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Experimental Update 1.09 (Changelog)

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i just hope that few  mechanics could have some balancing and changes
skinning the animal.
primitive firemaking.

skinning the cow takes maybe 10 seconds and whole animal explodes to pieces in front of you.
i would prefer system where"longer you work,more stuff you get"...
if you skin the animal 30 seconds,you get 1 meat...you you skin the animal 3 minutes,you get,10 meats,pelt,bones...and even add there that if two players skin,process is faster.

in survival situtiation,making fire is life saving,so i see it as one core feature in survival games.
in dayz,its....take that wet stick,take that wet bark...get the friection about 10 seconds and like a magig....you have fire....who ever needs lighter or matches?.
primitive firemaking should take much longer...i could go in 3 minutes or even more....it would be my mistake if i dont have matches or lighter.
maybe even add soft skills to firemaking....more you practice,better and faster you make fire.

now primitive firemaking and skinning about herd of cows is faster than drink one pipsi.:D

but really like some discussion here about balancing the game....but i would start to change above things.then test that if player need full stomach at start,or should "dying" be slower process?
when players have some yellow statuses and character make "limping" animation...97% of players take stoneknife and cut own throat.
never seen other player limping in this game.


Edited by kopo79

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  On 9/8/2020 at 2:12 PM, kopo79 said:

but really like some discussion here about balancing the game..

The issues aren't really a concern when you play on servers that have other people that try to kill you.  Maybe you should try out one of these servers sometime.

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Update 1.09.153402 - Release on 10.09.2020


  • Fixed a crash while loading into the main menu/server (caused by corrupted local cached character data)
  • Fixed a bug, allowing the player to drag full stacks of stones by using the combine area in the inventory
  • Fixed an issue resulting in unmounted but attached barbed wire giving a damage
  • Fixed an issue causing weapons to become stuck when dropped from an unconscious player during reload
  • Fixed a bug preventing pulling dead players from the Olga in certain cases


  • Placement of base building objects was made less restrictive (reducing gaps in between)
  • The Revolver reload should be more responsive now
  • Increased the durability of the IJ-70 pistol
  • Beans 1

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@ImpulZ happy for the hotfix, but you need to revert the lifetime changes. Nothing but complaints from players that the loot economy has become stale. On my community server I can just revert to the 1.08 lifetimes, but its killing the official loot economy.


[edit - I just downloaded the new exp and the ONE change is to increase the nominal/min of cans of tuna to 28/22 from 20/15] :shrug: :sigh:

Edited by helpthedeadwalk

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  On 9/10/2020 at 2:27 PM, helpthedeadwalk said:

@ImpulZ happy for the hotfix, but you need to revert the lifetime changes. Nothing but complaints from players that the loot economy has become stale. On my community server I can just revert to the 1.08 lifetimes, but its killing the official loot economy.

I think what happens is people are trying to loot cycle and that just doesn't work anymore, so stuff is lying around in bushes not getting picked up so it won't respawn somewhere else. I'd give it a few days for people to adjust and for the economy to shuffle stuff around a couple of cycles. I like how things lie where they're dropped, it feels "real" to me rather than "stale". And if it kills loot cycling all the better, that's a thing I've always hated. But changing lifetimes from a couple of hours to several days was pretty drastic, no other way to put it...

Edited by Derleth
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  On 9/10/2020 at 2:42 PM, Derleth said:

I think what happens is people are trying to loot cycle and that just doesn't work anymore, so stuff is lying around in bushes not getting picked up so it won't respawn somewhere else. I'd give it a few days for people to adjust and for the economy to shuffle stuff around a couple of cycles. I like how things lie where they're dropped, it feels "real" to me rather than "stale". And if it kills loot cycling all the better, that's a thing I've always hated. But changing lifetimes from a couple of hours to several days was pretty drastic, no other way to put it...

Agreed. The world feels way more alive and lived in. I love searching everywhere instead of just hitting the specific loot spots in each house. The loot economy is different and pressures people to leave the coast and explore the map for places that haven't been picked through. I love it, personally.

Edited by ZingZootZephyr
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The combination locks both 3 and 4 dial are causing desync. And when you reblog the lock is still attached to the gate but the gate can be opened and closed but doesn't re lock. I can't seem to find a way around it. Has to do with 1.09 official servers not experimental.

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@Derleth / @ZingZootZephyr   I get it, but I'm hearing complaints, especially from the new players.  Sure, you have to keep moving but It's really slowed down the turnover in loot. I could see doubling some of the lifetimes, but who wants to play one day, then come back the next day IRL and the next day IRL and see the same loot sitting on the ground. It's a loot economy and visual thing. The coast will stay bare for even longer.   A side effect is that you can use backpacks for a couple of days of temp storage now too.

I think the max lifetime should be a function of what you might think a player session lasts.  If I think that's 2-4 hours, then maybe loot can cycle in 4-8 hours to make it harder (or 1-2 if easier). IDK, this is really far down the lifetime(!) of DayZ to make such a drastic change, IMO.

  • Beans 1

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The new loot economy is awful, clutter everywhere, almost every town stripped bare. Revert back to the 1.08 settings and make small incremental changes, don't just change it overnight that everything lasts 2 days and stuff hardly respawns. I get that you have to try and do everything in one big change because you have to keep console updates to a minimum but you guys don't have a good track record with getting changes right first time - look at bleeding, just make small changes don't try huge overhauls because they never work.

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  On 9/13/2020 at 4:59 PM, Joe Scrub said:

 you guys don't have a good track record with getting changes right first time

whatever do you mean??? this is blasphemy, you will be stoned by the blind loyal fanbois/girls brigade 🙂

  On 8/29/2020 at 9:38 AM, my_nick_was_taken said:

Hi, has anyone been able to build the flagpole or is it bugged?

I've added everything but the rope, the floor is bugged so I can't see vicinity and I and can't find 'the magic pixel/spot' to attach the rope.

I'm building in the big rectangular building with double blue doors in one end, in industrial novodmitrovk you will find 7-8 of them., I'm building in the one in novaya.

Any help would be appreciated 🙂

Also are the devs aware of the bug in this buildings 1st floor, where you can't see vicinity when building?

Brgds Nick

anyone know if the bug with the rope has been fixed, the floor is still bugged in 'my' building, so I can't see vicinity and I need to be able to just point the rope and add it, but I don't want to haul 32 large stones, just to find the bug is still very much alive?

  • Haha 1

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  On 9/13/2020 at 5:19 PM, my_nick_was_taken said:

the floor is still bugged in 'my' building,

As with every other craftable base structure, there is a ceiling restriction.  So, it's probably not a bug.  Perhaps flagpoles were not intended to be made inside buildings.

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  On 9/13/2020 at 5:34 PM, Parazight said:

As with every other craftable base structure, there is a ceiling restriction.  So, it's probably not a bug.  Perhaps flagpoles were not intended to be made inside buildings.

sometimes bugs overlap and then you really have a party 🙂

1) the floor is bugged I can't see vicinity on anything I build including a low fence, small tents 'sink' in the ground so you can't crouch in you have to crawl etc., so yes this is certainly a bug. I think this bug was 'introduced' in the 1.08 patch.

Here is a video of the bug seen in another building: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T153789

2) If you can add all items but the rope with your hands without using vicinity just by finding 'the magic pixel' and using 'attach', but it doesn't work with the rope, then again it's a bug not a feature.

Mechanics for stone oven is; you can build it but not ignite it, when the ceiling is to low. If any logic sense, I know i'm dreaming, but if any logic sense was applied you would be able to build the flagpole but not raise it when the ceiling is to low.

What is the ceiling restriction for flagpoles, is it for some reason a big secret or a poor excuse when it doesn't work?

(for stone ovens BI has stated it's 5 m.)


Edited by my_nick_was_taken
added link

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  On 9/13/2020 at 4:59 PM, Joe Scrub said:

The new loot economy is awful, clutter everywhere, almost every town stripped bare. Revert back to the 1.08 settings and make small incremental changes, don't just change it overnight that everything lasts 2 days and stuff hardly respawns. I get that you have to try and do everything in one big change because you have to keep console updates to a minimum but you guys don't have a good track record with getting changes right first time - look at bleeding, just make small changes don't try huge overhauls because they never work.

Finally you have moved away from Kamyshovo, good old farmer. You are not able to find a shovel now?

Jokes apart; I am with you that the change is huge, is too drastic from one update to another. I like the idea of making DayZ more "persistent" but this is too much in my opinion. Probably the balance is somewhere in between 1.08 and 1.09.

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  On 9/10/2020 at 2:42 PM, Derleth said:

I think what happens is people are trying to loot cycle and that just doesn't work anymore, so stuff is lying around in bushes not getting picked up so it won't respawn somewhere else. I'd give it a few days for people to adjust and for the economy to shuffle stuff around a couple of cycles. I like how things lie where they're dropped, it feels "real" to me rather than "stale". And if it kills loot cycling all the better, that's a thing I've always hated. But changing lifetimes from a couple of hours to several days was pretty drastic, no other way to put it...

I'm in two minds about it myself. On the one hand I think it's good that loot cycling has been tackled. But it's taking too long for things to get back up to speed again.

I'm also finding stuff littered all over the place too, which is funny and a bit weird. One one server, I found a front lawn with tons of stuff. All of it pretty useless to my current character, I have to say. Someone had fleeced every house and dumped it all in the garden of one. I went back the later and it was still all there.

The downside is I just logged out, cos I figured that there wasn't anything worth finding on that server for me as I was pretty geared up as it was.

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  On 9/10/2020 at 2:42 PM, Derleth said:

I think what happens is people are trying to loot cycle and that just doesn't work anymore, so stuff is lying around in bushes not getting picked up so it won't respawn somewhere else. I'd give it a few days for people to adjust and for the economy to shuffle stuff around a couple of cycles. I like how things lie where they're dropped, it feels "real" to me rather than "stale". And if it kills loot cycling all the better, that's a thing I've always hated. But changing lifetimes from a couple of hours to several days was pretty drastic, no other way to put it...

I agree. I really like 1.09. GRANTED, I'm still on my character before the patch so I haven't had to struggle... probably should stash my loot, suicide and then try to fight to live. But, that being said, I really really like finding crazy loot piles about. Especially the random animal skin or pile of rags and nearly useless items.


I WILL ADD, other players, out of their desperation have become far friendlier hoping I have had food on them. I try NOT to kos and be kind. People are far more likely to be friendly now because it's harder to survive in the beginning.

But I think I will suicide and show y'all nubs how to survive. LOL

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What is it? Who did this? For what? 🤬


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  On 9/10/2020 at 1:07 PM, ImpulZ said:

Update 1.09.153402 - Release on 10.09.2020


after this update fencekits are bugged. I tried in 15+ different types of buildings, but it's impossible to place fencekits. Many of the buildings I tested in were in industrial chernogorsk, so big buildings with plenty of space.

I tested on a unmodded community server running 1.09.153402  + the official 1st person DE-xxxx, both have the same bug. https://imgur.com/a/9AGGcNb

  On 9/14/2020 at 3:36 AM, discipled said:

But I think I will suicide and show y'all nubs how to survive. LOL

you don't have to f11, just start up on another hive 1st/3rd person or unmodded community.

I just wanted to test fencekits and survive long enough to test in 15+ buildings, so my goal wasn't to survive for a long time. But I got surprised how easy it was after reading ppl saying it's really hard now.

After 1h16min my character is stable and kitted with end-game gear 🙂 I could start basebuilding etc. and I even skipped some military and hunting loot spots.


as I see it the only real dangers are still other players + bugs

Edited by my_nick_was_taken

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You guys schould really include bicycles!

when a weel is damaged you can still drive but with more expense on stamina. there would be weehls and lights to gather. and with a rope and burlapsack you could craft bags on it. a prestine one is nearly silent an damaged one makes a quieky noise...  one would get better and better with stamina on the bicycles.

today on my bike a saw a fellow ciclyst in the mornig fog, lonesome driving troug the cold, and it just popt in my inner eye like a vision.

im sure im not the first one, but neitherless, one vote more for bicycles!

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