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Stable Update 1.14

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Honestly, those trip wires are going to become a real pain in hole.

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Welcome everyone.

I like the dynamic toxic zone, but unfortunately it is also disappointing.
Why do zombies have to be killed by this fog? Zombies are lifeless already. It's different having a vitality point, but it doesn't make sense. There is no combat. It would make sense if it didn't kill the zombies!
If it can be done, please fix it. Until then I will remove the event and use a mod instead. It's just a server overload plus.



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  On 10/1/2021 at 10:43 AM, steam-76561198004446088 said:

Zombies are lifeless already.


Zombies are living humans, they are not undead. They are living humans that are infected.

Obviously gas would kill them.

Edited by DefectiveWater
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Great update ! Spawn locations are now broken !! On all the servers where I tested, official and private, we almost only spawn around Berezino and Cherno! 50 respawn and it alternates like that continuously !

Edited by lvw06

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Having real serious problems with the DayZ launcher. The "Recent" tab shows nothing and servers I wish to search for by name (ZERO CHERNARUS) don't appear despite the fact that they're online. Was there anything done with this in the update?

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  On 10/1/2021 at 1:10 PM, TheSSend said:

Please update CETools..I cannot start my server with my custom zones.


Can we please get an ETA when the github "DayZ-Central-Economy" will be updated.

Edited by Getsome

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Okay. Kill the zombies. But let's get a chance to turn this event off. A lot of players don't really like that idea.
Either the option to let the zombies die or not.
I hope my comments are well received.


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  On 10/2/2021 at 12:21 AM, Tonyeh said:

Having real serious problems with the DayZ launcher. The "Recent" tab shows nothing and servers I wish to search for by name (ZERO CHERNARUS) don't appear despite the fact that they're online. Was there anything done with this in the update?

In game I have noticed that it takes several seconds to retrieve server names. Within the launcher I have to hit refresh for servers to start displaying but then it works fine. 

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  On 9/29/2021 at 10:02 PM, Riddick_2K said:

If now the NVGs are only in perpetually gassed areas, I won't find them anymore and will start jump servers for the night again.
Now, with the gas bombings, I won't waste my time risking death trying to escape, I'll start jump servers for that too ...
It is becoming a nasty "game of war" and continuous "server jump" ...
Under these conditions I don't know if I will play this game again which gets worse with each new patch. At this point a "real" and "good" war game like Batlefield is better where you don't just have to look for things like a fool, and after crediting your weapons remain ... and fight against enemies on equal terms ... and while we're at it, you not only have a night vision device, but also an infrared, which is much better ... if the main business is just "kill the next" and NOT "survive the pandemic".

LOL this is not a war game. Not even slightly close. It's Completely different than battlefield. 


You're either stupid or a troll. 

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  On 9/29/2021 at 8:00 AM, Kyiara said:



  • The ground in specific structures would hide mines and bear traps

The ground in specific structures still hide mines and maybe bear traps.

The vicinity still doesn't show placed objects, boxes, chests, kits etc. etc. etc.

Before stating something is "fixed" its a good idea, to test if it indeed has been fixed.


Other stuff in update 1.14 looks ok, I'll test more later 🙂

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  On 9/30/2021 at 3:03 PM, shuter165 said:

What kind of gas is in the chemical zone?

I have not heard of the gas that causes bleeding that can be cured with a bandage.

I think a hybrid of Mustard Gas (bleeding blisters) and Phosgene Oxime Gas (fast-acting) would do this. They're old formulas, but among those sadistic NBC weapons that were designed to kill slowly and painfully rather than quick/dirty like VX gas. They also form a cloud close to the ground. Vesicant gases would actually be an effective tool against "Zombies" or an infected horde because they're lipophilic compounds that indiscriminately "burn" fatty organic tissue and would cause massive edema, cell death, and incapacitation regardless of the condition of the central nervous system. The fictionalization here is that Phosgene and Mustard don't have a hybrid formulation that I could find, so even though Phosgene can cause symptoms in under an hour (longer for Mustard), that's a lot more time than the 60-90 seconds you get in DayZ. Keep in mind that most of us are unaware of the most sadistic things our governments have developed, so considering the age of the formulas for Phosgene Gas (1812) and Mustard Gas (1822), nastier and more concentrated things are probably out there. That's enough for me to keep the immersion high.

Effect of Mustard Gas on the skin...



Edited by Mr Jizz
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  On 10/2/2021 at 7:41 AM, William Sternritter said:

In game I have noticed that it takes several seconds to retrieve server names. Within the launcher I have to hit refresh for servers to start displaying but then it works fine. 

So, a bit more on this. I did a search for Spaggie on the server launcher and nothing was returned, despite the fact that I was playing on 'Spaggies Vanilla Chernarus High Ping' a few minutes before.




Upon a restart, the search came back with Spaggie servers missing...



But in the "Recent" tab, I can see the server I'm looking for...



Something is really not right with this thing.


The problem with this is if someone is searching for a server to play on and they don't know the name of it, they aren't getting a full list to choose from.

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  On 10/2/2021 at 3:24 PM, boggle said:

LOL this is not a war game. Not even slightly close. It's Completely different than battlefield. 


You're either stupid or a troll. 

That's right, that's what I claim... DayZ "shouldn't" be a war game, it's not Battlefield... but these programmers are making it similar... even with all the flaws of DayZ. The use of weapons in DayZ is obscene and grotesque... of a bureaucracy worthy of a 3rd world country. For this reason I continue to argue that if one is looking for a clash between players, as in a "classic" War FPS, it is better to play Battlefield (as I do) or CoD, or others similar... DayZ, will never be able to compete with these, but it is the stupid and senseless choices of these programmers that try to make DayZ a game more and more of war and less and less of survival.
And if you don't understand it, or you don't want to understand it, it's your problem.
And, finally, denigrate the interlocutor by accusing him of being stupid or even a "troll", is not a good way to discuss, it only highlights your lack of arguments and your bias.
Maybe it is you who are stupid or a troll.

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  On 9/29/2021 at 10:48 PM, kumando said:

Dude are tou still here? You only cry on all your posts, have some positive feedback or move on. 

Do you think this forum is yours alone? Are you unable to handle criticism? If you don't get compliments on your favorite game, can't you sleep at night? But are you old enough to play this game? Does Mom know you do?
I remind you that YOU started to denigrate, normally it is NOT my way of discussing, but if there are no arguments (you do not bring any "serious" ones) it is not possible.

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  On 9/30/2021 at 7:10 AM, Scoo1 said:

NVGs spawn at heli crashes now only. Helis are extremely easy to find with the new crash sound and smoke. Gas bombed areas are very small. Running out is much! less risky then trying to log out.

You should really work on your habit to run away, if you see a problem at the horizon 😉

You say it in a "sarcastic" sense with the intention of denigrating, but who has decided that you must always punch everything?
Is a bluster as a teenager.
Why should I risk my life trying to escape when it's easier to go out and wait 30 minutes?
All this is stupid.


Anyway, about NVG is true, when I updated my personal server and re-edited the loot XML files I saw that the NVGs moved them to helicopter crashes...
Even worse!
In vanilla servers, after 900 hours of gameplay , I've never seen even one!
Just to make things even more difficult and "unbalanced" 😞
There is only 5 maximum and 3 minimum, and they count both on the map and on the players (great nastiness), so, as long as there are 5 players with an NVG that NOT even one will be born anymore.

Beautiful discrimination for an object that is useful to everyone, hunters, fishermen, builders, if they want to play even at night... not only for those looking for a fight, as for weapons.
Here, this is the biggest "badness" done with this new 1.14 patch.
And now, "fan boy" and "yes man" forums you can even stone me, if that gratifies your ego.
I hope that the programmers of the B.I. understand that a forum of "minions" and "lackeys" is of no use.


Edited by Riddick_2K

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  On 9/30/2021 at 8:04 AM, William Sternritter said:

You complain about pew pew in several topics and then you claim that BF is better because you don't have to look for gear. If you want to spawn fully geared you certainly can on some modded server, but then maybe better stick to BF. 

I don't want to spawn fully equipped, I wish I DON'T have to play a war game like DayZ is becoming!
It doesn't seem that difficult to understand.
I already have a war game that I like and enjoy: Battlefield!
When I feel like fighting humans I play there... which for this it works infinitely better.
In DayZ I do NOT want to fight humans, I want to fight against the environment and the pandemic! That's why I bought DayZ, otherwise I was stayed  with Battlefield, or trying COD, which is made for it.
This is the meaning of my complaint.
DayZ is NOT a war FPS it is too mechanical and bureaucratic to do it well, why insist on special weapons, bombings and, above all, game discrimination by making sure that only a few "lucky" (if all goes well) or "scammers" (when goes wrong, often in DayZ) can they have the best part of the loot?
Special weapons, since I'm not looking for a fight, I don't care... when I have an anti-bear machine gun (the small AKM74U seems to be enough) that's enough for me... already the silencer is a nuisance, because it is very useful for not attracting all the infected nearby and the "mangy" players (which I avoid like the plague) so I will always have to keep an MP5, as well as an AKM74U... and all for a little dick silencer... but the NGV is essential for me to be able to play at night ... even if I just want to fish, hunt, build or search for loot.
Now that it can only be found in accidents, the helicopters that I have never seen, they turn me around a lot... if then, also, they must be able to be "blocked" with this ease, it is really bad!
Very easy that, once dead, I will never come back, because I don't know if it will be fun to always have to go out every night, like when I had 10/20 hours of play and I didn't even think about NVGs.
You will be all happy, I guess, by how much you are braggart and how much you denigrate all those who do not think like you and complain (rightly) about the game.
I don't think this unsocial and fundamentally "anti-social" behavior is a good thing for a game forum

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  On 9/30/2021 at 9:22 AM, DefectiveWater said:

Well if you like abusing game mechanics, you might as well jump servers when somebody shoots you 😃

I really don't get your hatred for 1.14... it's a good patch.
If you want pew pew pew DayZ just like Battlefield, there are lot's and lot's of modded servers just for that. Maybe survival and PvE (E - Enviroment) isn't for you.

The "abuse" is only in your buggy head!
EVERYTHING that is planned in the game is NOT ABUSE, but USE!


And I reserve the right, as a paying player, to use everything that the game legitimately allows me to use!
I have my pockets full of biased and "cunning" "detractors" like you who are only trying to propagate their personal and factious idea of "what the game must be"... alredy from a lot of time in other games!

As for Battlefield and the "Pew, Pew", I have already abundantly replied to the others, I hope it will be enough once and for all !!!!!

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  On 10/10/2021 at 2:36 AM, Riddick_2K said:

The "abuse" is only in your buggy head!
EVERYTHING that is planned in the game is NOT ABUSE, but USE!


And I reserve the right, as a paying player, to use everything that the game legitimately allows me to use!
I have my pockets full of biased and "cunning" "detractors" like you who are only trying to propagate their personal and factious idea of "what the game must be"... alredy from a lot of time in other games!

As for Battlefield and the "Pew, Pew", I have already abundantly replied to the others, I hope it will be enough once and for all !!!!!

Sounds like the words of a combat logger.


I don't know man... if your first thought is that you can leave the game as soon as you are in a pickle... it might be an issue with you...


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  On 10/10/2021 at 9:19 AM, DefectiveWater said:

Sounds like the words of a combat logger.

Sounds like he's saying that abusing game mechanics isn't possible.  I agree.  If you can break the game with its own mechanic then it's bad design.

  On 10/10/2021 at 2:16 AM, Riddick_2K said:

In DayZ I do NOT want to fight humans, I want to fight against the environment and the pandemic! That's why I bought DayZ, otherwise I was stayed  with Battlefield, or trying COD, which is made for it.

But there is nothing that BI can do to make a game that is challenging and marketable in a simple sandbox.  There has to be a player element.  Further, you can't separate the other players from the game.  And with other players, it immediately becomes the foremost threat out there.  The mere existence of other players makes it a pvp game.  You can't avoid this.  B.I. can't prevent this.  The most immediate problem will be players/griefers and this factor will dominate over all of the others.   This was never meant to be a pve game. This is how it has been since the beginning.   You bought the game under false pretense.  

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  On 10/10/2021 at 4:23 PM, Parazight said:

Sounds like he's saying that abusing game mechanics isn't possible.  I agree.  If you can break the game with its own mechanic then it's bad design.

So having the choice to log out when you get shot is a bad design?
Is it a bad design to download cheats and use them too?

Why is one thing bad and the other isn't? Both of them make use of the bad design, both are unfair, and both will get you banned on majority of community servers.

I agree with your other points tho, this game is only challenging because of the PVP and other players, PVE will never be enough.

Edited by DefectiveWater
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I seriously do not understand what is this person's problem. Playing pure PVE is very easy, either join a community server that does not propagate PVP or start your own where you can be alone or with a few trusted friends. Problem solved. Also cars are perfectly usable when there are like three people on the server, provided everyone has good connection 😛

Arguably the challenge is lesser and there is more room for mistakes but that is why it is such a great learning tool. You can see all locations and gather all the gear to properly try it out. You can get accustomed to the game and its mechanics. So there is merit to it and as I say, if someone wishes to play DayZ this way they can. 

Edited by William Sternritter
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  On 10/11/2021 at 6:48 AM, William Sternritter said:

 Also cars are perfectly usable when there are like three people on the server, provided everyone has good connection 😛


not exactly true, i have whole playlist on YT which shows the opposite, my server is hosted on dual xeons machine which is located in my house, connected to outside world with gigabit fibre-optic, all my friends have their pings under 50ms, jitter under 5%, no packetloss, yet cars are still doing bullshit, because the physics itself is broken/poorly made, not the netcode/sync stuff(well, that’s not exactly true, netcode isn’t great either, but in this case it is physics itself which is to blame)

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  On 10/11/2021 at 12:52 PM, TheSzepy said:

not exactly true, i have whole playlist on YT which shows the opposite, my server is hosted on dual xeons machine which is located in my house, connected to outside world with gigabit fibre-optic, all my friends have their pings under 50ms, jitter under 5%, no packetloss, yet cars are still doing bullshit, because the physics itself is broken/poorly made, not the netcode/sync stuff(well, that’s not exactly true, netcode isn’t great either, but in this case it is physics itself which is to blame)

I simply speak from my experience but I do not deny that weird stuff may happen regardless. My favorite one is when you take a wheel on or off and the car bounces around. However; once you have a functioning car in my experience on such a server the driving is ok. And yes people will still hear different sounds in the same car. 

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  On 10/10/2021 at 5:48 PM, DefectiveWater said:

o having the choice to log out when you get shot is a bad design?

It's true that people get scared and combat log.  It's also true that sometimes people get shot at right before they're about to log off and go to work. Not all situations play out perfectly, but that doesn't mean mechanics are being abused.  Shit happens, let's not immediately jump on the game abuse/exploit bandwagon.  It's bad design because it's the inherent responsibility of the game maker to proactively avoid these messy situations.    You can't have customers upset while playing your product, legitimate or not.  You want to make a good product?  Make sure that issues don't happen to begin with.  What Riddick is saying is that players will do everything possible, within the game itself, to achieve their ends.  Problems within the game are on the shoulders of B.I., rightfully so.  Who else is to blame? 

But it's not all black and white.

  On 10/10/2021 at 5:48 PM, DefectiveWater said:

Is it a bad design to download cheats and use them too?

I don't understand this question, really.  Downloading cheats is not part of the design whatsoever.  And if you mean to design your code around cheats, then no.  That is bad.  Just look at cars.  Cars were put server side, as a design choice, to deal with cheats, and look at that mess.  Many bad design decisions.  They should have never left alpha.

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