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Experimental Update 1.09 (Changelog)

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Update 1.09.153402 - Release on 10.09.2020


  • Fixed a crash while loading into the main menu/server (caused by corrupted local cached character data)
  • Fixed a bug, allowing the player to drag full stacks of stones by using the combine area in the inventory
  • Fixed an issue resulting in unmounted but attached barbed wire giving a damage
  • Fixed an issue causing weapons to become stuck when dropped from an unconscious player during reload
  • Fixed a bug preventing pulling dead players from the Olga in certain cases


  • Placement of base building objects was made less restrictive (reducing gaps in between)
  • The Revolver reload should be more responsive now
  • Increased the durability of the IJ-70 pistol



Update 1.09.153372 - Release on 27.08.2020


  • Fixed an issue blocking certain infected types from appearing within cities and industrial zones
  • Fixed an issue with executing emotes in limited spaces, causing the character to clip into objects
  • Fixed an issue causing vehicles with running engines to injure players close to it, even if the vehicle did not move
  • Fixed a bug causing items to be rotated wrongly after swapping them on the ground


  • The watchtower kit can only be placed under a ceiling that fits at least the 1st floor of the watchtower
  • Items dropped from hands during a players death will share the lifetime of the dead body (1 hour by default)
  • Items de-equipped when skinning a dead player share the dead player body's lifetime (1 hour by default)
  • The radial menu for emotes now shows whether an emote can be executed in the current position
  • Adjusted the effective ranges of the Revolver and Deagle



Update 1.09.153360 - Release on 25.08.2020


  • Fixed a bug preventing to drag dead bodies out of vehicles
  • Fixed a bug that prevented foliage smoothing settings to be applied on game restart
  • Fixed an issue that caused bullets shot via the double-fire-mode (BK 43 and Blaze) to only be registered as one hit
  • Fixed an issue that caused clothing items placed into a Utility Buttpack to respawn on the ground when logging in
  • Fixed a bug that allowed usage of a ruined lock pick
  • Fixed an issue that allowed the flag pole to be placed under low ceilings
  • Fixed a bug that caused issues with accessing the flag pole kit, when dropped too close next to a wall
  • Fixed an issue preventing quantities of items spawned within cargo at random capacity


  • Lowered the weight of the Revolver
  • New characters spawn with a T-Shirt and crop hiking pants
  • New characters have a chance to spawn with damaged gear
  • Worn and damaged clothing has lower effect on heat isolation and absorbency



Update 1.09.153343 - Released on 20.08.2020


  • Fixed a bug allowing infected to climb over closed party tent doors
  • Fixed possible sliding while jumping into a ceiling
  • Fixed an issue with picking up items through certain walls
  • Fixed an issue with the flag pole kit not being visible in vicinity and could not be picked up
  • Fixed a bug that caused that clothing was dropped on the ground from small containers in the inventory when logging in
  • Fixed a bug making it possible to place tents in the water
  • Fixed a bug making it possible to place tents into steep terrain
  • Fixed an issue with stacking producing extra items
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect weights shown in the inventory UI tooltip


  • Further improvements to character collisions with ceiling
  • Handgun Scope balancing (lowered dispersion modifier, reduced ranging options)
  • The Flag pole can no longer be built while in prone
  • Digging a garden plot now damages the tool used
  • Locking/unlocking doors now damages the Lockpick


  • Fixed: The offline CE files now properly reflect 1.09 changes for both the Chernarus and Livonia terrains


  • Fixed a crash on usage of Entity::GetScale


  • Clothing items placed into a Utility Buttpack will respawn on the ground when logging in



UPDATE 1.09.153337 - Released on 18.08.2020


  • Consider using the Steam client option to verify the integrity of the local game cache to avoid corrupted data after downloading this update.
  • Consider de-fragmenting your HDD after downloading large updates.
  • In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q., DayZ F.A.Q., or BattlEye F.A.Q.
  • You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker.



  • Added the Deagle pistol with its attachments
  • Added the Revolver
  • Added the Flag Pole and Flags
  • Added the NBC Respirator
  • Added 7 new exterior and interior variants for rural houses
  • Added police ADA 4x4 wrecks for Livonia (replacing Chernarus police Olga)
  • Added information to items as to how many you can stack


  • Fixed various issues with object placement of both Chernarus and Livonia terrains
  • Fixed several exploits to glitch through collisions
  • Fixed an issue with the characters sliding on steep slopes
  • Fixed a bug that would spawn certain items slightly below the ground when swapped between the inventory and vicinity
  • Fixed a bug that caused ropes and sticks to be left behind after destroying the watchtower or fence kit
  • Fixed an issue that the player could hear themselves after using and leaving the PSA station behind
  • Fixed a minor misalignment of the mouse cursor texture
  • Fixed an issue that prevented full rounds from being displayed in 1st person view when ejected from the gun
  • Fixed a bug that displayed the Plate Carrier Holster upside-down in the inventory view
  • Fixed an issue that caused crafted items to float above the ground
  • Fixed an issue that caused fish caught via fishing to float above the ground
  • Fixed an issue that allowed the gas cooker to run even when stored inside the inventory
  • Fixed a bug that placed the rope on the ground, if you removed it from a Watchtower Kit or Fence Kit into your hands
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from picking up certain items that were dropped on the Watchtower
  • Fixed a bug that would cause floating ammunition to appear next to the player while reloading
  • Fixed a bug that would cause dropped items to clip through the garden plot
  • Fixed a bug that caused wooden planks cut from a pile to be created wherever the first cut plank was moved
  • Fixed a bug blocking players from opening vehicles doors caused by nearby dead bodies
  • Jumping out of a car can no longer be used to glitch into objects or jump through fences (player will get teleported back)
  • Fixed an issue with items in nested containers disappearing or spawning on the ground as new
  • Fixed the damage calculation of the shotgun when using pellet ammunition
  • Fixed a bug that allowed to see through the Olga 24 without hood in 1st person view


  • Updated the textures for several buildings and various props
  • You can now place up to 10 Wooden Sticks into a fireplace
  • Armbands are not stackable anymore and their inventory size are decreased to 1x2
  • The doors of vehicle wrecks now open wider
  • Locked doors only display their locked state after the player tried to open them once
  • Changed the attachment slot for Stones
  • Stacks of same items can also be combined on the ground (to the maximum of inventory stack)
  • Updated the model of Olga 24 police car for Chernarus
  • Balanced the dispersion values for all pistols
  • Balanced the weapon durability during firing
  • Increased the durability of suppressors (including improvised)
  • Duct tape can no longer be used to repair weapons and their attachments



  • Added more loot points to the car wrecks
  • Doors are now persistent
  • Lifetime values of all items have been greatly increased
  • Rare helicrash loot is now opted out from count in cargo of player-owned storage items (tents, crates,..)
  • The restart of server no longer spawns new loot (ignoring restock timers) and loot is only spawned after restock timers run out
  • Added new InitialSpawn parameter into globals.xml, allowing the definition of the % of items spawned into the world (only when there is no existing storage present)


  • Added: Exposed AbstractWave::GetFrequency into scripts
  • Added: DayZPlayerUtils::PlayerCanChangeStance function
  • Added: Script define DAYZ_X_YY (DayZ version, X being the major, YY the minor version number)
  • Added: New no land-contact versions for castle models (it is recommended not to use the regular versions because of collision issues)
  • Added: IsPendingDeletion to easily check if a parent object is in the deletion process
  • Added: OnJumpOutVehicleFinish event when a player lands after jumping out of a car
  • Added: GetCEGlobal functions to get values defined in the globals.xml
  • Fixed: Entity::SetScale is now working in script
  • Changed: Bullet SphereCast & RayCast can ignore BulletSkeletonComponent
  • Changed: Renamed OnRadiusLifetime* methods to RadiusLifetime* methods
  • Changed: Commented out the legacy solution for damaging weapons through script, now replaced with damageBarrel and barrelArmor config parameters
  • Changed: m_ConditionTarget of targeted actions from 'CCTNone' to something, that can check first distance condition (usually 'CCTCursor').
  • Changed: Items created through script (CreateObject, CreateObjectEx) will get their lifetime assigned (when CE is running)
  • Changed: Passing the new ECE_NOLIFETIME flag to CreateObjectEx will skip the setting of lifetime for the created object
  • Changed: Debug shapes are now visible when DayZDiag_x64.exe is used


  • Due to a UI bug, the weight of any item in the inventory tooltip is displayed as 0.25 KG.
  • Clothing items stored in containers will drop on the ground when logging in
  • The Flag Pole Kit does not have a widget to pick it up via F, you have to use the inventory
  • Chernarus servers are currently running the Livonia economy, causing drastic shortages of items in specific locations
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  On 8/18/2020 at 12:17 PM, ImpulZ said:


  • Increased the durability of suppressors (including improvised)



  On 8/18/2020 at 12:17 PM, ImpulZ said:


  • Duct tape can no longer be used to repair weapons and their attachments


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  On 8/18/2020 at 12:17 PM, ImpulZ said:

Fixed the damage calculation of the shotgun when using pellet ammunition

I would really like to know more about this fix and what exactly has changed. Even a rough basic summary would be greatly appreciated. 

Should we expect the pellets to be doing more damage or less damage in general?
Is the fix to the calculation related to hits on specific body parts?
Were multiple pellet hits to different parts of the body not being added up properly?
Is this fix concerning damage to the player or the damage to gear and the items inside them, or both?

So many questions.... 

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Pretty annoyed about the weapon additions 2 pistols,really? So sick of all the role play bullshit you keep adding. We need different allied  assault rifles and snipers and scopes(night vision) more attachments like grips for rifles and please add in the ability to adjust the range on iron sights m4 is 25m any Russian rifle is 100m the lar is 200m, F*CK ME seriously 200m for iron sites. Wasted update.

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  On 8/18/2020 at 12:17 PM, ImpulZ said:


  • Added the NBC Respirator

All in all a nice update (although I would have liked to see broken bones or improvised bow in there too, but you can't get everything) but the thing above confuses me.

Why add more NBC stuff when there are no NBC threats?

The only way it would make a little sense is if actual contamination zones are planned for a (soon) upcoming update after 1.09, but then wouldn't it make more sense to add this thing with the same update? This way it is a little like in 1.0 when V3S parts were spawning across the world - but the truck itself was nowhere to be seen (and here we are more than 1 1/2 years later and the V3S is still not in the game...)

So, again, a really nice minor update. But I think a lot of us are wondering just why the V3S is still not back in the game?

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  On 8/18/2020 at 3:00 PM, Derleth said:

 But I think a lot of us are wondering just why the V3S is still not back in the game?

What would the point be of adding yet another movable deathtrap/space shuttle/ocean submersible to the game? 

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  On 8/18/2020 at 2:55 PM, matty_21ps said:

Pretty annoyed about the weapon additions 2 pistols,really? So sick of all the role play bullshit you keep adding. We need different allied  assault rifles and snipers and scopes(night vision) more attachments like grips for rifles and please add in the ability to adjust the range on iron sights m4 is 25m any Russian rifle is 100m the lar is 200m, F*CK ME seriously 200m for iron sites. Wasted update.

No, we need more civilian and police weapons for a better character progression. Hopefully we see the MP133, PM73 and Trumpet before they start adding the Aug/M249. I do kinda fancy the Bizon though.

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What about consoles modding? When we got init.c file, then we can build normal? Thanks

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  On 8/18/2020 at 2:55 PM, matty_21ps said:

Pretty annoyed about the weapon additions 2 pistols,really? So sick of all the role play bullshit you keep adding. We need different allied  assault rifles and snipers and scopes(night vision) more attachments like grips for rifles and please add in the ability to adjust the range on iron sights m4 is 25m any Russian rifle is 100m the lar is 200m, F*CK ME seriously 200m for iron sites. Wasted update.

No, the vanilla game really doesn't need more military hardware of any kind whatsoever. There are enough pewpew toys as it is, while the survival parts of the game stood back throughout nearly the entire first year after 1.0 while various AR variants were added every update. If you want a bezillion different AR:s and whatnot there are literally hundreds of modded servers out there with just that kind of thing. Vanilla DayZ doesn't need more at this point, with one exception - the atlas bipod and using objects/terrain as support.

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  On 8/18/2020 at 3:02 PM, THEGordonFreeman said:

What would the point be of adding yet another movable deathtrap/space shuttle/ocean submersible to the game? 

I have no flying car problems whatsoever, that has more to do with what servers you play on than anything else. But yes - car simulation less likely to go haywire at slightest hint of low server fps and/or poor connection should be a priority issue.

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  On 8/18/2020 at 3:05 PM, Derleth said:

 Vanilla DayZ doesn't need more at this point, with one exception - the atlas bipod and using objects/terrain as support.

Absolutely. There are only two things I really want to see added to DayZ above all else for many years now, and unfortunately they both require a lot of work. An ArmA 3-style weapon resting system, and the ability to carry/drag uncon or dead players short distances. 

A man can dream, can't he? And a longtime DayZ player doubly so

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I’m happy with the way this update sounds, honestly, I appreciate the work to fix the game over any crazy new content, one thing I would like to mention, is about cars. I’ve easily put over 1,000 hours into Dayz on Xbox, it’s not the easiest game at times, but I honestly love it and have enjoyed it, and throughout those 1,000+ hours, I’ve gone through a lot of cars, not sure how many, but all have been on official servers, and the smoothest, least laggy/buggy experiences I’ve had with them, is on 1st person servers. I have no clue why this is, if I had to guess it has to do with buildings, and assets loading. For example, I just wiped 3 people at tisy military base with my friends, and the guys we wiped had a Olga, we took what loot from them that we could carry on us and in the car, and I’m not kidding, I averaged 90+ kph all the way to novodimitrivorsk, without a single stutter and there was three others in the car with me, and this was all on a first person server, and my Xbox one, not a X or S, is wireless to the internet. Long story short, I’d suggest if you decide to work with “fixing” the cars, for some reason they drive, and operate wayyyy better on 1st person servers.

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  On 8/18/2020 at 2:30 PM, chambersenator said:

I would really like to know more about this fix and what exactly has changed. Even a rough basic summary would be greatly appreciated. 

Should we expect the pellets to be doing more damage or less damage in general?
Is the fix to the calculation related to hits on specific body parts?
Were multiple pellet hits to different parts of the body not being added up properly?
Is this fix concerning damage to the player or the damage to gear and the items inside them, or both?

So many questions.... 

My understanding is that pellet ammo damage had been broken so this is more of a fix for that bug.

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  On 8/18/2020 at 2:55 PM, matty_21ps said:

Pretty annoyed about the weapon additions 2 pistols,really? So sick of all the role play bullshit you keep adding. We need different allied  assault rifles and snipers and scopes(night vision) more attachments like grips for rifles and please add in the ability to adjust the range on iron sights m4 is 25m any Russian rifle is 100m the lar is 200m, F*CK ME seriously 200m for iron sites. Wasted update.

Sounds like you'd rather play COD.

Edited by ZingZootZephyr
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Is it me or do i see very few official servers running 1.09?

Are they testing the queue? 

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Is it me or do i see very few official servers running 1.09?

Are they testing the queue? 

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Ran smooth for me with about two hours of gameplay.   The only bug I encountered was when I de-constructed an improvised backpack.  It only dropped sticks.  No rope or sack.

Oh and the small hammer still won't mine stones.

Edited by HauserX

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  On 8/18/2020 at 3:36 PM, Exalos said:

My understanding is that pellet ammo damage had been broken so this is more of a fix for that bug.

Can you expand upon that? Broken in what way? I've been digging around in the code and watching it evolve almost since SA first came out, but with the sheer amount of changes, additions and fixes over the years, and all the layers of past versions of the code in my head, and the jumble of fixes for bugs within other fixes over time, I'm bound to lose track of things here and there. 

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  On 8/18/2020 at 4:28 PM, HauserX said:

The only bug I encountered was when I de-constructed an improvised backpack.  It only dropped sticks.  No rope or sack.


IIRC, this may not be a bug. The "break down item" code has been tweaked a number of times over the years, but for quite a while (come to think of it, not so much in recent patches) there was a bit of RNG in what you get back when taking apart a crafted item. Sometimes you would take apart an improvised fishing rod or improvised backpack and sometimes you'd get the rope back, sometimes you didn't. 

So it might be a bug, or they re-enabled the RNG for it intentionally.

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  On 8/18/2020 at 4:39 PM, chambersenator said:

Can you expand upon that? Broken in what way? I've been digging around in the code and watching it evolve almost since SA first came out, but with the sheer amount of changes, additions and fixes over the years, and all the layers of past versions of the code in my head, and the jumble of fixes for bugs within other fixes over time, I'm bound to lose track of things here and there. 

As I understand it only fired half the number of pellets of what it was supposed to, so it wasn't doing anywhere near the damage it should.

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I have jumped around an hour and these are my first impressions:

  • The new assets, although not a bunch, they add variety to the existing ones.
  • Car wrecks doors now open like they should.
  • I have noticed that vitamins, pills, chlorine tablets... all had the maximum quantity when I found them. Since in the last update these quantities were randomized, could this be a bug? This was while in Tarnow, in the medical building and its surroundings.

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  On 8/18/2020 at 5:52 PM, 0.64 Freerider said:

1 Server for entire Europe: *clap* *clap* *clap*

Well two, there's a Livonia server too. But not a single 1PP only server worldwide. This has been the standard Expy setup the last few updates, they probably want to make sure they get the patch tested under high server load, to find the sort of bugs that only surface under those conditions. They can't test that in-house, and better full exp servers than a broken stable patch. There's bound to be a few community expy servers too though.

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  On 8/18/2020 at 2:35 PM, THEGordonFreeman said:

You also forgot under Known Issues:  Cars are still not working properly.


Cars are server sided... that means find a server hosted on fast CPU / Processor... and nice internet connection for both of you...  and have your ingame fps not under 30 lol

  On 8/18/2020 at 3:16 PM, GoatBoyo said:

I’m happy with the way this update sounds, honestly, I appreciate the work to fix the game over any crazy new content, one thing I would like to mention, is about cars. I’ve easily put over 1,000 hours into Dayz on Xbox, it’s not the easiest game at times, but I honestly love it and have enjoyed it, and throughout those 1,000+ hours, I’ve gone through a lot of cars, not sure how many, but all have been on official servers, and the smoothest, least laggy/buggy experiences I’ve had with them, is on 1st person servers. I have no clue why this is, if I had to guess it has to do with buildings, and assets loading. For example, I just wiped 3 people at tisy military base with my friends, and the guys we wiped had a Olga, we took what loot from them that we could carry on us and in the car, and I’m not kidding, I averaged 90+ kph all the way to novodimitrivorsk, without a single stutter and there was three others in the car with me, and this was all on a first person server, and my Xbox one, not a X or S, is wireless to the internet. Long story short, I’d suggest if you decide to work with “fixing” the cars, for some reason they drive, and operate wayyyy better on 1st person servers.

Asset loading is really the console fault... like current gen consoles are literally sooo old and the CPU / Processor inside is an old AMD one which was literally outdated when it got out of the factory and designed too.. and also consoles hace 8gb of RAM and split that up between memory for your GPU / Graphics Unit... your Operating System... and the game has like 4gb ram left to work with... maybe 5gb... DayZ uses like 6-10gb alone and also assets that are loaded in... they stay in... so it further fills up memory... i recommend restarting your game every 60 minutes 🙂 like full restart of the game... best way to do this 100% guarenteed is shut the console down xd

  On 8/18/2020 at 4:28 PM, HauserX said:

Ran smooth for me with about two hours of gameplay.   The only bug I encountered was when I de-constructed an improvised backpack.  It only dropped sticks.  No rope or sack.

Oh and the small hammer still won't mine stones.

That's a feature... you don't always get all the material for deconstructing stuff... 

Idk about the hammer

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