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1.14 Experimental Release

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  On 9/17/2021 at 9:01 AM, TheYetiBum said:

Why would you dupe on PC when you could just download free hacks & fly, spawn in any item, shoot through any object or across the map, wall hacks, aim lock, etc. People using actual hacks is a massive problem on Official PC servers but duping not so much. If people could use hacks on Console, trust me they'd be using them.  Duping is a big problem on Official servers but the more regular wipes have effectively lowered the amount of drainers plaining the game to just dupe. Hopefully BI keeps the wipes every couple of months as its definitely evened the playing field for legitimate players 

Or they just could disable count in stashes/inventory. It might be a *uck fest but still better than searching whole mil base and finding only Colt.

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  On 9/17/2021 at 10:41 AM, Just Caused said:

Or they just could disable count in stashes/inventory. It might be a *uck fest but still better than searching whole mil base and finding only Colt.

They did that for 1.14 already...

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This thread was edited last Monday because of posting exploits, which is fine and all.  What about the question right before all that?   

"Will there be a wipe?"  Can we please address this question during the release of the first experimental patches on the official forums  instead of having to rely on checking twitter/facebook to get official information?

Is it really unreasonable to give this information right away?  It really seems like the first obvious question a person would ask because, well it's pretty significant, no?  Should we be bringing our questions to the twitter feed if we seek answers?

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  On 9/17/2021 at 10:47 AM, Derleth said:

They did that for 1.14 already...

So, a part of problem done. We shall wait and see if that will be in Stable version too.

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  On 9/17/2021 at 1:22 PM, Parazight said:

This thread was edited last Monday because of posting exploits, which is fine and all.  What about the question right before all that?   

"Will there be a wipe?"  Can we please address this question during the release of the first experimental patches on the official forums  instead of having to rely on checking twitter/facebook to get official information?

Is it really unreasonable to give this information right away?  It really seems like the first obvious question a person would ask because, well it's pretty significant, no?  Should we be bringing our questions to the twitter feed if we seek answers?

It needs to be a wipe indeed

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  On 9/17/2021 at 1:22 PM, Parazight said:

This thread was edited last Monday because of posting exploits, which is fine and all.  What about the question right before all that?   

"Will there be a wipe?"  Can we please address this question during the release of the first experimental patches on the official forums  instead of having to rely on checking twitter/facebook to get official information?

Is it really unreasonable to give this information right away?  It really seems like the first obvious question a person would ask because, well it's pretty significant, no?  Should we be bringing our questions to the twitter feed if we seek answers?

I agree, communication from BI Social Media Team has gotten significantly better over the past few years. We went from a, tell you nothing because its supposedly a hardcore survival game & they want you figure it out alone (also equate to saving time & money by having a minimal socials team & communication with the player base. Thankfully we have seen dramatic changes in communication & info filtering down from management & dev team. But as you state, they can do better. We should have a fixed schedule of wipes & know when they are, like other games with regular wipes, unfortunately there previous position on wipes was that they pretty much shouldn't happen & let persistence do its thing. But a janked persistence, in combination with massive amounts of duping (Especially on Console) has led to a change in there attitude as frequent wipes at least get all the duped gear & huge lag inducing bases get deleted so the legitimate players can atleast have a week or two of a smoother experience & a chance to find a higher tier weapon. Long story short I agree wholeheartedly that every EXP update should state whether it'll arrive to stable with a Wipe, or even better have an announcement section coded into the games main menu, so players who dont use social media can actually see patch notes/ wipe announcements, etc in game.

Edited by TheYetiBum
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I suggest that with every EXP update that EXP servers should get wiped, not sure how accurate or effective data garnered from theses tests are when the Loot table is polluted before the tests even begin as there's been no wipe on Xbox EXP  that I can remember . Hard to tell if increased loot in static gas zones actually works as intended. All i'm seeing in gas zones is Kolt pistols, SG5K's, SKS's & maybe the odd M16. very hard to give feedback when its hard to know if the loots broken or its because the EXP server hasn't been wiped in forever & there's tonnes of guns in storage blocking spawns.

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  On 9/18/2021 at 1:37 PM, Alcatraz2021 said:

Like I give a shit?

If you quote someone at least have the brain to know what you're quoting. 

So no you dont, but should. 😉

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  On 9/17/2021 at 10:47 AM, Derleth said:

They did that for 1.14 already...

Certainly doesnt look like it on Console. Ive been doing a lot of testing & am yet to find a single high tier weapon at NWAF, TISY or a Static Gas Zone. I suspected something wasnt right so started testing at odd hours when the servers pretty much empty & has been for a whole reset cycle. Lo & behold still no high tier loot, I haven't even seen a single plate carrier spawn on a zed or otherwise. Plus only  heli out of 12 heli crashes actually had a special weapon on it. Something is not working as intended, I love the 1.14 changes but something is definitely effecting loot spawning in. if its not that inv/stash's are being counted then its something else. trying to get to the bottom of it as if this update drops & people grind out an NBC suit only to find nothing, constantly, out of an un-looted static gas zone, the social media whine will be heard on the moon lol . ps.its server DE 1825 on Xbox EXP, just in case a member of the socials team wants to bring it up with the dev team, I put in a bug report too. I realised the Blaze wasn't spawning on Console for nearly a month after it dropped in an update ages ago & let Sumrak know personally, it was fixed within a few days with a quick server change. So hopefully the same can be done here.

Edited by TheYetiBum
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  On 9/18/2021 at 9:15 PM, TheYetiBum said:

Certainly doesnt look like it on Console. Ive been doing a lot of testing & am yet to find a single high tier weapon at NWAF, TISY or a Static Gas Zone. I suspected something wasnt right so started testing at odd hours when the servers pretty much empty & has been for a whole reset cycle. Lo & behold still no high tier loot, I haven't even seen a single plate carrier spawn on a zed or otherwise. Plus only  heli out of 12 heli crashes actually had a special weapon on it. Something is not working as intended, I love the 1.14 changes but something is definitely effecting loot spawning in. if its not that inv/stash's are being counted then its something else. trying to get to the bottom of it as if this update drops & people grind out an NBC suit only to find nothing, constantly, out of an un-looted static gas zone, the social media whine will be heard on the moon lol . ps.its server DE 1825 on Xbox EXP, just in case a member of the socials team wants to bring it up with the dev team, I put in a bug report too. I realised the Blaze wasn't spawning on Console for nearly a month after it dropped in an update ages ago & let Sumrak know personally, it was fixed within a few days with a quick server change. So hopefully the same can be done here.

Sounds like there might be a typo somewhere in the console types file in the server economy... Have you made a ticket about it? Might be a very simple error somewhere that is blocking half the economy from working.

They have however changed quite a bit in what spawns where when it comes to the high end loot, it will take some time to get to know the new patterns. I have chosen not to look too closely at the files to not ruin it for myself, but I have confirmed that no weapons are tracked in containers or storage anymore.

Edited by Derleth
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  On 9/19/2021 at 11:10 AM, Derleth said:

Sounds like there might be a typo somewhere in the console types file in the server economy... Have you made a ticket about it? Might be a very simple error somewhere that is blocking half the economy from working.

They have however changed quite a bit in what spawns where when it comes to the high end loot, it will take some time to get to know the new patterns. I have chosen not to look too closely at the files to not ruin it for myself, but I have confirmed that no weapons are tracked in containers or storage anymore.

Reporting glitches don't help. This company doesn't care

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I recently switched from the original Xbox One to the Xbox Series S and i started to play DayZ again, the difference in performance is astonishing, i mean, pretty much locked 60 fps all the time with no freezing, even combat feels smooth, and the loading times are incredible fast. I'm actually happy to be back into the game and i hope i return to be an more active member again. The 1.14 update looks incredible.


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