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Stable Update 1.04

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Hello Survivors!

The fourth Platform Update of DayZ on PC is now live (both the client and server files). DayZ 1.04 brings you an expansion on the disease system and gives purpose to several medical items. On the combat side, we've added two new assault rifles from the trusty KA family and an arsenal of grenades as survivors discover their ability to throw items. However the infected have upgraded as well!

Get all the details and full patch notes below!


New Weapons


The KA-74 is a selective-fire assault rifle, fed from a detachable magazine. It was introduced in the 1970s, as the replacement of the KA-M with compatible attachments. It uses 5.45x39mm rounds.



The KA-101 is a selective-fire assault rifle, fed from a detachable magazine. This is an export version of the modernized KA-74M with compatible attachments. It uses 5.56x45mm rounds.


New & improved weapon attachments

  • Regular and tracer variants of the 5.45x39mm ammunition
  • P1-87-L Scope



  • Infected can now spawn with headgear and other attachments



  • Players can now throw items (hold 'G' to activate throwing stance)



  • Independent shoulders allow you to carry two melee weapons or firearms


Medical Additions

  • Fever
  • Effects and balancing for Epinephrine, Codeine Pills, Morphine, and Charcoal Tablets
  • Shoes gradually wear off while using
  • Check Pulse action now displays blood pressure and pulse type if irregular



  • Server Admins: Please read the changes on the player spawn points in the "Server" section below to avoid complications!
  • Consider using the Steam client option to verify the integrity of the local game cache to avoid corrupted data after downloading this update.
  • Consider de-fragmenting your HDD after downloading large updates.
  • In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q., DayZ F.A.Q., or BattlEye F.A.Q.
  • You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker.



  • Added: New Steam Experimental apps
  • Added: KA-74 with attachments
  • Added: KA-101 with attachments
  • Added: P1-87-L Scope
  • Added: 5.45x39mm ammunition
  • Added: 5.45x39mm tracer ammunition
  • Added: Overlay icons to differentiate ammunition variants
  • Added: Music in the Main Menu
  • Added: Independent shoulders (possibility to carry two ranged/melee weapons at the same time)
  • Added: Magazine auto-refill by holding 'R'
  • Added: Throwing (hold 'G' to activate throwing stance)
  • Added: Grenades (EGD-5 and 6-M7 frag grenades, 1-M8 and EGD-2 smoke grenades, 8-M4 Flashbang)
  • Added: Grenades can be attached to selected vests
  • Added: Handheld Transceiver can be attached to Courier Bag
  • Added: Mod presentation in the Main Menu (documentation)
  • Added: In-game hints in the Pause Menu
  • Added: Vomit emote/gesture
  • Added: Mitigation of so-called server hopping on public hives (when a player changes server, a hopping spawn point is used instead of the last log off position)
  • Added: Support for multiple sets of player spawn points (only for public hives, currently fresh and hop sets available)
  • Added: Fever now causes water loss
  • Added: Epinephrine restores the patients' stamina to the max value
  • Added: Codeine Pills mitigates the patients' injured state for a limited time
  • Added: Morphine suppresses the patients' injured state for a limited time
  • Added: Charcoal Tablets can eliminate Salmonella bacteria
  • Added: Shoes gradually wear off while using
  • Added: Check Pulse action now displays the blood pressure and pulse type if irregular
  • Added: Infected can be spawned with headgear, vests, and backpacks
  • Added: Positional rain sounds for the Coal Plant
  • Added: Character sounds for male characters wearing a gag
  • Added: Flare effect around the Road Flare
  • Added: Stamina is depleted if a player is hit by a Flashbang
  • Added: Player can hear his voice when talking through a megaphone, PAS (when receiver is nearby) or transmitter (when more than one on the same frequency nearby)


  • Fixed: Inventory was closed if another player performed the restrain action (T140237)
  • Fixed: AI could teleport, visually appear where it was not positioned or be positioned at roofs (T139728)
  • Fixed: AI herds were not releasing the territory after the last member of the herd died (could prevent AI herds from re-spawning on smaller terrains with a lower number of territories)
  • Fixed: Incorrect visual state of the speedometer
  • Fixed: Character will not fold the map while in prone and becomes stuck
  • Fixed: Liquid contents of the barrel do not persist upon server restart (T139791)
  • Fixed: Ruined weapons could twitch while trying to look through optics
  • Fixed: Character started to float in some sections of small rivers (T140952)
  • Fixed: Influenza did not cause the blur effect
  • Fixed: Texture filtering option in graphics settings was not working correctly
  • Fixed: Many fixes and improvements to the ChernarusPlus terrain
  • Fixed: DayZ local application data folder was not properly deleted via DayZUninstaller
  • Fixed: Punching walls was emitting unsuitable bullet impact particles
  • Fixed: Spotlight had a hole where the reflector part should be
  • Fixed: Switch ON/OFF actions sometimes not being available on Spotlight after a server restart
  • Fixed: Personal light created an undesired reflection if another source of light was nearby (it was mostly visible as a blue shine on cars)
  • Fixed: Opening/Closing of car doors was missing sounds
  • Fixed: Character stamina did not replenish correctly when reduced by the gear (T139932)
  • Fixed: Action to eat pumpkin slices was missing (T139428)
  • Fixed: Missing footsteps sound while strafing with a heavy item in hands (T139604)
  • Fixed: Incorrect item weight upon adding attachments on specific items (T139773)
  • Fixed: Gas Stations can be blown up again
  • Fixed: Corrected material on the rear lights of the Olga
  • Fixed: Corrected the left headlight position on the Gunter 2
  • Fixed: Incorrect rotation of the remaining headlight of a car when one was detached
  • Fixed: Infected attacked players inside a closed Gunter
  • Fixed: Combination locks couldn't be opened upon server restart
  • Fixed: Client error in the main menu
  • Fixed: In-game HUD could disappear while typing in the chat


  • Tweaked: The headlights on cars now switch to left/right/center depending on the attached headlight bulbs' state
  • Tweaked: Cars now have functional rear lights
  • Tweaked: Reversing with a car now subtly illuminates the area behind it, allowing drivers to see there at night
  • Tweaked: The player stomach is now item/liquid-type based instead of nutritional-component-breakdown based
  • Tweaked: The connection timer is now up to 95 seconds in case of rapid server hopping. In connection to this change, the previous database locks have been removed.
  • Tweaked: Player spawn logic for avoiding water surfaces
  • Tweaked: Gunshot sounds are audible up to 3.5 km
  • Tweaked: Vehicles HUD
  • Tweaked: Improved plaster and concrete impact particle effects
  • Tweaked: Bullet impact effects are scaled by impact force much more visible now
  • Tweaked: The Portable Gas Lamp now burns 10x longer (~55 minutes with the smallest container, ~133 with the largest one)
  • Tweaked: Optimized muzzle flash particles for CR-61, FX-45, CR-75, IJ-70
  • Tweaked: Burning light sources now subtly flicker
  • Tweaked: Shadows from burning light sources subtly move
  • Tweaked: Smoke/Steam particles on weapons
  • Tweaked: character position is changed after a server change to mitigate server hopping


  • Added: -serverMod= executable launch parameter to define server-only mods
  • Added: Default Central Economy for ChernarusPlus moved to a PBO file (worlds_chernarusplus_ce.pbo)
  • Added: Possibility to override any file from the Central Economy files in the mission folder
  • Added: New V3 signature verification
  • Changed: verifySignatures= server configuration parameter now properly verifies mod addons (equalModRequired is deprecated)
  • Changed: AI territories are defined in the default Central Economy files (xml) and can be overridden in the mission (world AI addon and config territory definition has been deprecated)
  • Changed: Updated values and format of player spawn points (mandatory change, see CfgPlayerSpawnPoints.xml in dayzOffline.chernarusplus) - If this change isn't reflected in the configuration, respawned and new players could spawn in the ocean!


  • Added: object::enabledynamicccd for enabling continuous collision detection on dynamic objects
  • Added: New function GetHiddenSelectionsTextures()
  • Added: New function GetHiddenSelectionsMaterials()
  • Added: Private members are now moddable (documentation)
  • Added: ScriptedLightsBase -> SetFlickerSpeed(...), SetFlickerAmplitude(...), SetDancingShadowsMovementSpeed(...), SetDancingShadowsAmplitude()& their Get...() functions. See FireplaceLight.c for an example.
  • Added: Ability to define default Central Economy files (mission xml files) for any terrain from the game config (ceFiles parameter in the world class)
  • Changed: Several constants moved to a class, allowing them to be modded (stamina, environment, damage/wetness states...)
  • Changed: MakeDirectory() script function enabled
  • Changed: Removed the script file writing limits
  • Changed: Lights on vehicles were refactored, only scripted lights are being used now.
  • Changed: The secondary spawner (dynamic event configuration) is now an element (was previously an item).
  • Fixed: Modded StringTables now work additively instead of overwriting the original table (! Do note that this will likely break current mods which are modifying stringtable) (T136999)
  • Fixed: Character orientation when linked onto another entity
  • Fixed: Camera collision when a player is attached on another entity
  • Fixed: Ladder command when a player is attached on another entity
  • Fixed: Animated static physics after transformation change
  • Tweaked: Renamed method GetTesting() to GetCEApi()
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Please help, my world view is pitch black when running the game at my monitor's native resolution (2560x1440). The UI is fine but I can't actually see any of the 3D rendering. This problem persists regardless of whether I am in fullscreen or windowed, or whether V-sync is on or off.

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Getting the same. Character loads fine but world is not rendering. Can move items in inventory and to hands but no actions are available. Is this to do with new spawn configs? I read the note  but dont see what needs to be changed on the server config? (private server) 

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Managed to fix it. Changed resolution to 1080p. Saved. Quit game. Restart game and its running at 1080p but black world. Changed resolution to 1440p. Saved. Everything is rendering and running at full resolution.

Edited by fuck isis

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  On 6/26/2019 at 5:39 PM, fuck isis said:

Managed to fix it. Changed resolution to 1080p. Saved. Quit game. Restart game and its running at 1080p but black world. Changed resolution to 1440p. Saved. No black world and running at full resolution.

Confirmed! Thank you, would not have thought to do that.

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I get an error when trying to join a private vanilla Server: Client files contain PBO which is not part of the server data.

Already tried to let Steam verify the game files but still the same error. Any ideas how to fix this problem?

Edited by DagiWeh

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Oh no! You should have waited just a bit, there's still massive bugs that render the experience very tedious...  :(  



  • Beans 3

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Server Menu after spawning is rather killing mah immersion :D 


Take your time with the update next time, folks!

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Ouch. I really thought you had learned from passed mistake. My first idea was to warn you on the experimental forums NOT to push the patch on stable, and wait till the major bugs were fixed, but it seems you were to careless, and pushed it too fast. The main game breaking issues that were on experimental branch are STILL in the stable version.


Big mistake guys, come on!!! Never ever thought I was going to say this, but the big supporters and dedicated players that were here since day one, that all seem to have left now, well I'm starting to understand why.

They say humans learn from past mistake, I say they never learn and keep making them. 


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@odin_lowe yes mate cracks in the floor are getting bigger and bigger... Its hard not to lose faith in the development of the game.

I really like the NEW WEAPONS bit, New..... right, lets just call it restored content or smth. Nothing new about things rolling out that were allready in new engine or otherwise it was there.

I do like that there is still a glimmer of the game on the horizon. So i'll keep an eye out on the right patch for me and keep up hope. 

What else can we do right? 🛐


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This update looks good, I was waiting for this double carry improvement ! 🙂

Sadly, there is a major bug that prevent me from playing.
Tried two times, checked the integrity of the game and deleted all my profil data and it failed.

After joining a server, I can ear that I'm running while I interact with my keyboard, so I'm in the game but all I can see is the HUD from the server menu combined with the HUD of the game, but everything is black.
You can see on the screenshot the shortcuts for the inventory and the dot in the middle of the screen.



okay, I've just checked the feedback report and the ticket was created few days ago: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T141158

Antialiasing seems to be causing this, I've just turned it off and now I can play.


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Great content/features with this patch, but why release it when there are still major issues with it. Nothing wrong with keeping the patch one week longer on experimental to iron out the major issues that prevent people from the playing the game. It was the same situation with 1.03.

Edited by amadieus
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Well, at least SCUM released an update with female characters now.... waiting for DayZ 1.05 now...

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Same problem like @idie just not pitch black but the HUD from the server menu combined with the HUD of the game

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So what was the point releasing buggy update with the game breaking HUD menu problem not fixed. ^^

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Yeah, I am still experimenting the issue, but it's not black anymore. I cannot click on anything in the inventory cause it interacts with the main menu.


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I think, the way anti server hopping is now implemented, is a mistake! Please let me try to explain what I mean:

I play with a group of friends. Most of them more casual DayZ players. Some do not know the map very well. They are used to certain places. Used to be able to have friends spawn nearby. And most notably: they're used to having certain freedoms in the game. I can't and I won't try to convince them that the freedoms and choices they used to be able to make, have all been taken away. Be it about the nights, be it about server population. We plan our missions carefully so everyone on the team has fun, and everyone has a place.

  • Playing on a hive means options. Means choice. Means freedom

The way anti server hopping is implemented right now, is so punitive and restrictive towards new players and those who want to accompany them, that I'm honestly quite shocked.

I understand the need to prevent server hopping in some capacity to prevent mass looting or ghosting or base raiding by cheating. I am OK with taking measures against that happening. But what this currently does is a massive interference in everyday gameplay. Just plain put: it ruins all the fun. Please give people a way to switch servers. Limit it to 1 hop every X hours if you have to. Find other ways to do this. I implore you.

  • Many geared players will now constantly spawn at the coasts. New spawns have even less incentive to go in-land. They might as well just sit at the coast and wait for the next best geared guy.
  • A lot of servers will be traveled by the same players. There will be considerably less a chance for the randomness that makes DayZ so great. It's going to make the experience increasingly more stale as time passes. That's another advantage a Hive has over private servers. One that we intended to benefit from.
  • Simply exploring a server, -any random server really- is one of my favourite pasttimes. I enjoy wandering servers for hours just to see what's where. Not to rob. Just to enjoy the traces other players have left behind. While I enjoy long walks, I would vastly prefer to have free choice for where I start, and where I end my hiking trips. These adventures have been incredibly fun! I found amazing setups! Please don't make this harder to enjoy.

I cannot expect my friends to sacrifice more time. I cannot expect them to run all the way to a meeting point, because it's been raining on a server. As a group, we enjoyed the game greatly up until now, and suddenly, everyone is sure bound to be pushed around back to punish or prevent what they didn't set out to do in the first place. And that even if a full day or even a week has passed since the last time they joined another server, I expect. I haven't seen any information on how much time needs to have passed, if such a mechanism is in this.

  • This is a major discouragement for any new players, and for those trying to simply avoid the night, or learn the ropes of the game. This even is a huge annoyance for experienced players who want to simply change servers once every few hours.

The benefits of playing on a hive have been helpful in so many ways, to this day. Please reconsider. Find a better way to do this.

Thank you for reading! 🙂

Edited by Deadboy (DayZ)
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  On 6/26/2019 at 7:34 PM, Seitan said:

So what was the point releasing buggy update with the game breaking HUD menu problem not fixed. ^^

Welcome to every patch ever released including the full game release.  They make one step forward and two steps back consistently.  

Someone needs to tell the devs, that the game is not in Early Access anymore.  Buggy Patches are NOT cool for a released game.   I'll be the XBOX and PS4 players can't wait to get there hands on more bugged out stuff.


Edited by bubba42
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  On 6/26/2019 at 7:49 PM, bubba42 said:

Welcome to every patch ever released including the full game release.  They make one step forward and two steps back consistently.  

Someone needs to tell the devs, that the game is not in Early Access anymore.  Buggy Patches are NOT cool for a released game.   I'll be the XBOX and PS4 players can't wait to get there hands on more bugged out stuff.


Yep... What's the point having Experimental branch??? Problem was there. Two previous versions. It's on the feedback tracker. It's on twitter, it's on every god damn dayz forum that someone has the menu hud problem/or black screen problem.  Devs not testing the game themselves?

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  On 6/26/2019 at 7:39 PM, Deadboy (DayZ) said:

I think the way the anti server hopping is implemented is a mistake.

I completely agree!

The anti server hopping sucks!

Since the game launch this is the worst thing developers did!


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  On 6/26/2019 at 7:26 PM, BetterDeadThanZed said:

Well, at least SCUM released an update with female characters now.... waiting for DayZ 1.05 now...

You just made my day.

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I want to know the sensation of releasing something worst than the previous pack...

  • Beans 2

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  On 6/26/2019 at 7:26 PM, BetterDeadThanZed said:

Well, at least SCUM released an update with female characters now.... waiting for DayZ 1.05 now...

DayZ really needs nakedness, I mean its not that hard to do...  I hate the calico undergarments.

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So fed up with this crap. They have an experimental version,  let people test and then release it with all of the bugs it had during experimental testing. Why don't the devs fix KNOWN problems before going to stable!? You guys can learn a lot from the SCUM developers. 

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  On 6/26/2019 at 5:46 PM, DagiWeh said:

I get an error when trying to join a private vanilla Server: Client files contain PBO which is not part of the server data.

Already tried to let Steam verify the game files but still the same error. Any ideas how to fix this problem?

Same here. Is there a fix?

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