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About kevo1414

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  1. Great update. Love it. Thanks devs. I see there is some new sound effects. If I can, I would also like to hear the following sounds effects: SFX for using water pump SFX for burning heli crashes - once the chopper is on the ground in flames (option 1) (option 2) SFX for breaking sticks (can be the same sound effect as for breaking the glow). (alternative option) SFX for sharpening tools SFX for stone pounding (combing two stones animation) SFX for opening backpack inventory or any conteinar that have zipper's SFX for peeling patato SFX for opening jars (honey, Strawberry Jam) SFX for wringing wet clothes Ccan you also extend time of cutting people up? Cutting people shouldn't be so quick and easy in my opinion and not so common. Same goes for sewing things. Sewing clothes and armors during fights is kinda lame. Animation should be longer. And using duct tape for repairing clothes and shoes is weird in my opinion. Or at least make it like you cannot get repair clothes and shoes in worn state.
  2. Hey I just came up with an idea. What if there was a place where you can have an access to all Security cameras around the map in some kind of Control Center that could be located in Livonia Bunker or in Tisy (Chernarus)? CCTV cameras could be placed around all major cities/towns and military areas but in order to CCTV cameras work you need to activate them in Control Center via some batteries, military key cards or some other way. Also this CCTV cameras could be destroyed by shooting into them and can be "fixed" after server restart or some other way around. I think this would give players another layer of "purpose" in the game. Yay or nay? Thoughts? Examples: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwzRGWNIEs4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dS-c3sd7k3Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QMR_Yr7Ld4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bu2TTHwsqA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjNWgsSq6Mo
  3. 4 ways to make Dayz fresh and replayable - In summary: Make some: Premade photos Premade cassettes/tapes Premade notes Secret maps and all these things above gets replaced with each update or each month or two and all this things are created by community. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now let's get more in detail: 1.) Premade photos Each map would have 5-10 photos (as a new item) which you could find anywhere on the map by loothing houses, which will hinted at the location for some secret stuff. It could be a different types of supplies eg. car parts, foods, water, ammo, guns, tents, clothing supplies, tools, buried stashes any kind of supplies or it could be just a trap (mines, bear traps etc...) or it could lead you to some new "premade notes" or "premade cassettes/tapes" which I will talk next. Example: https://i.imgur.com/FMCkT4g.png (pic taken from https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/2o3ia0/a_trip_down_memory_lane/) 2.) Premade cassettes/tapes Each map would also have 5-10 premade cassettes (as a new item) which you could find anywhere on the map by loothing houses. For tape to be play, survivors must have a radio. Anything could be on the tapes eg. songs, scary/happy stories, quotes, riddles, or some secret informations (such as location information, reports from soldiers, journalist etc.) that leads to some photos or some new loot or that lead to some traps that can kill you. It could be a double-edged sword. Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGlY_W2ec5Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDQb2EOMuAc 3.) Premade notes The premade notes would function in the same way and have the same meaning as the tapes except that they would be in written form rather than in audio form. Devs already have a ingame notes so why not use it that way? 4.) Secret maps We already can find some tourist maps as an in-game item. What if devs would put like 2 to 3 secret maps in-game which will show you some secret location marked by "X" once you open it. Same as notes and tapes, this maps could lead you to some goodies or to some traps. Example: https://external-preview.redd.it/5v-PkqFVnHUWZOF5VhykH15o2-74FOFPLyvqsCFeYGI.jpg?auto=webp&s=6401c5eabcf77db55d4d8aaa7044f9bd54d5c5aa ---------------------------------------------------------- All this thing above could be replaced with each update or after each month or two to make things new and fresh. And all this can be done by community, all this secret locations, photos, tapes, notes can be done by community. Just make a place where people can send their creations and riddles and then devs can decide which of this creations will be in the game. It's a win-win for both parties, for the community and for the devs. That way players will always have something to do, something to explore, something to find after you are all geared up. Imagine all youtubers trying to find out all this secret locations and riddles before a new update. A community will work togheter to find those secrets. Thoughts?
  4. kevo1414

    1.19 Stable Release / Wipe News

    How the hell guys do you stay alive for 5 freaking months? I can get geared super easy, but surviving for so long...pffff no chance. I always play full servers (60 and up players).
  5. Spawn points needs to be move more north. Right now, you almost start in the middle of the map which gives you almost a zero reason to go north which only makes map like half playable.
  6. Bleed indicator is awesome for me who plays without UI.
  7. Spolier and suggestion (about Livonia bunkers): Also imagine if Livonia bunkers would lead us straight to the Chernarus map and vice versa. Also make radio unusable when in the bunker. You know, no signal and such things 😏 M1ndr was stucked in the bunker and he was trying to get help from outside from random survivors through radio which should not be possible.
  8. Driving a car without doors (or with open doors) should make you cold. Like really cold. And vehicles without tires is just stupid. Vehicles should be ready to drive. Maybe make it like, tyres and other parts are badly damaged or randomly damaged. We wait for cars for so long and least we could get the cars with all the parts which is more realistic than what we have now. Make electronic repair kit, tire repair kit and other tools/items more valuable like that. Also make gas less available Badly damage food, badly damage sewing kit and cleaning kit should have small amount of use. Edit: I had some issues with changing items in my hand (when I was bleeding from wolves). I solve the problem with F5 gesture. I've been capitulated twice while trying to stealth kill zombies. Result was broken leg. Closing in-game map activates UI. (Hotbars and character status symbols) Edit 2: So far, very excited with the new update. Great job but it's not done yet. Edit 3: Also can you also add this feature. So that the damaged and badly damaged backpack, clothes and containers gets some unusable inventory slots, that can be repaired only with sewing kits, duct tapes and epoxy putty. https://ibb.co/QnXYV5n https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Gazxw3 https://www.behance.net/gallery/37881693/DayZ-StandAlone-UI-VISUAL-ART-CONCEPT/modules/236018143
  9. kevo1414

    DayZ | +50 QoL suggestions | Part 4

    Yea Asmondian is legend with those suggestions and infographics. I wish devs would at least reply to such things so that we know they are awere of this suggestions.
  10. kevo1414

    DayZ in 2022

    For the devs, if you read this. Nice roadmap, hope you guys can achive this. I would like to see one more thing. Improvments on zombies. Does not have to be something special or fancy, but what I would like to see is that zombies would be able to open doors so that is harder for us to fight them/escape from them. It doesn't have to be an animation for knocking down doors, just simple 3 to 4 zobmie's hand hits on doors or 10-15 hand hits on locked doors would be enough to open it.
  11. kevo1414

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

  12. kevo1414

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    @THEGordonFreeman https://www.bohemia.net/blog/Introducing-Enfusion-Engine
  13. kevo1414

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    Arma 2 Dayz mod.
  14. kevo1414

    Stable Update 1.15

    Can you guys make an option to carry Campfire Tripod on your shoulders or as an attachment to backpack? Otherwise this item is kind of useless because of it size. Also can you make an option to stack certain items such as improvised hooks, notes etc... (small items).
  15. Imagine that somewhere in Chernarus there is a button that must be pushed every 108 minutes from massive explosion. It would give us a common goal and cooperation between people to save the world from massive catastrophe. If the button is not pushed, everyone dies. Good luck! 😄