a player into a building, waiting for the moment to rush their position and when we finally do it, they have disconnected without any actual indication to us. Although this suggestion would not be a definitive solution, I think it could help to prevent these situations and avoid the huge disadvantage it generates. What would this consist of? Adding a dark layout/vignette (as happens when we are regaining consciousness) that covers our screen and gradually expands until disappear along with a yawning sound (or any audio clue) would be an indication that someone has connected in the vicinity. On the other hand, the dark vignette / layout covering most of his (connecting player) screen for the first seconds after joining the server, would obstruct the ability to see through walls with the slow loading textures glitch that most of the low ends PC´s and consoles usually have. Clearly, it would not be a perfect system, but it would make ghosting, combat log and exploits associated with connections/disconnections less frequent. 34) Wooden Crates | Another general nerf suggestion This is a suggestion that I've been holding onto continuously by trying different approaches, because I really think that the wooden crates are very OP in a game like DayZ. I still believe we need a general nerf for wooden crates, therefore, after proposing a general reduction of its size and persistence time, the suggestion is now to increase the requirements for its construction, raising the number of nails needed from 16 to 32. 35) Actions over other players | Directional conditioning Actions involving interaction with other players should only be possible if you are face to face with them. We should not be able to feed players from behind, give them medicine or similar actions. Of course, there could be exceptions to this rule, such as tying another player or applying a bandage to him. 36) Improvised clock bomb | Crafting recipe Add the possibility of creating an improvised explosive device from a gas canister, tape, a grenade, metal wire and a kitchen timer. How could it work? First you should combine the duct tape with the gas canister, creating a new item called “Improvised explosive device” with tree attachment slots: 1) Explosive slot (grenade, flashbang, smoke grenade, etc.) 2) Metal wire 3) Timer. You can then add the required items, set the kitchen timer from 1 to 45 minutes and then attach it to the device so that, when that amounts of minutes have passed, it releases the spoon from the grenade and after a few seconds explodes. Because of its complexity and because it has a gas canister in addition to the grenade, its damage and explosion range should be higher. 37) Tents | Allow tents to be carried in player’s back I am sorry to be repetitive with this idea but I firmly believe that one of the main reasons why we do not find isolated bases scattered around the map (as historically happened in DayZ) as opposed to massive basebuilding structures, is because of the impossibility of transporting the tents in a simple way that does not necessarily require a vehicle. Both the military tents, the car tents and the canopy ones should be transported in our back taking the backpack slot. 38) Throwing items | Low throw alternative I know that this is definitely not a simple suggestion to implement, but I don't see it as impossible either. The concept is simple: once we enter the throwing stance after pressing G (PC), by moving the mouse wheel (as we do to change between optics) we can toggle between a normal – high – throwing stance and a low throwing stance from the waist. This could be particularly useful for throwing grenades at short distances, underneath structures or even to be able to throw random items at other players safely and without having items flying through the air. 39) Weapons attachments variation | Add the painted variation to weapons While I imagine there are already plans to add back the spray-paint that allow us to customize the weapons/attachments, it would not be a bad idea to have the color attachments already included in the random preset of some weapons as an alternative. This would add to the diversity and content without necessarily affecting the CLE. These attachments can either spawn in the world or for now only in the preset of the selected weapons. Many community servers (PC/Consoles) already have them added and they seem to work just fine. The only problems are usually with the colored mags. 40) Dynamic events | Abandoned night camps with fireplaces This suggestion is part of a larger thread that analyzes different alternatives to generate a reward for players who stay on the servers at night instead of just logging out, waiting for the day. Basically the idea is to take advantage of light sources during the night and link them with dynamic events. In this sense, it would be interesting that the “helicrashes” have a light source that makes them more "visible" during the night (like a beacon light that could also work with a radio signal) and, at the same time, the possibility of having other dynamic events such as “abandoned camps” with an active campfire where high value items can be found. I think it would add a lot of depth and ambiance to the game while providing access to the rewards of a dynamic event to players who choose to play even with the disadvantage of the night. 41) Snare traps against players | No damage + reduced mobility for 1 min The idea is to use this feature not only to hunt small animals (rabbits) but also as a trap against other players. How would it work? Of course some kind of animation/model would have to be added to the activated snare trap, but when a player step over it, it would attach to his leg (like a splint does) forcing the wounded walking animation for a whole minute. The affected player would then be unable to run full sprint and would be partially defenseless, even without having suffered any damage. 42) Vehicles water indication | More intuitive symbols While many of us have become used to being guided by the white smoke to determine whether a vehicle radiator has or needs water, it is quite common for new players to be confused by the unintuitive nature of the indicators. More precisely because while the fuel gauge shows a full tank on the right side, the water gauge seems to be the other way around. The suggestion is then to unify this representation of both gauges with the same criterion and maybe even add a red color to the indicators to make them much clearer. 43) Plate Carriers | Color variations I know it would be an absolutely secondary addition but very much appreciated for diversity, customization and content, the possibility of having different variants (textures) of Plate Carriers I think would be a nice addition to the game. It would not escape from the colors that usually wear these vests IRL (black, dark green, etc.) and it would not mean a huge work behind this item (it would be a simple retexture). 44) “Chemicrash” | Contaminated dynamic events Another feasible alternative for random dynamic events could be some kind of "chemical crashes" or "chemicrash". These could well be models of wrecked trucks that were transporting toxic waste in barrels from the toxic areas and were ambushed or crashed on the road. Naturally, this event should be followed by its respective toxic zone (with a rather limited radius), being only accessible to players with NBC equipment (or at least with an PO-X Antidote if you have a bit of skill), infected with NBC suits and loot rewards similar to helicrashes. The idea is to give more diversity to the use of NBCs and masks without this objective being limited merely to the toxic zones. 45) “Cooking” canned food | Water bath + increase its nutritional value The suggestion is based on the possibility of "cooking", or rather heating, canned food to increase its nutritional values based on the idea of comfort. The cooking method, to be consistent with what would happen in reality, would require a cooking pot filled with water, thus avoiding burning the can. They could only obtain the "cooked/hot" status by offering extra energy and/or hydration. It would be a good way to encourage the use of cooking methods and give more depth to this item. 46) Multivitamins Pills | Less quantmax While this has been changing over the course of the updates and vitamins are not as OP as they were before, I still feel that the minimum amount of pills is high enough that it is not valued correctly and ends up being overabundant. Currently, vitamins have a chance of spawning up to 10 pills, they are not very rare to find and can be stacked. The suggestion is simply to set a quantmax of 10% for this item, making it scarcer and therefore more valuable. 47) Long-Mid range Optics | Add a dark vignette Definitely not a new suggestion and I had already proposed it a few years ago, although not with this format. Basically what it aims to do is to add, in addition to the blur effect that ADS has with an optic, a dark vignette to provides with a more realistic and at the same time immersive approach. As you will notice in a suggestion below, I am not in favor of absolute darkness (as happens with the Hunting Scope for example), because it also ends up being quite unrealistic and immersion killing, so a simple darkness that forces us to focus on our target without obtaining much external information (although realistically one shoots with both eyes open) would not only be a welcome aesthetic and immersive change, but would give another spice to the pvp with ranged weapons. 48) Hunting Scope | Non-Full screen alternative view Following the same reasoning of the previous suggestion, and as I had already mentioned, we know that most (if not almost all) optics do not appeal to a "full screen" design where everything is black except for the reticle. On the contrary, the whole screen is zoomed to the optics, but what is outside it (sides) is blurred. It would be interesting and would look 10 times better if this would also happen with the Hunting Scope (see suggestion image), adding also the already suggested vignette. The effect and immersion achieved I assure you is gratifying. 49) Improvised metal sheets from vehicle parts Questionable suggestion but a suggestion nonetheless, I think it wouldn't be a bad idea to bring back the old concept of “scrap metal” to be part of some crafting recipes in DayZ Standalone. Of course not to the levels of DayZ Mod or games like Rust with extravagant crafting recipes, but something much more basic and limited. For example, with the possibility of turning car parts that we find in the world into improvised metal sheets to be used in our basebuilding constructions. Each car part (door, hood, trunk, etc.) would offer us 1 “sheet metal” that would be nothing more than the current sheet metal with a rusty texture. I understand that even if it sounds simple it is definitely not, but a similar concept that allows us to take advantage of the items along with a more apocalyptic atmosphere to the constructions (basebuilding) would be welcome. 50) Cutting trees | Two-step process (Credit to Derleth) In a nutshell, the idea is that when a tree is cut down, it will fall to the ground as it normally does, but without dropping the "reward" items yet (wooden logs, firewood). In order to obtain those, we must cut the tree again on the ground and it will then disappear, leaving only the wooden logs, firewood, long sticks and such. This would help to avoid unwanted clipping/collisions situations with trees and would also provide with a more realistic approach to the mechanics itself. 51) Shove away player/infected | No damage, 1 sec cold down, no stamina requirement (Not QoL) There are many things that could be improved in the melee system in DayZ, but where I notice a gap to be filled is when you end up cornered. In short, it is quite common to see players "stuck" without the possibility of changing weapons or resorting to attacks that slightly push the infected away to be able to survive that situation. Of course anyone could say that a good player would not have put himself in that position in the first place, but the game has to be difficult, not frustrating. For that, it would be interesting to consider the possibility of pushing away infected and even players, which would be the "default attack" when our stamina does not allow us to hit with our weapon or make a strong fist attack. This “push”, which should have a cold down of at least two seconds to avoid any abuse, should not generate any damage or take any of the stamina recovered away, could fill the gap that exists between unrealistically holding indefinitely a guard up against a wall until a friend comes to save us or die cornered against a wall without any resource at all. 52) Nerf to NVG's vision | Vignette intensity It is not the first time I suggest it and I am compelled to do so because I know that the game will at some point go in that direction. NVG's are too OP an element for a game like DayZ that aims for a balanced day/night gameplay. Not only because it discourages any player from playing at night in the presence of this item because also because the clarity of vision when using them and the lack of "blindness" from light sources. That is why one of the things that could be easily and quickly modified is its range of vision or vignette, to slightly punish the huge advantage obtained. 53) Encouraging nighttime play | Night wild life Once again, keeping the idea of encouraging night gameplay through “advantages” for the players, it would not be a bad option to consider increasing nocturnal wildlife in areas where they are not frequent during the day. That way, coyotes (alternative to wolves), white-tailed deers, foxes and other animals that IRL usually have a nocturnal activity, can be seen and found close to cities (even spawn cities). This would not only give an incredible complement of ambience (not to mention if you consider the population of glowing eyes in some of them), but it would translate into a much easier access to food sources for players who decide to stay playing during the night. 54) Better small containers | Add attachments slots (Credit to Florian) In all honesty, with over 10k hours in the game, I have never used a container to protect my items from external damage and I think very few players actually do it. Containers nowadays are more storage methods (buried) or inventory organizers rather than a protective piece of equipment. In this sense, the idea is to at least provide with a better utility in relation to their capacity and size. Right now, they can hold as many slots as they take, killing somewhat from any kind of benefit in carrying them (even more the ones that offers almost none protection). The proposal is simply: add more slots to the interior in relation to its size and/or add attachment slots to some of these containers to be able to carry more than their total slots, offering a real advantage when using them. 55) Gasoline | Used as kindling to start or keep a fireplace Gasoline should definitely be an item that allows you to light a fire without resorting to other types of fuel kindling’s. And even after the fireplace is on, you should be able to continue feeding it from "loads" of gasoline as it happens with the torches. This would re signify the use of bottles with gasoline or jerry cans for a survival purpose and not only related to vehicles. 56) Basebuilding | An electrical protective system (Not QoL) I'm not a big fan of basebuilding because I think it's a feature that consumed a lot of work from the development team and, in practice, it was never really one of the main attractions of the DayZ experience (not talking about Exile or the last part of the DayZ Mod). However, there it is and while it's a decent concept, it clearly has a lot of room for improvement. One of the things I have always proposed are the electrical protection systems to provide with a more balance experience with this feature. In other words, the possibility of electrifying the barbed wires once placed to make it difficult to even destroy them through regular melee methods. How could it work? Simply the same way Xmas lights work, one connects the barbed wires (disassembled) to a generator or battery and then attaches them to the fence/gate. This would generate an electric current to the touch, preventing their destruction through melee strikes. It would be a good element for base protection against offline raids and would also be within the real possibilities of the game with the current content. How could it be countered? An electrified barbed wire could not be disarmed with regular pliers and the player who touches it would receive health damage, shock damage and probably a cut. He should then either destroy the power source (generator or battery) or use rubber gloves (NBC Gloves) along with the regular pliers to dismantle them (giving a new use to this piece of clothing). I would have a lot more to elaborate on this topic, but as I said, I don't want to stray too far from quality of life suggestions. 57) Better skybox | Higher cloud intensity (Not QoL) I know this is a highly sought after idea and that there is probably some discomfort in comparing the game to previous versions in just one aspect, when in 99.9% of things it has improved tremendously. However, aside from any nostalgia or the idea that “all past times were better”, there is a reality and that is that the sky in DayZ has lost some of its appeal, probably founded on valid performance and synchronization reasons. It is also true that suggesting something without offering an applicable alternative is too easy for us (the community) but I think we all trust in the ability of the devs to find out a new approach to this and achieve more immersion with the skybox without the need of volumetric clouds. 58) Combined actions for Structures (Credit to Skigoggles) (Not QoL) Regardless of all the technical complexity of such an idea, the concept is still very interesting. The suggestion basically implies that certain actions (complex, big ones and generally associated with basebuilding but extendable to many others), can only be completed by two or more players working together. In this way, one player could initiate the action until 50% of it is completed and then, holding the click, another player should "help us" and complete the remaining 50%. Then the crafting/action will be successfully completed. The possibilities and alternatives are endless for this but, I repeat, what is important here is the concept behind it to force collaboration in complex actions and at the same time encourage interaction. THANKS FOR YOUR TIME AND SORRY FOR ANY GRAMATICAL ERROR OR POOR CHOCIE OF WORDS ENGLISH IS NOT MY NAVITE LENGUAGE Edited June 1, 2024 by Asmondian 19 3 1 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DefectiveWater 542 Posted May 13, 2022 Once again, a great list of suggestions. I hope devs will take notes from this (and previous suggestions of yours) and consider them and ideally implement at least some of them. 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
helpthedeadwalk 179 Posted May 13, 2022 another great list. 1 - is a good use for existing materials. 3,4 - yes. 11, 31 - definitely. 34 - I still want them nerfed too but this is good. 37 - will change the game dynamic - awesome! 40 - Reminds me of the "infected camps" you would find randomly around the map in a2:dayzmod and the best place to find dome tents in that world. 44 - nice dynamic usage of the contaminated zones + existing models. 50 - great, but there will be serious complaints. 56 - very creative. 57 - might be my favorite (since I suggested it,. lol) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
akula692008 45 Posted May 14, 2022 I support, let the developers pay attention to this article. 1 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
X1S0ld13R1X 7 Posted May 15, 2022 Great list, I hope to see them in the game in the future 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Likvid-cb38db5edb1efdb0 31 Posted May 20, 2022 Awesome list. And some of the ideas are already being implemented, which pleases me. Good job👍 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KommanderWar-94971bcb672f9055 26 Posted May 23, 2022 I realized that a lot of these things were supposed to be features of the game and they for some reason canceled, well, at least they considered the variety of more sawn-off weapons. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KommanderWar-94971bcb672f9055 26 Posted May 23, 2022 this is the backpack on my server, I added some attachments to it, and only in the inventory model does the radio appear like this in front of it, that is, it was supposed to have this but for some reason they took it off and put it only in front of the character Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KommanderWar-94971bcb672f9055 26 Posted May 23, 2022 these "40) Dynamic events | Abandoned night camps with fireplaces" would bring a lot of life to the game it would be really cool to see that, even on servers with few players you wouldn't feel alone, the only events you have now are trains, helicrash and car accident , it would be nice to see events from other survivors, the items would be water, maybe some makeshift clothing, and stuff like that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KommanderWar-94971bcb672f9055 26 Posted May 23, 2022 man many of your suggestions are wonderful, others not so much, but they are so good that it is very difficult for bohemia to put it in, because they are very lazy and only do what they want. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Neptune Man 5 Posted May 30, 2022 "Not Qol." Lol thats what ppl say to me when i post my suggestions so take a grain of salt. C ya asmondian hope some get implemented in vanilla. When both of us have our kids and when our kids are graduating maybe they will.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Parazight 1606 Posted May 30, 2022 On 5/30/2022 at 8:44 PM, Neptune Man said: "Not Qol." Lol thats what ppl say to me when i post my suggestions so take a grain of salt. C ya asmondian hope some get implemented in vanilla. When both of us have our kids and when our kids are graduating maybe they will.. See, these are actual "Quality of Life" improvements. These are not brand new ideas that would require development from the start. Asmondian has obviously carefully considered elements of the game and made suggestions to improve something, with the idea in mind that it wouldn't take a ton of development and/or resources. And he gives reasoning behind his suggestions. He isn't suggesting stuff because it's cool. He's not making broad suggestions. It's in detail. He's also reviewed the history of the game and knows why some things may not be possible. He's making reasonable suggestions, not asking for an in game tutorial, bicycles, dynamic loot per server pop, and trains that travel around the map. It's clear that he's not suggesting impossible things that have already been discussed numerous times. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Buakaw 275 Posted May 31, 2022 good list, many of these seem obvious additions fixes, some are rather subjective Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Derleth 1357 Posted June 14, 2022 Just realised I had not commented on this batch of suggestions, so here goes: Yes please. This is something everyone would love. Oh yes, should be easy to implement and would be a major QoL improvement. Yes please. The slower falling flares could even be a separate type of flare. Typically emergency flares are pretty much as in game, while military flares fall much more slowly. The armbands are coming in 1.18, I'd love to see them possible to turn into courier bags/improvised backpacks too. The sawn off weapons do have their own weights defined in the config, but generally it does not decrease enough. Remains to be seen if this changes with 1.18 that also enables a few more cutoffs. Having them spawn randomly in the world would be a nice touch. Yes please. Yes please. This would be great! Yes please. I'd rather see the cuts having more varied gravity, with heavy wounds meaning blood draining twice as fast. You'd need some way of choosing what cut to bandage though, so this might be easier. Yes please. Ok. Not a bigge but would be nice. I would want a rifle with no buttstock attached to take up less space in inventory - and more with bayonet and/or large optics. Ok. Yes! Ok! Blaze and Magnum getting cutoff versions with 1.18, Repeater would be logical too. Yes! Must be an oversight that it doesn't work. I'd add the large knives and machetes too, and possibly the hatchet. Does change in 1.18 I think. Ok. Yes! Also some form of snapping or more forgiving proximity detection when placing posts next to each other. My OCD can't handle fences with slits between them. Ok. Yes! Oh yes please! Yes please. Oh yes please. If I can smash it open with a baseball bat, I can smash it open against a rock. Yes please. (Ideally a bag attachment that fits an entire suit of NBC clothes, as exists in some mods. Also in the future - the ability to wear NBC over regular clothes. Same with raincoat and the poncho in #1 btw.) Yes please. Yes please. Yes please! Yes please! Ok. Yes please! I don't agree about this one. They are different wounds, you'd need to finish patching up the first and move to the second irl, so a continuous action does not really make sense. Oh yes please! Oh yes please! Yes please. 1.18 adding lots of boom boom variants, not exactly this one but yeah. 🙂 Yes, why is this not a thing already. Was in the old days... Ok. Yes please. Yes please, these would be really cool. Cool idea! Yes! I think it was like this for a while in 0.63, but I might be remembering it wrong. Current indicator functionality is weird. Yes please. Cool idea. The 1.18 dynamic trains and config changes to events is opening the door to more things of this type. Ok. Ok. Ok. Ok. This would also have the side effect of allowing the hunting scope to have a visual damaged state like other optics. (The 2D overlay currently should have it either way...) Ok. Yay me! A possible continuation of this would be any form of tent or base structure in the vicinity of the removed tree blocking it from growing back on server start. This would allow players to clear a bit of ground to build in places where it is just not possible today, due to shrubs and trees. Yes please. Oh yes please. Yes please. Nice idea. An "NBC" kit accepting one of each type of NBC gear would be nice too. Yes please. There is code for electrified base defenses in place already. Don't know if it is anything currently being worked on, but it is definitely something that is or has been planned. OH YES PLEASE! The "SkyZ" mod shows the sky doesn't have to look like a bland grey mush even with the current 2D skybox. Might not be worth the time investment to make, but cool idea. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Former Echo Trooper 8 Posted June 22, 2022 1..Yes please. Also a backpack similar to the hunting backpack would be feasible. Another idea would be to use wool blankets or quilts if they were added to the game. 3..The issue is that the flare guns are civilian. They have short flight times IRL. A fix would be to introduce military parachute flares. Twice the diameter of the road flare and about the same length. They’d be unstackable and a new animation would need to be added. Red, green and bright white could be the minimum colors. 5..Four words… Sawed off pump shotgun. Same stats as the sawed off double barrel but with two extra rounds. Plus retain the ability to add a pistol sight. 10..This one, I have to partially disagree. Only partially. A lunge attack is a stab wound. A single hole. Now you could add a staggered effect to it realistically, but you’re still only leaking from one hole. And as far as 100% hit, nah. Bayoneted rifles are blockable with other rifles or any two handed melee weapon. Now the addition damage change could come into play with a slash attack (power attack). Imagine the difference between a single stab hole versus a slash from collar bone to opposite hip, three to six inches deep. Would definitely be more than one bleed. Not to mention shock effect from blood loss. While one the subject of bayonets, they need to fit into the sheath. If the big gnarly hunting knife made from a wolfs jaw bone can fit…. 11..100% agree 16..Agree but would also like to see the hatchet being able to use the rope belt too 22..My biggest personal pet peeve in the game. 24..I mean, if I can open a can of peaches with a pick axe, a rock would work too. Another method could be to use a boulder or any concrete (road, building steps, etc.) and basically grind off the lid. This is a IRL survival method for opening cans. Obviously a new animation would be needed. Game play would be that it would take two or three times longer to open while making substantial noise. But on the plus side, the content loss would be minor. 25..This would work but a better option would be to introduce a mask pouch like the M17. IRL the M17 had an additional pouch on the back for the decontamination kit and antidote syringes. In game play, this pouch could a) take the belt slot with its attached belt b) attached to the outside of a pack. The additional pocket could be only capable of accepting the antidote, epinephrine, or morphine syringe. This is the western military version from around the games timeframe. Not sure of the eastern block version. 29..Yes please. While agreeing with the coughing and stamina reduction, needs the added effect of fluctuating vignette to simulate teary eyes and snotting nasal cavities. The shock effect I think is overkill for the M7A3 grenade. If it was CS from certain artillery rounds, that would be a different scenario. I also believe that the effect should last either A) ten minutes while slowly reducing the effects B) one minute outside during a rain storm C) washed off at a water source (lake, water pump, or teammate used a water bottle or canteen. 30..100% agree 37..100% agree 39..100% agree. While on the subject of spray paint. Why not allow us to paint packs, vests, plate carriers and helmets. Maybe introduce clothing dye to change the color of clothing and boot polish for well, boots. 40..HECK YEAH 43..100% agree 45..100% agree 47..100% agree 48..100% agree 49..100% agree. Introduce a pair of sheet metal shears and allow the resulting metal sheet to retain the original color from the car part. 50..Yes but increase the amount of logs, firewood, long sticks and short sticks depending on size of tree. 52..While agreeing with the vignette increase, use of the NVGs should automatically go into first person. 53..Partially agree. While agreeing that an increase in wildlife would make sense, they must be animals that are native to the game map. 54..Not sure if this is the tweak needed with these. Sounds a lot like Escape From Tarkov’s ability to stack packs. The ability to attach the containers to the outside of the pack, vests, or to the belt would increase their use. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PaulTheDoggo 2 Posted July 5, 2022 All of these suggestions are really nice, and hope to see some if not all of them in game at some point!! to focus on one, I definitely feel that plate carriers need more colors, or maybe a slight redesign, because they don't really match with many if any of the camouflage uniforms in the game. also I think there should be a new attachment for either plates or military belts that are mag pouches that can only hold magazines. lastly I think they should add 6B3 armor into the game to fit with the eastern Europe uniforms. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Windstride 10 Posted September 10, 2022 What a great list, agree with almost everything, commenting on this a bit late, but it's worth giving it the visibility. I hope most of these gets implemented 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kevo1414 62 Posted September 10, 2022 (edited) Yea Asmondian is legend with those suggestions and infographics. I wish devs would at least reply to such things so that we know they are awere of this suggestions. Edited September 10, 2022 by kevo1414 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites