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Why is the console player base trying to ruin the game even more with these massive duped tent towns and seachests??

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  On 6/30/2019 at 4:41 PM, Popps said:

And also if you find and tent citys in east cherno. No thanks nessacary take what you need. Please no shooting in the tents as that loot is for everyone. Pinkie Toe Militia is here to help

How about stop duping ? That would help 

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Me myself I dont. But I definitely know more people that do than dont. But if I find gear bet your ass Im gonna take it. If thats how they wanna play thats their choice not mine

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  On 6/26/2019 at 1:50 PM, TheYetiBum said:

Using duping to send a message to the devs is literally the most dumbest counter productive thing I've heard. Firstly they've got everyone's money already whether you play or not & sales continue to go up regardless of pervasive exploits in game. Secondly there already trying to fix the issues internally, maybe not as fast or effeciently as I'd like but that's game development for you. Thirdly the only people receiving the message about how broke the game is, is the players themselves. The community is literally just ruining the game to punish itself, it's by far the most immature display of 'look at me! Aren't i special everyone' that I've ever witnessed. I'd excuse it as the act of children but the majority of Dupers I meet in game & in my chat are supposedly adults. Gotta love fans of a game who go out of there way to systematically abuse in game exploits for some perceived cool points, whilst eroding  the player base & turning the game into a joke. I play the game for a few hours a week now just to remind myself why I don't play it & what type of human being I don't wanna be lol

Your dumber than I thought Yeti.

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  On 6/26/2019 at 1:50 PM, TheYetiBum said:

Using duping to send a message to the devs is literally the most dumbest counter productive thing I've heard. Firstly they've got everyone's money already whether you play or not & sales continue to go up regardless of pervasive exploits in game. Secondly there already trying to fix the issues internally, maybe not as fast or effeciently as I'd like but that's game development for you. Thirdly the only people receiving the message about how broke the game is, is the players themselves. The community is literally just ruining the game to punish itself, it's by far the most immature display of 'look at me! Aren't i special everyone' that I've ever witnessed. I'd excuse it as the act of children but the majority of Dupers I meet in game & in my chat are supposedly adults. Gotta love fans of a game who go out of there way to systematically abuse in game exploits for some perceived cool points, whilst eroding  the player base & turning the game into a joke. I play the game for a few hours a week now just to remind myself why I don't play it & what type of human being I don't wanna be lol

Thank you someone that doesn't have the intellect of a small child! Honestly most counterproductive thing you can do is to fix duping by duping. I think that's what they tell themselves to stop feeling like a douche bag!! Yes the devs are/were  slower then hell idk if people lost their jobs because of it but they made changes in personnel. Hopefully the new personnel will fix these problems sooner rather then later. 

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So I'm on holiday today and won't be back until post update so I went to the coast to die. 

Wow what a shit show. Hundreds of tents not just on the ground but up in the sky! 

Entire treeline was lined with snipers who shot whoever spawned and to cap it off I got killed by a meatball- in an FPS server!


I thought meatballs were confined to the kiddie friendly corner peaking  3rd person servers?


So annoyed. 

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  On 7/20/2019 at 6:17 AM, awalsh47 said:

I thought meatballs were confined to the kiddie friendly corner peaking  3rd person servers?

No, 1pp servers are full of idiots too. Every time I go into 1pp server I find dupers and kos players. I've had far more positive interactions on 3pp servers. I don't know why people think 3pp is somehow an inferior mode. I don't see people complaining about TRMZ, Mr Blackout, Sada, or every other big streamer playing in 3pp.

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Honestly if there's such a powerful exploit in a game for so long it's naturally bound to get abused. It's not hard to imagine why someone would dupe, everybody comes to this game for slightly different reasons, some people value the idea of pvp over survival & vise versa. Not everyone's gonna play by the rules, even if you had the opportunity to change all dupers mindsets there would still be the few who would ruin it for all, so not duping and convincing others to agree with you won't make a difference. I can agree duping isn't exactly the most considerate act (ruins the game for the majority) but i don't blame the people who do it, as probably the majority of dupers only contribute a little if anything to the CLE problems duping creates, it only takes one crazy person to ruin the CLE on a server. That said i think BI is responsible for the entire problem & fixing it. I'm not saying be mad at BI, I'm saying people will be people, if theres an exploit that is basically a cheat code, people will use it. So you get more where im coming from, duping among other problems has ruined the game for me, i ended up duping myself with the logic from above, had fun for about a day but quickly lost interest in the entire game, as it wasn't the experience i was looking for & showed me how broke the game was. I haven't played for a month probably 2. Excited for 1.04. 

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  On 7/20/2019 at 7:12 AM, DayzDayzFanboy said:

 I don't know why people think 3pp is somehow an inferior mode. 

Main thing for me is that the 3rd person peaking is meta in 3pp, it's an advantage that changes the approach to combat whether you abuse it or not, also if i don't abuse it i have to rely on others not to if i expect an even playing field  it's just cheap. On top of that in a 1pp server, being able to look at a building and rely on my eyes to see if someone is watching me or not is comforting. Just imagine a 1st person shooter, csgo for example, being third person, it would be a whole different game, but to each their own. 

Edited by Robzom11

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The lag from these tents are unreal it took me about 6 days to get from one town to another. 

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  On 7/20/2019 at 7:12 AM, DayzDayzFanboy said:

No, 1pp servers are full of idiots too. Every time I go into 1pp server I find dupers and kos players. I've had far more positive interactions on 3pp servers. I don't know why people think 3pp is somehow an inferior mode. I don't see people complaining about TRMZ, Mr Blackout, Sada, or every other big streamer playing in 3pp.

The reason why 1pp servers are better than 3pp servers imo, is that they aren't full of people camping a building while peaking without showing themself. 1pp levels the playing field, in order to see someone, you can be seen. It doesn't consist of kiddo's who think they're this godlike PvP'er while peaking and showing themselves only when they are going in for the kill.

Also, I know for a fact that TRMZ plays mainly on 1pp servers and prefers them over 3pp as well. He even plays mostly in 1pp on 3pp servers. The few times he does play on a 3pp server is because of variety, avoiding stream snipers or because he wants to check out a certain server. So it's weird you're trying to use this argument to justify 3pp over 1pp.

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  On 7/20/2019 at 8:35 AM, IMT said:

The reason why 1pp servers are better than 3pp servers imo, is that they aren't full of people camping a building while peaking without showing themself. 1pp levels the playing field, in order to see someone, you can be seen. It doesn't consist of kiddo's who think they're this godlike PvP'er while peaking and showing themselves only when they are going in for the kill.

Also, I know for a fact that TRMZ plays mainly on 1pp servers and prefers them over 3pp as well. He even plays mostly in 1pp on 3pp servers. The few times he does play on a 3pp server is because of variety, avoiding stream snipers or because he wants to check out a certain server. So it's weird you're trying to use this argument to justify 3pp over 1pp.

I'm not trying to justify anything. People still camp in 1pp whether you believe it or not. The playing field is even in 3pp because everyone can do it if they choose to. With regards TMRZ, yes he does do that but he has also stated that he enjoys playing both. I have no preference of one mode over another. I play both. Mostly I play on 1pp on 3pp too. But to say that people who play on 3pp are kiddies is, well, something a kiddie might say. Kinda like 'my dad is bigger than your dad'. I don't know why people have to bang on about it. You have the choice so don't insult people for making a choice. 

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  On 7/20/2019 at 9:02 AM, DayzDayzFanboy said:

I'm not trying to justify anything. People still camp in 1pp whether you believe it or not. The playing field is even in 3pp because everyone can do it if they choose to. With regards TMRZ, yes he does do that but he has also stated that he enjoys playing both. I have no preference of one mode over another. I play both. Mostly I play on 1pp on 3pp too. But to say that people who play on 3pp are kiddies is, well, something a kiddie might say. Kinda like 'my dad is bigger than your dad'. I don't know why people have to bang on about it. You have the choice so don't insult people for making a choice. 

First of all, camping is the name of the game, only on 1pp you don't have the advantage of being able to peak over a wall, a window or around a corner. If you want to actively see if someone is coming towards the building you're in, you have to expose yourself. Second, the playing field isn't even. If someone is peaking over a window, a wall or around a wall, I can't see him. That gives him the advantage over me. He can see me and be invisible until the person makes the choice to act. Again, on 1pp you need to expose yourself in order to follow that person. That's what I mean with an even playing field. Both can see each other, at that point it's an even playing field, both can come out the victor. Third, if you watch his stream regulary, you will know that the question comes every now and then. And yes, he says that he likes to play both but he prefers 1pp over 3pp. I do to, that doesn't mean I can't or won't play 3pp. I'm only stating why 1pp is imo better than 3pp and why I would choose to play 1pp over 3pp. And finally, I'm not saying that everyone who plays on 3pp is a child, you put those words in my mouth. I'm only referring to the people who sit in a building in their own feces all day, peaking a window until they see someone and kill them, those are mostly kiddo's. You know, the kind who scream "MOM, GET THE CAMERA!" when they get a kill.

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  On 7/20/2019 at 8:15 AM, Robzom11 said:

Main thing for me is that the 3rd person peaking is meta in 3pp, it's an advantage that changes the approach to combat whether you abuse it or not, also if i don't abuse it i have to rely on others not to if i expect an even playing field  it's just cheap. On top of that being able to look at a building and rely on my eyes to see if someone is watching me or not is comforting. Just imagine a 1st person shooter, csgo for example, being third person, it would be a whole different game, but to each their own. 

Exactly this. The first thing a corner peeker does in a child server when they see someone is frantically try position themselves so they can adjust the third person camera to view their opponents while they do likewise.


It's ridiculous.

Third person perfect for an action game like gears of war but it has no place in a hardcore survival game like dayz.

On a third person server you effectively  spawn with rags, a stone knife , a drink,  fruit and an invisible hi tech surveillance drone you can use to see over walls and around corners. 



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  On 7/20/2019 at 8:35 AM, IMT said:

The reason why 1pp servers are better than 3pp servers imo, is that they aren't full of people camping


  On 7/20/2019 at 9:15 AM, IMT said:

camping is the name of the game,


  On 7/20/2019 at 9:15 AM, IMT said:

Second, the playing field isn't even. If someone is peaking over a window, a wall or around a wall, I can't see him.

But you can do this too. 


  On 7/20/2019 at 9:15 AM, IMT said:

I'm not saying that everyone who plays on 3pp is a child


  On 7/20/2019 at 8:35 AM, IMT said:

1pp levels the playing field, in order to see someone, you can be seen. It doesn't consist of kiddo's

And you're not alone in perpetuating this myth... 

  On 7/20/2019 at 9:16 AM, awalsh47 said:

The first thing a corner peeker does in a child server

If its good enough for Frankie, it's good enough for me. At the end of the day, you don't have to play third person if you don't want to. But you also don't need to belittle players who choose to play third person. 

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  On 7/20/2019 at 10:37 AM, DayzDayzFanboy said:



But you can do this too. 



And you're not alone in perpetuating this myth... 

If its good enough for Frankie, it's good enough for me. At the end of the day, you don't have to play third person if you don't want to. But you also don't need to belittle players who choose to play third person. 

Really? You only pick parts of my sentences and pretend I only said that? Who was calling who the child again? And again, perhaps you don't know what a level playing field is. Yes, I can peak around a corner, wall or window but that's kind of hard when I'm out in the open and someone is in a building. Or are you going to say "you can do that too"? You're having a laugh. At that point everyone is sitting in their own feces in a building and no one moves an inch. Yes, at that point there is an even playing field. But at the same time it isn't because there is no advantage to be had when no one moves around.

In 1pp, I have as much opportunity to spot someone as they have as spotting me. I can see them when they try to follow my movement. I can see them when they are lining up a shot on me. I can see them whenever they can see me. In other words, we both have equal chances. Don't come with that "you can do that too" bull shit because that acknowledges the fact that in 3pp there is an uneven playing field.

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@DayzDayzFanboy I agree. I predominately play 1pp, but don’t see the problem with 3pp at all. Even the peaking mechanics are fine. To me, it’s all part of 3pp tactics, and can be quite fun. The worst thing that could happen is what Scum did, and make other players invisible if your character can’t see them. It’s silly, 3pp and 1pp are very different, and so should be played differently. Variety is good!

Edited by ThePugman
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  On 7/20/2019 at 11:14 AM, IMT said:

Really? You only pick parts of my sentences and pretend I only said that? Who was calling who the child again?

Yeah, i picked the relevant parts rather than quote a whole stream of text. 

Again, nobody is forcing you to play 3pp so I don't know why you have such an issue with it. 

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  On 7/20/2019 at 11:23 AM, DayzDayzFanboy said:

Yeah, i picked the relevant parts rather than quote a whole stream of text. 

Again, nobody is forcing you to play 3pp so I don't know why you have such an issue with it. 

No, you only picked certain parts of a sentence, not the entire sentence. There is more relevant information after the parts you quoted. You're like the Dutch Public Broadcasting who likes to do this as well in order to spread propaganda.

And I'm only stating facts and my opinion why 3pp is a gamemode which shouldn't be in a game like DayZ.

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  On 7/20/2019 at 11:29 AM, IMT said:

No, you only picked certain parts of a sentence, not the entire sentence. There is more relevant information after the parts you quoted. You're like the Dutch Public Broadcasting who likes to do this as well in order to spread propaganda.

And I'm only stating facts and my opinion why 3pp is a gamemode which shouldn't be in a game like DayZ.

Quoting all of it doesn't help your argument, but feel free. Never heard of the DPB, but all forms of media, ALL, edit information to suit their own purpose. This is nothing new. There is no such thing as unbiased reporting of information. Anyway, I digress. I understand that you don't like 3pp. That's cool. But it has ALWAYS been in the game and will ALWAYS be in the game. Again, I don't know why you have such an issue with it as you don't have to play it. A lot of players DO like it. A lot of those players are not the sort of person you describe. 

With regards advantage over other players, I had a think about what you've said. I understand what you've said. But I also feel that DayZ is all about tactical awareness. Anyone that sees you first has the advantage whatever mode you play in. And more often than not, in a hostile engagement, this can determine the outcome. I like 1pp but feel that the angle of view is not natural. IRL we have peripheral vision which is the reason Dean Hall added 3pp to more closely simulate this. It gives a broader peripheral awareness. Obviously seeing your character is not a realistic viewpoint, but the peripheral awareness certainly feels more natural than the tunnel vision of 1pp.

Either way, there is room for both modes in the game and we are each able to choose our preference. 

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  On 7/20/2019 at 11:44 AM, DayzDayzFanboy said:

Quoting all of it doesn't help your argument, but feel free. Never heard of the DPB, but all forms of media, ALL, edit information to suit their own purpose. This is nothing new. There is no such thing as unbiased reporting of information. Anyway, I digress. I understand that you don't like 3pp. That's cool. But it has ALWAYS been in the game and will ALWAYS be in the game. Again, I don't know why you have such an issue with it as you don't have to play it. A lot of players DO like it. A lot of those players are not the sort of person you describe. 

With regards advantage over other players, I had a think about what you've said. I understand what you've said. But I also feel that DayZ is all about tactical awareness. Anyone that sees you first has the advantage whatever mode you play in. And more often than not, in a hostile engagement, this can determine the outcome. I like 1pp but feel that the angle of view is not natural. IRL we have peripheral vision which is the reason Dean Hall added 3pp to more closely simulate this. It gives a broader peripheral awareness. Obviously seeing your character is not a realistic viewpoint, but the peripheral awareness certainly feels more natural than the tunnel vision of 1pp.

Either way, there is room for both modes in the game and we are each able to choose our preference. 

It does in fact though. You quoted a part of where I talked about camping while I was specifically talking about camping in a building and peaking over a window, wall or around a corner. That's a big difference. I also never said I didn't like 3pp, I prefer 1pp for the reasons I stated before.

And I agree with you on the tactical awareness part and that's where my argument comes in to play. If you have a good tactical awareness you can see someone in a window lining up a shot on you or what ever in 1pp. That's because they have to expose themself in order to do that. And yes, I know why 3pp was introduced into the game and it makes sense. But it can be "abused" as well. I'm not even sure why we're having this discussion since a long time ago, I remember that the developers were working on a fix for 3pp peaking. Not sure what happened with that but it doesn't surprise me that we haven't seen anything about it recently.

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  On 7/20/2019 at 12:23 PM, IMT said:

I remember that the developers were working on a fix for 3pp peaking

Not sure either, though a friend that played pc for years said he thinks they tweaked it so that the viewpoint is slightly lower so it's harder or less effective than it used to be. Thinking about it, I'm sure this is potentially what they've done because I am sure  old Frankie videos the camera was slightly higher? I'll have a look when I get a chance. 

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  On 7/20/2019 at 12:30 PM, DayzDayzFanboy said:

Not sure either, though a friend that played pc for years said he thinks they tweaked it so that the viewpoint is slightly lower so it's harder or less effective than it used to be. Thinking about it, I'm sure this is potentially what they've done because I am sure  old Frankie videos the camera was slightly higher? I'll have a look when I get a chance. 

I think it is lower indeed but I remember seeing a video of the developers where they showed off when a character hugs a wall, the camera pans down towards the height of that wall. Not sure if that video is still out there somewhere but they were working on a fix.

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  On 7/20/2019 at 12:38 PM, IMT said:

, the camera pans down towards the height of that wall.

That sounds like an interesting solution. Don't think I've seen the video but if you come across it again post the link, I'd be interested to see it. 

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